6858 CONGRESSION ...t\.L _RECORJ)-SENATE. OCTOBER 14, PETITIONS, ETC. the senior Senator from Arizona [M.r. SMITH], the senior Sen­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid ator from Kentucky [Mr. BECKHAM], the junior-Senator from on the Clerk's desk and ·referred as follows : Arizona [Mr. AsHUEST], the Senator - from Oklahoma .· [Mr. By Mr. HULINGS: Petition of Postal Employees' Association GoRE], the Senator from California [Mr. PHELAN], the junior of l\Iercer County, Farrel1, . Pa., praying for an increase in Senator from Kentucky [Mr. STANLEY], the Senator from Mary­ ·alary ; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. land [1\fr. SMITH], and the Senator from Tennessee [1\Ir. By .i\fr. l\IcGLENNON: Petition of American citizens of SHIELDS] are detained from the Senate on official business. Lithuanian origin, of Harrison, N. J., -asking the President of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Fifty-nine Senators have the United States and the United States Congress to give moral answered to their names. There is a quorum present. support to the Lithuanian people in their struggle against the VOCATIONAL REHABILITATIOX (S. DOC. NO. 133 ) . Bolsheviki ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. RAKER : Petition of California Redwood Association, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com-· San Francisco, Calif., protesting against the bill 'introduced by munication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmittinO' a Representative J EFFERis prohibiting Iuni.ber exports; to the letter from the vice chairman of the Federal Board for Vo~a­ Committee on the Judiciary. tional Education submitting a supplemental estimate of appro­ Also, petition of Watterson Bros. (Inc.),. of Bishop, Inyo priation in the sum of $20,000,000 required by the board for County, Calif., protesting against Senate bill 2896; to the Com­ carrying out the provisions of the voc:;ttional rehabilitation act mittee on Military .Affairs. during the current fiscal year, which, with the accompanying Also, petition of Mrs. Lucy R. Winters, of San Diego, Calif., paper, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations and in support of the Lewis-Raker bill for rank for nurses; to the o~dered to be printed. Committee on Military Affairs. CIVIT.IAN EMPLOYMENT OF COMMISSIO~ED OFFICERS ( S. DOC. Also, petition of Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, of San F.uancisco, NO. 132). Calif., and 'Vaterhouse & Lester, of Los Angeles, Calif., pro­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ testing against the bill introduced by Representative SIEGEL; munication from the Secretary of· War, transmitting, in re-· providing for the placing of the cost mark on all merchandise spouse to a resolution of August 23, 1919, statements relative to offe1·ed for sale; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign the administration, organization, and personnel in or attached Commerce. to the office establishment of the Chief of Staff of the Army, Washington, D. C., which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be SENATE. printed. · TUESDaY·, October 14, 1919. MESSAGE "FROM THE HOUSE. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. A message from the House of Representatives, by D. K. Hemp­ The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D: D., offered the stead, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House agrees to f ollowing prayer: the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing Almighty God, we thank Thee for the freedom which wraps votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to us as with a mantle of glory, for freedom of speech and of the bill (H. R. 8624) to amend an act ·entitled "An act to pro­ council and freedom of conscience and thought. We desire to vide further for the national security and defense by encour­ bring our free thought and conscience into harmony with Thy aging the production, conserving the supply, and controlling the will to accomplish Thy great purpose in us as a Nation. Guide distribution of food products and fuel," approYed. August 10, us thts day to this end. We ask it for Christ's sake. Amen. 1917. The Vice President being absent, the President-pro tempore The message also announced that the House agrees to t11e took the chair. · amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 7972) to improve the The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's administration of the Postal Service in the Territory of Ha,vaii. procee;tlings, when, on request of hfr. SMOOT and by unanimous The message further announced that the House agrees to the consent, the further reading was dispensed .with and the Jour-:. amendments of the Senate to the bill" (H. R. 9203) to punish the nal was approved. transportat~~n . of stolen motor Yehicles in interstate and foreign Mr. SMOOT. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a conunerce. · quorum. The message also announced that the House disagrees to the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the amendment of the Senate t~. the joint resolution_ (H. J. Res. 151) roll. _ to p:t:_ovide additional compensation for employees of the Postal The Secretary called the roU, and the following Senators an­ Service and making an appropriation therefor, agrees to the swered to their names : conference asked for by the Senate on the disagreeing \Otes of Ball Hale l\lcCormlck ·Smoot the two Houses th.ereon, and had appointed Mr. STEENER,SON, Mr. L'al<ler Harris McLean Spencer 'MADDEN, 1\Ir. GRIEST, Mr. STERLING, and Mr. BANKHEAD managers Cappe r· HatTison Myers Sutherland at the conference on the part of the House. Chamberl:un Henderson Nelson Swa.nson Cummins Hitchcock New Thomas The message further announced that the IIou e had passe<! a Dial .Jones, N.Mex. Newberry · Townsend bill (H. R. 9821) to amend an act entitled "An act relating to the Dillingham Jones, Wash. Norris Trammell Metropolitan pollee of the District of Columbia,' approved Feb­ Edge Kellogg Nugent Underwood Elkins Kendrick Overman Wadsworth ruary 28, 1901, and for other purpose , in which it requested the Fernald King Page Walsh, Mass. concurrence of the Senate. Fletcher Kirby Poindexter Walsh, Mont. Franco Knox Pomerene · Watson ENROLLED BILL AND _JOINT RESOLUTIO~ SIGNED. Frelingb uysen L <J. Follette Robinson Williams Gay Lenroot Sheppard Wolcott The message also announced that the Speaker of the House Gron.na Lodge Smith, Ga. had signed the following enrolled bill and joint resolution, and Mr. OVERMAN. I desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. th~y were thereupon signed by the President pro tempore : SIMMoNs] is unavoidably detained. I will let this announce­ S. 633. An act extending the provisions for the regulation or ment stand for the day. · steam vessels to Yessels owned or operated by the United States Mr. KIRBY. I was requested to announce the unavoidable Shipping Board, and for other purposes ; and absence, in attendance upon a committee, of the Senator from S. J. Res. 90. Joint resolution to readmit Frances Scoville- Tennessee [Mr. 1\fcKELLA.B], the Senator from Alabama [Mr. 1\Iumm to the character and privileges of a citizen of the Unite<! BANKHEAD], the Senator from New Hampshire [1\Ir. MosEs], States. und the Senator from South Dakota [l\lr. STERLING]. HOUSE BrLL REFERRED. l\fr. DIAL. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. H. R. 9821 . .An act to amend an act entitled "An. act relating to SMITH of South Carolina] is absent on account of illness in his the Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia," approved f-amily. February 28, 1901, and for other purposes, was read twice by its Mr. GAY. I desire to announce the absence of the Senator title and referred to Ule Committee on the District of Columbia. from Oregon [Mr. McNARY], the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. RANSDELL], and the Senator from New H ampshire [Mr. KEYEs] PETITIO~S AND :ME:llORIALS. on committee work. 1\Ir. MYERS. I present a joint resolution adopted o.v tile Legis­ Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce tllat the Senator from lature of the State of Montana, which I ask to ·haYe printell in South Dakota [Mr. JOHNSON] is detained by illness in his fam~ the RECORD and referred to the Committee on Indian Afeu irs. ily. The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GERRY) and the Sen­ There being no objection, the joint resolution >Yn s referretl to, ator from Oklahoma [Mr. OWEN] are detained from the Senate the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed in on public business. The Senator from Nevada [Mr. PITTMAN], the RECORD, as follows : 1919. CONGRESSION.A.L RECORD-SENATE. 6859 Hause :filint resolution 9. 'l'bere being no. objection, the joint resolution was referred to "'\ ro olution to the Congress of the United States tram the Sixteenth the Committee on Agriculture and Forefltey und ordered to be Legislative Assemb-ly of the stat~ of Montana. tn Sl)eclal session.. printed in the RxcoiiD, as follows: relating to the llighway system running fwm the south boundary of the Blackfeet Reservation to Glacier Park and to the Canadian border. · Senate- joint memorial u. Whereas there is an important roa<! in the highway system at ~ontaua A memo~ial petitioning Congress t& enact legjslatlon for the prevention running from the south border of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of monopoly contr()l and the reduet1on Qf tbe price ot faJ:m Implements to Glacier Park, and from the town Qf Babb on the Blacldeet lndimr and machinery. · Reservation straight north to the Canadian line~ a. total distan~ Q.t To tho honorable Senate ana House ot Bf11J;·c-~tl:ilttltivcs ot the United about 5(} miles; and .
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