S6536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 29, 2016 going on. This gives him new authority is. It is true that we will have to ap- (FARA), GBS/CIDP Foundation Inter- to do that. Everybody thinks that prove it every year, and it is true that national, The Global Foundation for would be an important thing to do. It we had to reduce other spending in Peroxisomal Disorders, The Guthy-Jackson was approved by voice vote. order to have this spending, but that is Charitable Foundation, Hermansky-Pudlak Advancing Precision Medicine. This Syndrome Network Inc., Histiocytosis Asso- the way we are supposed to do things. ciation, HLRCC Family Alliance, The Hun- is legislation that I introduced and What we have done is take a bipar- tington’s Disease Society of America, supported the President’s Precision tisan core of bills; we worked hard for HypoPARAthyroidism Association, Immune Medicine Initiative, which I have two years in a bipartisan way and pro- Deficiency Foundation, Indian Organization talked about before. duced a result that had very few ‘‘no’’ for Rare Disorders, The International Advo- There is other legislation that went votes along the way. It includes Demo- cate for Glycoprotein Storage Diseases, through. The point of all of this is that cratic priorities as well as Republican International FOP Association, Inter- 19 different bills are the core of this priorities. It has the avid interest of national Foundation for CDKL5 Research, 21st Century Cures Act. The most re- International Myeloma Foundation, Inter- the Democratic President of the United national Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foun- corded number of votes against this States, the Democratic Vice President dation (IPPF), International WAGR Syn- bill was two, and every single one was of the United States. It is a part of the drome Association, Jack McGovern Coats’ sponsored by a Democrat as well as a agenda forward in health care for the Disease Foundation, Kennedy’s Disease Asso- Republican, except for one, which was Republican Speaker of the House, and ciation, LAL Solace, The Life Raft Group, Senator MURRAY’s bill. She is the rank- the Republican majority leader in the Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham’s Disease Al- ing Democrat on the committee. Senate says it is the most important liance, The Marfan Foundation, MEBO Re- In conclusion, we are fortunate to be bill we are going to act on. search, MitoAction, Moebius Syndrome Foundation, The Morgan Leary Vaughan able to add to the bill the Mental I would think that would get a big Health Reform Act. Actually, we in- Fund. vote tomorrow in the House, and I Mucolipidosis Type IV Foundation, Mus- clude three mental health bills, and to- would think it deserves a big vote in cular Dystrophy Association (MDA), The gether they make up the most signifi- the U.S. Senate next week. It has been Myositis Association, National Adrenal Dis- cant reform of mental health programs my privilege to work with Senator eases Foundation, National Alopecia Areata that we have had in more than a dec- MURRAY and the other members of the Foundation, National Ataxia Foundation, ade. I want to give particular credit to Committee on Health, Education, and National Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome Senator MURPHY, Democrat, and to Labor to produce the bill. Network, National Lymphedema Network Senator CASSIDY, Republican, for work- I yield the floor. (NLN), National MPS Society, National Or- ing together through some real land- ganization for Rare Disorders (NORD), Na- There being no objection, the mate- tional PKU Alliance, National Spasmodic mines to get this to a place where it rial was ordered to be printed in the Dysphonia Association, National Tay-Sachs can pass the House almost unani- RECORD, as follows: & Allied Diseases Association, Inc. (NTSAD), mously and where it will be a part of ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTING 21ST CENTURY NBIA Disorders Association, NephCure Kid- the bill that we will vote on next week. CURES ney International, Neuroendocrine Tumor I want to thank the majority whip, IBM, Premier Healthcare Alliance, Amer- Research Foundation, Neurofibromatosis Senator CORNYN, who also added an im- ican Society of Clinical Oncology, National Network, The Oley Foundation, Organic Aci- portant judicial part to this legislation Patient Advocate Foundation, Parent demia Association, Osteogenesis Imperfecta and helped us navigate some difficult Project Muscular Dystrophy, Alliance of Foundation, Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria issues. In other words, these Senators Specialty Medicine, Advanced Medical Tech- Foundation, Parent Project Muscular Dys- nology Association (AdvaMed), Association trophy (PPMD), Parents and Researchers In- showed that they know how to legis- terested in Smith-Magenis Syndrome late. They could have stood up and of American Medical Colleges, Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities/Associa- (PRISMS), PKD