Sùil air Coilltean Loch Aillse The forests of Lochalsh at a glance Achadh nan Seileach Achnashellach Rannsaich, Coilltean 1 Baile Mac Ara Balmacara Gateway to meal agus Gabh cuairt far-rathad gus Take a detour to Na chachaileth some of the lorg seallaidhean iongantach discover stunning do chuid de na most remote Loch Aillse agus coilltean sìtheil a views and peaceful beanntan as mountains lorg goirid bhon cheum woodlands just off the iomallaiche an Alba, in Scotland, Explore, the forests of àbhaisteach. beaten track. far a bheil na coilltean with Europe’s enjoy and giuthais Caileadonach most westerly discover as fhaide siar san Caledonian Lochalsh 2 Tulach Àrd Ard Hill Roinn-Eòrpa. pine forests. Sìn do chasan agus lorg Stretch your legs pèileagan agus ròin and spot porpoise bhon cheum seo an and seals from this cois an locha. loch-side trail. Àite-seallaidh Loch Carrainn 3 Coille an t-Sròim Strome Wood Lochcarron Gabh picnic os cionn Enjoy a picnic Viewpoint Loch Carrainn agus overlooking Loch Photo: Bruce Taylor rach air shiubhal a-null Carron and wander Ma tha thu gann de dh’ùine, cheuman-coille lusrach gu lush woodland trails stad greiseag gus seallaidhean If you’re short of time, stop off seallaidhean farsaing, mòra. to sweeping views. locha is bheanntan a mhealtainn to enjoy loch and mountain views bho àite-seallaidh Loch Carrainn. from Loch Carron viewpoint 4 Totaig gu Totaig to Glinn Eilg Glenelg Cuir ort do bhrògan Pull on your walking coiseachd airson turais fad boots for a full-day Gleann Seile latha a tha a’ rannsachadh adventure that teis-meadhain na sgìre explores the heart of Glen Shiel maisich seo. this beautiful area. West Highlands West Fairich an eachdraidh sa 5 Slèiteadal agus Slattadale and Photo: Caledonian Air Surveys ghleann dhrùidhteach seo, Eas Victoria Victoria Falls far an do chuir caidreachas de Feel the history in this dramatic Leig le sealladh-tìre na Revel in gorgeous shaighdearan Seumasach ‘s glen where an alliance of Jacobite Gàidhealtachd drùidheadh highland scenery Spàinnteach cath ri feachdan and Spanish troops battled British ort bho cheuman-coise os on trails overlooking riaghaltas Bhreatainn an 1719. government forces in 1719. cionn eileanan coillteach Loch Maree’s forest- Loch Ma Ruibhe. clad islands. Key to the maps Main road Car park Forestry Commission Minor road land Viewpoint Forestry Commission Forest road woodland Totaig gu Glinn Eilg Road/track Picnic table 4 Other woodland Path Other places Totaig to Glenelg of interest National Trust for Forest trails Scotland land (colour waymarked) Contact details: Coisich gu Slighe Join Scotland’s Forestry and Land Scotland, North Region Oirthir na h-Alba air Coastal Path on Tel: 0300 067 6100 ceum fada a tha na a long-distance Email: [email protected] chuairt latha air leth. trail that makes a Tòisich aig Totaig gus fantastic day walk. For more ideas of great days out in the forest, oirthir gharbh timcheall Start at Totaig to visit our website: chladaichean Loch explore the rugged Aillse a rannsachadh gu coastline around the Follow us on forestryandland.gov.scot baile beag bòidheach shores of Loch Alsh to Ghlinn Eilg. Feumaidh the pretty village of an ceum 11 km / 7 mìle Glenelg. This one-way Slèiteadal agus Eas Victoria Is e an iolair-mhara an t-eun- aon-rathad seo beagan 11 km / 7 mile walk 5 creachaidh as motha san RA. Tha càraid planaidh - fàg carbad aig needs a bit of planning Slattadale and Victoria Falls de na h-iolairean seo a’ còmhnaidh faisg Glinn Eilg no cuir libht - leave a vehicle at air làimh, mar sin, dh’fhaoidte gum faic thu 3 air dòigh ro làimh gus Glenelg or arrange a 2 tè dhiubh ma bhios sealbh ort. tilleadh gu Totaig an lift back to Totaig after The white-tailed eagle is the UK’s largest bird dèidh an turais. your day’s adventure. 1 of prey. A pair of these eagles have made their home nearby so you may see one if you’re lucky. Crown copyright and database right [2015]. All rights Crown copyright and database right [2015]. All rights © reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [100021242]. Photo: Iain Erskine Look out for more of our leaflets covering some of the forests in the area Leig le sealladh-tìre na Revel in magnificent Tadhail air Eas Victoria Visit nearby Victoria Gàidhealtachd drùidheadh Highland scenery in airson lùib ghoirid gu Falls for a short loop 1. Isle of Skye ort ann an coille Shlèiteadal Slattadale forest with ruige àite-seallaidh os to a viewing area Totaig Broch by Matt Ritchie. Totaig Explore our fabulous forests far a bheil doireachan daraich, its pockets of ancient cionn an easa. overlooking the falls. - D&VP/10K/21 Colour/June 2018 (edition 2). in some dramatic locations beithe is faidhbhile. Coisich