WINNER OF NATIONAL TU BEST STATE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER AWARD 2007 Fall 2013 Publication of the Pa. Council of Trout Unlimited www.patrout.org Unassessed Waters Initiative: Science and collaboration meet Students assist survey efforts on state’s wild streams By Andy Turner Special to PA Trout The cornerstone for wise stewardship of our coldwater resources is a sound scien- tific understanding of those resources. We are currently faced with the challenge of managing the boom in drilling wells into Mark Nale Photo the Marcellus Shale to withdraw natural Mine Hole Run, a Class A wild trout stream and tributary to Cedar Run, flows near gas, as drilling activities have the potential heavy Marcellus Shale activity in the Pine Creek Valley. to degrade water quality. A variety of state and federal laws give considerable protection to our aquatic re- A new perspective sources, but a portion of these protections TU tour gives closer look at forest land in the Pine Creek Valley. depend on the “designated use” of a water- Marcellus Shale activity in Pa. As part of Trout Unlimited’s media out- way. In Pennsylvania, one important legal reach programs, on Oct. 5-6, National TU criterion in determining the designated use By Mark Nale hosted six members of the outdoor press of a stream is the presence of wild trout. Special to PA Trout in Slate Run, Lycoming County. One at- Simply put, under state law, streams that tended from New York, one from western support wild trout populations are afforded The sound and beauty of water cascading Maryland and four from Pennsylvania. additional regulatory protections. into a boulder-lined pool on Mine Hole They included writers and photographers, The problem is that most small streams Run, a Class A wild trout stream, was radio show hosts, bloggers and the pub- have not been surveyed and thus receive contrasted with the noise of a Marcellus lisher of the online Hatch magazine. only the baseline level of protection. As- Shale drilling rig and gas-related land dis- Trout Unlimited staff and hosts for the sessing the fisheries of our streams is not turbances almost everywhere one looked. event included National Press Secretary easy, as there are more than 80,000 miles of The sad thing is that both of these sights Erin Mooney, Sportsmen Organizer Paula See INITIATIVE, page 7 and sounds were occurring on “our” state See TOUR, page 6 IN THIS ISSUE Headwaters .............................................................4 PATU Merchandise Order Form .......................... 11 EXCOM Minutes ......................................................8 Treasurer’s Report................................................12 Trout in the Classroom ........................................10 Chapter Reports ...................................................12 PA COUNCIL OF TROUT UNLIMITED PO Box 5148 Bellefonte, PA 16823 PRESIDENT -- Brian Wagner 137 South New Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Phone: 484-894-8289 PATU holds E-mail: [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT -- successful Outstanding Coldwater Charlie Charlesworth 200 Camins Parkway Conservationist (Professional) Clarks Summit, PA 18411 Fall Meeting Kristina Heister Phone: 570-586-3363 E-mail: [email protected] Pennsylvania Council of Trout Un- limited held its annual Fall Meeting on VICE PRESIDENT -- Sherwin Albert 161 Ryan Lane Sept. 21 at the Shavers Creek Community Milton, PA 17847 Building in Petersburg, Pa. The meeting Phone: 570-524-7645 kicked off with state and national updates E-mail: [email protected] from Council President Brian Wagner, fol- TREASURER -- George Kutskel lowed by Bryan Moore, vice president of 107 Simmons Street volunteer operations with Trout Unlimited. DuBois, PA 15801 Over 65 members were in attendance Phone: 814-371-9290 representing 31 chapters across the state. E-mail: [email protected] Throughout the day, sessions were held SECRETARY -- Bob Pennell on conservation and protection of our cold- 2319 Valley Road water streams and updates on programs Harrisburg, PA 17104 Phone: 717-236-1360 and initiatives from across the state. E-mail: [email protected] Following the meeting portion of the event, PATU held its annual pig roast and PA TROUT EDITOR & DESIGNER -- Outstanding Volunteer Brad Isles awards ceremony. We had a great event and Rick LaTournous P.O. Box 23 we thank everyone who attended and look Grove City, PA 16127 forward to seeing you and others next year. Phone: 724-967-2832 Next year’s event is Sept. 12-14 at the E-mail: [email protected] Shaver’s Creek Community Building. PA TROUT ADVERTISING -- We hope to add to the success of this Charlie Charlesworth year and provide a fun filled event for 200 Camins Parkway all TU members, consisting of seminars, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 Phone: 570-586-3363 informational sessions, fishing opportuni- E-mail: [email protected] ties and other educational and recreational activities. This event is open to everyone WEB EDITOR -- Bob Pennell 2319 Valley Road and we encourage all to attend. Harrisburg, PA 17104 Phone: 717-236-1360 Award winners not pictured: E-mail: [email protected] Best Chapter Website COPYRIGHT 2013 Penns Woods West Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited No portion may be reproduced Greatest % Membership Increase Best PA Chapter without permission. Seneca (35%) Lackawanna Valley 2 PA TROUT ... Fall 2013 www.patrout.org PA COUNCIL OF TROUT UNLIMITED 2013 COMMITTEES Awards -- Ed O’Gorman 1220 Peters Mountain Rd., Dauphin, PA 17018 717-580-3186 / [email protected] Coldwater Heritage Partnership Admin. 