Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Committee (FWC) Date: January 20, 2021 Time: 3:00 p.m. AGENDA To slow the spread of COVID-19, the Health Officer’s Shelter Order of December 16, 2020, prevents public gatherings (Health Officer Order). In lieu of a public gathering, the Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting will be accessible via live-streaming and telephone to all members of the public as permitted by the Governor’s Executive Order N29-20. Fish and Wildlife Committee meetings can be accessed live either online or by telephone: Access the meeting live online at: https://cccounty-us.zoom.us/j/88289479823 Access the meeting by telephone at (888) 278-0254 followed by access code 198675. Persons who wish to address the committee during public comment or with respect to an item that is on the agenda may do so either online or by telephone. If accessing the meeting online, request to speak by clicking the “raise hand” function. If accessing the meeting by telephone, request to speak by dialing #2. 3:00 p.m. Convene meeting. 1) Introductions and Statement of Conflict. A member who has a conflict should, prior to consideration of the decision: (1) publicly identify in detail the financial interest that causes the conflict; (2) recuse himself/herself from discussing and voting on the matter; and (3) leave the room until after the decision has been made. 2) Review/Approve minutes from the November 18, 2020 meeting. 3) Public comment. Includes public comment on topics on the agenda and items not listed on the agenda. The FWC shall also accept public comment on agenda items at the time they are discussed. 4) Updates and announcements from staff and FWC members. Includes discussion of implementation of actions authorized previously, correspondence received, and upcoming meetings of interest to the FWC. 5) Consider the eight Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund applications submitted by January 6, 2021. Consider inviting one or more organizations to the following meeting if the Committee has further questions on their grant proposals. 6) Determine 2021 Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting schedule. 7) Determine the agenda for the next meeting. The next regular scheduled meeting is February 17, 2021. Possible agenda items for upcoming meetings include: • Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund grant applications • Election of Officers • 2021 Fall Forum • 2022 Grant RFP • Draft Annual Report/Work Plan • Informational brochure on invasive species • Delta Conveyance Project Update • IPM Update • Field trip to Moorhen Marsh Adjourn The Committee Chair may alter the order of agenda items at the meeting. Please contact Maureen Parkes at 925-674-7831 or [email protected] (or Abigail Fateman at 925-674-7820 or [email protected]) at the CCC Department of Conservation and Development if you have questions about the Fish & Wildlife Committee or desire materials related to this agenda. Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed to a majority of the FWC members less than 96 hours before the meeting are available for public inspection at 30 Muir Road in Martinez during business hours. The FWC will provide reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities planning to participate in this meeting who contact staff at least 72 hours before the meeting. Draft Meeting Minutes of the Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Committee on November 18, 2020 3:00 p.m. Convene meeting. 1) Introductions and Statement of Conflict. A member who has a conflict should, prior to consideration of the decision: (1) publicly identify in detail the financial interest that causes the conflict; (2) recuse himself/herself from discussing and voting on the matter; and (3) leave the room until after the decision has been made. Judy Bendix, Roni Gehlke, Susan Heckly, Nicole Kozicki, Brett Morris, Daniel Pellegrini, Heather Rosmarin and Jeff Skinner attended the meeting. Clark Dawson provided advance notice that he would not be able to attend the meeting. Kathleen Jennings was absent. Lia Bristol (Office of the District IV Supervisor), Lisa Damerel (Contra Costa Resource Conservation District), Kathy Cutting (Cal State East Bay), Paul Detjens (CCC Flood Control and Water Conservation District), Bob Peoples, Jill Ray (Office of the District II Supervisor), Cass Rogers, Bob Simmons (Walnut Creek Watershed Council), and Felipe Solis attended the meeting. Maureen Parkes (CCC Department of Conservation and Development) attended as staff. 2) Review/Approve minutes from the June 17, 2020 meeting. The meeting minutes were approved as written. Vote: 8-0 AYES: Bendix, Gehlke, Heckly, Kozicki, Morris, Pellegrini, Rosmarin and Skinner NOES: None ABSENT: Dawson and Jennings ABSTAIN: None 3) Public comment. Includes public comment on topics on the agenda and items not listed on the agenda. The FWC shall also accept public comment on agenda items at the time they are discussed. There were no public comments. 