Classical Coins of Exceptional Quality Ancient, Medieval, Foreign & British Coins Numismatic Books Purchase, Sale, Auction & Valuation Regular Price Lists & Auction Catalogues (Complimentary Catalogue Upon Request) Annual Subscription $25/£15 ($351£20 overseas) Contact either our U.S. or u.K. office: (.L\ Seaby Coins ~ Eric J. McFadden, Senior Director 7 Davies Street London WIY ILL, United Kingdom (071) 495·1888, Fax (071) 499·5916 (.L\ Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. ~ Victor England, Senior Director Post Office Box 245 Quarryville, PA 17566·0245 USA (717) 786·4013, Fax (717) 786·7954 INSIDE THE CELATOR ... Vol. 6, No. 11 FEATURES November 1992 6 VQTA PUBLICA: The origins of 'Tfz.e Ce{atoT voting in Rome and the use 01 coins for political purposes Publisher/Editor by Peter Bardy and Bill Whetstone Wayne G. Sayles Office Manager 10 Pixodarus-Alexander affair furnishes Janet Sayles intrigue for a blockbuster movie Page 6 Associate Editor by Mark Rakicic Steven A. Sayles VOTA PUBLICA by Peter 8erdy 14 Turbulent history of the RCCLiaison James L. Meyer and Bill Whetstone Crusades influenced a variety of early coinage types Production Asst. NickPopp by Margaret A. Graff Distribution Asst. 30 Roman coins found at Nineveh C hristine Olson provide evidence of trade Rochelle Olson between rival empires Art by Murray L. Eiland, 11/ Parnell Nelson Tho Co/atar 34 A poetic perspective: (ISSN 1110480986) is an independent joumal Apology for Numismatics published on the lirst by Brian A. Brown day of each month at Page 10 226 Palmer ParKway, Pixodarus-Alexander affair Lodi. Wt. It is circulated intemationally through by Mark Rakicic DEPARTMENTS sUbscriptions and special distributions. Subscription rates, payable in U.S. funds. 2 The Celator's Paint of View are $24 per year (second class) within 4 Letters to the Editor· Quotes from the Past the United States; $30 to Canada; $48 12 Book News per year to all other addresses (Air Printed Antiquities by David Ueben Maner). Advertising and 22 oopy deadline is the lirst 01 each month. 24 People in the News· Profiles in Numismatics Unsolicited articles and news releases 25 Art and the Market are welcome, however publication cannot be Page 14 28 Coming Events guaranteed. Second Early Crusader coinage class postage paid 36 Coins of the Bible by David Hendin (USPS 11006077) by Margaret A. Graff at loci!, WI 53555. Copyright e l992, 39 Just for Beginners by Wayne G. Sayles Clio's Cabinet. About the cover: Postmaster: send address Reverse of a denarius of L. Cas­ 40 Reference Reviews by Dennis Kroh changes to P.O. Box 123, sius Longinus (63 B.C.), depicting Lodi, WI 53555 43 Coin File - Trivia - Humor a citizen standing, depositing his 608-592-4684 vole into a cista (basket). The 45 Professional Directory (same lor FAX, alter hours ballot is a block of wood inscribed activate with asterisk with a "V'. (BMC 329-36. Syd. 935). 52 Index of Advertisers - Classifieds on touch tone phooe) Deadline for the December issue is Monday, November 2 ago, and what I thought of that preten­ tious Colonel. As far as I am concerned, the argu­ ments have all been made. I have never claimed to be any smarter than anyone • • else in detecting fakes. As a matter of fact, I am not particularly well qualified Commentary by Wayne G. Sayles to pass such judgements. I have stated the case as I see it, and Dr. Flegler has stated the case as he sees it. Ne 'er the twain shall meet. II it takcs to fill the mail box, it dealers, including many that advertise seems, is a little controversy. in The Celator. that accept the hoard as There are some things in this world A Betwecn our editorial commcnts genuine and offer the coins for sa le"; that we have come to trust and rely on. about thc AN A and our article about the 13) Dr. Flegler has effectively demon­ Scienceisoneofthem. I sincerely hope Black Sca Hoard, we'vc managed to strated that all of the observations made that among the readers of these li nes is gcncrate a littlc activity in the "pcn and by your editor over the past three years an impartial, qualified, and objective ink" department. Most of the responsc are erred. scientist who will find a way to set the to our Black Sca Hoard article was fa­ He also pokes a little ridicule at pro­ matter to rest. vorable. vincial Lodi, Wisconsin, and accuses us On the subject of the ANA, I was We did get a substantial rebuttal from of being "ethnocentric" because of a heartened by the number of readers in Dr. Flegler, which wecertainly expected, reference to Sozopol, Nesebur, Burgas agreement with my assessment of the but