Tender cost Rs: 100 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES ANSARI NAGAR: NEW DELHI: 110 029 (SCHEDULE‐‘A’) S.no. of tender : ____________ File no. : 01/H/2015-16 Name of the party in whose : ___________________________________________________ favor the tender form has been issued ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar.N.Delhi‐29 (SEAL OF THE OFFICER Dear Sir, 1. I/We hereby submit our tender for the Cleaning of Louvers. I/WE now enclosing herewith the Bank Guarantee/D.D. No…………………… dated……………. For Rs. 10,000/-- ( Rupees Ten Thousand Only) drawn in favour of the “DIRECTOR, AIIMS, NEW DELHI” towards EMD/Bid Security. Tenders not accompanied with EMD/Bid Security (along with Technical Bid Part-I) shall be summarily rejected. 2. I/We hereby agree to all the terms and conditions, stipulated by the AIIMS, in this connection including delivery, penalty etc. Quotations for each group are being submitted under separate covers and sheets and shall be considered on their face value. 3. I/We have noted that over written entries shall be deleted unless duly out & re‐written and initialed. Tenders are duly signed (No thumb impression should be affixed). 4. I/We undertake to sign the contract/agreement within 10 (Ten days) from the issue of the letter of acceptance, failing which our/my security money deposited may be forfeited and our/my name may be removed from the list of suppliers at the AIIMS New Delhi‐29. 5. I/We have gone through all terms and conditions of the tender documents before submitting the same. NOTE: ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS SUCH AS RATES AND TAXES ETC, HAS BEEN INDICATED SEPARATLY IN THE QUOTATION. DURING THE RATE CONTRACT PERIOD BASIC PRICE EXCEPT GOVT. LEVIES OF THE ITEM WILL NOT BE CHANGED. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE ALSO AS PER YOUR REQUIREMENT. Yours faithfully, Signature of Tenderer with full Address. WITNESS_________________________________ WITNESS_________________________________ WITNESS_________________________________ WITNESS___________________________ Terms & conditions (SCHEDULE‐‘B’) Tender Ref. No. : 01/H/2015-16 Subject : Cleaning of Louvers Date of Submission : 01.05.15 up to 2.30 P.M. Date of Opening : 01.05.15 at 03.00 P.M. 1. Tender should be addressed to the Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-29 and submitted to the Office of the Stores Officer, (Main) under sealed cover failing which the tender shall be rejected. Terms and conditions for supply should invariably be indicated otherwise would be taken on its face value. The rates may be quoted on separate sheets failing which the tender(s) will be rejected. 2. TENDER SHOULD INVARIABLY BE SUBMITTED IN TWO BID SYSTEM CONTAINING TWO PARTS AS DETAILED BELOW: PART‐I: ‐ TECHNO‐COMMERCIAL BID IN ONE SEALED COVER. PART‐II: ‐ PRICE BID/FINANCIAL BID IN SEPARATE SEALED COVER FOR EACH ITEM INDICATING THEREON NAME OF ITEM WITH SR. NO. OF ITEM, FIRM’S NAME & TENDER NUMBER. THESE SEPARATE ENEVELOPS CONTAINING PRICE BIDS OF ITEMS BE PUT IN OTHER ENEVELOP (Part‐ II) BOTH THE SEALED ENVELOPES (PART-I & II) SHOULD THEN BE PUT IN OUTERCOVER INDICATING THEREON: i) Reference No. Of the Tender: ________________________________________________ ii) Tender regarding: ______________________________________________________ iii) Due date for submission of the tender: _______________________________________ iv) Due date for opening of the tender: __________________________________________ v) Name of the firm: _________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE THAT PRICES SHOULD NOT BE INDICATED IN THE TECHNO‐ COMMERCIAL BID. THE PRE‐QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS INCLUDING E.M.D./BID SECURITY AS REQUIRED IN THE TENDER DOCUMENT SHOULD INVARIABLE BE ACCOMPANIED WITH THE TECHNO‐COMMERCIAL BID. NOTE: - TENDERS SUBMITTED WITHOUT FOLLOWING TWO-BID SYSTEM PROCEDURE AS MENTIONED ABOVE WOULD BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. 3. Mixed quotations will not be considered for acceptance. 4. Before quoting the rates the firm can visit AIIMS hospital and have site inspection and survey the works and then quote accordingly. The Ward block A, B, C, and D wing upto 9th floor, OPD block with 5th floor and Pvt. Wards building upto 7th floor louvers have to maintained. The firm should be responsible to maintain clean sanitary condition of the louvers. 5. No cleaning material, or other materials (Tools, appliances, devices etc.) will be provided by A.I.I.M.S. for the purpose. 6. The firm should clean the louvers properly and regularly. No litter, No garbage should be kept and found lying on the louvers at any point of time. In the process of cleaning garbage/litter should not be thrown on surface ground of the hospital campus. Garbage should not be kept collected and accommodated any where in the hospital. They should be disposed off promptly and properly. 7. AIIMS will not be responsible for any accident of mishap in connection with the undertaking. 8. The firm will undertake the work in close liaison with Sanitation Deptt. 