PART 4: RCMP SUBJECT FILES REGISTER, 1919-1929 Page 1 No. 175 Classification: Bolsheviki & Agitators Year 1919 1 SUBVERSIVE ACnVmES BY GERMANS GALAHAD DIST. ALTA. 2 ALBERTA FEDERATION OF LABOUR - Conference 7-10, 1919 MEDICINE HAT ALTA. Transferred to 175/114, 115, 116, 117 3 RUSSIANS DISCHARGED FROM CANADIAN ARMY CANADA Transferred to 175/3 4 RUSSIANS DISCHARGED FROM CANADIAN ARMY FOR BOLSHEVISM Transferred to 175/3 5 RUSSIANS DISCHARGED FROM CANADIAN ARMY FOR BOLSHEVISM (3-4 words blacked out) 6 [entry blacked out] 7 [entry blacked out] 8 [entry blacked out] (Trans To 175/992) 9 TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL WINNIPEG MAN. 10 SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY - FINNISH SECTION MAYBERRIES DIST Page 2 11 [entry blacked out] 12 SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA CALGARY ALTA. (B.F from 175/64) 13 SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (Trans, to 175/128) 14 BOLSHEVISM IN WINNIPEG - Investigation re WINNIPEG MAN. (Trans, to 175/4434) 15 SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA - WINNIPEG MAN. (Trans, to 175/4495) 16 BOLSHEVIST LITERATURE YORKTON SASK. 17 [entry blacked out] 18 [entry blacked out] 452 RCMP SUBJECT FILES REGISTER. 19I9-I929 453 19 [1-2 wofds Hacked out]-letter to Calgaiy Herald 20 [2-3 wofds blacked out] Seditious actions of VANCOUVER B.C. Page 3 21 [entry blacked out] 22 (entry blacked out] (Trans, to 175/123) 23 BADKA, Bishop of Ukrainian Church WINNIPEG MAN. 24 [entry blacked out] 25 [entry blacked out] 26 [entry blacked out] 27 ANTI-BOLSHEVIK RIOTING IN JAN 26.1919 WINNIPEG MAN. 28 [entry blacked out] 29 [entry blacked out] (Trans, to 175/446) 30 BOLSHEVIK ACTIVITIES - Situation at coal mines CARDIFF ALTA. Page 4 31 [entry blacked out] 32 [entry blacked out] 33 [entry blacked out] MOOSE JAW SASK. 34 [entry blacked out] MOOSE JAW SASK. 35 [entry blacked out] LEADER SASK. 36 [entry blacked out] LEADER SASK 37 [entry blacked out] BRITISH COLUMBIA 38 [entry blacked out] B.C. (Pt. 2 trans, to 175/4833) 39 STAR - Vancouver Paper - first issue VANCOUVER B.C. [3-4 wofds blacked out] 40 RNNISH ORGANIZATION OF CANADA PORT ARTHUR ONT. Page 5 41 [entry blacked out] 42 PROPOSED STRIKE - SHIPYARDS VANCOUVER B.C. (B.R from 175/45) 43 BOLSHEVIK ACTIVITIES IN TRADE UNIONS VANCOUVER B.C. (Trans, to 175/4504) Trans to 175/236 44 SOCIALIST MEETING VANCOUVER B.C. (Trans. 175/43) 45 LABOUR UNIONS - Membership VANCOUVER B.C. 46 [entry blacked out] 47 [entry blacked out] 48 BOLSHEVIK ACTIVITIES - DETECTIVE AGENCY REPORTS TORONTO ONT. 49 TRADES & LABOUR COUNCIL LETHBRIDGE ALTA. 50 SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA - Mass meeting at CALGARY ALTA. 454 PART4 Page 6 51 I.W.W. PROPAGANDA ATDRUMHELLER Complaint [1-2 words blacked out] re Conditions in Mining Area [3-4 words blacked out] 52 LABOUR CONDITIONS - CROWS NEST, ALTA. 53 CROWS NEST PASS - Suspected trouble in Alleged Bl.Org. at Hillcrest 54 BOLSHEVIK ACTIVITIES - Suspected agiutors and others CROWS NEST,ALTA. 55 (entry blacked out] (Trans, to 175/1158] 56 FERNIE LEDGER - Re CHppings from 57 RIZZOLI - INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL - Suspected trouble FERNIE, B.C. 58 STETTLER DIST SOCIALISM IN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES STETTLERDISTALTA. Page 7 59 [2-3 words blacked out] Report re Bolshcviki, Propaganda from 60 [line blacked