FllM ,~ ~ SCRIPTS • -A- 1. A. T.C.A. 2. Abbott and Costello in Society . ,., '""" 3. Abe Lincoln in Illinois f::::.5-ti-.-\\'j s.. : fT . \ C\ 3 . 4. Abie•s Irish Rose 1'1~<o. 5. About Face \'\S \ . 6 . Ada \ 'ic..eo, IC\<.l. l* Adventures of Captain Marvel ~1 .cL '-' th'"':) · ......+;..,v·, t-J 7. Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu I'- +i\ '1 >S- 1c1 "'o. ?* Advent ures of Frank and Jessie James C.-V \-\'I ) (.,f'h ' .., I '1 !'", .:l . 3* Adventures of Red Ryder l'l'fO 8 . After the Fall n . ~ . ., tA. 1c1,o ~) 9. Airnort -h~-r 5<.~ }'/~ l: • The Alamo (2 cnpies) c.l lll5 c.. L " ......., .l K.~>-L,- l"I , <l . • / ll. Algiers \l\ 3 c.N.~')) 12. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves \ct~) 13. Al l about Eve '°"''~ +i~\ \Cf so 14. llegro )'\ ol. 15. Along C'1111e Jones \C, 41..f- 16. Am1.zing Dr. Cli t t erhouse . ""P.. \ \ti 38' 17. An American Dream ~.v... \ \Cj l~ 18. American Pilot 'rl. rA. (, c1 Yt-'--i 6? 19. nd Thev Bei;a n to Laugh r . ,, ~O . The Anderson Taoes \~l ?l. , ndrocl es '-tnd t e Lion u. r<. i~ ~~\ l.....-: r-\" \9 5 7.27. ~k Al-n.Lrotn .€,., ~"'- . "~'ti o.A '~ ~ IG\~C\ 4* Angel and the Bad i1a ~1'i"'j ,vr•\ ;- C\ • ~ • 2Z . An~e on My Shoul der -, - 5* mgry 'tl.e:i Star l .,net ~l,ilJ-4{ u....t,, ... .,, ...., L'i<.oo 23 . Anne of he Thousand Days ( 3 cooies) •. 1 ~...,_, 1L t t I r,9 • · · ;.. \' III I c..- 1q 'f , ,. :> ll)~ ::>4. Annie Get Your Gun l'f'+~ r1-.,, 85. Any Wednesday (; '\ ~I l'lu,~ \/u+i-\.i') c. • .;_ ~ I"" IC! (p 3 36. Any bing noes I ... L,4.. 1C'\55 27 . pol i:iuse, A clause n.J. "8. Arch of Triurnoh rt"'•>' k,, I , t 29 . The ssi gnment 30. Avanti -B- 31. The Babe Ruth Story n · A. 3·:i . Baby Pu J,i"lJ"" ""ttij '-'ti".,;', \ "l'f-3 33. Baby t he Rain t1'ust Fall t--.1 i..-... let~ 3 • 34. Babvl on Revi sited (The Last Tillle I Saw Paris) ~. J. 6* Back Street l q YL 35. The Balcony 36. Bal l of Fire +i.v.. Jc....-;r t \Gf,f \ 37 . The Bal lad o! Cabl e Ho ue oh""""- l I'\ I, f 38. Banderol 39. The Bandolero ~ "'- \ l ~ 1 40. Bangkok n . The Ja I 'l.S'i 42. Beard.less 1-la rrio <:. "'. 43. Bedknobs and Br'1orosti ks ~-\ J~ ·"':) 1,-,.;,t ~,o 7'.,. Before Vinter Comes » d. • 44. Bell, Book, md Candle 'h~t c.:>'tl. "'4'\-ij ~.\1- 45. Bell? ~onna ( ?, copies) c , I ~~- --·~ ~ ,.. ,yt \q~<c> ) L ~ \,C(. 0" ~•'j iL • f "\ r t • -B- 8* Selle of the Nineties ~·~ . • 9* Bells of Coroncido cq,\i.....,._ •:y.... .>k..t ti~ ltf~°I 10* The Best ..tan ~!:,1....; Ur\\->,....,,~ 1ci1:<-t 46. Bi~ ~nd f~ the Li tle Lady t<.V, --. \ \C\G,5 4?. The Bigamist d')...:_I i~~-r', \ t.S:> .8. Bill and Coo ,.. 