THE MORNING OTIEGONTAN, TUESDAY, . NOVEMBER 7, 1016. 13 ment carry 24 will counties, lose In establishment of a comfort station at of the latest cargoes placed here is for six and be virtually even in five others. Second and Washington streets. This the Olympic, barkentine which is FIND-DANDRUF- OREGON REGARDED I estimate that Multnomah County will VILLA TO is virtually only special appropria- CANT K give a majority 10,000 SAID HAVE the FILLTO BE EXTENDED looked for about November 20. and will 7 of votes against tion in any of the departmental bud- take a full cargo at the Portland Mill the 'bone dry' amendment, Clatsop about gets. for Australia. Every 500 against. Curry 200 against, Gilliam Mr. Dleclc Cats Off 918,312. bit of dandruff disappears after 100 against. Lincoln 500 against and one or two ap .cations of Danderine Commissioner Dleck er SURE FOR HUGHES Polk 200 against, with results even in CAPTURED TORREON has eliminated MARINE INTELLIGENCE. rubbed well into the scalp with the fin-r- $18,312 to He 25-ce- nt ne Columbia, Josephine, Wasco, Washing- date. has not worked tips. Get a bottle of Dan-deri- ton out the details, but says about $7500 any drug: your and Yamhill. of this is in salaries in his department 300,000 Yards to Be Handled Steamer Schedule). at store and save "The other 24 counties, however, I $10,500 hair. After a few applications you can't expect to give and in supplies nd materials. DUE TO ARRITK find a particle of or any fall-in- s: majorities in its favor before the Council decided on by Dredge Columhia. Name. dandruff that will wipe out this negative -- vote Just From Data bair. and the scalp will sever itch. carry the levy and decided to adopt Northern Paclfle. .San Francisco. In port and the amendment by 8000 to ban irancisco..., .Nov. T Lead of 25,000 Predicted by 10,000 Mexican Refuges El the cuts as submitted. Mayor Albee said HoseBrrikt,rCity votes." at Paso ' Los Angeles. Nov. 8 Still another state now having pro- he wished to be recorded as voting F. A. Kllburn .San Francisco. ... Nov. 10 G. 0. P. in "no." Heaver..,, .Loa Anselea. ..... .Nov. JS . Chairman hibition which will vote on a measure Report Reign of Terror "I am writing on the edge of my re- EVEN similar to the Oregon "brewers amend- port." Mayor, hereby ALBINA WANTS DIGGER SUE TO DEPART. CROSS, SICK Final Estimate. ment" is Washington. Measure 24 on in said the "I shift Name. For rste. the Washington practically Interior Cities. the responsibility. We have made mis- Yai- - . S.F. for L.A.-S.- Nov. 6 ballot is the takes individually and collectively, and Northern Pacific, . fcan Francisco. Nov f same as the Oregon brewers' amend- this is the biggest we H arvsrd ......... S.F. for iA..-- S. D. Nov. 8 ment. A measure is also on the Wash- blunder have breakwater . Sen Francisco... Nov. 8 ever made, either Individually or col- Klamat u. San Dtt-so- ... Nov. 8 CHILDREN LOVE ington ballot. No. 18, to permit hotels lectively." Machine Works Ready to Begin Rom City ........ to dispense liquor re- Task Los Angelea. .... Nov. 11 PORTLAND FIGHT CENTER under certain So far the 5 per cent cut plan has not F. A. Ki.butn .tan Francisco. .. .Nov. 12 strictions. WOMEN BURNED TO DEATH been forced against as Soon as Street Is VacaTted and Wapara . Sn 1)1. o Nov. 14 Commissioner Willamette. ...... San Diego. Nov. 14 Single Daly's Mr. Tax Again on Ballot. water bureau. Baker raised Dredge Is Assigned for Job taver .Lue Angi-lea- ... Nov. 18 It would be an unusual election in the question yesterday of whether this SYROP OF FIGS Oregon that didn't find a single tax should not be cut 5 per cent. "It comes That Will Be Hashed. News From Northwest Ports. Democrats Declare They Will Carry measure in disguise somewhere on the out of the same people who pay taxes, i ballot. This election is no exception. Killing of Aged American Doctor Is does it not?" asked Mr. Baker. COOS BAT. Nov. T. (Special.) The by Claims The single tax measure masquerades "Yes." said Mr. Daly, "and if you steam schooner Hardy arrived last nlaht Look at Tongue I If Feverish. State 10,000, Basins Confirmed Atrocities Commit- want 5 per cent out I can from San Francisco, brinclns; freight for under the alluring title, "Full Rental trimmed points on bay. eum-b- er Re-electi- do very Additional filling required the The Handy will load Bilious. Constipated. on "Silent Vote" Value Land Tax and Homemakers' Loan ted at Pa rral Chihuahua it easily." He explained that at the site at the Bay Park mill. North Bend. Take Fund Amendment." It is confiscatory he would cut it out of items for pur- of the new plant of the