FILED March 2, 2018 INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION STATE OF INDIANA INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION PETITION OF NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC ) SERVICE COMPANY FOR (1) AUTHORITY TO ) MODIFY ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR GAS ) UTILITY SERVICE THROUGH A PHASE IN OF ) RATES; (2) MODIFICATION OF THE SETTLEMENT ) AGREEMENTS APPROVED IN CAUSE NO. 43894; (3) ) APPROVAL OF NEW SCHEDULES OF RATES AND ) CHARGES, GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, ) CAUSE NO. 44988 AND RIDERS; (4) APPROVAL OF REVISED ) DEPRECIATION RATES APPLICABLE TO ITS GAS ) PLANT IN SERVICE; (5) APPROVAL OF NECESSARY ) AND APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTING RELIEF; AND (6) ) AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT TEMPORARY RATES ) CONSISTENT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF IND. ) CODE CH. 8-1-2-42.73 ) INDIANA OFFICE OF UTILITY CONSUMER COUNSELOR PUBLIC'S EXHIBIT NO. 7 TESTIMONY OF OUCC WITNESS BRADLEY E. LORTON MARCH 2, 2018 Respectfully submitted, 1URC PUBL\C'S 1 TiffanyT. :r~~~( REP0RTt R Attorney Deputy Consumer Counselor Scott Franson Attorney No. 27839-49 Deputy Consumer Counselor Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 1 of50 TESTIMONY OF OUCC WITNESS BRADLEY E. LORTON, CRRA CAUSE NO. 44988 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMP ANY LLC I. INTRODUCTION 1 Q: Please state your name and business address. 2 A: My name is Bradley E. Lorton, and my business address is 115 W. Washington 3 Street, Suite 1500 South, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204. 4 Q: By whom are you currently employed and in what capacity? 5 A: I am a Utility Analyst in the Natural Gas Division of the Indiana Office of Utility 6 Consumer Counselor ("OUCC"). For a summary of my education and 7 professional experience, and general preparation for this case, please see 8 Appendix BEL-1 attached to my testimony. 9 Q: What is the purpose of your testimony? 10 A: I testify on the cost of common equity capital, sometimes referred to as the 11 authorized return on equity ("ROE"). In its direct case, Northern Indiana Public 12 Service Company LLC ("NIPSCO" or "Petitioner") recommended a 10.7% cost 13 of equity. Based on the results of the Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") method, 14 Capital Asset Pricing Model ("CAPM"), and macroeconomic analysis, I conclude 15 that a cost of equity of 9.0% would be a reasonable and appropriate ROE for 16 NIPSCO. II. PETITIONER'S PROPOSED COST OF EQUITY IS TOO IDGH 17 Q: What is Petitioner's current authorized ROE? 18 A: Petitioner's current ROE of 9.9% was approved by the Commission's Order in 19 Cause No. 43894 on November 4, 2010. Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 2 of50 1 Q: What is Petitioner's proposed ROE? 2 A: Petitioner's witness Mr. Vincent V. Rea recommends a return on equity of 10.7%. 3 Q: Do you agree with Mr. Rea's recommendation? 4 A: No. 5 Q: What level of ROE do you recommend? 6 A: I recommend an ROE of9.0%. 7 Q: Why do you recommend a lower authorized ROE at this time? 8 A: Neither my DCF nor my CAPM analyses yield a return as high as NIPSCO's 9 current 9.9%, let alone Mr. Rea's proposed 10.7% cost of equity. The current 10 economic condition, both nationally and in the State of Indiana, is best described 11 as a maturing recovery. Data on bond yields, dividend yields, inflation and 12 economic growth do not support projections of double-digit rates of return. 13 Moreover, regulated public utilities tend to be less risky than the market as a 14 whole. 15 Lower ROEs have become more common, and less threatening to public 16 utilities, over the past decades. Graph 1 illustrates the long term downward 17 national trend of average annual natural gas utility ROE. Each bar represents the 18 average of authorized ROE from each calendar year between 1990 and 2016, as 19 published by Regulatory Research Associates (S&P Global Market Intelligence) 20 (Attachment BEL-1). The average for 2016 was 9.5%. Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 3 of 50 GRAPHl !AVERAGE AUTHORIZED RETURN ON EQUITYj I AmmaHy, 1990 through 2016 ! 14.00% 12 67% 12.00% 10.00% ~ -~ 8.00% ~"' ::: "E 6.00% ---- f----- --- ! 2.00% 0.00% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calendar Year 1 Not only has the annual natural gas utility average authorized ROE been 2 below 10% every year since 2011, but in the past four calendar years the average 3 authorized ROE has been above 10% only once, in the fourth quarter of 2014. 4 Graph 2 illustrates the quarterly averages from calendar year 2013 through 2016. Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 4 of50 GRAPH2 AVERAGE AUTHORIZED RETURN ON EQUITY QUARTERLY, 2013 THROUGH 2016 14.00% ,-------------------------------, I Source: Regulatory Research Associates, "Regulatory Focus," January 18, 1017, p. 4 I 12.00% 10.28% 10;00% 9.57% 9.47% 9.60% 9·83% 9.54% 9'84% 9.45% 9.47% 9.43% 9.75% 9-68% 9.48% 9.42% 9,47% 9.60% 6.00% -- 4.00% 2.00% - 0.00% 1 Moreover, investors are aware of the trend toward lower ROE. In March 2 2015, Moody's Investors Service issued an in-depth report titled, "Lower 3 Authorized Equity Returns Will Not Hurt Near-Term Credit Profiles," 4 (Attachment BEL-2) in which Moody's posited that lowering authorized ROE's 5 will not inhibit the flow of cash to the utility: 6 The credit profiles of US regulated utilities will remain intact over 7 the next few years despite our expectation that regulators will 8 continue to trim the sector's profitability by lowering its authorized 9 returns on equity (ROE). Persistently low interest rates and a 10 comprehensive suite of cost recovery mechanisms ensure a low 11 business risk profile for utilities, prompting regulators to scrutinize 12 their profitability, which is defined as the ratio of net income to 13 book equity. We view cash flow measures as a more important 14 rating driver than authorized ROEs, and we note that regulators 15 can lower authorized ROEs without hurting cash flow, for instance Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 5 of 50 1 by targeting depreciation, or through special rate structures. 2 Regulators can also adjust a utility's equity capitalization in its rate 3 base. All else being equal, we think most utilities would prefer a 4 thicker equity base and a lower authorized ROE over a small 5 equity layer and a high authorized ROE. 6 (Moody's Investors Service, "Lower Authorized Equity Returns 7 Will Not Hurt Near-Term Credit Profiles," Sector In-Depth, March 8 10, 2015, p. 1.) (Emphasis added.) 9 Since this article was published, long term interest rates remain low inspite 10 of recent market pressures. Cost recovery mechanisms, like NIPSCO's TDSIC 11 tracker, remain common and continue to keep business risk low. 12 Moody's goes on to point out that local distribution companies' financial 13 performance has remained stable, even with declining authorized ROEs: 14 Utilities' actual financial performance remains stable. Earned 15 ROEs, which typically lag authorized ROEs, have not fallen as 16 much as authorized returns in recent years. Since 2007, vertically 17 integrated utilities, transmission and distribution only utilities, and 18 natural gas local distribution companies have maintained steady 19 earned RO Es in the 9% - 10% range. 20 (Id.) (Emphasis added.) 21 As detailed later in my testimony, my DCF and CAPM results for 22 NIPSCO are both below 9%; therefore, I recommend 9.0% as a reasonable cost of 23 common equity in NIPSCO's capital structure. 24 Q: Do you believe your recommendation will allow Petitioner access to capital 25 on reasonable terms? 26 A: Yes. As I have noted, the long term, national trend has been toward lower ROEs, 27 and specifically ROEs below 10%. As I elaborate in Section III of my testimony, I 28 use the same Combination Utility proxy group as Mr. Rea, and add a Gas Utility 29 proxy group to my analysis. Graph 3 compares the proportion of long term debt Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 6 of50 1 in the capital structures of each company in Mr. Rea's Combination Utility Group 2 to that of NIPSCO. Graph 4 makes the same comparison of NIPSCO to 3 companies in the Gas Utility Group. GRAPH3 'i,m1g Term Debt Ratio 2018 I Combination Utility Group J 70.0% Source: Value Line, December 1, 2017 60.0% .g 50.0% i::, ~· ~ 40.0% Cl 34.0% 33.5% 30.0% ] 30.0% ~ sS 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Public's Exhibit No. 7 Cause No. 44988 Page 7 of 50 GRAPH4 Long Term Debt Ratio 2018 I Gas Utility Group I 60.0% Source: Value Line, December 1, 2017 50.0% -- 49.5% ---- __48.0% __ ----47..5-%- -- -------o-· -- - - ------- - - - -- - - - --- - ----- - ------ - - --- 45.5 1/o 45.0% 44.0¾ ~"" 40.0% I:::; .::;; "' ~ 30.0% ~ e~ ~ 20.0% ~ 10.0% ! I I 0.0% , Spire, Inc. Southwest Gas South Jersey New Jersey Northwest Atmos Energy NIPSCO L_______________ In_d_us_tr_ies __ R_e_so_ur_ce_s __N_a_tu_raJ_G_a_s ___c_o_rp_. _______, 1 Q: Why is a 9.0% ROE reasonable? 2 A: My DCF model indicated an ROE of 9.0% for the combination utility proxy 3 group and 8.8% for the gas utility proxy group. My CAPM analysis results 4 indicated an ROE of 7.12% for the combination utility proxy group, and 7.48% 5 for the gas utility proxy group. 6 As bond yields have remained in a historically low range, my review of 5- 7 year, 10-year, 20-year and 30-year constant maturity Treasury bonds do not 8 produce a CAPM risk free rate above 3.0%.
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