C, A, TURNER. ONE BUTTON UNION SUIT, 1,204,615. APPLICATION FLED NOW, 8, 1915. Patented Nov. 14, 1916. Fig.5 INVENTOR CHARLES A TL/FNER " 47.4% ATTORNEY UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES A TURNER, OF UTICA, NEW YORK. oNE-BUTTON UNION-suIT. 1,204,615. Specification of Letters Patent. Paterated Nov. 14, f$91 6, , Application filed November 8, 1915. Serial No. 60,215. To all whom, it may concern; will eliminate, the double thickness of cloth Be it known that I, CHARLEs A. TURNER, at the crotch and obviate bulkiness in this a citizen of the United States, residing at section. However, if a double flap should Utica, in the county of Oneida and State of be found desirable, a small gusset can be New York, have invented certain new and readily attached to the corresponding edge 60 useful Improvements in One-Button Union of the garment to obtain this effect. Suits, of which the following is a specifica The flap or gusset, at the back of the gar tion, reference being had therein to the ac ment, is designed to be sewed to one edge of companying drawing. the slit or opening in the rear of the garment 0 My invention relates to one button union and to extend from the top or neckportion 65 suit, and I declare the following to be a full, to the crotch. The flap is cut with a greater clear, 'concise and exact description thereof width in that part opposite the lower per sufficient to enable anyone skilled in the art manent opening of the garment, whereby to to which it appertains to make and use the prevent the accidental opening of the same 15 same, reference being had to the accompany and the consequent exposition of the body. ing drawings in which like reference char As a further advantage, the long flap orgus 70 acters refer to like parts throughout the set extending from the top or neck portion specification. to the crotch is sewed across approximately The object of the invention is to provide a its middle portion to the other parts of the 20 union suit that may be fastened in proper. garment, whereby the said seam will act as position upon the body of the wearer by a a stay and strengthen the back of the gar 75 single button located on the garment in the ment. Furthermore, the long flap does away rear df the neck. with the usual or customary slit across the The garment is designed especially for back, which slit necessitates an ugly seam 25. the comfort of the wearer in that it fur that not only presents a raw edge but mars so nishes a better covering for the protection the general appearance of the garment. of the body, as well as the avoidance of harm resulting from the use of many buttons. stoodThe by invention referring will to the be drawingsmore fully in which:under Still further, the garment is so made, that it. Figure 1 is a front view of the garment 30 can be conveniently donned, for the entering: outstretched; Fig. 2 is a rear view of the 85 portion thereof is located adjacent the top, garment outstretched; Fig. 3 is a detail view, whereby both legs can be easily projected showing the pattern of a flap or gusset em through the corresponding portions, the gar ployed; Fig. 4 is a fragment of the garment, ment then drawn up as far as the chest, showing the flap sewed thereto; Fig. 5 is a 35 whereupon the arms are inserted into the fragment of the garment showing a certain 90 sleeves and the garment fastened in the back modification thereof. Fig. 6 is a detail view or rear of the neck by buttoning a single enlarged of a front underlying flap' 'em member or by Snapping a clasp. It will be ployed; Fig. 7 is a detail view enlarged of a also observed that the garment eliminates all front overlying flap employed. - 40 possible exposure of the body, particularly Referring more particularly to the draw 95 where harmful in front about the chest, and ings, the garment is knitted with a constant ..especially when in a sitting position by locat Stitch throughout its texture, leaving, of ing the opening in the rear. This feature course, the usual openings for the neck and has also the advantage of effecting a modest sleeves. An aperture T-1-- is formed in 45 as well as graceful garment in appearance. the front portion adjacent the crotch and is OO In designing the garment, the flap at the protected by the two small flaps 2-2 that back portion is cut on a slight angle to about are superimposed and sewed to the body the center of the back and from there down of the garment as follows: to wit: the un the cut continues with a curve to the bottom derlying flap 2 shown in Fig. 6 is sewed to 50 of the opening or crotch, which cut avoids the garment from the point. A along the 05 the use of an extra flap or gusset at this por - edge thereof to the point Bat which place tion, as heretofore, and hence the resultant the other flap 2 is superimposed and both economy of material and cost of manufac flaps, shown in Figs. 6 and 7, are sewed to ture. Moreover, the avoidance of the extra the garment from points B to C to D. At 55 flap or gusset at this portion of the garment, point D the second flap 2, illustrated in Fig. 110 g 1,204,615 7 is sewed to the garment from point D to neck, if the wearer should find that the but A, whereby the side A to D is open on the ton 25 when secured to the button hole 26 underlying flap 2 and the side A to B on left any looseness thereabout. the overlying flap 2, to provide an opening The flap 12 is illustrated as passing from 70. 5 between said flaps. underneath to a superimposed position in The sleeves 5-5 which may be short or relation to the part of the garment con long to suit the taste of the wearer, are tiguous with the edge 19, yet the structure sewed into their proper places at the arm will permit the union suit to be made with holes. out slitting the edge 19 at right angles, as The legs 6-6 are knitted continu 75 O ously with the body of the garment and are at 20, but still retaining the stitching there closed in each instance by a seam along the along for strengthening the flap 12. In lines 7-7. this instance, the flap 12 will superimpose The rear portion of the garment has an the opposite edge of the garment and ne edge 8 on the left side, extending from the cessitate the interchange of the button and 15 neck 14 down to about the center of the button-hole. 80 back, as at 9 on an incline and then con The flap 12 may be made in two pieces, tinues on to the crotch 15, curving grace if desired. In this event, the portion of the fully inward at 11. A flap or gusset 12, flap 12 above the seam 23 will form one shown in detail in Fig. 3, and having an piece, and the portion below the seam 23 85 20 edge 13 conforming in contour to the edge will form the other. 8 of the garment, is sewed therealong, so as Fig. 5 shows a modification of the gar to extend from the neck 14 to the crotch ment, with respect to the addition of the . 15. The opposite edge 16 is left free its gusset 27 that is seamed along the lower entire extent. The lower edge 17 of the flap part of the edge 19 of the right hand side 25 is sewed to the corresponding part of the and also along the edge, 17 of the flap 12, 90 garment. thus leaving an opening at 30, as in the for The edge 19 of the garment or the one mer construction. The gusset 27 will with opposite the edge 8, is slit transversely for the flap 12 form a double thickness at the a short distance at 20 for the passage there Seat. w 95 30 between of the flap or gusset 12, whereby Having thus described my invention what the upper half of the flap 12 is covered by I claim as new and desire to secure by Let the contiguous part 21 of the garment, and ters Patent is: the lower half of said flap 12 will cover the 1. In a union suit, a rear portion cut from like portion 22 of the garment, or in other. the neck at an angle to about the waist 35 -words to reverse the position of the upper line terminating in a curve, whereby an en 00 and lower portions of the gusset 12 from larged piece is formed in the lower part of underlying to overlying with respect to the the garment, a gusset seamed to the edge right hand portion of the garment adjacent of said cut to form a closed crotch, and a the free edge 19. single member for securing said garment 40 The flap 12, the portion 21, and the lower upon the wearer. 05 . part 22 of the garment are all sewed along 2.
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