Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated Warren G. Lee, Sr., Grand Basileus Marvin Dillard, District Representative THE OMEGAN Zanes E. Cypress, Jr., Director of Public Rela- tions Founded November 17, 1911 Fall 2006 Edition “THE VOICE OF THE SECOND DISTRICT” New York - New Jersey - Pennsylvania - Delaware - Maryland DR Marvin Dillard Releases The Quemunicator With the aid of the only published three times Executive Committee, the per year and with spiraling Quemunicator has con- printing cost , the need for tributing articles from the an online cost effective 1st Vice District Repre- monthly publication to keep sentative Roderick the district current has been Richardson on the status addressed. The Keeper of of District Committees, Records and Seal of each 2nd Vice District Repre- Chapter receives The Que- sentative Terik Tidwell on municator and disseminates subjects of particular in- the online publication to the terest to the Undergradu- membership of his respec- ates and DKRS Kenneth tive Chapters. Addressing the need Rodgers informs the Dis- Remember The for a monthly administrative trict of the administrative Omegan reports what we communication tool for the needs of each Chapter have done, The Quemunica- Chapters and the Brothers of with regards to the busi- tor informs us to what we the Second District to per- ness of Omega. In con- need to do, in a timely man- form the duties of Omega trast, The Omegan , the ner. Kudos to our new Ex- efficiently and effectively, Voice of the Second Dis- ecutive Committee and DR, District Representative trict, has traditionally for implementing this new Marvin Dillard premiered chronicled the activities communicative tool to serve the online monthly newslet- and accomplishments of needs of the Brotherhood. ter “The Quemunicator in the Chapters and Brothers August 2006. of the Second District, is Inside this issue: Undergraduate Summit 2 Gamma Pi Chapter of the Year 3 Omega Chapter 5 Pi Omega’s Academy meet Clarence Thomas 9 District Social Action Project 11 Photo Gallery 16 Suspended/Expelled List 23 Friendship Is Essential to the Soul Page 2 THE OMEGAN The Undergraduate Summit- Strengthening Bridges October 7th 2006, marked the Following the report, the attentive in learning more rd brothers sung and stepped, 3 annual undergraduate brotherhood were enlightened about the modified process. Bro Tiller lead a thrilling summit for the Second Dis- in either the KRS, KF, or Bro. Robert Manning and singing and marching session trict. Of the eighty plus broth- Basilieus Roundtable work- Bro. Milton Harrison lead an (old school style). The inter- ers in attendance, fifty-eight shops that were moderated by intensive MSP workshop action between the brother- were undergraduates from Brother Kenny Rodgers, while playing “Good Cop- hood help illustrate the TRUE chapters all across the district. Kenny Jackson and Rod Bad Cop” to add a sense of st Spirit of Omega. Brothers felt The summit started at 10:30 Richardson (1 Vice DR) humor. revitalized and thoroughly am at Temple University in respectively. Since most of immersed as the session and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the undergraduates were neo- During the Scholarship ses- the summit can to an end. with an opening prayer from phytes, this was their first sion, Bro. Mark Myers, Chair Brother Tiller. Following the training to help them under- of Scholarship committee, Remarks was given by Bro. prayer there was a welcome stand more of their role and provided the undergraduate Dillard (District Rep.), Terik brothers with vital informa- nd address from Bro. Robert responsibilities to help pro- Tidwell (2 Vice DR), and tion on the various District Paterson (Basilieus of Omega vide efficient practices to Donzelle Tiller and National scholarships. Delta Delta-Temple Univ.) strengthen their chapters E- (Undergraduate Advisor). For Since there was few brothers and by Bro. Aaris Johnson (Pi Board. all brothers that were in atten- that applied for scholarships Chapter-Undergraduate Rep.). dance, they received an Un- The second session was the last year, Brother Myers en- After welcoming the brothers, dergraduate Summit Shirt and Questions and Answers ses- couraged all brothers to apply Bro. Tidwell spoke on the the book by Bro. James S. sion which provided the Un- for scholarships this year. th state of the undergraduates Avery (28 Grand Basilieus) Also to help with the effort of pertaining to involvement and dergraduate Leadership with “Others Thought I Could giving scholarships, the appli- leadership on a national and knowledge of the undergradu- Lead”. To conclude the suc- cation for scholarships will be district level, and its impor- ates concerns and provide the cessful summit all brothers part of the application for tance to the development and undergraduates with feedback joined in arms to sing Omega on vital information. Due to membership. enhancement of Omega’s Dear. presence on their respective the slight changes in the MSP process, all the brothers were Showing how the old school campuses. Bro. William Curtis Elected to Lead Ministers Conference of the Hampton University community. 