ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 Department of Higher Education and Training Vote 15 Table of contents PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 3 1. Department’s General Information 4 2. General Information of Regional Managers 5 3. List of Abbreviations/Acronyms 6 4. Foreword by the Minister 9 5. Accounting Officer’s Overview 11 6. Statement of Responsibility and Confirmation of the Accuracy of the Annual Report 13 7. Strategic Overview 14 8. Legislative and other Mandates 15 9. High-Level Organisational Structure 18 10. Entities Reporting to the Minister 19 PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 21 1. Auditor-General’s Report: Pre-determined Objectives 22 2. Overview of Departmental Performance 22 3. Strategic Outcome-Orientated Goals 49 4. Performance Information by Programme 52 5. Transfer Payments 94 6. Conditional Grants 100 7. Donor Funds 100 8. Capital Investments 100 PART C: GOVERNANCE 101 1. Introduction 102 2. Risk Management 102 3. Fraud and Corruption 103 4. Minimising Conflict of Interest 103 5. Code of Conduct 103 6. Health, Safety and Environmental Issues 103 7. Portfolio Committee 104 8. SCOPA Resolutions 105 9. Prior Modifications to Audit Reports 105 10. Internal Control Unit 105 11. Internal Audit and Audit Committee 105 12. Audit Committee Report 106 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 107 1. Introduction and Overview of Human Resources 108 2. Oversight Report 110 PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 147 2 Department of Higher Education and Training I VOTE 15 PART A General Information 3 Part A: General Information 1. Department’s General Information The Department of Higher Education and Training PRETORIA OFFICE Postal Address: Private Bag X174, Pretoria, 0001 Physical Address: 117 - 123 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria, 0002 Tel: 012 312 5911 Fax: 012 321 6770 CAPE TOWN OFFICE Postal Address: Private Bag X9192, Cape Town, 8000 Physical Address: 103 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 469 5175 Fax: 021 461 4761 Call Centre Toll free: 0800 872 222 Website: www.dhet.gov.za Career Advice Helpline: 086 999 0123 Career Advice Website: www.careerhelp.org.za Fraud Hotline: 0800 701 701 4 Department of Higher Education and Training I VOTE 15 ANNUAL REPORT I 2018/19 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION PART B: INFORMATION PERFORMANCE 2. General Information of Regional Managers Provincial Clusters Regional Managers E-mail Address Cell-phone/Tel: Number Physical Address Eastern Cape Mr L Ngubelanga [email protected] 043 604 0701/00 Eastern Cape Ms Vuyokazi Ncedani [email protected] 072 540 4854 Provincial Education Complex Steve Vukile Tshwete Street Zone 6, Zwelitsha KwaZulu-Natal Dr SJ Nzimande [email protected] 082 775 6834/ Provincial PART C: [email protected] 033 684 0110 19 Wigford Road GOVERNANCE Mansons Mill Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mr FL Ramonyatse [email protected] 082 544 2848 / Limpopo Provincial Education Building [email protected] 015 291 2662 Corner 113 Biccard and 24 Excelsior Street Gauteng and Free Ms H Ntlatleng [email protected] 082 924 2862 Provincial Education Building State 111 Commissioner Street Johannesburg Gauteng Mpumalanga and Dr N Balkrishen [email protected] 082 808 7351 PART D: / Provincial Department of Education North West [email protected] 018 388 2563 MANAGEMENT Building HUMAN RESOURCE Dr Albert Luthuli Drive Mafikeng North West Mafikeng Western Cape and Mr C Kruger [email protected] 082 577 6550 / Golden Acre Northern Cape [email protected] 021 467 2000/ 2614 Floor No 18 9 Adderley Street Cape Town PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 5 3. List of Abbreviations/Acronyms Abbreviations/Acronyms AGSA Auditor-General South Africa APP Annual Performance Plan ARPL Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning AU African Union BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa BNU BRICS Network Universities CAS Central Application Service CDS Career Development Services CET Community Education and Training CHE Council on Higher Education CIEG Capital Infrastructure and Efficiency Grant CPI Consumer Price Index DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa DDG Deputy Director-General DPME Department of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation DPSA Department of Public Service Administration DUT Durban University of Technology EDHE Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education ELRC Educator Labour Relations Council GDP Gross Domestic Product GENFETQA General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance GITO Government Information Technology Officer GPSSBC General Public Services Sector Bargaining Council GTAC Government Technical Advisory Centre HDIs Historically Disadvantaged Individuals HEAIDS Higher Education HIV/Aids Programme HEI’s Higher Education Institutions