Foundation, Prader-Willi made a speech. They could have in- tion of American Universities, United for Syndrome Association (USA), PRP Alliance, sisted on doing things exactly their Medical Research; Epstein Becker Green on Pulmonary Hypertension Association, way, but they said to look for the area behalf of: Coalition for CLIA Waiver Reform, RASopathies Network USA, Rett Syndrome where we might agree on 80 percent of Advanced Medical Technology Association, Research Trust, Scleroderma Foundation, the policy and let’s agree that. National Coalition of STD Directors, Abbott, Spastic Paraplegia Foundation, Sturge- This is one of those bills. Look at the Alere, Becton Dickinson & Company, BioFire Weber Foundation, Tarlov Cyst Disease Diagnostics, ChemBio Diagnostic Systems, Foundation, Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, number of Republicans and Democrats United Leukodystrophy Foundation, The who have passed that. Here is the sec- Roche Diagnostics, Sekisui Diagnostics, Spartan Bioscience, TearLab Corporation. United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, ond mental health bill we are talking Coalition of 217 rare disease foundations: US Hereditary Angioedema Association, Vas- about. You can see the number of Sen- AKU Society of North America, Alpha–1 culitis Foundation, VHL Alliance, Williams ators. I have taken some time to go Foundation, ALS Association, Alternating Syndrome Association, Wilson Disease Asso- through the legislation that will be Hemiplegia of Childhood Foundation, Amer- ciation, Worldwide Syringomyelia & Chiari coming to the Senate early next week ican Behcet’s Disease Association (ABDA), Task Force, XLH Network. and that will be voted on tomorrow in American Brain Tumor Association, Amer- Mr. ALEXANDER. I suggest the ab- the House of Representatives. I do ican Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Support sence of a quorum. think it likely represents, as the ma- (AMEN Support), Association for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD), Asso- clerk will call the roll. jority leader has suggested, the most ciation of Gastrointestinal Motility Dis- important piece of legislation that we orders, Inc. (AGMD), Association for Gly- The bill clerk proceeded to call the could act on this year. Because it af- cogen Storage Disease, Batten Disease Sup- roll. fects virtually every American family, port and Research Association, BCC Nevus Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask Forbes magazine reported that 78 per- Syndrome Life Support Network, BRBN Alli- unanimous consent that the order for cent of the American people favored ance, Children’s PKU Network. the quorum call be rescinded. Congress taking action on medical in- Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, Chro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without novation because they have heard peo- mosome Disorder Outreach Inc., Cicatricial objection, it is so ordered. Alopecia Research Foundation, Council For ple like Dr. Francis Collins, the head of Bile Acid Deficiency Diseases, CureCADASIL f the National Institutes of Health, talk (CADASIL Association Inc.), CureCMD, Cure about within the next 10 years having a FILLING THE SUPREME COURT HHT, Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation, VACANCY Zika vaccine and HIV/AIDS vaccine, The Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation, identifying Alzheimer’s before symp- Inc., Dystonia Advocacy Network, Dystonia Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, earlier toms appear and slow its progression, Medical Research Foundation, dystrophic this year the Republican leadership an artificial pancreas for those with di- epidermolysis bullosa research association of made a somewhat controversial deci- abetes, and a non-addictive type of America (debra of America), The sion, but when you think about it, it Erythromelalgia Association, Everylife shouldn’t have been all that controver- pain medicine. Foundation for Rare Diseases, Foundation These are magnificent opportunities for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types, Inc., sial. It was to allow the American peo- for us. We have strong leadership at Foundation for Prader-Willi Research, Foun- ple, by their selection for the next the National Institutes of Health. We dation to Eradicate Duchenne (FED), President of the United States, to ex- have put our money where our mouth Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance press their views about who ought to be VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Nov 30, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29NO6.026 S29NOPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 29, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6537 nominated to the vacancy left by the accountable, unelected legislators As I said, we need a Justice like the untimely death of Justice Antonin wearing black robes or judges who be- late Justice Scalia,
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