~ TH E PRESIDENT •Of THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY I April2016 Excellency, In accordance with General Assembly resolution 7011 81 on the Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem to be held in 2016, I have the honour to enclose herewith, a list of representatives of relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs), representatives of civil society and the scientific community, academia, yo uth groups and other relevant stakeholders which have appl ied to participate in the Special Session from 19-21 April 2016. I intend, in the absence of any objection by 6 Apri l 2016, to approve the li st for accreditation to parti cipate in the Special Session. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest considerati on. ".o/'~~~ Mogens Lykketoft To All Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the Un ited Nations Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem 19-21 April 2016 List of relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs), representatives of civil society and the scientific community, academia, youth groups and other relevant stakeholders Name of Organization Headquarters of Organization "I Can live" Coalition Lithuania "INSTITU TE FOR THE STUDY OF DEPENDENCIES, Ukraine DRUG POLICY ISSUES AND MONITORING THE DRUG SITUATION" "Restart- patients and experts for medical Bulgaria hemp" "SEG" Civil Society Support Center NGO Armenia :At-sik:hata :Nation of :Yamasee-Moors Canada A New PATH (Parents for Addiction Treatment & United States Healing) ABD (ASOClACl6N BIENE STAR Y DESARROLLO) SPAIN ABD Welfare and Development Association and Spain RIOD Red Iberoamericana de ONG's que trabajan en drogodependencias ABORDA - ASSOCIACAO BRASILEIRA DE BRASIL REDUCAO DE DANOS Abt Associates United States AcciDn Semilla Bolivia ACE ID Costa Rica ACT UP/NY United States Active Youth Zimbabwe Zimbabwe ADEC CHAD Adeican Development Assistance Consult Democratic Republic of Congo ADEX Peru Adiksifitas Indonesia ADO Singapore Aera Foundation New Zealand AFRICA 54 Uganda africa foundation for development and tolerance Zimbabwe AFRICA MONITORING CENTRE FOR DRUGS AND Uganda DRUG ADD ICTION Africa Youth Initiative on Crime Prevention Nigeria African American Ministers Leadership United States Council/ PFAW African Cultural Embassy Association Cameroon AFRICAN LAW FOUNDATION (AFRILAW) Nigeria African Underprivileged Children's Nigeria Foundation(AUCF) AFRICAN YOUTHS INITIATIVE ON CRIME Nigeria PREVENTION Afro Global Alliance Nigeria Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem 19-21 April 2016 list of relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs), representatives of civil society and the scientific community, academia, youth groups and other relevant stakeholders Agora Ciudadanos Cambiando Mexico A.C. Mexico Agrupaci6n de Cen tros de Tratamiento en Guatemala Adicciones, ACTA-O NG Aid Ye men AIDES France AIDS Brigade/ACT UP United States AKAHSCOMM GLOBAL RESO URCES NIGER IA LTD NI GERIA Alcohol and Drug Resea rch Unit Brazi l ALL NIGERIAN UNITED NATIONS STUDENTS & NIGERIA YOU TH S ASSOCIATI ON (A NUNSA) Alliance for Public Health Ukraine almassae Morocco AI-re hab Recovery Center Kenya Alternatives Durables pour Ie Developpement Cameroon ALUTA OBSERVERS INTERN ATIO NAL ' NIGERIA Amazigh Sen haja of Ri f Morocco American Aca demy of Pediatrics Unit ed States American Baptist Home M ission Societies Unit ed St ates Ame rican University United States Americans for Safe Access United States AMESAD MEX ICO Am it iel Welfare Society Pakistan AMPROUD Morocco angelica foundation United States Ankush foundation India ANORW POLICE CANADA Anti Drugs Orga nisation Rwanda Rwanda AP DE S Portugal Archi-tech France Ari zo na State University United States ARO D - Alliance for Rig hts.Oriented Drug Policies Norway ArriveSAFE India ARSU Spain ASAA SOUTH AF RI CA Asia-Pacific Ad diction Resea rch Institute Japan AS IONATE INTREGRATED LI M ITED BENIN ASM UBULI Colombia Asocaicion Salud Mental Mexico lAP Mexico Asociaci6n Pensamiento Penal Argentina AS PAT (Association Senegalaise pour la Paix, la Senegal lutte contre l'Alcool et la Toxicomanie) Ass ociation de l'lntervention des Meres Mali Ass ociation de Lutte Contre Ie Sida (ALCS) MOROCCO Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem 19-21 April 2016 list of relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society, the scientific community, academia, youth groups and other relevant stakeholders Association de Protection Contre Ie SidaCS Algeria association des juristes du senega l (AJS) Senegal Association elhayet des pvih Algerie Association for Re spo nsib le Alcohol Use South Africa Association Ha snouna de Soutien aux Usagers de MOROCCO Drogues Association Humanitaire pour Ie Develo ppement Republic Of Gu inea International (AHD I) Association la luciole