3c 49. Bill of Divnrcement -h N>,. l > rt I r) .(t • 50 . Bi l y Budd t) ~1 \9~\ 51. Bit e of t he Bull e t I ct ui'l 5~. BlR.ck foon c, l . 53. The Bh ck 'Rose ( .., 0oi es) c.. ~ vi i.. ...;y t I "fl c.. 1.. +t-r~-.... J<.,vi rt t" 11 11* Black Widow lj;)~t\,J\~j \• ... .'r IG"-1~ I 54 • Bl ondie's Bi Deal J.,·.,"'-' ,.{"" t lft"f f 55. Bl oody Bawdy Vil~s • 56 . Bl uebeard's Ten Honeymoons ( \q(, ? 57 . Blue Star 9Ce( 58. Blume in Love LJ'1.11-,,J 59. Bob & Carol & Ted & ice ".J. 60. Bodo h J.. 61. Bombardier <fi \ 5... ·rt IC!Yl. 62. Bonnie and Clyde \q(Q(g 63. Border Incident n .cA. 64. orn o Nin 19,0 65. Boston / Baltimore r1 ,ol . 6n. Brainstorm (story by Larry l arcus - WarrLr 13ros. - 12/ 9/64) cii;<-r 66. Brainstorm (story by . obert Stitzel - {} - 1 /3/81) ~~ f,.v.A.t-ft \ g\ 6 7. 3rian' s Song J;• """\ l--h I C\ 11 SI ·. ~ \)..- ~r..t-- tt."~ • 68. Bridge in the Jungle (El ?uente En La Selva) · A. 119. Brief Interval tM l J~ '-' ,J w... · ... 'l \'\ Y. -B- 70. Brooks • 71. Brother Rat ~. ~ . l(t '.) 7·~ . Buck and -':he Preacher {..;""'-1 il-_r- IC,10 73. .Suck E"nny Rides A(J'ai n I 'l 3 'i t.r,i;... l':>~)1 S, ~d 74 . .3ulli tt Ml'\k l q !Jil 75. ~uon::i. , era, 1rs. Campbell l'\ ~t 76 . Burck ha dt' s Basta.rds n · rA . 77. Burton of Ara ia n · ,l . 78 . Busti ng \ql'- 79. The :ausy Body -5~ tiJ Jr...-. yr Cf ~ (,. O. Butch Cassid and -1:,he t::undance Kid 1q 1.-1.) -C- • 82. Cabinet of Caligari lqw \ 83. Cafe 1e roo l e ~--....\.> ,vt' \'l".>"1 84 . Calcutta 85 . Call Ile Mad 86 . Carnpus r:onf ession s 19 .3 8' 1 ~* r.anadian Tounti es vs . t 0mic Inv~der-s .:..#.; ~ 4'---t, ..,.,, ~ "' .cl . 87. The Cannibal s l'lui 1 88 . Can 't Helo Singi ng s~ti":) V'\rt \lilf~ 89. Can on as sage l 9<f 5 90 . Th Ca er of the Gol den Bulls 13* Ga r.rt.ain America ,-u \-ti j c:.,()\ J.; ... " 1 ~ ,... J. 91. Caotain January · ~ \ ),; , ,'~ \- \tl '>Si • 9 ,. The Caretakers ttlV\ QquJ) 93. The Ca rnetlBaf'gers 4 ~ ,t:.)\y,~.,~,,..,. \Cl~) -C- 94. Cass ~irnberlEne • 95. Cat Ballou ti~ l?1 \-i """'- \-i "j '4\-t \'f l.(J 96. The Cat Cr eep lq-;5 (19'-t :) 97. Caught in t e Draft \'f'tO 98. Centennial Summer ...-e,y-; 'i,\ h o\A.-1 I CJ 'f 5 99. Change of Habit h ~ ~+,., 1 411 l"f{o'f 100. Changed I dentity ... ~G...ICJ t"t't"':') t~'n.,,.,i 1 l'l"t\ 101. Charge of t e Light Brigade -n •""'-\ l 9 ':.)(p 102. The Chase ,ti.,.. ..l~ 1615'1 ( ~ ~t+-re••h•A ~ 103. Chateau Bon Vivant (2 coni es) i:.I ~~+- ,4..-ttfr.J .-.<-fl11 19,1 104 . Cbato's Land J\-.t,~ ; ~ r-+ \'110 105. Che ... d. 106. Cheaoe'r by the Dozen "·cl~ 107. A Chi ld i s Wa i ting I '1Ci,O • 108 . The Children's Hour .