• • • NEWARK POST NEWARK POST. NEWARK. DEL.. MARCH 31. 1915 N MBER 9 VOLUME VI - " ~ I COVERDALE BARN !TOMATOGROWERS 1M E. CONFERENCE ,EDUCA TIONAL SURVEY ENTIRELY DESTROYED MEET IN CENTER HALL • APPOINTMENTS IN DELAWARE Third Fire Within A Week I Helpful Talks Given I PERATE . d t Responding to the call of the NEW PASTOR FOR NEWARK FEDERAL DEPARTMENTS C O -O ~ Fire of unknown Orlglll es .r~y- RI' ttel' Consel've Company, farm- STATE AND . Ied the barn and contents, adJoln- . --H- Economics' Miss E C Lom- ing the home of Wil Ilam· M . Cov- el's interested in tomato Hc ultiva-II Friends in Newark learned withf M CDhe saN peaktt e City ircuit, Md.- As a result of a n educatIOnal I o ~n e . ar of the H~m~ Edu- ' erdale, Depot Roaa, about ten tion met at the Center a on regret on Monday of the tra ns er . u er. co nference between representa- bal.d, S~C J ~~ '~iol1' A W Dunn o'clock last Thursday. Two horses Thursday evening. Mayor Hos- of Mr. Poole, fl'om the pastorate Chester-Bethel, Pa.- J. W. Gray. tives of the educationa.1 forces ofsc atelc~~ri s t i1~v~duc~tion 'for 'citizen~ were suffocated, and several wag- ,inger who presided spoke in com- of the Newark M. E. Church to Christiana, Del.- W. C. Buckson the state and Dr. P · l .Phi education of immigrants; ons, the harness, feed tool.s plimentary terms of the Ritter Snow Hill, Md. Mr. Poole during Claymont, Del.- C. C. Harris. P~il~nde: f an~ Claxton, U. S. CommiSSIOner 0 p'. Randall specialist in were burned. The loss IS estl- people, expressing appreciation. of the two years spent in Newark Colora, Md.- O. H. Connelly. Education, held at Delaware C.ol- ahnd ~Illd' school g~rdening. mated at $1200, with insurance on their interest in the farmer's ,!Ide has worked with unusual success. Delaware City, Del.- O. B. Rice. lege on Saturday, the Co-operative orne a the building only amounting to of the question. The church membership has been Ebenezer, Del.- H. O. l{lug. Educational Associatio~ of Dela- All present approved of the plan.s $300. Mr. Coverdale is a rural After cigars were passed, Mr. largely increased, and new life Elk Mills, Md.- C. D. Sharpless. ware was organized With the fol- and pledged th esupport of the 0.1- mail carrier. One of the horses Landreth of the Landreth Seed put into the various weekly prayer Elk Neck, Md.- J. H. Thornton. lowing officers: presidel~t, Profes- ganization they represent.ed. 111 he has been driving for 14 years. Company, gave an interesting talk services. Mr. Poole has been es- Elkton, Md.- G. P. Jones. SOl' Harry Hayward, director of carrying out the work. It IS. like- The other animal was young, a on the crop as grown on their pecially successful. in Sunday Elkton Circuit, Md.- R. D. Cant- Delaware College Experiment Sta- Iy that a corps of experts will ~e good drivel', and valuable road- farms. He gave a sketch of the School work, where he himself well. tion; vice-presidents, Mrs. Alfred sent to Delaware and. a general stel'. Mr. Coverdale made his cus- tomato and its history. He stated taught a large bible class of young Hockessin, Del.- D. F. McFaul. D. Warner, of Wilmington; Hor- educational survey Will probably tomm'y visit to the barn shortly ihat the tomato was one of our men and young women. Hopewell, Md.- C. N. Jones. ace L. DilwoJ:th, of rural New be the outcome, a work that may before dark to see that everything youngest fruits. It was first cata- Rev. E. P. Roberts, the new pas- Kirkwood, Del.- O. S. Walton. Castle county; Colonel Theodore take up several years. Ed~ca- was right for the night. He left logued by the Lat1dreths in 1820. tor, who will be in charge of the Marshallton and Cedars, Del.- Townsend, of Kent county; and tional experiments of all kll1ds a bulldog chained near the build- This was the yellow variety. The services next Sunday, comes from Wilmer Jaggard. Mrs. O. V. Wootten, of Sussex will be cal'l'ied on here under the ing. About nine-thirty the farm- old Tilden tomato was produced Pocomoke City, Maryland. Mr. Mt. Lebanon, Del.- J. H. Geog- county; secretary, Dr. C~arles A. co-operation plan betwen the ily was disturbed by the barking about 1870. Mr. Landreth told Roberts is a man of about fifty. A hegan. Wagner, State CommiSSIOner of state forces and the government. of the dog. MI'. Coverdale made a about his father paying $60 for son and a daughter, both of whom Mt. Pleasant, Del.