December 1935 Cellegl ashiottOlJ Lr For your pleasure In this issue: Living Quarters differ widely at w. s. c. Reunions more classes and classmates. Winter Sports coming into their own. 0/,. XXV Pulbnan, No.9 Of the State College of Washington If7aJhington (page two) thealn...n ..§ in offina - - ­ Official Publication of the Alumni Association of the Editor's Note: For basketball dates ~ State College of Washington PUBLIS H E D monthly, except July, Aug us t and September. at Pullman, Washington. see Schedule on page 7. Further de· N ATI ONAL Advertis ing R epresenta tive: The Graduate Group, Incorporated , New York, Chicagv, tails of C. Booster Dances con­ San Francic;:co , L os Angeles, Detroit and Boston. w. s. EDIT ED by Sig md Delta Chi, men's professional journalis t'c fr aternity ; managed by Alpha Delta tained in story on page two. Sig- ma, men 's professional advertising fraternity. ENTEHED as second class matter at the post office, Pullman, Washington, June 13, 1919, under the December act o f March 3, 1879. Subscription rate: 6-7. College play, "The Perfect Ali­ $1.50 per year bi," in Bryan Hall Auditorium. ALUMNI D U ES (including one year's subscription to The Alumnus) : life mem­ bership-single, $5; joint (man and wife) , $8. 50. 7. Y.W.C.A. International Festival Editor Harry Cross, '36 in Home Economics Building, Editorial Assistants James Kerr, '36; Oswald Suksdorf, '37 from 2 to 5 p. m. and members of Sigma Delta Chi. 13. Varsity Ball. Business Manager .............. Bruce Barrett, '36 Business Assistants .... .Dean Leete, '37, and Members of Alpha Delta Sigma 14. Ted Shawn's Dancers, in Bryan Director Cal PhilJips, '33, Alumni Secretary Hall Auditorium. Volume XXV December, 1935 Number 9 15. (Sunday) Annual Christmas Concert Vespers, presented by Officers music honoraries. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON 1935-36 20. Christmas vacation begins. President~Frank D. Cleary, '26, Seattle. 21. Booster Dances: Dayton, Legion 1st. V. P.--Noel Bakke, '17, 2nd V. P.--C. F. Anderson, '11, Hall; Ritzville, Ott's Hall. Wenatchee. Pullman. 23. Booster Dance: Spokane, Gar­ Treasurer-C. L. Hix, '09, Pullman. Secretary--Cal Phillips, '33, Pullman. den Dancing Palace. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: B. M. Bangs, '17, Chelan; L. B. Vincent, 'IS, Yakima; 26. Booster Dance: Bellingham, \VilJiam Rusch, 'IS, Spokane; J . O. Blair, '08, Vancouver, \'\Tn. ; Frank J enne, 'J2, Mt. Vernon. Chuckanut Shell. ATHLETIC COUNCIL: R. C. McCroskey, '06, Spokane; Lloyd Gillis, '21 , Wash­ 27. Booster Dances: Seattle, Olym­ tucna; Earl V. Foster, '23, PulJl1lan. pia Golf and Country Club; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Alumni Representatives-Frank D. Cleary, '26, Seattle; Thomas Hunt, '25, Spokane; Harry M. Chambers, '13, PulJman. Faculty Yakima, Country Club. Representative-Eri B. Parker, '18, PulJman. Student Representative-John B. 28. Booster Dances: Tacoma, Ingle­ Evans, '36, Longview. side Gardens; Everett, Elks' BRANCHES OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION IN WASHINGTON (COUNTIES) Club; Wenatchee, Auditorium. Location President Address Kelso-Long'view Booster dance date Secretary Clarke Dr. Paul Gaiser, M,A. '23 Supt. Schools, Vancouver, Wn. and place indefinite. Watch lo­ Louise (Sinn) Ratchford, ex·'26 406 W. 32nd, Vancouver, Wn. cal newspapers. Franklin Shuford (Shag) Pyles, ex·26 Pasco Elsie Anderson, '32 Pasco Guys Harbor Neil Carns. ex·'32 114 W. 4th, Aberdeen January Maude McKelvey, ex·'33 Aberdeen 6. Holidays vacation ends. King Bob Cross, '33 General Insurance Co. , Seattle Florence Eckert 5643 2nd, Seattle 12. (Sunday) Admiral Richard E. Kittitas Lloyd Moss, '28 303 N. Sprague. Ellensburg Clara (Kincheloe) Belch, '26 711 E . Third, Ellensburg Byrd in an illustrated lecture at Lewis E dwin F. Anderson, '30 T oledo Bryan Hall Auditorium. Esther (Bull) Flagg, '14 Box 181, Chehalis North C«It:ral William Just, '24 High School, \'\Tenatchee 17. Smoker in Men's Gymnasium. Washington J ean Walton, '29 Junior High School, ,Venatchee (Chelan, Grant, Douglas, Okanogan) Pacific \'\Tadie Bitar , ex·'33 Raymond Isobel (Keeney ) Leber, '28 South Bend tbi§ cand-­ Pierce Dr. Clare Pritchard, '32 2114 N . Proctor, Tacoma Shirley Greening, '34 3524 S. Thompson, Tacoma Russell, elder son of the late Sena­ Skagit Orville Mast, '27 Hamilton tor Huey P. Long, recently won the J essie Kirkland, '22 Burlington Snohomish Robert Stuart, ' 33 3430 Tulalip Ave. , E verett presidency of the freshman class at Mrs. Charles Sumbardo Everett Louisiana State University, with a Spokane Thomas Hunt, '25 Washington Water P ower Co., Spokane landslide majority ... Dick Hanley, Mel Smith, '28 Presto·Log Co., Spokane Thurston Cal Svinth, ' 30 County Agent, Olympia '20, declares (according to an Asso­ J eanette Olsen, '33 Dept. Public Works, Olympia ciated Press report) that big-time Walla Walla Austin Roberts, '27 Wurk Apts., Walla