Jupe 7,1984 June 7,1984 DL Gay Leaders Seek Party Harmony Gay Rights Continued from page 1 ■ In the State Assembly races. Demo­ will be excellent gay representation crat Art Agnos, who ran unopposed in on the convention floor. In other election news: Incumbents the 16th District, will be opposed by ^ fH ‘Overall. I think the evening was Sala Burton and Barbara Boxer easily Max Woods while State Assembly f successful,’ said Roselli. ‘We who are Ordinance T ested won Democratic congressional primar­ Speaker Willie Brown easily withstood with Alice feel good that we are the by Ray O’Loughlin ies. Burton will be opposed in the 5th Michael Hodgkiss’ challenge and will only gay club in town with two people validity of the city’s own gay rights f < District by Tom Spinoza, who barely take on Republican Lee Edison, who who are on the executive board who San Francisco, CA. — In what is ordinance but also because it moves squeaked out a 118—vote win over won by a 3 — 1 margin over Donald will be on the convention floor (Roselli being called the first significant test of to a new area of gay rights litigation. Anna Guth. Boxer, who defeated Brian Donaldson. In the 19th District, Robert and O’Connor).’ San Francisco’s gay rights ordinance ‘We’re faced with the problem of Lantz by an 87—13 margin, will take Bacci, a member of Concerned Repub­ Mehring said the election of the Michael Raines is once again in redressing discrimination once the laws Superior Court. Raines is suing the have said it is wrong. How do you on Douglas Binderup, who won a licans for Individual Rights, lost by a delegates ‘reflected the power of the • • * * .* vV 4~ P 10—point decision over Gregory Baka 14—point margin to Robert Silvestri, gay vote.’ He went on to praise city’s War Memorial Performing Arts prove discrimination when people say in the Republican Party’s 6th District who will try to unseat Democratic Roselli’s election as an alternative as Center board of directors whom he they didn’t do it? The Michael Raines primary. an example of the cooperation of labor alleges unlawfully dismissed him from case is the first to set up a proof of "i.ppHliiilill Third District State Senator Milton and gay supporters. his job as managing director in 1980. discrimination that can be presented Thank ¡¡¡r~ . Marks ran unopposed in his Republi­ ‘I think his (Roselli’s) identification While the city maintains that Raines to a jury.’ He also saw the case as There is less acrimony was let go when a better qualified can primary and will be opposed by with labor helped as much as his reminding San Franciscans that discri­ -*-Gay IiiI SB 1^ Lia Belli, who captured 70 percent of this year than in 1980 identification with the gay community,’ director was found, Raines claims he mination exists here. the Democratic vote. when the Carter and Mehring said. ‘Labor leaders and gay was fired for being gay. Dunlap cited the Raines case as Kennedy people squab- leaders worked well during this comp- According to his attorney Mary C. significant also to the struggle for Walter Mondale Dunlap, evidence of a pattern of ■ bled... some people just aign and I’m sure that cooperation had Assembly Bill 1, the statewide gay homophobic discrimination will be employment rights bill that Gov. folded their tents up after Craig also believed the Democrats much to do with getting Sal in.’ can get together before the convention Mehring also pointed out that gay introduced at the trial. She said that George Deukmejian vetoed earlier this the conventidn and didn't statements by board members indica­ and the fjdl election. voting power was reflected in the year. ‘Deukmejian alleged in his veto Q>Co show any interest in the 1 actually think there’s less acrimony Democratic Party County Central ted a preoccupation with Raines’ that no discrimination exists against S election. This year this year than in 1980 when the Committee elections. In the 16th gayness and showed a determination gay people,’ she said. ‘This case lets <D there's a lot less passion Carter and Kennedy people squabbl­ Asembly District, O’Connor, Jack to oust him from his job in preference people know that gays and lesbians •t)3“ for what one board member called a are the victims of discrimination on O with the personalities and ed,’ Craig said. ‘At that time, some Trujillo and Cleve Jones were three of S people just folded their tents up after ten members chosen, while in the ‘family man’. the job. Michael Raines has had his <Q more of a feeling that we Raines, who had difficulty finding career dashed on the rocks because of Qa the convention and didn’t show any 17th district, Ron Huberman, Carole ■: *oa* gotta beat Reagan. interest in the election. This year. 1 Migden, Greg Day and Louise Minnick employment as a result of subsequent the actions of petty, venal homophob­ think there’s a lot less passion with were all successful candidates. allegations that he was an incompetent es. the personalities and more of a feeling Sentinel USA went to press, there manager, is asking for $1-million in This is the second trial for Raines’ Ecumenical Festival oi Prayer, June 16-17 at St. Boniface Church, 133 Golden Gate Avenue incumbent Louis Papan, a landslide that ‘We gotta beat Reagan.” was also a possibility that Craig might damages from the War Memorial suit. Judge Richard Figone declared a winner over David Kilber. Both Roselli and Mehring were be elected to the Central Committee Board and the City of San Francisco. mistrail when a jury could not reach a Proposition 1, the San Francisco extremely happy at what they feel from the 17th district as well. Dunlap told Sentinel USA that this decision last summer. Dunlap said city ordinance which would have case is the first test of employment she considered that a victory since trimmed the size of the Board of rights under the city’s gay/lesbian Figone refused even to instruct the Supervisors from 11 to seven, was civil rights ordinance. ‘It’s an important jury on the applicability of the city’s Uplinger Case Returned defeated by a 68 — 32 margin. City test case in making the law stick,’ she gay rights ordinance to the case. voters also approved more pay for Culture Shock: Dignity’s said. ‘We want to be careful so this Figone considered the ordinance con­ by Will Snyder attorney who worked on the Uplinger police officers who work a night shift case can be used as an example.’ stitutional. Two California experts on gay rights case before the New York court. Both by a small margin while soundly Matt Coles, co-attomey in the case, Superior Court Judge William Mul­ issues are pleased with a recent men are directors of the American thumping a proposal which would Dazziing Tenderioin Debut said the Raines case is significant not lins is conducting the new trial. Jury decision of the United States Supreme Association of Personal Privacy, a only because the defendants (the City Gary Hart have rejected seniority pay for fire­ selection began on June 6. The trial is Court not to hear a controversial case small group of experts on sexual fighters. of San Francisco) have challenged the expected to last 4-5 weeks. from Buffalo, New York, concerning issues.The group spent $10,000 to sodomy, but they are not yet prepared help pay for the legal fees in the to declare the decision of the Burger Uplinger case. (Dourt as a victory either. ‘One of- the underlying factors in On May 30, the Court refused by a this case was the fact that Uplinger 5-4 margin to rule on the legality of was arrested for doing something that private sexual acts between consenting was perfectly legal,’ said Hardman. HEY QUEER! adults and sent the case back to the ‘Homosexual activity is legal in New New York Court of Appeals where it York. All Uplinger wanted to do was Every Day in this Country is likelv to die. Justices Harry Black- to take this nice cop home and that is ■ millions of people still live in fear of these words mun, William Brennan, John Paul not a crime in the eyes of the law. If ■ thousands of our people are dying with AIDS Stevens, Lewis Powell and Thurgood the underlying act is legal, now we Marshall ruled not to hear the case. are seeing a crime made out of ■ in employment and housing there is legalized discrimination Chief Justice Warren Burger and ■ in city streets and parks we are beaten by punks and police something that is legal.’ Justices Byron White, William Rehn- Kohom felt one of the reasons the ■ in court-rooms our children are taken away from us quist and Sandra O’Connor were in court refused to hear the case was ■ in the armed forces we are kicked out or thrown in jail the minority on this decision. because of the growing number of The case involved a Buffalo man, ■ at borders and ports our people can be barred from entry Dignity/San Francisco choir rohaarsing at St. Bonitace states which are decriminalizing sodo­ Robert Uplinger, who was arrested my laws. and convicted of soliciting for deviate One Day in San Francisco by Tom Murray Pfisterer, pastor of St. Boniface, purposes to an undercover policeman Hardman agreed with Kohorn. ‘You Ten of thousands of us will march to a rally at the site of the Democratic Primly dressed white-gloved ladies encouraged Dignity members to move on a street in 1981.
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