4) Updates and announcements from staff and FWC members. Includes discussion of implementation of actions authorized previously, correspondence received, and upcoming meetings of interest to the FWC. Maureen Parkes updated the Committee on the following items: • The Board of Supervisors made their decision on the At-Large 3, 4 and At-large Alternate positions yesterday. Nicole Kozicki and Catherine Rogers have been appointed to the At- Large 3 and 4 positions. Felipe Solis will be the At-Large Alternate. • Due to the length of time between meetings, Danny Pellegrini and Kathleen Jennings reviewed and approved final reports from: . Mt. View Sanitary District for their 2018 Moorhen Marsh, McNabney Marsh, and Wildlife Garden Interpretive Panels Project; and . an early reimbursement of funds already spent for the grant awarded to The Watershed Project in 2019. They also approved a request from CREEC to modify the expenditures approved in their 2020 out-of-cycle Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund. • Email Correspondence forwarded to the Committee: . Supervisor Andersen email newsletter . Supervisor Burgis email newsletter . Supervisor Gioia email newsletter . Supervisor Mitchoff email newsletter . Email from Staff: • Announcement of Upcoming At-Large Vacancies on the Committee • Availability Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund Grants • Updated Roster . Email from Lisa Damerel, CCRCD . Email from Jenn Smith, Mills College . Bay Area Monitor and Bay Area Notes - 10 . CCC Integrated Pest Management Advisory Committee – 7 . Department of Water Resources – 8 . Fish and Game Commission - 22 . Greenbelt Alliance . John Muir Land Trust - 4 . Lindsey Wildlife Experience - 11 . Save Mount Diablo - 9 Judy Bendix informed the Committee that she was resigning from the Fish and Wildlife Committee. Heather Rosmarin and Jeff Skinner stated that they enjoyed being on the Committee and hope to attend future meetings. The FWC thanked Judy, Heather and Jeff for their service. 5) Update on the Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project. (Paul Detjens, Public Works) Paul Detjens provided a very informative presentation on the status of the Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project. The project goals are to restore and enhance habitat in Lower Walnut Creek and to provide sustainable flood management, while allowing opportunities for public access and recreation. 6) Presentation on Arundo. (Bob Simmons, Walnut Creek Watershed Council) Bob Simmons provided information on the Walnut Creek Watershed Council and talked about the status of Arundo removal in the Watershed on public and private lands. Bob shared the Walnut Creek Watershed Arundo Survey by the Walnut Creek Watershed Council. They completed four projects in 2019, three in 2020, and the 2021 projects are to be determined. 7) Consider the following CONSENT items: a) Review and accept the letter of appreciation from Marine Science Institute for their “2020 Delta Discovery Voyage Program” project. b) Review and accept the final report from International Bird Rescue for their 2020 “Resolving Negative Human-Wildlife Interactions (AKA Urban Wildlife Conflicts)” project. c) Review and accept the final report from Regional Parks Foundation for their 2018 East Bay Mountain Lion Project (EBMLP) project. The Committee reviewed and accepted the letter of appreciation from Marine Science Institute, and reviewed and accepted the final reports from International Bird Rescue and Regional Parks Foundation. Vote: 8-0 AYES: Bendix, Gehlke, Heckly, Kozicki, Morris, Pellegrini, Rosmarin and Skinner NOES: None ABSENT: Dawson and Jennings ABSTAIN: None 8) Review and consider approving the draft 2020 work plan and annual report to the Board of Supervisors. The Committee reviewed and approved the 2020 work plan and annual report. Vote: 8-0 AYES: Bendix, Gehlke, Heckly, Kozicki, Morris, Pellegrini, Rosmarin and Skinner NOES: None ABSENT: Dawson and Jennings ABSTAIN: None 9) Determine the agenda for the next meeting. The next regular scheduled meeting is January 20, 2021. Possible agenda items for upcoming meetings include: • Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund grant applications • Determine 2021 meeting schedule • Election of Officers • 2021 Fall Forum • 2022 Grant RFP • Draft Annual Report/Work Plan • Informational brochure on invasive species • Delta Conveyance Project Update • IPM Update • Field trip to Moorhen Marsh Adjourn &RQWUD&RVWD&RXQW\ 2IILFH8VH2QO\ )LVKDQG:LOGOLIH3URSDJDWLRQ)XQG $SSOLFDWLRQ&RYHU3DJH Project title: Native Bees and Host Flowers in Urban Brentwood, Contra Costa County Organization/Individual
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