France Association moutaka des jeunes pour Ie MAROC developpoment ASSOCIATION OF YOUTH WITH VIS ION THE GAM BIA Association to Protect Population from Drug and Mongolia Opium Ass ociazione Antigone Ital y ASUD France ATIOST Tunisia AU-CNS Italy AUD ITOR AT GENERAL DR CO NGO Austral ian Drug Found ation AUSTRALIA Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Use rs League Australia Azerbaijan Students Youth Organizations ' Union Azerba ijan Republic Azlisworld Bangladesh Badbaado Umbrella Somalia Bal timore Student Ha rm Reduction Coalit ion Un ited States baran savoj Isla mic Republic of Iran BBC RECORD LONDOM Un ited Kingdom BCARE USA INC (BCARE International) Un ited States Bedrocan The Netherlands BIOMAB IPS Colombia BIZIA France Black Caucus Movement Trinidad and Tobago Blu e Goose Group United States BOM U HOSPITAL KENYA BOOM Health United States Boulder Weekly & various freelance United States Brazilia n Drug Pol icy Platform Brazil Break the Chains United States Brugernes Akademi / / User's Academy Denmark Bruyere Research Institu te Canada Build Peace and Developm ent Democra tic Republic of Congo (4 Recovery Solutions Inc United States C420 - Trinidad and Tobago's first Cannabis Law Trinidad and Tobago Reform NGO Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem 19-21 April 2016 List of relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society, the scientific community, academia, youth groups and other relevant stakeholders Ca lifornia NORML - National Organization for United States Reform of Marijuana laws Cameroon National Youth Council Cameroon Campaign for Compassion United States Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs Canada Canadian Drug Policy Coalition Canada Canadian National Medical M arijuana Cana da Association Canadian Students for Sensible Dru g Po licy Canada Canna Moms United States CARE INTERNATI ONAL KENYA OFFICE United States CARE QUEEN & KING FOUNDATION GLOBAL United States FAMILY NETWORK INC. Caribbean Sex Work Coalition Guyana Carnegie Mellon University United States CASO - Consumidores Associados Sobrevivem Portugal Organizados Catnip App Canada CAlAs Montenegro Cebua no Youth Ambassadors Incorporated Phil ippines CEDRO PERU Center for Studies on Public Security and Brazil Citizendhip at the Un iversity Candido M endes Center for the Development of Civil Society Armenia CENTER FOR THE RIGHT TO HEALTH-CRH NIGERIA Center for Universal Drug Reseache rs Appoaches Islamic Republic of Iran & Studies Centre for Communites Education and Youth Ghana Development (CCEYD) Centre for Popular Education and Human Rights, Ghana Ghana CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ANO INFORMATION ON NIGERIA SUBSTA NCE ABUSE (CR ISA) Centre on Drug Addiction Russian Federation CEN TR O DE IN FORMAC IO NY EDUCACION PARA Peru LA PREVENCION DEL ABUSO DE DROGAS CEDRO Centro de Orientaci6n e Investigaci6n Integral, Republica Dominicana COIN Centros de Integra cion Juvenil Mexico Cert Addiction Specia lists United States Change Addiction Now United States Charit able Organozation Light Of Hope Ukrai ne Charity Bran ds United States Choopers Foundation United States Church of England United Kingdom Church of Scientology United States Special Session of the General Assembly on the w orld drug problem 19-21 April 2016 list of relevant non-governmental orga nizat ions (NGOs), represent atives of civil society and the scientific community, academia, youth groups and other relevant stakehold ers Ciencia Prevencion Colombia CISALVA Institute Colombia City University School of Public Health United States Civil life Association TURKEY CIVIL SOCIETY United States CMO Singapore CNOP Mexico Coalition for Medical Marijuana of New Jersey United States Coast General Hospital Mombasa Kenya Colorado School Safety Resource Center United States Columbia University United States Columbia University, SIPA United States Common Sense for Drug Policy Foundation United States Community Health and International Research Nigeria Organisation [C HIRO) Community Wide Shuraa Conference United States Comunidad Tawantinsuyu Peru COMUN IDAD TERAPEUTICA PROGRAMA SAN PERU JOSE DEL OBISPADO DE LURIN, ORDEN CARMELITA CONAMUC ECUADOR Concerned Parents Association of Eersterust South Africa Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum United States (annexion media Morocco Conselho Estadual de Politicas sobre Drogas- Brasi l CONEAD CONSE LHO INTERINSTITUCIONAL DE POLfTiCAS BRASI L SOBRE DROGAS DO ESATDO DO CEARA - BRASI L Consultant-Open Society Foundations United States Coreplan United Kingdom Corporaci6n Tabano Colombia Counci l for Responsible Cannabis Regulation United States (CRCR) Creative Media Centre For Development Nigeria Criminal Justice Policy Foundation United States CROATIAN INSTITUTE OF SPIRITUAL PSYC
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