out) Trans, to 175/2813 Trans, to 175/50 61 Socialist Party of Canada, Attitude of Gt. War Veterans to Alien Enemies, Calgary Conditions labour - Drumheller, Alta. 62 Socialist Party of Canada, Red Deer Valley CoalHelds, Drumheller, Labour Conditions Bolshevik Activities (Re. Threat against [1-2 words blacked out] Vancouver B.C. 63 [1-2 words Macked out] Re. Anonymous threat against (By Bolsheviki Party) 64 [1-2 words blacked out] Information received from, re Bolsheviki trouble at Prince George B.C. 65 Crows Nest Pass, suspected trouble at [1-2 words blacked out] Russian Bolshevist) Trans. 175/4514 Conditions General - Vegreville 66 Vegreville Dist General Conditions amongst Settlers Socialist Party of Canada - Edmonton Alta. 67 Knight. J.R. Organizer of Socialist Party of Canada, Edmonton. Transf to 175/4524. Bolshevik Activities - Blairmore, Alta. 68 Blairmore, Public Labour Meeting held at on 2-2-19 69 [2-3 words blacked out] Re. Bolsheviki Movement, Trans 175/P7 70 Knight J.R. Trans to 175/P13 71 [2-3 words blacked out] RO. pro German 72 [entry blacked out] 73 Regina, Bolshevik Organization at [4-5 words blacked out] Socialist Party of Canada, Calgary, Alu. Trans to 175/50 74 Socialist Party of Canada, Socialist Literature, suspected objectionable matter Bolshevik Activities - Peace River Dist. Alta. 75 Bolshevists Peace River Dist. B.F. from 175/1030 Labour Conditions - Coughlans Shipyard - Vancouver, B.C. RCMP SUBJECT FILES REGISTER, 1919-1929 455 76 Coughlans Shipyard labour Conditions at Vancouver B.C. Conditions - Amongst Germans - Daly Creek. Alta. 77 Daly Creek School German language spoken at 78 [2-3 words blacked out] Alleged German propagandists Page 8 Bolshevik Activities - EckviUe, Alta. 79 Gilby, Dist of, Bolsheviki meetings held in Entawan Hall, Bolsheviki Conditions at 80 [entry blacked out] International Longshoremen Ass'n. Vancouver B.C. 81 Longshofemen at Vancouver reports le continued on 175/4455 Bolshevik Activities - Swift Current Sask. 82 Swift Current Conditions at. re Bolsheviki Vancouver Sun (Newspaper) 83 Vancouver Sun, Excerpt from re Bolshevist Propaganda 84 Vancouver, General Conditions in Trans, to 175/1732 Revolutionary & Subversive Activities. Femie, B.C. 85 Femie, general conditions at re Oi^anizations there 86 Medicine Hal, Unemployment at Transferred to 175/6012 4-11-31 87 Winnipeg, Man Labour Church Service, Winnipeg, Man. trans to 175/4507 Bolshevik Activities - Taber, Alta. 88 Taber, Bolsheviki Conditions at 89 S.S. Monteagle, Russians sailing on, [1-2 words blacked out] Bolshevist Trans, to 175/304 90 Our Standard, Russian Bolshevik Paper 91 Robert Gosden, Agitator Trans, to 5635 92 (3-4 words blacked out] Re Bolshevism traced to Hun agencies 93 Britannia Mine & Granby. B.C. Austrians & Slavanians at 94 Regina District Bolshevism and General Conditions Trans 175/73 95 [1-2 words blacked out] Cumberland Vancouver Island B.C. Suspect Trans, to 175/5575 % [4-5 words blacked out] Possible Disturbances by Bolshevists 97 Mountain Park Mines Alleged Anarchists at [5-6 words blacked out] Trans to 175/24 Page 9 98 Broule Mines [ 1 word blacked out] alleged anarchist at Bolshevik Activities in Trades & Labour Council - Regina Sask. 99 Regina, labour meetings held at [3-4 words blacked out] 100 [1 word blacked out]Rly mail clerk Bolshevist Great War Veterans Ass'n - Winnipeg Man. Trans, to 175/130 101 Gt. War Veterans