John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-25-1936 The aC rroll News- Vol. 16, No. 10 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 16, No. 10" (1936). The Carroll News. 57. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/57 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL NEWS Edited For and By the Students of ./()hn Carroll University Vol. XVI CLEVELA~D. OHIO, No. 10 Emil Velazco's Orchestrd .t o Play for Prom Tom Conley Ready to Sign Band Leader for Jubilee Dance Pick Cleveland As Football CoaGh; Also Hotel as Site Twelve Piece Band Famous Named as Athletic Director Throughout Country; No A sistant Coach Named; Former Notre Dame Velazco Famous Organist Star and End Coach Expected in Town to Discuss When the portals of the main ballrootn of the Hotel Cleveland swing open mark­ Contract Terms; Two Year Assignment Definite ing the beginning of the Golden Jubilee .-\ fter three months of tedious delay and uncertainty, and specu­ Promenade of John Carroll University on the evening of April 15, it is expected that lations, the new finally broke last !\[onday that Tom Conley, captain of two hundred couples will dance to the the immortal Knute Rockne's last football team and for two seasons smooth syncopation of the East's society Elmer Layden's assistant at ::-J otre Dame _was ap1?ointed. t.he new foot­ favorite, Emil Velazco. ball coach at John Carroll Uni,·ersity. Conley, 111 additiOn to takmg Opposed to over the job as football tutor, will act as head coach in b~sketball and Swing Music ,, ill assume the Athletic Directorate. He has not as yet Signed a con­ Velazco, a leader definitely opposed to tract but has accepted terms and will sign within three weeks. the swing type of music, is well-known Officials Finally for his work at the Proms of large east­ Break Silence ern universities and for his popularity at For the first time incc the athletic pot Sttidents Attend society dances. On the Monday pre­ started brewing last January, school of­ ceding the Carroll dance Velazco will ficials ha,-c broken their long silence Oberlin Meet serve his musical banquet at the Univer­ with a definite statement in the Cleveland sity of West Virginia Prom, while he dailies to the effect that Conley will be appeared last Friday at the Yale Prom, tendered a two-year contract at the Uni­ Father Ryan Leads Group to premier social event in Eastern society versity. However, definite and reliable Student Conference circles. infor~ation regarding the appointment On Public Affairs To Play at of a$sistant coachc:;, contrary to the an­ Book-Cadillac nouncements in the newspapers of the "'hen the Ohio Students' Conference According to Paul J ol_iet, Prom chair­ city, will not be re\'eale<l until the former on Public Affairs met in convention man, the choice of Velazco is made pos­ 'otrc Dame star makes his appearance at Oberlin last Friday and aturday, sible by the fact that he is on tour after on the '1rroll campus. At this time, too, the 1<mall Jelt•gation of sev.;n members an extended engagement at the Hotel C:o1 cy j, c-xor• t<'U to announce the pol­ ;H.m l<•hn Carrvl! l'ni.-crsitv. hca<ierl icy which Carroll will pursue in intcr­ Taft in New York. Immffiiately after- tfn: by th~ Rev. Charles . L R);an, S. J -· Carroll dance Velazco IJtOCeed with collegiate circle- under the new regime. will moderator of the ·Carroll Oratorical his twelve-piece orchestra to Detroit The long-drawn quest for a man to Society, covered itself with glory by where he will be stationed at the Hotel lift Carroll out of it athletic doldrums the brilliant performance in committee Book-Cadillac. has resulted in the choice of a man who, and on the floor in general assembly. like Yarr, was a Notre Dame star, a A bcr.Je is Emil I' da:;co, at the co11sole of his $12,000 electric pipe May Broadcast orga11 •chich he ~<lilt play at the J oh11 Carroll Golde,. Jubilee Prom Oil Apr-il captain of an undefeated fOotball team. Carroll Prom Four Carroll Men 15 at llotel Clet•rland. Since this talented leader is a featured Combine Fine Majority Leaders Carroll is c.rtremcly fortm 1/e lo have engaged the sen•ices of V cla::co artist over the networks of the Columbia Physique Wilh Brains ftlr the omwo/ affair. His nali wily kllO~<'II orchestra recently Cl>mpletcd a If the performance in committee is Broadcasting System, there is more than Physically, Conley is six feet one, dark­ long term mga_qe11u:nt