Today: Special Football *71 Section Clearing, Mild SEE TABLOID INSERT Clearing, mild today. Clear and cooler tonight, tomorrow and again on Thursday, • THEDAILY FINAL EDITION •""" / €t»unly*s Outstanding IIorei« Newspaper VOL, 94 NO. 60 KKI* HANK, NJ. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1971 TEN CENTS Ex-Jail Guard to Appeal Conviction By HALUK SCIIHAEGER ber Detective Specials, valued ered later through an un- where tho key to tho gun the sheriff Feb. 0 saying the lower control three or four "a few choice words" when the first count, arguing there at $71.30 each. The jury of named informant. room was kept. But he said he record indicated that Blue times and had given the key he found out that his personal was no testimony that Blue FREEHOLD - Ex-jail nine men and three women, Breeland testified that had seen Blue deposit his coat worked at the jail Oct. 30 and to the gun room to Blue, but gun was missing. He said Blue was seen taking the guns, He guard Julius Blue of Neptune, which deliberated for just about two weeks before the in the lower control room 31 and Nov. 1 and was off he didn't remember how spent about 20 minutes in the said Blue had been indicted was convicted yesterday of over three and a half hours robbery.for which he is now "many times." Nov. 2 was the only commu- many times. He said he saw gun room looking for it (evi- because the grand jury was receiving three revolvers sto- before reaching its verdict, serving time in state prison, Warden Cook testified that nication he had with the sher- Blue in the gun room some- dently one of the guards had told that Blue was in ex- len from the Monmouth Coun- was told it could only convict Blue had approached him- in up until last Friday, he had iff concerning that weekend. times before the defendant taken it) but that he was in clusive control of the gun ty Correctional Institution, him of one charge or the other front of Jessie's Steak House, known of no jail record show-- Earlier in the trial, County went into the jail to go to the room with Blue the whole room.- Freehold Township, last Oct. if it found him guilty. 1154 Springwood Avc, Asbury ing who was assigned to dof.Detective Captain Andrew B. work. "I don't know the dates, time and locked up after him. Judge Cnnklin stated that 30. Blue was employed at the Park, with three pistols in a what at any particular time. Manning testified that Mr. and I don't know why... I County Investigator Regi- Blue had access to the control ' Blue, 24, of 1736 Bangs Ave., jail from August 1970, through brown paper bag, offering to On Friday, ho said, ha learned Campi told him Blue was in assumed guys were bringing nald Wilmore, a former As- room where the key was kept Neptune, said he will appeal part of December. sell them for $40 apiece. that Lt. Nelson Sties kept his complete charge of weapons their own guns. I didn't know bury Park policeman, testi- and that he had been seen in his conviction. The principal witness Blue, who took the stand to own personal book. at the jail the weekend of the it for a fact, but I assumed fied that he used to see Blue the gun room. The crime of receiving sto- against Blue was John E, deny the charges, testified He did not ask Lt. Stiles theft. it." on Springwood Ave. two or "Every guard over there len property carries a penalty Breeland, 28, of Asbury Park, that he did got frequent about Blue's assignments, he Mr. Campi could not con- Earlier iestimony revealed three times a week and that had access to guns, and of up to seven years in state a confessed criminal who has Springwood Ave. and that he said. firm this, but he swore that that Blue did bring his own since he went to work for the apparently things were done prison. served time for breaking and tried to stay away from Brec- The warden testified that he "if I said it, he must have gun to the jail before he was county two years ago he saw in a very lax way over there," Superior C6urt Judge Wal- entering and armed robbery. land and his associates be- had not had any commu- been (in charge)." told not to do it, and that he Blue "once or twice" in Big said the judge, who ruled ter K. Conklln set Oct. 8 for Breeland swore that he ob« cause of their reputations. nication with.Underslieriff P. There was other testimony did not have a permit to carry Bill's and "once or twice" in there were factual questions sentencing and continued bail tained one of the guns from Warden Ralph Cook testi- Paul Campi about who was in that Bluo did work Nov. 2 as agun. the Orchid Lounge, both