Association Wpg Returned soldiers Wpg attitude to alien enemies Bolshevik Activities - Bellevue Alta. 102 Suspected trouble in Crows Nest Pass Bolsheviki activity at Bellevue Alta. 103 Socialist Party of Canada, Calgary, meeting of socialists in Calgary 4-2- 19 456 PART4 104 , Russian Jews Calgary 105 , Edmonton Coal Field 106 .Socialist Meeting at Calgary 7-2-19, Trans, to 175/103 107 Arms Ammunition explosives Calgary 108 " " " Regina Bolshevik Activities in Trade Unions - Saskatoon Dist. Sask. 109 Labour and other organizations 1 report from Sup(. West Anarchist Literature - Saskatoon. Sask. 110 Possible Disturbances by Bolshevists re [3-4 words blacked out] 111 Arms ammunition explosives. Edmonton Trans 175/151 112 [1 word blacked out] suspected Bolshevist Bolshevik Activities - Fort William. Ont. 113 Ft. William Dist, Bolshevism general report Trans, to 175/1433 B.F from 17V406 114 [2-3 words blacked out] Discharged CEF. Russian suspected Bolshevist 115 [2-3 words blacked out] " " " trans, to 175/305 116 [2-3 words blacked out] 117 [2-3 words blacked out] Page 10 117 [1-2 words blacked out] Dischargd CEF. Russian, suspected Bolshevist. 118 [1-2 words blacked out] " - . » 119 [1-2 words blacked out] " ..- Bolsheviki Activities - Calgary Alta. 120 Calgary. Bolsheviki Organizations at (Transferred to 175/3831 ) 121 Arms. Ammunition & Explosi ves. Maple Creek 122 Conditions unrest. Maple Creek. Sask. 123 Drumheller Bolsheviki Organizations at Trans. 175/4397 124 Socialist Party of Canada, Calgary, mass meeting of held at Re. [word blacked out] agitator 125 [2-3 words blacked out] suspected Bolshevism 126 [4-5 words blacked out] re slanderous statement 127 [word blacked out] Drumheller, suspect. l.W.W. Trans. 175/P60 Bolshevik Activities - Winnipeg, Man. 128 Winnipeg, Dist. Bolshevism in Trans, to 175/356 Bolshevik Activities. Lake Isle, Alta. 129 Lake Isle Bolshevism at 130 Gt. War Veterans Asoc' n & Rtd. Soldiers re Vocational Schools, Wpg. Bolshevik Activities - Edmonton, Alta. 131 Edmonton, Bolsheviki conditions at 132 Soviet Govt. Agents at Yokohama 133 [word blacked out] socialist at Prince Rupert Trans, to 175/P-112 134 [word blacked out] " " " Trans, to 175/P/1648 RCMP SUBJECT FILES REGISTER, 1919-1929 457 Page 11 135 [word blacked out] Socialist at Prince Rupert Trans, to 17S/P??? 136 [word blacked out] " 137 [1-2 words blacked out] Sointula, B.C. - Bolsheviki Literature Trans, to 175/2803 138 Winnipeg Dist Bolshevism iit Re Ruthenian Quarter Million Dollars Fund. Canadian Ruthenian Weekly paper Pub Winnipeg, Man. 139 " " " Canadian Ruthenian-Bishop Budka's Weekly Organ 140 "" " Trans, to 175/140A 140A Social Democratic Club Winnipeg, Man B.E from 175/140 Industrial Workers of the World Vancouver 141 Vancouver List of I.W.W. members and suspects at (Trans, to 175/4860) 142 [4-5 words blacked out] Bolshi. Conditions Taber Trans to (unreadable) 143 [1-2 words blacked out] alleged agitator, Bolshevik conditions T<^r 144 [I-2 words blacked out] Bolsheviki tendencies Trans, to 175/P13 145 Crows Nest Pass suspected agitato & others. [1-2 words blacked out] Russ Bolshevik 146 [1-2 words blacked out] " 147 Arms, ammunition & explosives Blairmore & Crows Nest Pass (Transferred to 17V316) 148 " " " Vancouver, Dist. 149 [2-3 words blacked out] Alleged Misappropriation of Patriotic Funds Tians.
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