at New Yurk's Hotel Taft a11d 'Will so01~ have the to be taken as the criterion of succes , a mere probability that the Golden Jubilee haired, slim, handsome and a young giant; the Carroll delegation rose to the ulti­ Buok-Cadillac i1~ Detroit s-<.t•ayt1g to his Sll111nwr dmtce music. mentally, he is keen-witted and original; Promenade of the university ~ill be mate in achievement as four of its broadcast over a nation-wide hook-up. a combination which, according to the members were chosen to deliver the Athktic hoard member-, presages a bright Complete Pro ·ram Picked for Almost as well known as the orchestra's majority report of their committee's baton-wielder himself is the brass section future for Carroll athletics. finding· at the general meetings of the ( Coutim1ed on. Page 8) With the appointment of Conley as fifteen college . From the eight panels Glee Club's Muy Day Concert l'htetic director, Ralph Vince, for the di·cu.sed and out of which reports is­ pa t decade intimately connected with Car­ sued, :t\ otre Dame College advanced .-----------------------------~ Featur e V ision roll athletic as a coach and in a super­ Commerce Club one re.olution, Ohio \Vesleyan another, Another issue of the Carro) I \'bory capacity a Director of Athletics, Of Sir Lau nfal Denison another, Oberlin another, and News will be published ne:x:t will be erased from the Carroll ports Carroll the remaining four. To add to week and will be presented to The complete program for the Spring Has Fish Dinner picture. Vince's elimination will neces­ the credit of Carroll representatives, it the students Wednesday, Apr:tl Glee Club Concert, set for May 1, has sitate an appointment of a new member was reported on reliable authority that 1. This edition will be the one been announced, according to John to the athletic board. (Ccmtin11ed em Page 8) Five New Members Accepted immediately preceding the tr•L· Czyzak, president. As Group ditional Prom Issue. The feature number is the famous can­ Hears P lay and Discussion tata of Cadman, The Vision of Sir Laun­ Communist Witch Doctors Try fal, with words by the poet, James Rus­ When the Carroll Commerce held its sell Lowell. Another highlight in the last meeti11g on Friday, March 20, at Drastic Cure-Ails Soph Teams schedule are the selections from the op­ 6:30 P. M. a fish dinner preceded the eretta Pinafore by Gilbert and Sullivan. business meeting. It was held a_t the Editor's Note: This is the fourth article on of drum and the weird chants make no Communism by the Rev. Thomas Ewing, S. Debate Before ( C07ttiiUJed 07£ Page 3) Anders Cafeteria, 2082 E. 4th St. ]., professor of history at Carroll. impression, never occurs to the doctors. They have worked out thi explanation Hear Perfection Sweeney Gro~ HARDULAK THE HERMIT 'S tove Co. Employees \\'hen a tribl·:-;man falls ill the medi­ of evil and it must be right. The Cor-roll N ew.s is this m.or1,. A playlet entitled "Standard Costs at cine men are summoned forthwith. Thomas K. M. Victory, Robert C ley, -i11g striviag desperately to sh'ake­ Communists Should the Painesville Pie Plate Corporation" Tom-toms throb, incantations are mum­ Thomas Osborne and Carl DeFr; nco, off ll1e effects of a lethal blow bled, and the spir­ View Their Theories was presented by Mr. William Schulz four sophomo r~ members of the Carroll dealt it with cru.shi11g force by Sig­ its who have and Mr. Leonard Lindner of the account­ Perhaps if the witch-doctors and Oratorical Society, participated in a11 ex­ ismund Hard1tl-ak ~resterday after­ cau -ed the C\'il are ing department of the Perfection Stove medicine men of Communism were tension debate before 500 members of llDOII in a sophomore speech cla.ss. besought to de­ Co. A discussion on cost accounting fol­ only to doubt a little their theories of Martin Sweeney's chapter of the 1 at'onal Mr. Harduiok, erstwhile hermit part. Often the lowed the entertairunent. the ill~ of society, we would not be Union for Social Justice at the < etal of the seca11d year 11wn, ai'OSe from spirits are particu­ Following this a business meeting was subjected to such dra tic cure-ails a Trades Auditorium last Sunday a,£ter­ his cu.slomary silence and i11 a soztl­ larly malignant and held in which many miportant matters they are trying to force down our col­ noon. stirring demmciatio11 of The Cm·­ implacable, refus­ were setttled.
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