Amerikas Kinoakadēmijas balvu “OSKARS” saņēmušās filmas Gads Filma Režisors Šifrs 1929 Sunrise: A Song of F.W. Murnau Fdvd/1154 Two Humans 1929 The jazz singer Alan Crosland Fdvd/1589 Fdvd/2371 1929 The Broadway Harry Beaumont Fdvd/2399 Melody 1930 All Quiet on the Lewis Milestone Fdvd/1336 Western Front 1932 Grand Hotel Edmund Goulding Fdvd/1249 1934 It Happened One Frank Capra Fdvd/1335 Night 1935 Mutiny on the Frank Lloyd Fdvd/2396 Bounty 1935 Top Hat Mark Sandrich Fdvd/543 1936 Swing Time George Stevens Fdvd/543 1936 The Great Ziegfeld Robert Z. Leonard Fdvd/2397 1936 Mr. Deeds Goes to Frank Capra Fdvd/2546 Town 1937 The Life of Emile William Dieterle Fdvd/2395 Zola 1938 You Can't Take It Frank Capra Fdvd/2546 with You 1938 The Adventures of Michael Curtiz, William Fdvd/1330 Robin Hood Keighley 1938 Pygmalion Anthony Asquith, Leslie Fdvd/801 Howard 1939 Gone with the Victor Fleming, George Fdvd/1237 Wind Cukor Fdvd/2376 1939 Mr. Smith Goes to Frank Capra Fdvd/1303 Washington 1939 Ninotchka Ernst Lubitsch Fdvd/1057 1939 Stagecoach John Ford Fdvd/3139 Fdvd/2411 1939 The Wizard of Oz Victor Fleming, George Fdvd/1247 Cukor 1940 Fantasia Dažadi Fdvd/1489 1940 The Great Dictator Charles Chaplin Fdvd/1158 1940 The Grapes of John Ford Fdvd/2499 Wrath Fdvd/3032 1940 Rebecca Alfred Hitchcock Fdvd/1305 1941 Citizen Kane Orson Welles Fdvd/1153 1941 The Maltese John Huston Fdvd/1328 Falcon 1941 That Hamilton Alexander Korda Fdvd/3073 Woman 1942 In Which We Serve Noël Coward, David Lean Fdvd/1084 1 1942 Now, Voyager Irving Rapper Fdvd/1291 1942 Mrs. Miniver William Wyler Fdvd/2401 1943 Casablanca Michael Curtiz Fdvd/2375 Fdvd/876 1943 The Ox-Bow William A. Wellman Fdvd/3138 Incident Fdvd/2464 1945 Mildred Pierce Michael Curtiz Fdvd/1294 1945 The Lost Weekend Billy Wilder Fdvd/2266 Fdvd/3079 1945 Spellbound Alfred Hitchcock Fdvd/2416 1946 It's a Wonderful Frank Capra Fdvd/1511 Life 1947 Gentleman's Elia Kazan Fdvd/2378 Agreement 1948 Hamlet Laurence Olivier Fdvd/816 1948 Johnny Belinda Jean Negulesco Fdvd/2418 1948 The Red Shoes Michael Powell, Emeric Fdvd/1073 Pressburger 1949 Bicycle Thieves = Vittorio De Sica Fdvd/1296 Ladri di biciclette 1949 All the King's Men Robert Rossen Fdvd/2555 1949 The Heiress William Wyler Fdvd/1326 1950 The Third Man Carol Reed Fdvd/1685 1950 All About Eve Joseph L. Mankiewicz Fdvd/389 1950 Sunset Boulevard Billy Wilder Fdvd/1456 Fdvd/2377 1951 Rashomon Akira Kurosawa Fdvd/1479 1951 The African Queen John Huston Fdvd/3036 Fdvd/1678 1951 An American in Vincente Minnelli Fdvd/577 Paris 1951 A Streetcar Named Elia Kazan Fdvd/1463 Desire 1952 Forbidden Games René Clément Fdvd/1669 = Jeux interdits 1952 The Greatest Cecil B. DeMille Fdvd/824 Show on Earth 1952 High Noon Fred Zinnemann Fdvd/1464 1952 Moulin Rouge John Huston Fdvd/3031 Fdvd/1691 1953 Julius Caesar Joseph L. Mankiewicz Fdvd/852 1953 Roman Holiday William Wyler Fdvd/1451 1953 Shane George Stevens Fdvd/2556 1954 Sabrina Billy Wilder Fdvd/865 1954 The Glenn Miller Anthony Mann Fdvd/614 Story 1954 Gate of Hell = Teinosuke Kinugasa Fdvd/2264 Jigokumon 1954 On the Waterfront Elia Kazan Fdvd/2387 2 1954 The Country Girl George Seaton Fdvd/2459 1955 East of Eden Elia Kazan Fdvd/2306 1955 Marty Delbert Mann Fdvd/2247 1956 La Strada Federico Fellini Fdvd/1386 1956 The Silent World = Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Fdvd/2258 Le Monde du Louis Malle silence 1956 Lust for Life Vincente Minnelli, George Fdvd/1695 Cukor 1956 The Man Who Alfred Hitchcock