oak, beech and birch on the Isle of Skye a-null nan ceuman coille agus woodland. Stroll along Thadhail Banrigh Victoria Queen Victoria visited 2. Isle of Raasay gabh picnic ri taobh Loch Ma forest paths and picnic an-seo ann an 1877 agus here in 1877 and wrote Enjoy the unique and sgrìobh i na leabhran- in her journal of the historic woodlands on the Ruibhe bhòidhich. by beautiful Loch Maree. Isle of Raasay latha gun robh ‘eas fìor ‘very pretty’ waterfall. Lean a’ chuairt 7 km / 4.5 mìle Follow the 7 km / 4.5 mile bhòidheach’ ann. Chaidh The towering trees that Photo: Bruce Taylor 3. Ross & Cromarty Photo: Matt Ritchie a-null seann rathad na walk along the old mail na craobhan mòra a once framed the falls from Strome Wood by Colin Leslie and the entrance to from Strome Wood Discover the beautiful forests of Ross & Cromarty, linking the west coast to the east Falbh far a’ cheuma gus Brugh Thotaig (no Caisteal Tha eileanan Loch Ma Ruibhe nan dachaigh do chuid postachd gu Tollaidh a tha route to nearby Tollie. bha timcheall an easa a were flattened by a Ghrugraig), a tha air an deagh ghleidheadh fhathast, den t-seann choille ghiuthais, ris an canar a’ Choille faisg air làimh. Tha am frith- The track is rough and leagail le stoirm an 2005, storm in 2005, but the os cionn Loch Aillse a rannsachadh. Chaileadonach. rathad corrach agus bog ann an boggy in places but ach tha na bunan a-nis a’ tree stumps are now àiteachan dheth ach ‘s fhiach an it’s worth the effort for toirt fasgadh do mhòran home to lots of insects Designed by Design & Interpretive Services, Forestry and land Scotland written by Lisa Wharton. Photography Forestry Commission Picture Library unless stated. Front cover images: Text Overlooking Loch Carron For information on public transport services contact: Branch off the track to explore the well-preserved The islands on Loch Maree are home to some Totaig Broch (or Caistel Grugraig) overlooking of Scotland’s ancient pinewoods, known as the oidhirp airson nan seallaidhean stunning views over bhiastagan agus fàsaidh and the forest will grow Traveline Scotland, 0871 2002233 or iongantach thairis air an loch. the loch. a’ choille a-rithist ri tìde. again in time. www.travelinescotland.com Loch Alsh. Caledonian Forest. © Crown Copyright 2020 Balmacara / Ard hill 1:19230 Coilltean Loch Aillse Trail information The forests of Lochalsh Tree-spotter Trail A relaxing stroll through the varied trees of the former Balmacara campsite. Lime and cherry trees brush leaves with native oak, ash and birch here. Largely wide, firm ¾ mile / gravel and tarmac 1.2 km surface with some Allow slightly uneven ½ hr sections. Includes 1 Coille Bhaile Mac Ara short narrower grassy section alongside a gate. Balmacara Woods Some moderate slopes. Tha a’ choille shìtheil seo These tranquil Skye View Trail na h-àite air leth airson woods are the Oak and ash trees give way to heather-covered do sgìos a leigeil dhìot, perfect place to hillsides with sweeping views across Loch Alsh Fàilte picnic a ghabhail agus take a break, have a to the mountains of Skye. Leig d’anail fhad ‘s caochladh cheuman-coise picnic and enjoy a don teaghlach air fad a range of trails for all Long steep slopes and a tha thu a’ siubhal 2 ¾ miles / mhealtainn. Gabh ceum the family. Wander sections of rough, oirthir àlainn an 4.6 km am measg chraobhan de among the varied narrow rock and taobh siar. Welcome Allow gach seòrsa, gabh a-steach trees, take in sweeping grass paths. Chan fheum thu 2 hrs miontraigeadh fada Take some time out seallaidhean farsaing gu ruige views to Skye from Includes narrow gus faighinn air falbh as you travel the an t-Eilean Sgitheanach bho os above the woods or kissing gates and a section along the road. bhon a h-uile càil. stunning west coast. cionn na coille agus miontraig venture further into Can be very muddy and wet in places. Tha na coilltean sìtheil You don’t have to nas fhaide a-mach don the hills for a full-day timcheall Bhaile Mac venture far from the mhonadh air turas fad latha. adventure. Ara agus Loch Aillse beaten track to get nan àiteachan air leth away from it all. The Brùth beagan roide eadar do mheòir airson fois a ghabhail. tranquil woodlands airson fàileadh milis leigheasach fhaighinn. An seo gheibh thu around Balmacara Bhathar ga cleachdadh gu traidiseanta gus slighean socair don and Loch Alsh are meanbh-chuileagan a chumail air falbh – teaghlach, badan perfect places to relax. tha cho math dhut a feuchainn! bòidheach airson Here you’ll find quiet cuirm-chnuic, pailteas trails for all the family, Crush some bog myrtle between your de dh’fhiadh-bheatha pretty picnic spots, fingers for a sweetly medicinal smell.
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