\-i~t wv~}t(.{ J~~tJ, 1 'l lo I 109. Circle of Fire ,f:.'""'I ~ \C\$1-. llO. Clar{Bake 'M!NI ~ J I Cf l 111. Class of • 44 t--. \'t'") '\. 11?.. Come Back, Littl e Sheba ~ ......\ ..i\....~-4 lq ~ 14* Comedy of Terrors u,...... MUl ~ ,\."' ..,, ~ I 'I {,t > 113. Comrade X \9 0 114. Confession of an Ooiurn Eater \ Cf(p I 11 5. The Confe8sor flnt ~tt \G1.py... 116. Conflict '"" , h IN\.,1 \C1..f1 117. A Connecticut Yankee in King Ar thur' s Court \ q '-( l l n* Conqueror Worm. ~~~ c..P1.-\~ ~ lct<:>r • 118. Conquest of ~pace t\V'O\.I cJ~k l q S1 -C- l l9. Conspiracy q, • 120. Cool Hand Luke ~ - , IC,(pG 121. Cool Mill ion ,q 11 122. The Corsican Brothers - t tG 16* Cotton Comes o Harl P ~\~ c()\.-+;k ... , t, \'l1D l?.3. Coupl es n. d. l 4. Cranks l ?.5 . A Cry f Pl ayers /\v9. l'l& re.vi ·~ l ?.6 . Criss-Cross t' I lk+ f''J • ""r\ l'14-S 127. Cromwell (_lCH"~) 128. Cyrano De Bergerac \ q -D- 129. Dad's Army f;~\ • 130. Daffy ~~ lllL,O 131. Daisy Kenyon .f;, \ 132. Daisy Miller \q, ~ 133. The Dance of Death W'\.cA. 17* Dangers of the Canadian Mounted sl.-oe ~ .,~.,... r \ <+l 18* Daredevils of the West ~'l-1... 19* The Dark at the Top of the Stairs ~ ',..,. "7 \'H;O 20* Dark Command 134. DarkAr th~n mber ~ft 11Gi _21* Daughter of Don Q. ) 4Y\.filA.vl~ -',J . 135. David Coonerfield ,V:V.lr.,j wti"l) l'l ( ) 136 . Dawn Patr ol t\ "' l vt.,~, t ) 137. A Dav in Death Valley ~ lj, t-n ~ • J 1o-v1 - D- 138. A Day in +he Death of oe Egg ,h·._.....1 ,q(oc\ • 139. The Day of Triffids \Cf~ \ 140. Dead Centre Jo\. tA. 14 • Dead Heat on a .1errv- Go-Ro tr.ct -h'~I ~ 1 4~. The Deadlv Game I'\ S'l 143 Dea er h.~. 144. Dea h nf a ChaMoion lq ~'I 145. The Deeo End n.~. 146. A Definite Maybe ~.~. 147. Deouty Sheri.ff ~v-; \ ',c. yr \9~, 148. The Desert Fox ~ H . y t \ lt I 149. Desire Under the Blrrls ~~I ... ~· k. l'lS~ 150 • The Desk Set s ~nj ,R"' \ I '1 1 _i:11 +; '-of\ \C, s 22* Desoeradoes of the West ej- - ~-.') ""::> t> 7.;:lJ. j~ l)tt.5 po.."('..L.. ~ • ..._..-:5 ~ ~ ,, .,..._! 'I\ S"+ • 151 . Destination Moon c.t.ic ..,.. c...,~ '-" ri ... ,+-, \ c15 '1 152. DestilllllliRM Rides A~ain 153. Th Devil Drives 91.Q 9 154 . The Devil's Brigade ~""'! ..e,.i~l ,c1e, l 155 . The DiaMond Bi,· ni \16t ~ ~ '-:) ct_. .\-t , 'l(D 156. Diamond Jim n o{ . 157. Diamonds Are Forever ~V\~l ' 83* Dick Tracy's G-Men ....... ,( . 24* Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. e~!Nl ·~ .\.. rt \q~\ 25* Die, Monster, Die i.:c---~~ C-· "'"''..., l'l ~ S 158. Dixie w~ ~ (' l'1 L 159 • Doctor Doell ttle s -A-r-wi I"<.,1 1 • 160.
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