Fdvd/1086 Knew Too Much 1956 Around the World Michael Anderson, John Fdvd/2398 in 80 Days Farrow 1956 Giant George Stevens Fdvd/3068 1957 Nights of Cabiria = Federico Fellini Fdvd/873 Le Notti di Cabiria 1957 The Three Faces Nunnally Johnson Fdvd/2472 of Eve 1957 The Bridge on the David Lean Fdvd/1547 River Kwai 1957 12 Angry Men Sidney Lumet Fdvd/2485 1958 Gigi Vincente Minnelli Fdvd/2400 1959 Black Orpheus = Marcel Camus Fdvd/2242 Orfeu Negro 1959 Some Like It Hot Billy Wilder Fdvd/1452 1959 Ben-Hur William Wyler Fdvd/1478 1959 Anatomy of a Otto Preminger Fdvd/1683 Murder 1960 Spartacus Stanley Kubrick Fdvd/3107 1960 The Apartment Billy Wilder Fdvd/1588 1961 La Dolce Vita Federico Fellini Fdvd/1450 1961 Breakfast at Blake Edwards Fdvd/1304 Tiffany's 1961 West Side Story Jerome Robbins, Robert Fdvd/563 Wise 1962 Lawrence of David Lean Fdvd/1406 Arabia 1962 To Kill a Robert Mulligan Fdvd/1467 Mockingbird 1963 8½ = Otto e mezzo Federico Fellini Fdvd/1398 1963 Hud Martin Ritt Fdvd/2391 1963 Cleopatra Joseph L. Mankiewicz Fdvd/890 1963 It's a Mad, Mad, Stanley Kramer Fdvd/809 Mad, Mad World 1964 Goldfinger Guy Hamilton Fdvd/892 1964 My Fair Lady George Cukor Fdvd/618 Fdvd/2363 3 1964 Dr. Strangelove or: Stanley Kubrick Fdvd/2406 How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964 Mary Poppins Robert Stevenson Fdvd/559 1965 The Sound of Robert Wise Fdvd/552 Music 1965 Doctor Zhivago David Lean Fdvd/849 1966 Who's afraid of Mike Nichols Fdvd/3373 Virginia Woolf? 1966 Closely Watched Jirí Menzel Fdvd/3369 Trains = Ostre sledované vlaky 1966 A Man and a Claude Lelouch Fdvd/1584 Woman = Un homme et une femme 1967 The Producers Mel Brooks Fdvd/3037 1967 Bonnie and Clyde Arthur Penn Fdvd/1579 Fdvd/2364 1967 The Graduate Mike Nichols Fdvd/1681 1968 2001: A Space Stanley Kubrick Fdvd/1331 Odyssey 1968 Bullitt Peter Yates Fdvd/2425 1968 Funny Girl William Wyler Fdvd/1516 1968 Romeo and Juliet Franco Zeffirelli Fdvd/1471 1968 War and Peace = Сергей Бондарчук Fdvd/653 Война и мир Fdvd/654 Fdvd/655 Fdvd/656 1968 Rosemary's Baby Roman Polański Fdvd/1465 1969 Midnight Cowboy John Schlesinger Fdvd/3276 1969 Butch Cassidy and George Roy Hill Fdvd/3372 the Sundance Kid 1970 Woodstock Michael Wadleigh Fdvd/1480 1970 MASH Robert Altman Fdvd/1690 1971 The French William Friedkin Fdvd/2324 Connection 1971 A Clockwork Stanley Kubrick Fdvd/851 Orange 1971 Fiddler on the Roof Norman Jewison Fdvd/622 1972 The Candidate Michael Ritchie Fdvd/2491 1972 The Discreet Luis Buñuel Fdvd/856 Charm of the Bourgeoisie = Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie 1972 Limelight Charlie Chaplin Fdvd/1158 1972 The Godfather Francis Ford Coppola Fdvd/1408 4 1972 Cabaret = Life is a Bob Fosse Fdvd/544 cabaret 1973 Paper Moon Peter Bogdanovich Fdvd/2486 1973 The way we were Sydney Pollack Fdvd/3375 1973 The Sting George Roy Hill Fdvd/3370 1973 The Exorcist William Friedkin Fdvd/3266 1973 Alice Doesn't Live Martin Scorsese Fdvd/2465 Here Anymore 1974 Amarcord Federico Fellini Fdvd/1399 1974 Chinatown Roman Polanski Fdvd/2542 Fdvd/2410 1974 The Conversation Francis Ford Coppola Fdvd/2256 1975 One Flew Over the Miloš Forman Fdvd/1385 Cuckoo's Nest 1975 Jaws Steven Spielberg Fdvd/2349 1976 Taxi Driver Martin Scorsese Fdvd/1499 Fdvd/2369 1977 Star Wars : A New George Lucas Fdvd/779 Hope Fdvd/897 Fdvd/898 Fdvd/896 1977 Annie Hall Woody Allen Fdvd/1317 1978 The Deer Hunter Michael Cimino Fdvd/3264 1979 Being There Hal Ashby Fdvd/2558 1979 The tin drum = Die Volker