450 Robinson Lane, Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-359-5233 / skutskel@coldwaterher- itage.org Coldwater Heritage Partnership TU Delegate Ken Undercoffer 1510 Village Rd., Clearfield, PA 16830 Outstanding Coldwater Greatest Membership Increase 814-765-1035 / [email protected] Conservationist (TU Member) Spring Creek Communications -- Brad Isles Mike Danko (65 members) PO Box 13, Grove City, PA 16127 724-967-2832 / [email protected] Delaware River -- Lee Hartman 4978 Hancock Hwy., Equinunk, PA 18417 570-224-6371 / [email protected] Development -- George Kutskel 107 Simmons St., DuBois, PA 15801 814-371-9290 / [email protected] Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture -- Ken Undercoffer 1510 Village Rd., Clearfield, PA 16830 814-765-1035 / [email protected] Environmental -- Bob Volkmar 443 W.Branch Fishing Creek Road Roulette, PA 167465 814-544-7174 / [email protected] Legislative Liaison -- OPEN Membership -- Greg Malaska 218 W. 13th St., Jim Thorpe, PA 16229 Outstanding Youth Outreach Best Chapter Project 570-657-7169 / [email protected] Larry Winey Stanley Cooper, Sr. National Leadership Council Rep. -- Monty Murty P.O. Box 55, Laughlintown, PA 15655 724-238-7860 / [email protected] Stream Access -- Chuck Winters 1898 Old Rt. 22, Duncansville, PA 16635 814-943-4061; 932-8841 / [email protected] Trout in the Classroom -- Justin DiRado P.O. Box 5148, Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-359-5114 / [email protected] Trout Management -- Richard Soderberg Mansfield University, Mansfield, PA 16933 570-662-4539 / [email protected] Youth Education -- Eric Wilson 802 Treasure Lake Rd., DuBois, PA 15801 814-371-6789 / [email protected] Women’s Committee -- Samantha Kutskel P.O. Box 5148, Bellefonte, PA 16823 Best Small Chapter Best Chapter Newsletter 814-359-5233 / [email protected] God’s Country Brodhead www.patrout.org PA TROUT ... Fall 2013 3 Headwaters A message from PATU President Brian Wagner Where did the summer go? You may be listing of endangered species. asking yourself this same question. On Aug. 26, I provided testimony Well, for me, part of it was spent on HB1576 at a joint House Game attending several Trout Unlimited and Fisheries Committee and House trainings and meetings, including Environmental Resources and Energy National TU’s Annual Meeting held in Committee hearing in Pottsville. We also the Driftless Area of Wisconsin. I find submitted a formal follow-up letter to the these events very rewarding. Of course, bill’s sponsors and committee members, fishing is a bonus. circulated an informational flier and sent The weekend of July 19 was spent at an Action Alert to our members. the Northeast Regional Meeting held in This bill was highlighted in Chris the Catskills near Windham, NY. It was Wood’s State of TU address in Wisconsin, during that oppressive heat wave, so and it is our primary focus during fishing options were limited. I did spend legislative visits that resumed Oct. 15. Friday morning on the Schoharie Creek A letter has also been sent to the House fishing for smallmouth bass. I caught a Environmental Resources and Energy 2. Felt-soled boots are more difficult to few before I started to melt and decided it Committee members and HB1565 clean and dry. Please consider avoiding might be prudent to have a late breakfast sponsors regarding PATU concerns with the use of felt soled wading boots. If in an air-conditioned restaurant. HB1565 (Buffer Bill – see “Headwaters” you must use felt-soled boots, consider Come Saturday, it was all business. I column, summer PA Trout). restricting their use to your home waters gave a “state of the union” address for As an organization, we really need to only. Pennsylvania Council, as did the other strengthen our relationships with our 3. After fishing, clean and or dry equip- council chairs for their respective states. local legislators. We need more of them ment (boots, lower part of waders, etc.) Along with Samantha Kutskel, Justin to understand what TU is about, who we that has come in contact with the water. DiRado and Charlie Charlesworth, who are and why our mission is important to Didymo can be killed by cleaning with was presenting on Lackawanna Valley’s them. either of the following. Soaking for 30 youth program, we covered as many In response to recent developments minutes greatly increases the effective- sessions as we could, feverishly taking regarding the discovery of didymo in ness of cleaning: A five-percent solution notes. The result was that we were able to Pine Creek and an informative seminar of dishwashing detergent and hot water.
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