ITEM NO: 6 Application No. Ward: Date Registered: Target Decision Date: 16/00020/OUT Binfield With Warfield 15 January 2016 15 April 2016 Site Address: Blue Mountain Golf Club and Conference Centre Wood Lane Binfield Bracknell Berkshire RG42 4EX Proposal: Hybrid planning application seeking (a) outline planning permission for 400 dwellings, a community facility of up to 1,077 sq m, sports provision and open space (all matters reserved except for means of access) and (b) full planning permission for an all-through school (Learning Village) providing nursery, primary, secondary, post 16 and SEN facilities, approximately 13 ha of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) land, two vehicular accesses from Temple Way, a spine road through the development and a school drop-off/SANG car park. Applicant: Mr David Ferrar Agent: Miss Alice Suttie Case Officer: Margaret McEvit, 01344 352000 [email protected] Site Location Plan (for identification purposes only, not to scale) OFFICER REPORT 1. SUMMARY 1.1 The proposal is a hybrid application seeking full planning permission for an all- through school (Learning Village) providing nursery, primary, secondary, post 16 and SEN facilities, approximately 13 ha of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) land, two vehicular accesses from Temple Way, a spine road through the development and a school drop-off/SANG car park. Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for means of access is sought for up to 400 dwellings, a community facility of up to 1,077 sq m, sports provision and open space. 1.2 The application is a Schedule 2 development for the purposes of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 2011 falling within the category of an “Urban Development Project”. An Environmental Statement has been submitted as part of the application. 1.3 The site, along with some additional land outside the current application site, was allocated for comprehensive development as part of the site allocations process and policy SA7 of the Site Allocations Local Plan (SALP) allocates the site for a comprehensive well designed mixed use development to include the following: 400 residential units (including affordable housing) Land for a range of educational facilities including Primary, Secondary and Special Education Needs Multi functional community hub A new football ground Maintenance of a gap between Binfield and Bracknell (comprising on-site open space and/or SANG) On-site open space and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG). Planning Committee May 2016 RECOMMENDATION Planning permission be granted subject to conditions in Section 11 of this report 2. REASON FOR REPORTING APPLICATION TO COMMITTEE 2.1 The application has been reported to the Planning Committee following the receipt of more than 3 objections. 3. PLANNING STATUS AND SITE DESCRIPTION PLANNING STATUS Part of site within settlement boundary Part of site land outside of the settlement 3.1 The site is roughly rectangular in shape and is bounded by Temple Way to the south, Forest Road to the north, Wood Lane to the west and a footpath to the east that links Temple Way and Forest Road and runs adjacent to the Cut, a tributary of the River Thames. 3.2 The site is accessed from Wood Lane which connects to Temple Way to the south and provides vehicular access to the golf course, driving range and existing buildings on the site including Park Farm and Park Farm Cottages and the club house building. 3.3 The northern section of Wood Lane beyond the golf club buildings provides a pedestrian link to Forest Road north of the site. The driving range is sited on land west of Wood Lane. 3.4 The site is undulating and includes several ponds as part of the golf course layout draining into the Cut. Within the south eastern area of the site a series of linked ponds runs across the site. The site falls in height from west to east with a difference of approximately 20 metres from the western boundary to the eastern boundary where the land forms the slope of a valley of the Cut. The levels of the site have been Planning Committee May 2016 modified to create the golf course with the creation of a plateau area north of the club house building. 3.5 The boundaries of the site are largely well treed with established groups of trees planted within the site as part of the golf course design. 3.6 To the north, north west and south of the site, the immediate area is predominantly residential with the Temple Park residential area immediately south of the site and further residential areas with a mix of house types and sizes off Forest Road. 3.7 Newbold College, a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden is located south west of the site. 3.8 A supplementary planning document (SPD) was adopted in 2010 that identifies areas of special character within the Borough. The Character Area Assessments SPD identifies what makes defined parts of the Borough distinctive and what informs and creates the character within these areas, The SPD also puts forward recommendations to guide future development. The Binfield and Popeswood study area identifies three main character areas Binfield, Popeswood North and Popeswood South. Although Blue Mountain lies outside the study area, it is contained along the north, west and south boundaries by the three defined areas. The open designed landscape of Blue Mountain Golf Course is described as contributing to the character of the area with the scalloped golf course landscape, perimeter hedge line and views eastward features of the area’s landscape. 3.9 Within the description of Area B: Popeswood North which is located to the west of the golf course, there is said to be a poorly defined edge to the open landscape which creates a visual gap between Binfield and Bracknell centred around Blue Mountain. Within the description of Area C: Popeswood South lying south east of Blue Mountain, there is said to be a well defined edge to the south of the Binfield-Bracknell gap centred at the Blue Mountain Golf Course. The site is important as a gap between Bracknell and Binfield and its open character is noted as important in contributing to the character of the area. Planning Committee May 2016 3.10 South east of the site is the more modern residential area of Temple Park containing a variety of house types. This area lies outside the Binfield and Popeswood study area. 3.11 As part of the Site Allocation Local Plan process, the site was allocated for a comprehensive mixed use development. Policy SA7 sets out the development requirements for the site to include: 400 residential units (including affordable housing) Land for a range of educational facilities including Primary, Secondary and Special Education Needs Multi functional community hub A new football ground Maintenance of a gap between Binfield and Bracknell (comprising on-site open space and/or SANG) On-site open space and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace. Policy SA7 includes the requirement for development to maintain a gap between Bracknell and Binfield. 3.12 As part of the SALP process, the settlement area boundary was revised from its former position along the southern line of Temple Way to a position further north beyond the position of the club house, and running down Wood Lane to rejoin Temple Way. Land west of Wood Lane and the northern and eastern parts of the application site contain land outside the settlement area. The parts of the site proposing housing development and the buildings forming the full application proposals for the Learning Village and the community facilities are within the settlement area. 4. RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 4.1 No relevant planning history. 5. THE PROPOSAL Planning Committee May 2016 5.1 The application is in hybrid form seeking full planning permission for a Learning Village, a Community Hub, provision of open space and sports uses, an area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) together with supporting highways infrastructure to include an access road and pedestrian and cycle links through the site. The Learning Village is comprised of a nursery for up to 52 children, one form entry primary school, seven form entry secondary school, a post 16 unit and a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities facility for forty children aged 4 to 18. The learning village buildings will vary in height from single storey in the nursery and part of the primary elements, up to two storeys for part of the primary school and secondary school. The secondary school is two storeys in height on the southern elevation, increasing to three storeys where the building wraps around the open courtyard in the north of the site. 5.2 The learning village has been designed as an all-through school. The single storey nursery and primary elements form part of the perimeter of an entrance plaza within the secure school boundary to create an L-shaped building increasing in height to two storeys to attach to the secondary school. Outdoor play areas for nursery and primary pupils are provided adjacent to each classroom with two MUGAs for use by the primary school north east of the primary school. Vehicular access to the nursery and primary schools is via the main access road to the site with the road then turning east at the entrance plaza. A total of twenty parent drop off spaces including three disabled spaces are provided off the access road. The road continues north to the nursery and primary staff car park containing 40 spaces. 5.3 The secondary school is designed around an open courtyard and is positioned on a prominent plateau. The building is square and increases in height to three storeys along the northern elevations.
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