Public Disclosure Authorized Global Tige Public Disclosure Authorized r R e co v er y P r o g Global Tiger Recovery Program r am ANNEX: 2010–2022 National Tige Public Disclosure Authorized r R e cov er y Priorities Global Su Public Disclosure Authorized p The Global Tiger Recovery Program was port P endorsed in the St. Petersburg Declaration on r Tiger Conservation at the International Tiger o g r Forum (‘Tiger Summit’), held in St. Petersburg, ams Russia, on November 21–24, 2010. Governments of the Tiger Range Countries People’s Republic of Bangladesh Kingdom of Bhutan Kingdom of Cambodia People’s Republic of China Republic of India Republic of Indonesia Lao People’s Democratic Republic Malaysia Union of Myanmar Nepal Russian Federation Kingdom of Thailand Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Partner Organizations of the Global Tiger Initiative March 2011 The Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) was endorsed in the St. Petersburg Declaration on Tiger Conservation at the International Tiger Forum (‘Tiger Summit’), held in St. Petersburg, Russia, on November 21–24, 2010. The GTRP is the result of a collaboration among the 13 Tiger Range Countries and the partners of the Global Tiger Initiative. The GTRP document is prepared and printed by: Global Tiger Initiative Secretariat The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW, MSN J-3-300 Washington, DC 20433, U.S.A. www.GlobalTigerInitiative.org [email protected] Global Tiger Recovery Program In the St. Petersburg Declaration on Tiger Con- among the tiger range countries is essential, servation endorsed at the International Tiger Fo- the reversal of this crisis is additionally depen- rum, Tiger Range Countries adopted the Global dent upon financial and technical support from Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP). The official text the international community, bearing in mind of the Declaration is included here as a preface that most Tiger Range Countries are develop- to the GTRP that follows. ing countries. The crisis facing the tiger has yet to receive the international attention it deserves and saving this species is a common responsi- The St. Petersburg Declaration on Tiger bility; Conservation Understand the role of international agree- (Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 23, 2010) ments on the conservation of biological diver- sity and protection of rare and endangered spe- We, the Heads of the Governments of the Peo- cies, including the tiger, such as the Convention ple’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Kingdom of on Biological Diversity, the Convention on Inter- Bhutan, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the People’s national Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Republic of China, the Republic of India, the Re- Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the Convention on public of Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democrat- the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild ic Republic, Malaysia, the Republic of the Union Animals; of Myanmar, Nepal, the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Repub- Acknowledge the work to date of the Interna- lic of Vietnam, being custodians of the last re- tional Tiger Forum and encourage its revitaliza- maining tigers in the wild, having gathered at tion and more active role; an unprecedented International Tiger Forum in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, from 21–24 Recall and endorse The Manifesto on Combat- November 2010, with the common goal of tiger ing Wildlife Crime in Asia, adopted in Pattaya, conservation; Thailand, in April 2009; the Recommendations of the Global Tiger Workshop in Kathmandu, Ne- Recognize that Asia’s most iconic animal faces pal, October 2009; the Hua Hin Declaration on imminent extinction in the wild. In the past centu- Tiger Conservation at the First Asian Ministerial ry, tiger numbers have plummeted from 100,000 Conference on Tiger Conservation (1st AMC) in to below 3,500, and continue to fall. Tiger num- Hua Hin, Thailand, January 2010; and the Work bers and habitat have declined by 40 percent in Plan of the Pre Tiger Summit in Bali, Indonesia, the last decade alone, lost largely to habitat loss, July 2010; poaching, the illegal wildlife trade, and human- tiger conflict. Three subspecies have already dis- Welcome the adoption of National Tiger Recov- appeared, and none of the other six is secure; ery Priorities (NTRPs) and the Global Tiger Re- covery Program (GTRP); and Acknowledge that the tiger is one of the impor- tant indicators of healthy ecosystems and a fail- Acknowledge and appreciate the presence and ure to reverse these trends will result in not only support of other governments, international or- the loss of tigers but also a loss of biological di- ganizations, non-governmental organizations, versity throughout the entire Asiatic region, to- and other supporters of tigers. gether with the tangible and intangible benefits provided by these magnificent predators and the Because it is our obligation to future genera- ecosystems they inhabit; tions, and because we must act now, we hereby declare the following: Note that whilst the conservation of the tiger is primarily a national responsibility and that in- Strive to double the number of wild tigers across creased cooperation and coordination of efforts their range by 2022 by iv Preface 1. Doing everything possible to effectively man- and their ecosystems and thus eliminate age, preserve, protect, and enhance habitats, the illicit demand for tigers and their parts. including: 3. Engaging with indigenous and local commu- a. Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation nities to gain their participation in biodiver- in planning and development processes sity conservation, minimize negative impacts in tiger habitat; on tigers, their prey, and habitats, and reduce b. Making critical tiger breeding habitats in- the incidence of human-tiger conflict by pro- violate areas within the larger tiger con- viding sustainable and alternative livelihood servation landscapes where no economic options through financial support, technical or commercial infrastructure development guidance, and other measures. or other adverse activities are permitted; 4. Increasing the effectiveness of tiger and habi- and maintaining the landscapes and cre- tat management, basing it on: ating corridors around and between them a. The application of modern and innovative where all permitted development activi- science, standards, and technologies; ties are tiger- and biodiversity-compatible; b. Regular monitoring of tigers, their prey, and c. Improving protection by using systematic habitat; patrolling to safeguard tigers, their prey, c. Adaptive management practices; and and habitats; and d. Building capacity of institutions involved d. Working collaboratively on transboundary in science and training and creating a plat- issues, such as the uninhibited movement form for interactive knowledge exchange of tigers and the management of tiger at all levels. conservation landscapes. 5. Exploring and mobilizing domestic funding, 2. Working collaboratively to eradicate poach- including new financing mechanisms based ing, smuggling, and illegal trade of tigers, on forest carbon financing including REDD+, their parts, and derivatives through: payment for ecosystem services (PES), eco- a. Strengthened national legislation, insti- tourism, and private sector, donor, and non- tutions, and law enforcement to combat governmental organization partnerships. crime directed against tigers; 6. Appealing for the commitment of internation- b. Strengthened regional law enforcement al financial institutions, such as World Bank, activities through bilateral and multilat- Global Environment Facility, Asian Develop- eral arrangements such as Association of ment Bank, bilateral and other donors and South East Asian Nations Wildlife Enforce- foundations, CITES Secretariat, non-govern- ment Network (ASEAN-WEN), South Asia mental organizations, and other conservation Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN), partners to provide or mobilize financial and and the Protocol between the Government technical support to tiger conservation. of the People’s Republic of China and the 7. Looking forward to the establishment of a Government of the Russian Federation on multi-donor trust fund or other flexible ar- Tiger Protection; rangements to support tiger conservation. c. Strengthened international collaboration, 8. Requesting financial institutions and other coordination, and communication; partners, including the Global Tiger Initia- d. Specialized expertise, where relevant, tive, to assist in identifying and establishing from international organizations includ- a mechanism to coordinate and monitor the ing the CITES Secretariat, INTERPOL, the use of the multi-donor trust fund allocated for UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the World tiger conservation and the implementation of Bank, and the World Customs Organiza- the GTRP, including its Global Support Pro- tion (recognizing that some of these agen- grams for capacity building and knowledge cies may, themselves, require additional sharing, combating wildlife crime, demand resources); and reduction, and the GTRP progress report. In e. Long-term national and global programs to the interim, we request the Global Tiger Ini- create awareness of the value of wild tigers tiative to fulfill this role. v Global Tiger Recovery Program 9. Agreeing to convene high-level meetings Fund, Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Fish and on a regular basis to review the progress of Wildlife Service, Wildlife Conservation Soci- NTRPs and the GTRP and to help ensure con- ety, WWF, and other partners in the Global Ti- tinued high
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