-J. T. Rich- Education and treasurer, George Dr. Mitchell, in opening the careful investigation of ~he prem- one tomato. are college graduates, are engaged ardson. cage;~s deci.ded that ~he chair- ~~~~:r~.~e'tw~~f~~J~~~_o~.~f~at~~~ ~s:ls~~~u~Ct~~I~I~~~. n~~I~~fy ua~~:; th:h~~:~~e~~~cu~s;~~ ~~:ir h200~ in i~:Chi~I~~Wing assignments of ~::a~~~t~ee,I~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~on. man of standll1g comml~tees to be of the forces within the state, and ten o'clock when about to retire acres of commercial tomatoes. the ministers of the Wilmington named by the officers With the °tft- co-opel'atl'on with the national for the night, looking from the Professors McCue and Manns Methodist Episcopal Conference Newport, Del.- T. S. Smoot. ncers. and Dr. Ch arI es H . S co.' government for educational ends window, he discov~red the en- spoke on varieties, seed selection, f ~r nex t year were ann ounced by Northeast, Md.- Asbury Burke. s uperll1tende~t . of the public with the state that is to make Del- trance to the stable 111 flames. He fertilizers and cultivation. Spec- Bishop Cooke on Monday. Immed- Perryville, Md.- J. H. Beau- schools of Wllmll1gton and Counii aware an explary in education. hastened to the stable and at- ial stress was laid on seed selec- iately a.fter the announcement of champ. Superintendents Cross, carrOh" 1 D' CI ton in his talk stated tempted to effect an entrance with tion and growing of plants. I ~he asslg~men~s conference ad- Port Deposit, Md .-F. X. Moore. and Hardesty, shall compose tel. ax . an axe, through the rear of the Mr. Ritter is interested in the Journed sme die. Port P nn D I R W Cook . t' committee of the asso- that the Government IS not com- f ·th h' h . de, e.-.. e. ecxl·aetCI·Uonl.ve . ing here to d.o ov~r l?elaw. are b~t building, but the dra t WI a Ig I farmer's side of the ques~lOn an Wilmington District Red Lion, Del.- J. M. Lindale. th t th Beau IS II1terested 111 wind blowing, only added fuel to I is willing to co-opel'ate With them . t Rising Sun, Md.- A. P. Pretty- Dr. Samuel C. Mitchell, presdl- d ~ t~ UI k for which it was the flames. The place was im- in any way possible. The men from E. L. Hoffecker, distnc super- man. dent of Delaware College, presi - omg e wor . mediately enveloped and within a ' the College Farm showed clearly intendent. ed. In addition to Commissioner created, the h~lplng of al! the peo- half hour entirely destroyed. that they are acquainted with the Bethel Circut, Md.-J. H. Wil- Stanton, Del.- C. W. Rutter. Claxton, others from the govern- p.le of the Ul1Ited States 111 educa- The Coverdale property is op- purely practical side of the crop so n, St. George's, Del.-G. E. Wood. ment bureau of education, were tlonal matt~rs. posite the Red Men's Fraternal as well as sc ientific investigation. Charlestown, Md.- W. W. White St. John's, Md.- F. E. Wheatley Mi 's C. A. Lyford, specialist in (contll1ued on page 2) Home and the blaze caused some Cherry Hill, Md.- J . F. Ander- Zion, Md.- J . C. McCoy. excitement there, a lthough there P R did son. (continued on page 6) DELAWARE'S BASE Governor To Preside I was no danger of the fire reaching roperty emo e e _____________,;,... ____________ SCHEDULE At Peace Meeting that place. Work has been begun on the re- I UNION REVIVAL Farm Surveys BALL modling of the John R. Chapman Governor Charles R. Miller will I I· d propert", Ol)posite G. Fader's bak- SERVICES PLANNED Around Middletown . Serious y nJure J All Games On Home Groun d s preside at the big peace meetmg ery, which will be converted from I --:-- Four weeks ago County Agents, to be held in the College Oratory By Explosion a residence into an . up-to-date Ministers Asslste? By The Cooch, Pence, and Pelton, from The Delaware College baseball on Thursday evening, April 15, to Harvey Moore, thirty years of storel'oom, to be occupIed by Mr. Closson SIsters New Castle, Kent and Sussex management announces the fol- be addressed by Mr. Hamilton age, while at work on his father's Chap.man about July first. I co unties, res pectively, together lowing !lc hedule of fourteen Holt, ediior of "The Indepen- farm near Milford Cross Roads, Union revival servfces wi ll be with MI'. Brown and Mr. Keyes, games. Monday, was seriously injured by R R Stock Sold held in the Presbyterian Church, Farm Management Demonstra- April 17, Baltimore Polytechl1lc dent," a nd directoj' of the World's an explosion of dynamite with •• Newark, by the M.
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