2001, he founded William Ministers’ Conference, A native of Baltimore, H. Curtis Ministries in an which focuses on the tradi- Maryland, Reverend Curtis effort to expand his minis- tion of worship in the Afri- accepted a call to ministry try throughout the United can American church. at the age of 17. He pos- States and abroad. Brother Curtis has been sesses a bachelor of Arts The Hampton Univer- the pastor of Mt. Ararat Degree in Religious Stud- sity Ministers’ Conference Baptist Church in the East ies and Philosophy from is the largest group of in- Liberty section of Pitts- Morgan State University, a terdenominational African- burgh since 1997. During Master of Divinity Degree American clergy that his tenure, the church’s from the Howard Univer- meets anywhere in the membership has grown sity School of Divinity, world. Since 1914, the from over 400 to over and a Doctor of Ministry conference has served as a 7,100. In addition, Bro. Degree from the United gathering of over 6,000 Newly inducted mem- Curtis takes his church’s Theological Seminary in black clergy for a week of ber of the Omega Psi Phi responsibility to the com- Dayton, OH. Pastor Curtis reflection and theology. Fraternity, Inc. Iota Phi munity seriously and im- serves on the Board of the The 93rd HU Ministers’ Chapter in Pittsburgh, PA, plemented a community Urban League of Pitts- Conference is schedule for the Rev. Dr. William Cur- tithe program that returns burgh, and is a member of June 3-8, 2007 at Hampton tis was elected to a four- over 10 percent of the con- the African American University. year term as the president gregation’s offering to the Leadership Committee. In THE OMEGAN Page 3 Gamma Pi Selected as 2nd District Chapter of the Year Gamma Pi’s hard work for recognition for an outstanding Achievement Week program ond District golf competition the greater community and Achievement Week Pro- in 2005. The chapter was one on May 4 held as part of the for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity gram.” of five in the District cited for District Conference. They continues to pay dividends for such an award. That program bested 40 other golfers and, the 33-year-old chapter. To compete for Chapter of that was held last November as a result, Gamma Pi will When the dust had settled on the Year, Gamma Pi submit- and attracted a large audience have possession of the Dis- the 58th Second District Con- ted a scrapbook assembled by to hear the keynote speaker, trict golf trophy for one year. ference held in Philadelphia Brothers Gordon Everett former Chief of Chaplains for Their names and the chapter’s May 4-7, Gamma Pi once (Keeper of Records and Seal) the U.S. Army and Omega Psi name will be engraved on the and Arthur Powell depicting again was selected as the Phi member Rev. Major cup. District’s Graduate Chapter of public service projects and General (Ret.) Matthew Zim- the Year. The award was for other activities for the year. merman. Last year’s Achieve- More than 25 Gamma Pi Gamma Pi’s work in 2005. Throughout the fraternity ment Week also marked the brothers registered and at- The chapter received the same year, Gamma Pi plans and first time Gamma Pi brothers tended the District Confer- honor initially in 2003 when oversees a host of public ser- had held a chapter-only din- ence. In true Gamma Pi fash- vice projects and events ion, the chapter will seize the award was instituted. ner fellowship to mark the aimed at uplifting the local occasion. The Second Dis- upon the distinguished Chap- “It was a great conference community and upholding trict conference also saw ter of the Year designation and a proud moment in the Omega Psi Phi’s Cardinal Brother Kenneth Rodgers, not as a laurel to rest on, but a history of the “Super Chap- Principles of Manhood, former three-term Basileus of challenge to take its service- ter,” Gamma Pi Basileus Scholarship, Uplift and Perse- Gamma Pi, elected as the oriented agenda to an even Teddy Taylor said to the verance. Second District Keeper of higher level in 2006. To chapter in a congratulatory Gamma Pi, the award is not In addition to the Chapter Records and Seal. And fi- email following the District nally, two chapter brothers, just for the chapter or the conference. “Congratulations of the Year Award, Gamma community, but shared with Pi was also recognized at the chapter KRS Gordon Everett to Gamma Pi for repeating as th and Roland Penn, both the entire Prince George’s the Chapter of the Year in the 58 Second District confer- County community that it ence for an outstanding Winston-Salem State Univer- 2nd District and receiving sity graduates, won the Sec- serves.
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