on involved in both counts which at 11,000 for the burly, soft- Blue last November and used fied yesterday that Blue had charge of cither room on the well as tea preceding week' Correction Officer Ira Mur- Springwood Ave. had to be decided by the jury. spoken defendant. it in the holdup of the Farm- never been in control of either weekend of Oct. 30—Nov. X end ray testified that Blue went Defense attorney Thomas He denied a similar motion on Blue was acquitted of a ingdale Liquor Store Dec. 13, .the gun room or the lower dining which the guns were Sgt, Thomas Sheffield testi- into the gun room Oct. 30 F. Shebell Jr. moved for a di- the second count. charge of stealing the .38 cali- The other guns were recov- control room at the jail, stolen. He said that a letter to fied that he had worked in while he was there and used rected verdict of acquittal on SceEx-Jall, Page2 MCAP OfficialThinks Funds Report Okayed : By DORIS KULMAN overdue payroll taxes. Wilbert C. Russell, MCAP deputy director, has acknowl- Joseph F. Zacb, chairman of the finance committee of the edged that the agency used $65,000 withheld from employes' board of trustees of Monmouth Community Action Program, paychecks for income tax and social security, to meet the pay- said yesterday he believes the federal Office of Economic Op- roll. MCAP ran out of funds on Aug. 31, is broke, and needs portunity has accepted "a long, detailed explanation" of $100,000 to pay $75,000 in debts—including the IRS—and meet ¥58,000 in expenditures the auditors said they couldn't verify another two-week payroll, he said. "due to missing documentation" for MCAP's fiscal year en- ding Aug. 31,1970. It was in part because of the audit, prepared by Hauser, Mr. Zach said that MCAP, the county's official antipoverty O'Connor and Hyiind, certified public accountants of Paterson agency, bad been in correspondence with the OEO's New York and New York City, that the OEO on Aug. 31 mandated wide- regional office daring the au^it "M this was part of the thine spread changes In MCAP's fiscal procedures, administration the OEO asked MCAP to clear' iip7» " and program. "During the exit interview, the auditor said that he was The auditors' comments were reported in Friday's Daily aware of the correspondence, but since he couldn't physically Register. •• .• •. • .';••'• CIRCULAR HOSPITAL — Clear Lake Hospital, Webster, Texos,.ls one of 32 hospitals owned and man- see the documentation he couldn't verify it,'f Mr. Zach said. No Money Senty '; aged by American Medlcorp Inc., a nationwide owner/developer and manager of acute care general Mr. Zach said that MCAP board members had received a. The OEO hasn't sent MCAP any money for the fiscal year hospitals. The circular construction of the facility Is the company's own design Is said to provide effi-, copy of the audit report last week-it's dated this past July which began Sept. 1 and has given'it only interim author- clency of operation by assuring maximum utilization of personnel and space. Each tower has space for S0-"and we're supposed to have some further discussion... I ization to operate until Sept. 30. It said MCAP would get a 150 beds with ancillary service areas placed between and od|acent to each tower for efficient acces- three-month federal grant if it showed significant progress to- want to know if this is part of the thing the OEO asked the : sibility. • ' : MCAPstafftoclearup..." ward the mandated changes within a specified time; Meanwhile, a spokesman in the OEO's New York office The time limit at first was believed to have'expired last said "we are sure MCAP has an explanation for the $58,000." Saturday-17 days after MCAP's receipt of the OEO's Aug. 31 Responsibility Told letter. However, an OEO spokesman later said the time limit The OEO spokesman also said that "as far as we're con-, is 17 working days, or early next week. ' Running Hospitals Found cemed the CAP agency (MCAP) is responsible for paying the Mr. Hussell said that the OEO incurs MCAP's debts if it $65,000" that MCAP owes the Internal Revenue Service in shuts the agency down. Profitable Venture Now Proposal for Two Chinas BylRWINJ.PQLK.M.D, reports lathe contrary for What's more, the profitability The number x>f people ad- mitted to the hospital for each ;, • " •! ' '' • • • ' i•• many years, most hospitals • of hospitals has been on the There's'money to be made not runnby ithegovernnfent rise for the past 10 years and 1,000 people in the general In running hospitals.
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