Schlöndorff Fdvd/1405 Blechtrommel 1979 Kramer vs. Kramer Robert Benton Fdvd/3376 1979 All That Jazz Bob Fosse Fdvd/569 1979 Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppola Fdvd/833 1980 Moscow Does Not Владимир Меньшов Fdvd/908 Believe in Tears = Москва слезам не верит 1980 Coal Miner's Michael Apted Fdvd/1394 Daughter 1980 Raging Bull Martin Scorsese Fdvd/3314 1981 Chariots of Fire Hugh Hudson Fdvd/2310 1982 E.T. the Extra- Steven Spielberg Fdvd/3294 Terrestrial 1982 Missing Costa-Gavras Fdvd/2304 1982 Tootsie Sydney Pollack Fdvd/2346 1982 Quest for Fire = La Jean-Jacques Annaud Fdvd/2340 guerre du feu 1982 Gandhi Richard Attenborough Fdvd/1546 Fdvd/3089 1983 Fanny and Ingmar Bergman Fdvd/1060 Alexander = Fanny och Alexander 5 1983 Terms of James L. Brooks Fdvd/2543 Endearment 1984 Amadeus Miloš Forman Fdvd/549 1985 Indiana Jones and Steven Spielberg Fdvd/827 the Temple of Doom 1985 Ran Akira Kurosava Fdvd/3299 1985 The Color Purple Steven Spielberg Fdvd/2493 1986 The Mission Roland Joffé Fdvd/2261 1986 A Room with a James Ivory Fdvd/3353 View Fdvd/3292 1986 Hannah and Her Woody Allen Fdvd/1311 Sisters 1987 The Last Emperor Bernardo Bertolucci Fdvd/1491 Fdvd/3020 1988 Rain Man Barry Levinson Fdvd/3374 1988 A Fish Called Charles Crichton Fdvd/925 Wanda 1988 Mississippi Burning Alan Parker Fdvd/2432 1988 Pelle the Bille August Fdvd/2249 Conqueror = Pelle erobreren 1988 Bird Clint Eastwood Fdvd/605 1988 Dangerous Stephen Frears Fdvd/882 Liaisons 1989 Driving Miss Daisy Bruce Beresford Fdvd/870 1989 Cinema Paradiso = Giuseppe Tornatore Fdvd/1046 Nuovo cinema Paradiso 1989 Glory Kevin Jarre Fdvd/2498 1989 My Left Foot Jim Sheridan Fdvd/850 Fdvd/1705 1990 The Hunt for Red John McTiernan Fdvd/2343 October 1990 Dances with Kevin Costner Fdvd/878 Wolves 1991 The Silence of the Jonathan Demme Fdvd/842 Lambs 1991 Bugsy Barry Levinson Fdvd/782 1991 JFK Oliver Stone Fdvd/2412 1991 The fisher king Terry Gilliam Fdvd/860 1992 Unforgiven Clint Eastwood Fdvd/3213 Fdvd/2424 1992 Bram Stoker's Francis Ford Coppola Fdvd/3302 Dracula 1992 The last of the Michael Mann Fdvd/2350 Mohicans 1992 A Few Good Men Rob Reiner Fdvd/875 1993 Schindler's List Steven Spielberg Fdvd/3261 6 1993 The Piano Jane Campion Fdvd/1578 1993 The Remains of James Ivory Fdvd/3319 the Day 1994 Burnt by the Sun = Никита Михалков Fdvd/914 Утомленные солнцем 1994 Bullets over Woody Allen Fdvd/857 Broadway 1994 Four Weddings Mike Newell Fdvd/1042 and a Funeral Fdvd/3078 1994 Pulp Fiction Quentin Tarantino Fdvd/2777 Fdvd/1401 1994 The Lion King Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff Fdvd/2951 1994 Forrest Gump Robert Zemeckis Fdvd/1407 1995 Braveheart Mel Gibson Fdvd/3273 1995 Sense and Ang Lee Fdvd/3321 Sensibility Fdvd/3067 1996 Fargo Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Fdvd/2308 1996 Evita Alan Parker Fdvd/574 1996 Jerry Maguire Cameron Crowe Fdvd/992 1996 Secrets & Lies Mike Leigh Fdvd/2257 1996 The English Anthony Minghella Fdvd/854 Patient 1997 The Full Monty Peter Cattaneo Fdvd/738 1997 Titanic James Cameron Fdvd/3378 1998 Shakespeare in John Madden Fdvd/3371 Love 1998 What Dreams May Vincent Ward Fdvd/862 Come 1998 The Prince of Brenda Chapman, Steve Fdvd/2912 Egypt Hickner 1998 Elizabeth Shekhar Kapur Fdvd/960 1998 Life Is Beautiful = Roberto Benigni Fdvd/1583 La vita è bella 1998 Saving Private Steven Spielberg Fdvd/3288 Ryan 1999 The Insider Michael Mann Fdvd/931 1999 The Sixth Sense M.
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