Walla Mary German, '34 Rt. I, Walla W alla coaching has lost its appeal to him Whatcom Fred Frasier, '32 1008·16th, Bellingham P enelope (Dart) Garrett, ex·'24 2802 Ellis , Bellingham ... now selling insurance in Chicago, Whitman R oy LaFollette, cx·'13 Colfax Hanley says that for the first time in D orothy Hegnauer, '31 Pullman OUT-OF-STATE 16 years he is enjoying his Saturday Chicago J ohn Harring ton, '30 Commonwealth Edison Co., lunches in the fall and suffers no 12 W . Adams. Elmer Dykstra, '28 McCormick Mfg. Co. more nightmares in the Friday-night­ Denver, Colo. Irwin Smith, '33 1272 Columbine Elizabet.h (Bryan) Helphrey, '34 1635 Pennsylvania, Apt. 28 before-the-game sleeps ... Frances New York City Kenneth King, '29 463 West Street (Lynch) Yeend, ex-'36, will appear Josephine E . Smith, '26 50 High St., Huntington, L. 1. Oakland·Berkeley H enry Tweed, '16 4035 Greenwood Ave., Oakla nd as a featured soloist in the choral Anna Dynovska, '29 Bamherger Seed Co., 8th & P arker Berkelev concert sponsored by the Ladies Mu­ Portland, Ore. E. S. Lindley, '22 Francis Motor Co. Dorothy Cole, '32 O swego, Oregon sical Club of Tacoma on December San Francisco Sherman McGregor, '29 Phoenix Mutual Life Ins urance 17th.... Dr. Claudius O. Johnson has Co., IS5 Sansome Street Zora Combes, ex· '20 San Francisco deserted his classes for the remainder Los Angeles Morris Swan, ex-'2S 417 N. Norton of this semester to devote mere time Phoenix, Ariz. (List not in yet.) to a biography of Senator Wil­ ~. Pittsburgh, Pa, Anton B. Green, '27 619 Overbrook Blvd. Hattie B. Bobe 1728 Ohio, Keesport, Pa. liam Borah of Idaho (page three) .:. come int:o own. ~ Winter sports • Following an inspection tour of fairly steep grading and the other af­ the 120-acre tract of mountainside re­ fording approximately a five-and-one­ cently purchased by the A. S. S. C. W. half mile run of a lesser degree of on the north summit of the Moscow steepness. For those who do not wish mountains, Mark Houser (junior, to ski in, a transportation sleigh will San Francisco), chairman of the State be provided. College winter sports' committee, has At an organization meeting of the outlined plans for an extensive pro­ W. S. C. Ski Club, the following of­ • Presenting the student chiefs of gram. This will be the first year in ficers were elected: president, Dick THE ALUMNUS. Harry Cross, '36 which a major program of winter Gaylord (junior, Tacoma) ; vice-presi­ (left) is the editor. He comes from sports will be available to the stu­ dent, Ole Slind (junior, LaCrosse); Ritzville and is majoring in economics dents. Genevieve Finch (senior, Sedro­ with a strong dash of journalism thrown in. He is president of Sigma The mountain is about 4000 feet Wooley), secretary. Delta Chi, men's national professional above sea level. Although the school journalistic fraternity. Bruce Bar­ property lies at the very summit of rette, '36 (right) runs the business the peak and Boosters side of the magazine. He is taking on the north • An excellent opportunity for business administration and comes side, an adjoin­ Washington State alumni and stu­ from Seattle. Barrette is president ing 40 - a c r e dents to combine their enthusiasm of the W. S. C. Ad Club and belongs tract, owned by for the mutual benefit of their Alma to Alpha Delta Sigma, men's national the State Col­ Mater is offered each year in the professional advertising fraternity. lege Y.M.C.A. W. S. C. Booster dances which are has a sou t h­ sponsored by the Student Booster Booster dance, although the date and we s t ern ex­ Committee. place were not definite at the time posure. The dances are given during the THE ALUMNUS went to press. John At present Christmas holiday period and do much Evans, '36, student member of the the only shel­ to foster a better college spirit among Alumni Association's executive com­ ter places are both the alumni and the students and mittee, is in charge. the Y.M.C.A. to advertise the institution among cabin on one prospective students. sid e of the The dances are sponsored by stu­ Title-winner ridge and an dents and deserve the support of the Henry Bendele, '34, in his first old trapper's cabin on the other side, alumni in each community in which year of coaching has upset the foot­ but plans call for the eventual build­ they are given. ball applecart in Spokane to bring ing of several overnight cabins on the Following are the dates, places and his John Rogers high school team their western side, where the country may sponsors of this year's W. S. C. Boost­ first city championship. In addition, be viewed for many miles. er Dances: his team will play the high school A SKI run and toboggan slide are Saturday, December 21-Dayton, champion of Portland in a big game now being cleared out of the dense at the American Legion Hall, spon­ in the Oregon city on Thanksgiving forest on the college-owned property.
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