. ' I • I ’. MONDAY, fCBRUAKT 11,18^ ITWILVa THE WEATHER iBanr^rBtor Evntfng Ifpralii AVERAGE DAILY CIRCIJLATION FerMaat of U. S. Weather for the month of Jaanary, 1965 Bhrtford Bridge, whist and aetback, and bile bekmgiag to Ifr. Eastwood, pro­ will also determine the amount to Kdnrd (Dick) BenTeoiiti the chance to win valuable prisea in TALKS HIS WAY OUT prietor of the diner. It de- M a n c h e s t ^ be paid aa the per capita tax. The Best fruit or canned goods wdll attract a 'veloped that Stacey had stolen V .F.W . DISTRICT Senior Vice-OommaiideT Clerence 5 , 4 5 9 Partly elondy tonight and Wed- large crowd of players to St. the car Friday. Later he ob­ R. Wetherell of South Manchester Blue Flame Range Oil Member of the AwHt aeaday; with rialag temperatwra. and ffis Orckestra Bridget's Parish hall , tonight An tained two gallons of gaaoUne, Date Book detailed a method for raising money ilattrlffBtfr uiitg ralb Borean et CtrcolatioDe enthusiastic committee of men and OF ARREST IN TOWN charging the purchase to Mr. East- MEEI1NGHERE for relief work in Moncheeter. He m * iT . VMk IS, 8:SS-1t:S0. women are in charge of arrange­ r.ood'a account. At another place he replenished hla supply with 10 told about the ice carnival and the Sehoal Street Ree ments, and alt players will be wel­ Tonight ball. He salil that between 6,000 PRICE THREE CENTS more gallons, which he also charged (CUsallM Advertlslag on Page 8.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1935. (TEN PAGES) U e AdmlMiaa come. ^ to Mr. Eastwood who had an ac­ At tho Statn theater—‘‘Dairid and 7,000 witnessed these. He ex­ VOL. LIV., NO. 114. Convinces Local Police He Is count at this place, too. Copperfleld" shown at 7:00 and Delegates to fost and AnxO* plained the Mancbeater Veterans’ Daniel J. Foley, a student at St. Stacey served a term of one year 9:24. Association ahd its success. Mr. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Md., In prison In Massachusetts for hit­ Tomorrow Wetherell held lha' there waa closer Midland returned today to resume bis 0. K., Bat i t Is Later iary Sessions Held Tester- union between the "Veterans” and .ABOUT TOWN studies, after having spent several ting I- filling station attendant on Feb. 12.—Father and Son ban­ Filling Station the head with a hammer. At that quet, Men'a Frlendabip club. South the American Legion than formerly. 811 SlalB SL W. S. Gmat, Mgr. weeks wdtb hts parents. Mr. and time he was In an automobile stolen Methodist church. A sprightly committee of three BacmoM e t the aUppery condlUon Mrs. Cornelius Foley of New street. Found He’s a Thief. .. day Number 173. Tel. 8961—Station from the Johnson Candy Company Tide Week _ women brought greetings from the TeL 6088—Hotiae e( walks and ctom overs In Man- of Marblehead. council of the auxiliaries, in session oheeter this momln; trucks loaded ' A number from Manchester wdll Feb. 18.—Annual meeting of attend a sound film exhibition to Swedish-Amerlcan Political CHub at in the other hall. It was received with sand were afslti being sent The cool hfarlng, cleancut ap­ A collection for encouraging the with honors and retired, besimlng. around town and sand was being be given after the meetin’g.. Tuesday pearance and straightforward man­ Orange hall. patriotic work of Father Charles “BRUNO WORLD’S PUBLIC ENEMY” evening, of Bigelow Chapter, O. E. Lt. William Barron of the Man­ sprinkled on walks. The sun started ner of a Massachusetts ex-convlct Feb. 14.—Lecture entertainment We Are An Agent For to get in its work shortly after 9 S., in the Masonic temple In East HIGH’S NATATORS Manchester L. O. L., Orange ball. B. Coughlin of Royal Oak, Mich., cbeater police gave an interesting o'clock and only In shaded places Hartford. The title of the picture la who was bro8ght the local police waa taken at the February meeting talk, both technical and popular, on station after wrecking a stolen car Feb. 18.—Y, M. C. A. evening "Finger Prints." He grave explana- After Six Weeks In The Jury Box were the walks slippery. "Sailing the Seven Seas." The pic­ at the Hockanum river bridge In card party, auspices of Women’s Dl- of delegates from posts of the SHIP BUILDER ture will tell about a trip around LOSE TO HARFORD viaion. Veterans of Foreign Wars in Tinker tlona of the “Delta” and the "ridge” Manchester plumbers have not the world, a trip of a kind which Oakland, enabled him to come and Interspersed his lecture with a REPORT ETHIOPIANS through hts ‘‘examination” here Feb. 16.