9. Work performance will be regularly monitored. The whole work will be reviewed every month and in case the work performance is not found satisfactory, the contract can be terminated with 2 week notice. 10. The tender forms should be clearly filled in ink legibly or typed giving full address of the tenderer. The rates should be quoted in figures as well as in the words by him/them. Alterations unless legibly attested by the tenderer, shall disqualify the tenders. The tender should be signed by the tenderer himself/themselves or his/their authorized agent on his/their behalf (Authorization may be enclosed.). 11. The forwarding letter duly signed should invariably be returned along with quotations furnished failing which the tender shall be rejected. 12. The tenderer should take care that the rates and amounts are written in such a way that interpolation is not possible. No blanks should be left, which would otherwise make the tender Liable for rejection. 13. The tender rates should be kept open for a period of two years from the date of Agreement or till the new tender is finalized, whichever is earlier. 14. The firms have to submit the fresh Income Tax/Sale Tax Certificate. 15. EACH TENDER SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED WITH AN EMD/BID SECURITY AMOUNTING TO Rs.10,000/- BY WAY OF DEMAND DRAFT/ BANK GUARANTEE/F.D.R. DRAWN IN FAVOUR OF “DIRECTOR, AIIMS, NEW DELHI”, FAILING WHICH THE TENDER SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR ACCEPTANCE AND WILL BE OUTRIGHTLY REJECTED. IN CASE OF BANK GUARANTEE/FDR, IT SHALL BE VALID FOR 15 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF OPENING AND THE SAME SHOULD BE FROM ANY SCHEDULED BANK (AS PER THE LIST ENCLOSED). CASH/CHEQUE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AT ALL. THE EMD/BID SECURITY DEPOSITED AGAINST OTHER TENDERS CANNOT BE ADJUSTED OR CONSIDERED FOR THIS TENDER. NO INTEREST IS PAYABLE ON EMD/BID SECURITY. THE EMD/BID SECURITY OF THE APPROVED VENDORS WILL BE RETAINED TILL THE VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACT IN THE LIEU OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY. 16. The tenderer should have been in the business for a period of at least 2 years in the country in relation to the type of work for which the quotations. Tender are being submitted. 17. The tender should submitted an affidavit that the firm has not been black listed by any Govt. Organization / Institution and not CBI/CVC case is contemplated against him/them. 18. The tenderer submitting tenders would be presumed to have considered and accepted al the terms & condition. No inquiries verbal or written shall be entertained in respect of acceptance of rejection of tender. 19. The advance payment terms will not be accepted by the Director, AIIMS. 20. The Director, AIIMS reserve the right to cancel/reject the tender without assigning any reason. 21. SPECIFICATION Bids should be in two bid format. Cleaning of Louver of Main Hospital building from Ground Floor to 9th floor. Pvt. Ward Ground floor to 7th floor and OPD building Ground floor to 5th floor, including extension wings in OPD The work will include cleaning vertical louvers to ensure that these are free of dust. As there is limited access from corridor side, the vendor will make arrangement for Appropriate contraption and properly trained personnel to clean these areas as well Tinned roof tops in between these wings to be cleaned & cleared of debric & rubbish. Contractor will make all possible arrangements for ensuring safety or personnel carrying out this work with use of contraption to approach these areas from outside. In case the contractor fells some area is inaccessible, then the same should be mentioned in technical bid clearly. Later on, the contractor can not in take the excuse that the some work can’t be carried out because of in accessibility. The firm will give written schedule of activities so that performance can be checked against the Given schedule, as a part of technical bid. 22. IN CASE OF THE TENDER DOCUMENTS DOWNLOADED FROM THE WEBSITE: - THE BIDDERS MAY DOWNLOAD THE TENDER DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY FROM THE WEBSITE AVAILABLE AT www.aiims.ac.in, www.aiims.edu., www.tenders.gov.in, IN SUCH CASE, THE BIDDER ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THE TENDER COST FEE OF Rs.100/‐ (Non‐Refundable) BY WAY OF SEPARATE DEMAND DRAFT DRAWN IN FAVOUR OF DIRECTOR, AIIMS, AND THE SAME SHOULD ESSENTIALLY BE ENCLOSED ALONGWITH THE TECHNO COMMERCIAL BID. THE BIDDERS SHOULD SPECIFICALLY SUPERSCRIBE,”DOWNLOADED FROM THE WEBSITE” ON THE TOP LEFT CORNER OF THE OUTER ENVELOPE CONTAINING TECHNO‐COMMERSCIAL BID & PRICE BID SEPARATELY. IN NO CASE, THE TENDER COST FEE SHOULD BE MIXED WITH EMD AMOUNT. THE TENDERS NOT FOLLOWING THE ABOVE PROCEDURE WILL BE SUMMARILLY REJECTED. Note:‐ a) If the above‐mentioned certificates/documents are not submitted along with the tender, such offers will not be considered and will be out rightly rejected.
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