have decided (0 endure the inevi­ and Varna as "rather obscure muse­ situation on the hill. I expected that the ta ble criticism and not publish it. In ums". Further, because I suggested the dealers would besinging Amen, but a lot summary, he claims: I) the dental possibility that coins in the Varna and of collectors were in the choir too! Evi­ technicians don't exist; 2) no individu­ Nesebur museums might be from dently, there are a lot of collectors who als with or without connections to "salted" finds, 1 am accused of ques­ really feel deeply about the personal re­ dentistry have been jailed; 3) dental tioning the integrity of Dr. Ivan wards of this hobby. There are a lot of drills are too big to cngrave the lines Karyotov, "one of the most respected them who want tosee things the way they found on Mescmbria coins; 4) a dental numismatists in eastern Europe." Fi- used (0 be. We can always hope and dream! Speaking of dreaming, Brian Brown sent us a remarkably sensitive poem which was apparently inspired by "As far as I am concerned, the our comments about the joys of collect­ ing. You'll fmd it in this issue and we arguments have all been made. " hope you enjoy it as much as we did. On ,a sadder note, it seems that the drill lacks the ability to produce the nally, Dr. Reglerpointsoutthat Bulgar­ postal system has done it to us again. "fine, sharp detail" seen on hoard coins; ians "have a level of numismatic Several reports have come in from our 5) it is "impossible" for the metal to scholarship that would put most of us overseas subscribers indicating that the have come from silver coins of the 1930$; Americans to shame." September issue fell out of an airpl ane or 6) "ridges arc not at all un usua l on There you have it, the condensed was stolen by the International Federa­ genuine ancient coins"; 7) five labora­ version. If you want the whole story, tionofFish Wrappers. Hopefully they'll tories in Europe analyzed the coins and and probably a lot more, call Dr. Stanley be found, because we don't have many came to identical conclusions as Dr. Flegler at (517) 353-9430, or maybe extras! We've been placing the date of Flegler; 8) Dr. Regier knows all about you'll be able to wait and read it on the shipment on our U.S. distribution, and the origin of the Black Sea Hoard, and front page of a numi smatic tabloid. staning this month we'll also place it on those who "transferred·' the coins out of I recall, now with amusement, an our overseas shipments. Maybe that'll Bulgaria; 9) there is nothing unusual event that occurred some twenty years help keep the postal workers on their about random die linking in coins of ago. A friend and I were standing-tall toes. We appreciate your patience. Greekcolonies of the Black Sea region; before a stern Air Force Colonel, who We're off to London for COINEX 10) Dr. Flegler denies acknowledging was not at all happy with the current this month, and then will be visiting the that there are fakes in the hoard, he in­ state of affairs. The Colonel said to my numismatic departments at the Univer­ stead says there are fakes o/the hoard; friend, "Captain, how long did it take sity of Tilbingen in Gennany and the 11 ) Dennis Kroh has "changed his mind" you to get this stupid?" After reading Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. We'll and believes the coins held by Heritage Dr. F1eger'sresponse, I remembered all be back in two weeks to hear your point are authenti c; 12) There are "many coin too well that feeling of twenty years of view! CIh, C,!ato, ii named fo, and dedicahd to the coin di,-w5,a(JeH of aJ2i:i9uity who« mt "maini ai powetp,! and aNwfJ.n5 today a, in thei~ Own time. 2 The Celator The Elisabeth Washburn King Collection of Ancient Greek Coins, The Property of Bryn Mawr College Stater of Kallionia Drachm of Sicilian Naxos Tetr:ldrachm of Gela Auction to be held Friday, December 11 at 2 pill in Ollf New York gaUeries Viewing to be held December 8 through December 10. CompiimcllLlry catalogues are available mid-November from Chrisrie's Coin Departlllcnt, 502 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022. For fiJrther information please call JamL'S L1111b or Chnstine Dcu5Sen at 212/546-1056 CHRISTIE'S November 1992 3 Copies by Slavei Selling romance For many years th e name Siavei or Inspired by you r October editorial Bulgarian Workshop has been used to regarding coin shows and perhaps the refer to the source of fake ancient coins way it used to be. thaI were suspected of having originated from Bulgaria (see The Celator, Sept.
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