Optical Costas loop: pull-in range estimation and hidden oscillations Kuznetsov N. V. ∗;∗∗ Leonov G. A. ∗;∗∗∗ Seledzhi S. M. ∗ Yuldashev M. V. ∗ Yuldashev R. V. ∗ ∗ Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia ∗∗ Dept. of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a,Finland ∗∗∗ Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Abstract: In this work we consider a mathematical model of the optical Costas loop. The pull-in range of the model is estimated by analytical and numerical methods. Difficulties of numerical analysis, related to the existence of so-called hidden oscillations in the phase space, are discussed. Keywords: Optical Costas loop, nonlinear model, simulation, hidden oscillation, global stability, Lyapunov function, pull-in range. 1. INTRODUCTION I1 E1 s1(t)=m(t)√P1sin(θ1(t)) II(t) I E 2 + = 2 data ±1 90o Trans. The Costas loop is a special mdification of the phase- I Ampl. carrier Hybrid E 3 locked loop, which is widely used in telecommunication for 3 (TIA) I (t) I Q E 4 + the data demodulation and carrier recovery. The optical 4 Costas loop is used in intersatellite communication, see e.g. European Data Relay System (EDRS) [Rosenkranz and s (t) = √P sin(θ (t)) 2 2 2 g(t) Loop φ(t)=II(t)IQ(t) Schaefer, 2016; Schaefer et al., 2015; Heine et al., 2014]. LO Filter In the optical intersatellite communication the lasers are used instead of radio signals for the data transmission Fig. 1. Optical BPSK Costas loop in the signal space between satellites. Both lasers, used in the transmitter and the receiver, have a frequency mismatch due to the Doppler shift, natural frequency drift, and phase noise. The optical Costas loop adjusts the frequency and phase of the receiver to the incoming signal, which allows one to demodulate received data. Operating principles of this circuit are similar to those of conventional Costas loop circuit (homodyne detection). The input signal is a BPSK signal, which is the product of the transferred data m(t) = ±1 and the harmonic high p In Section 2 a mathematical model of the optical Costas _ loop is derived. In Section 3 the pull-in range of the optical frequency carrier P1 sin(θ1(t)) (!1(t) = θ1(t) is the car- Costas loop with active proportional-integral (PI) and rier frequency). A local oscillator (LO - voltage-controlledp oscillator VCO) signal is sinusoidal signal P2 sin(θ2(t)) arXiv:1705.02319v1 [math.DS] 5 May 2017 lead-lag filters are discussed. _ o with the frequency !2(t) = θ2(t). The block 90 Hybrid combines inputs shifting phases by 90o as follows: 1 p 1p E = m(t) P cos(θ (t)) + P cos(θ (t)); 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 p 1p E2 = m(t) P1 cos(θ1(t)) − P2 cos(θ2(t)); 2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF OPTICAL COSTAS 2 2 (1) 1 p 1p π LOOP E = m(t) P cos(θ (t)) + P cos(θ (t) + ); 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 p 1p π E4 = m(t) P1 cos(θ1(t)) − P2 cos(θ2(t) + ): Consider a nonlinear mathematical model of the optical 2 2 2 Costas loop model in the signal space (see, e.g. [Schaefer and Rosenkranz, 2015]) Four outputs of the receivers are the following R p model of the classical PLL [Viterbi, 1966; Gardner, 1966; I (t) = P + P + 2m(t) P P cos(θ (t) − θ (t)); 1 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 Shakhgil'dyan and Lyakhovkin, 1966], shown in Fig. 2. R p I (t) = P + P − 2m(t) P P cos(θ (t) − θ (t)); 2 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 θ1(t) φ(θ1(t)-θ2(t)) R p π I (t) = P + P + 2m(t) P P cos(θ (t) − θ (t) − ); input PD 3 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 R p π I4(t) = P1 + P2 − 2m(t) P1P2 cos(θ1(t) − θ2(t) − ) : G(t) 8 2 θ2(t) (2) VCO Loop filter The block TIA multiplies its inputs by certain factor A and then subtracts two pairs of signals: θ (0) x(0) I (t) = AI (t) − AI (t) 2 I 1 p 2 m(t)RA P1P2 = cos(θ1(t) − θ2(t)); 2 (3) IQ(t) = AI3(t) − AI4(t) Fig. 2. Optical BPSK Costas loop in signal's phase space. p m(t)RA P1P2 π θ2(0) is initial phase of the VCO, x(0) is initial state = cos(θ1(t) − θ2(t) − ): of the filter. 