Columbia River No Chances. of Representatives Indicated. in its provisions, and a vigorous cam- Now Peels Safer. chase of property. The Council took Shipbuilding Company, south of the ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 6. (Special. Re- paign of education been on no action on this. The meeting this yard of Company. pairs have- been completed to the lumber-lade- n has carried morning be 10 the Northwest Steel barsa Waahouga! and will against it. will at o'clock. aue to tne former having leased ground for San she sail To meas- Francisco In tow of tho tux Tatoosh "California Syrup of Figs" Can't vote against this single tax in the rear of the yard of the Portland aa soon as tne weather conditions are favor- fContinuqfl From First Page. ure, the voter should mark 807 No. Shipbuilding Company that connects able. Harm Tender Stomach. EL PASO. Tex Nov. 6. (Special.) five-mast- ed One oT the dangers in connection' Villa bandits captured with a strip more than 400 feet leng on Tho schooner George E. Bill srood margin, because of the conceded with this single tax amendment is that have Torreon MARION CAMPAIGN ENDS the river, increases the to be han- inss, that was towed into port a few days Liver. Bowels. heavy Hughes vote the Willamette it can easily be confused and are carrying on their campaign of total ago In a leaking: condition, will be shifted t in with the rural oo- - dled by the dredge Columbia there to the Municipal Valley counties Whereas the Demo- credits amendment, which has received terror which marked the VUllstas" 200,000 wharf tomorrow afternoon many strong cupancy of other cities recently, ac- about cubic yards. Her Ockload will be discharged and so Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. crats, to have any hope f winning the indorsements. The ballot The dredge Willamette is engaged in much of her hold win bo is See .tongue amend-ment'a- re cording to tonight from caro taken as if le coated; la a sure etate, must carry Multnomah County by numbers of the rural credits arrivals the REPUBLICANS . FREELY PREDICT filling at the Heath Shipbuilding Com- necessary to permit the opened seams te this 318 Yes, interior. Three Torreon merchants, who -- be repaired. s'sn its little stomacb. liver and bow. a big majority. and 319 No. BIO pany's property, whre the task will eis are closrged wun aour This has been recognized by both Of the varfious remaining amend attempted to send their goods out of MAJORITY IX COUNTY. be finished The steam schooner Daisy Gadsby has fin. waate. ments on the city on the approach of the ban in about three weeks, while Ished loading lumber at Knappton and wiU When lisueaa. pate, teveriso. full of tides in the campaigning, for the heavy the ballot, those in which the dredge Portland Is working in the probably sail In cold, breath bad. tnroat sore, work county. there is greatest interest include that dits, were put to death by Villa's order. channo". the morning for can Fran- doesn't has been done in this repealing and abolishing Sunday tne refugees say. Torchlight Parade Is Followed by olt the yard of the Peninsula cisco. eat, sleep or act naturally, nas stom- Both sides have sent some of their the Shipbuilding Company and will ,' be The steam schooner Tiverton arrived today acb ache, indigestion, diarrhoea, (lve speakers to Oregon, and, with closing law, 312 Yes, 313 No. and the Before reaching Chihuahua, the ar Hughes Sleeting la through shortly. from Pan Francisco and will load lumber a teaspoonful fitate-wid- e rivals say, they were by Mexicans there The Columbia al of "t ailf urnta Syrup of few exceptions, they have limited their tax and indebtedness limi told no doubt will be Co- Prescott and Stella. '"'era." few tation amonament. limitinir tax levied fleeing from Parral that Villa had Salem Armory. retained at the The steam schooner La Primers, formerly and in a hours ell ths foul campaign activities to Multnomah to 6 per to lumbia River Shipbuilding Company's tns Daisy Mitcheii, waote. the sour blK and fermenting; food County. cent greater than that of the caused oil be poured on the beads property several weeks, though rrom arrived this morning passes out of the bowels you nave V previous year, 320 Yes, 321 No. of two women who had angered him. it is ban Francisco an route to Portland a and For the Republicans, in addition to making satisfactory headway now ."i',11,." ot c well and playful child again. Chil- and had ed SALEM. Or, Nov. 6. (Special.) in cr oil tor tho Standard the two nominees themselves, such men Rapid Count Expected.
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