—Dance at Manchester Hall, Sunday afternoon and presided K p P P E R S WILENTZ URGES had as much work to do in thawing several In Manchester and Ea.st over by Commander Russell F. May- number of anecdotes. out pipes as the cold weather this without being tripped up and to Country Club. Women of the auxiliary in Man­ DENIES REPORT Hartford have taken in recent years. leave Manchester without further Also M. H. 8. vs. Windham High lott of the First District, VFW, I winter might indicate. A local about thirty delegates attending chester served refreshments. Like plutnber said this morning that The Blueflelda A. C. will hold lU molestation Saturday noon. But Results of Saturday’s at State Armory. most of the women attending their The freedom of the former Jail­ TUa Month from ten of the poets of the dis­ MASSING ON BORDER there had been many places where regular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. bird was short-lived, however, as a trict, which Includes the north cen­ session they were dressed In white. OF W A m O R T . , pipes had frosen, but the plumbers All mte.nbers are requested to be Feb, 17.—Annual Police Concert tral part of Connecticut, a like col­ The next meeting of the district TP SHOW HO few hours later he was arrested in Match Are Better Than were not being called. The work of present. at State theater. lection for the same purpose being delegates will be held in Middletown thawing out the pipes is being taken Marblehead, Mass., on a charge of stealing an automobile. Feb. 18.—DeMolay bridge party taken at the monthly meeting of Sunday, March 10. Italian OiHcial Declares 30,- care of by the owners. A large turn-out of members Is Smart enough not to leave the Hoped For. at Masonic Temple. delegates from posts of the aux­ GOLD TEST RAISES Head of Newport News Con­ hoped for at the annual meeting of Feb. 19.—Annual banquet of Lu­ QOI vicinity of the accident, the youth iliaries in the district. Others beside FUGH^LAINED The Women’s Guild of the Center the Swedlsh-Amerlcan Political ther League at Emanuel Lutheran 000 Soldiers Have Assem­ Congregational church will meet at who first said he was Robert delegates brought the total attend­ cern Tells Senate Probers Club, to be hejd at Orange hall at Arthur Eastwood. Jr., of 262 Pleas­ Although beaten by a score of 40 church. ance in the two meetings to about CARD PARTY TONIGHT! PROBLEMS GALORE SAYS FOOLS, CRANKS the church Wednesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday night. Offi­ to 28, Manchester High’s swimming Feb. 20.—Play, ‘‘Wappln’ W harf’ $ 13*00 per toi 2:30. The guest speaker will be ant street, Marblehead, was brought 175. ST. BRIDGET-8 HALL cers will bo elected for the coming to the police station by Policeman team did much better than expected by Community Players, auspices of Speakers in the men's meeting fa­ bled; Italy Continues Its Only Four to Nine Per MISS MCELROY Mrs. Elizabeth Hagman of the year and activities for that period affainst the powerful Hartford High Educational club. 12 Prizes! Coke Sold For Cash Only. Hartley-Salmon Child clinic, Hart­ John Cavagnaro. There It was found squad at the East Side Rec pool vor^ the industrial tariff, and will also be discussed. he was without an operator's Feb. 21-22.—Indoor Circus, North argued for buying ,aa far aa possible Befreshments. Mobilization Program. ford. whose topic will be ‘'Child Saturday afternoon. Hartford, one Methodist church, auspices Booster Admission 25c. Both Private and Federal Cent the Rule. FINANCED DEFENSE Guidance." The hostesses will be license, but he did have a registra­ of the moat formidable threats, for club. goods made in America. They op­ The entertainment committee of tion card bearing the name of posed in particular purchase of An Players Welcome! IL. T. WOOD CO. ys She Tried to Escape ______ Mrs. Roy Warren. Mrs. J. C. Cary, Mlantonomoh Tribe, No. S8. I. O. R. Robert Arthur Eastwood of the the state championship, broke two Feb. 22.—Radio Revue, Benefit PHONE 4496 Mrs. H. Relnhom and Mrs. W. S. M., will hold a meeting this evening records In the dual meet, which was Troop* 4 and 7. B. S. A.. High goods made in Japan, whether of Rome, Feb. 12.—Thirty thousand Bonds are Involved and Harrison. Children will be cared same address. silk or other material. Washington. Feb. 12.—(AP) / A at 8 o'clock In the Red Men's Social "Whose reglslf'atlon card la featured by fast times In every school. Ethiopian troops are massing near from Her Own Thoughts Attorney General in Fiery Address Characterizes Hanpt- for during the meeting. club rooms on Brainard Place. event.
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