HEQC Higher Education Quality Committee HIV/Aids Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IT Information Technology ICT Information and Communication Technology IEG Infrastructure Efficiency Grant 6 Department of Higher Education and Training I VOTE 15 ANNUAL REPORT I 2018/19 Abbreviations/Acronyms IIPSA Infrastructure Implementation Programme for South Africa ILO International Labour Organisation PART A: GENERAL INDLELA Institute for the National Development of Learnerships, Employment Skills and Labour INFORMATION Assessments MIF Macro-Infrastructure Framework MoA Memorandum of Agreement MP Member of Parliament MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium-Term Strategic Framework PART B: INFORMATION MUT Mangosuthu University of Technology PERFORMANCE NAMB National Artisan Moderation Body NASCA National Senior Certificate for Adults NC(V) National Certificate (Vocational) NDP National Development Plan nGAP New Generation of Academics Programme NIHSS National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences PART C: NQF National Qualifications Framework GOVERNANCE NRF National Revenue Fund NSDP National Skills Development Plan NSDS National Skills Development Strategy NSF National Skills Fund NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme OHS Occupational Health and Safety PERSAL Personnel Salary System PART D: MANAGEMENT PFMA Public Finance Management Act HUMAN RESOURCE PLP Pre-Vocational Learning Programme PHEI Private Higher Education Institutions PMDS Performance Management Development System PPP Public Private Partnership PSET Post-School Education and Training QCTO Quality Council for Trades and Occupations PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION RDP Research Development Programme RPL Recognition of Prior Learning SABEN South African National Research Network 7 Abbreviations/Acronyms SADC Southern African Development Community SAICA South African Institute of Chartered Accountants SAIVCET South African Institute for Vocational and Continuing Education and Training SAQA South African Qualifications Authority SAUS South African Union of Students SETA Sector Education and Training Authority SDPs Skills Development Providers SITA State Information Technology Agency SMS Senior Management Service SPU Sol Plaatje University SSAUF Staffing South Africa’s Universities Framework TLDCIP Teaching and Learning Development Capacity Improvement Programme TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training UCDP University Capacity Development Programme UFH University of Fort Hare UMP University of Mpumalanga UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation USAf Universities South Africa USDP University Staff Doctoral Programme VUT Vaal University of Technology WIL Work Integrated Learning 8 Department of Higher Education and Training I VOTE 15 ANNUAL REPORT I 2018/19 4. Foreword by the Minister I am honoured to present the Annual Report of the Department of Higher Education and Training for the 2018/19 financial year, this edition being the ninth PART A: report of the Department since its establishment. GENERAL INFORMATION The report represents the achievements and financial information regarding the Departments continued efforts towards the development and improvement of the Post-School Education and Training system. The year under review saw a significant improvement and positive impact on the Post-School Education and Training system linked to the significantly larger financial allocation received for fee-free education to PART B: qualifying students. The advent of 2018 academic year, INFORMATION PERFORMANCE therefore, also marked the first cycle for the roll-out of the new funding scheme for poor and working-class students in Universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges. The primary focus of the year under review was geared towards the implementation of the new student funding programme and rigorous oversight of processes at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme in an effort to ensure the effective and efficient implementation PART C: thereof. In addition, substantive additional baseline GOVERNANCE funding requirements were experienced within the university and Technical and Vocational Education and Training sectors. 2018 was also the first year in which the Technical and Vocational Education and Training sector received a The achievement of an unqualified dedicated infrastructure development grant that was audit report on an ongoing basis since initially utilised for maintenance projects within the sector. However, I am of the view that infrastructure the establishment of this Department, PART D: spending and the delivery model for TVET may require MANAGEMENT is an indication of the dedication and a serious evaluation and rethink going forward. HUMAN RESOURCE commitment of the Department in promoting
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