2 2 After multiplication the loop filter input becomes '(t) = II (t)IQ(t) = 3. THE PULL-IN RANGE COMPUTATION R2A2P P = 1 2 cos(θ (t) − θ (t)) sin(θ (t) − θ (t)) 4 1 2 1 2 (4) One of the main engineering characteristics of the PLL- 2 2 based circuits is the pull-in range which corresponds to R A P1P2 = sin(2θ1(t) − 2θ2(t)): the global stability of the model. The pull-in range is 8 a widely used engineering concept (see, e.g. [Gardner, It should be noted that unlike the classical PLL circuit 1966, p.40], [Best, 2007, p.61]). The following rigorous the filter input of the considered model (see (4)) depends definition is from [Kuznetsov et al., 2015; Leonov et al., on the difference of the phases only (see also two-phase 2015b; Best et al., 2016]: the largest interval of frequency phase-locked loop model in [Best et al., 2014, 2016]). This free deviations 0 ≤ j!∆ j < !pull-in such that the model in allows one to derive a mathematical model of the optical the signal's phase space acquires lock for arbitrary initial Costas loop in a signal's phase space without additional phase difference and filter state (i.e. any trajectory tends engineering assumption on the complete filtration of high- to a stationary point) is called a pull-in range, !pull-in is frequency signal component [Leonov et al., 2015b; Best called a pull-in frequency. et al., 2015]. The relation between the input '(t) and the output g(t) 3.1 Lead-lag filter of the filter is as follows ∗ x_ = Ax + b'(t); g(t) = c x + h'(t); (5) Consider the mathematical model of the optical Costas where A is a constant n × n matrix, the vector x(t) 2 Rn loop with lead-lag filter in the signal's phase space. is a filter state, b; c are constant vectors, and x(0) is initial state of the filter. The control signal g(t) is used to adjust −0.06 the VCO frequency to the frequency of input carrier signal: −0.07 _ free −0.08 θ2(t) = !2(t) = ! + KVCOg(t): (6) 2 x −0.09 Here !free is a free-running frequency of the VCO and 2 0 −0.1 KVCO is the VCO gain. Similarly, various nonlinear models −0.11 of the VCO can be considered (see, e.g., [Bianchi et al., 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 −0.05 θΔ 2016a]). Note that the initial VCO frequency (at t = 0) has the form −0.1 free !2(0) = !2 + KVCOα0(0) + KVCOh'(θ1(0) − θ2(0)): x (7) −0.15 Let θ∆ = θ1 − θ2. If the frequency of the input carrier is constant: −0.2 _ θ1(t) = !1(t) ≡ !1; (8) −0.25 then equations (5)-(6) give the following mathematical model of the optical Costas loop in the signal's phase 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 θ space: Δ x_ = Ax + b'(θ∆); (9) Fig. 3. Phase portrait with stable and unstable cycles. _ free ∗ θ∆ = !∆ − KVCOc x − h'(θ∆); free free where j!∆ j = j!1 − !2 j is called a frequency deviation. Fig. 3 shows phase portrait corresponding to the signal's This model corresponds to the classical signal's phase phase model where the carrier frequency is 10000 rad/s, the VCO free-running frequency is 10089:5rad/s, the lead- as+β ω 1.0 1 pull-in 0.7 a lag filter transfer function is Hlf (s) = s+α , α = K 0.5 63:1656, β = 63:1656, a = 0:2922. The solid blue line in VCO 0.8 Fig. 3 corresponds to the trajectory with the filter initial 0.3 state x(0) = 0:6304 and the VCO phase shift 0:3975 rad. 0.6 0.2 This line tends to a periodic trajectory. Thus in this case 0.1 the model can not acquire lock. 0.4 0.07 The solid red line corresponds to the trajectory with the 0.03 filter initial state x(0) = −0:1373 and the VCO initial 0.2 0.01 phase 24:3161. This trajectory lies just under an unstable 0.0 0 periodic trajectory (unstable limit cycle) and tends to a stable equilibrium. In this case the model acquires lock. 1 10 102 103 104 0.5K /α All the trajectories between the stable and unstable peri- VCO odic trajectories (see, e.g., a solid green curve) tend to the stable one which is a stable limit cycle. Therefore, if the Fig. 4. Pull-in range diagram for the optical Costas loop gap between the stable and unstable periodic trajectories is smaller than the discretization step, then the numerical Consider, e.g., parameters a = 0:3 and corresponding procedure may slip through the stable trajectory. Thus, in !free curve in Fig. 5. Here normalized pull-in frequency ∆ this case we have coexistence of stable periodic trajectory KVCO (which is a local hidden attractor 2 | locally attracting, closed, and bounded set in the cylindrical phase space) and 1.0 unstable periodic trajectory (repeller) close to each other; ωpull-in 0.8 the merge of these periodic trajectories leads to the birth a=0.3 of semistable trajectory (semistable limit cycle) [Gubar', KVCO 1961; Shakhtarin, 1969; Belyustina et al., 1970; Leonov 0.6 and Kuznetsov, 2013; Kuznetsov et al., 2014].
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