Mayor and Council Meeting No. 08- 11 March 14, 2011 7:00 PM 5:30-6:00 pm Drop-In Session w/ Mayor Marcuccio and/or Councilmember Mark Pierzchala 6:00 pm 1A. Presentation - Moving Metro Forward by David Robertson, Executive Director, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments 7:00 pm 1B. Convene 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Agenda Review 4. City Manager's Report 5. Presentation - Rockville Economic Development Inc. Update 7:30 pm 6. Citizen's Forum This time is set aside to hear from any citizen who wishes to address the Mayor and Council. Citizens are asked to keep their remarks to three minutes. Priority will be given to speakers who have signed up in advance by calling the City Clerk's Office at 240-314-8280 by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and those who are speaking on an agenda item. 8:00 pm 7. Mayor and Council's Response to Citizen's Forum and Announcements 8:15 pm 8. Consent Agenda A. Award of contract increase in the aggregate amount not to exceed $50,000 to Mead Tree and Turf Care, Inc. and Pogo Tree Experts-Olney Gardens, Inc. B. Approval of Minutes 8:20 pm 9. Adoption - Ordinance to Amend Ordinance #18-10 to Appropriate Funds and Levy Taxes for Fiscal Year 2011 8:30 pm 10. Discussion and Instructions - Replacement of Mayor Photo Mural in City Hall Lobby 8:35 pm 11. Discussion and Instructions - Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) Guidelines 8:50 pm 12. Mayor and Council Liaisons to Boards and Commissions Report 8:55 pm 13. Review and Comment - Future Agendas and Tentative Agenda 9:05 pm 14. Review and Comment - Mayor and Council Action Report 9:10 pm 15. Old/New Business 9:15 pm 16. Adjournment 17. Executive Session pursuant to Section 10-508(a)(4) of the State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, to consider a matter that concerns the proposal for a business or industrial organization to locate, expand, or remain in the City. NOTE: Times given for agenda items are estimates only. Matters may be considered at times other than those indicated. Please check the upcoming Mayor and Council calendar listed after this evening's agenda for future meeting and Drop-in information, including Citizens' Forum. THERE WILL BE A CITIZENS' FORUM AT EVERY MEETING, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. When listed, Drop-in will be held in the Council offices from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. All meetings are on Monday evenings unless otherwise indicated. Worksessions in City Hall will be televised. Please check with the City Clerk's office at 240-314-8280 for any further information. Any person who requires assistance in order to attend this meeting should call the ADA Coordinator at 240-314-8100. Mayor and Council For the meeting on: March 14, 2011 Department: City Manager Responsible staff: Jenny Kimball, Assistant City Manager phone: (240) 314 - 8104 [email protected] Subject Presentation on Moving Metro Forward by David Robertson, Executive Director, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Recommendation Join the City of Gaithersburg Mayor and Council for a presentation and discussion of the Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force report titled Moving Metro Forwardon the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's governance. Discussion In response to growing concerns about the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's (WMATA) governance and because the region's future success is so closely tied to Metro's performance, the Washington Board of Trade and Council of Governments created a Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force. The Task Force mission was to recommend improvements in the transit agency's governance to ensure the highest performing and sustainable transportation system for the Washington metropolitan area. The Task Force was composed of 18 current and former elected officials, government managers, and experts, including current and former WMATA Board members and General Managers. The Task Force received public comment, reviewed scholarly articles and studies, and examined governance arrangements for WMATA and other transit and multi-state public sector organizations. The Task Force report, Moving Metro Forward, was released on November 17, 2010 and is found in Attachment A. The Task Force report describes the current state of WMATA governance, other relevant governance models, and findings and recommendations. The central, overarching recommendation is the formation of a WMATA Governance Commission to make necessary improvements to the authority's governance structure and hold the Board of Directors accountable for its performance. The Task Force further recommends a series of immediate actions to be taken by the WMATA Governance Commission and WMATA Board. The report also recommends changes to the Interstate Compact that is the basis for the WMATA governance structure. On January 10, 2011, Maryland Governor O'Malley, Virginia Governor McDonnell and DC Mayor- elect Gray released Transforming Governance of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority: Implementation Plan and Schedule for WMATA Governance Reform. That report is found in Attachment B. It is an aggressive response to concerns about WMATA performance and accountability. It provides a comprehensive implementation plan and schedule with immediate, medium-, and long-term actions to address WMATA's governance problems. On December 1, 2010, the WMATA Riders' Advisory Council (RAC) also released a report on the WMATA governance structure. That report (Attachment C) includes feedback received at RAC hearings and the RAC's recommendations for improvements. Mayor and Council History This is the first time this item has been brought before the Mayor and Council. Attachments Department Head: Jenny Kimball, Assistant City Manager Approved on: 03/09/2011 Assistant City Manager: Jenny Kimball, Assistant City Manager Approved on: 03/09/2011 City Manager: Scott Ullery, City Manager Approved on: 03/09/2011 ATTACH A Moving Metro Forward: Report of the Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force 1 A-1 ATTACH A THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK A-2 ATTACH A JOINT WMATA GOVERNANCE REVIEW TASK FORCE Hon. James Dyke Patricia A. McGuire Partner President McGuireWoods LLP Trinity Washington University Chairman, Board of Trade Peter T. Metzger Hon. Kwame R. Brown Vice Chairman Councilmember CTPartners District of Columbia Hon. Connie Morella Chairman, COG Board of Directors Ambassador in Residence Ron Carlee American University School of Public Affairs Director, Domestic Strategic Initiatives Former U.S. Representative, MD-08 International City/County Management Anthony T. Pierce Association Partner in Charge – Washington Office Former County Manager, Arlington County Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Michael Daniels Bruce Romer Former Chairman and CEO, Network Vice President, Administration Solutions Westat, Inc. Hon. Penelope A. Gross Former Chief Administrative Officer, Vice Chair, Board of Supervisors Montgomery County Fairfax County Emanuel Rouvelas Former Chairman, COG Board of Directors Partner Hon. Andrea C. Harrison K&L Gates Council Vice Chair Hon. Peter Shapiro Prince George’s County Executive Director Vice Chairman, COG Board of Directors Chesapeake Center for Public Leadership JayEtta Hecker Former Councilmember, Prince George’s Director of Transportation Advocacy County Bipartisan Policy Center Stuart L. Solomon Former Director of Physical Infrastructure, Managing Director U.S. Government Accountability Office Metro Washington Office Hon. Betty Ann Kane Accenture Former Councilmember, District of Columbia Hon. Anthony Williams Hon. John Mason Executive Director Former Mayor, City of Fairfax Corporate Executive Board Former Mayor, District of Columbia Joint WMATA Governance Review Executives James C. Dinegar, President and CEO, Greater Washington Board of Trade David J. Robertson, Executive Director, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Moving Metro Forward: Report of the Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force i A-3 ATTACH A TABLE OF CONTENTS Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force ........................................................................ i Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5 1a. Issue Statement .................................................................................................. 5 1b. Mission of the Task Force ................................................................................. 6 1c. Input from Regional Leaders, Stakeholders, and Other Individuals ................. 7 Section 2: The Current State of WMATA Governance ........................................................... 8 2a. WMATA’s Creation .......................................................................................... 8 2b. WMATA’s Governance Structure ..................................................................... 9 2c. WMATA’s Governance Challenges ................................................................ 13 Section 3: Relevant Experience from other Governance Models .......................................... 15 3a. Delineation of Responsibilities ........................................................................ 15 3b. Composition of the Board................................................................................ 17 3c. Role of the Chair.............................................................................................. 19 3d.
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