Salado Villageillage Voiceoice VOL. XLI, NUMBER 46 VTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2019 254/947-5321 V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Work begins on sewer extension BY TIM FLEISCHER Plan called for lot sizes of EDitOR-in-CHIEF just under 1/4-acre, which would require the developer Work began Feb. 25 to to annex into the Village of extend the Salado sewer col- Salado in order to serve the lection system to the Salado properties with sewer. The ISD properties on Thomas minimum lot size allowed Arnold Road and Williams by state law and the Bell Dr. even though the proper- County Health Department ties have not yet been an- for property served by an on- nexed into the Village of site septic system is a half- Salado. acre. That is also the mini- Village administrator mum lot size allowed under Don Ferguson announced the Zoning and Subdivision that the sewer system will Ordinances for properties go on-line on April 2. He zoned Residential. added that he will hold an- The smallest lot size in other meeting with property the Concept Plan is 9,205 sq. owners about tying into the ft., according to Ferguson, system. He said that infor- requiring the board to ap- mation on contractors, re- prove the variance request quirements for tying into along with the Concept Plan. the system and resources for The Concept Plan will Wild Game Dinner decommissioning the septic have sidewalks, according to Folks lined up for a taste of dozens of fish, fowl and game dishes by a team of volunteers led by Rolly Correa systems will be on the Vil- Ferguson. In lieu of dedica- for the annual Salado United Methodist Church Wild Game dinner. Tenroc Ranch Chisholm Trail center was at lage website by the end of tion of park land, a require- capacity for the annual Salado United Methodist Church Wild Game Dinner on Feb. 24. The auction for the event February. ment of local ordinances, the was moved to the auction barn. The event has grown in popularity each year and raises funds for the Methodist As of press time Feb. 26, developer will pay the Vil- Church ministry programs. (PHOTOS ABOVE AND BELOW, RIGHT BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) the information had not been lage $34,000. posted. Nor had a date for the The property owner next meeting with property would also dedicate Smith owners been announced. Branch Rd. to the Village However, aldermen are of Salado. Currently Smith moving forward with the Branch Rd. is a private road annexation of the Salado that has been maintain by school property and will Bell County. However, for meet on Feb. 28 in a special the past three decades (at meeting to discuss the an- least) it has been used by the nexation of those properties. public. The Board of Aldermen Alderman Frank Coach- approved contract amend- man stepped down from the ment 8 with McLean Con- dais and recused himself struction for the construc- from any discussion or vote tion of 590 feet of sewer on the matter because he collection to serve the new owns property adjacent to Middle School and High the proposed subdivision. School complex on Williams Alderman Michael Mc- (PHOTO BY TIM FLEISCHER) Rd. for $83,357. Dougal was absent, bringing Checking out the “Arma- Paul Cox played classic Country music for the folks attending. Aldermen approved the the Board down to two al- dillo eggs.” contract amendment 5 for dermen and the Mayor, who Kasberg Patrick Associates could vote in case of a tie. for $6,100 for their work on However, the issue never the Williams Rd. extension. came to a vote. Buckley sets town hall Feb. 28 Aldermen approved the After expressing concern District 54 Representa- from the people who sent me Rep. Brad Buckley is a contract amendment 4 with that the developer did not tive Brad Buckley will hold to the Capitol.” first-term legislator from KPA for their work on the have a firm commitment to a town hall meeting 6:30 “My constituents issues Salado and represents part extension of the sewer col- annex along with the Con- p.m. Feb. 28 at the Salado are my issues and hear- of Bell County and all of lection system to Salado cept Plan, aldermen Michael Civic Center. ing from them directly will Lampasas County in Central School Road to serve the Coggin made a motion to “I am looking forward always be of vital impor- Texas. school facilities at Thomas not take any action “until we to getting to visit with my tance to me, and I hope all He holds a Bachelor of Arnold Rd. have a more formal agree- hometown Saladoans and my friends and neighbors Veterinary Science and a The board approved con- ment with developer that he not only catch everyone up in Salado will to come out Doctorate of Veterinary tract amendment 7 with will annex the property.” on what’s been happening in to get an update on things Medicine from Texas A&M McLean Construction for The motion did not receive a Austin thus far, but to hear from Austin and to better in- University, and is a local vet- the collection line on Salado second. what is on their minds.” form me on what matters to erinarian in Killeen. School Road for a cost of Andy Jackson made a “I have greatly enjoyed them.” Dr. Buckley is a cattle $175,550. motion to approve the Con- getting to meet with con- Representative Buckley rancher, raiser of cutting The contract amendments cept Plan and variance re- stituents who have made will be discussing his legis- horses, proud husband, and will be funded by the Salado quest that was recommended the trip to Austin, however lative priorities, committee father to three children, all ISD, village administrator by the Planning & Zoning State Representative Brad I am excited to get back to assignments, and other local of whom are Aggies. Don Ferguson told alder- Commission and by Village Buckley. the Village and hear directly topics. men. Staff. It failed to receive a Work on the extension second. TxDOT begins work to replace CD 493 bridge of the collection system to During discussion, Fer- Texas Department of a wider, longer, concrete taking this bridge replace- mains until construction is the Salado schools will take guson reminded aldermen Transportation (TxDOT) be- bridge that meets current ment project at a cost of $1.2 completed. about three months, accord- of the Village policy that the gan a project to replace the roadway safety and design million. The project is scheduled ing to Ferguson. sewer would not serve prop- CR 493 Bridge at Salado specifications. The ap- Work will take place for completion in the late Salado School Road will erties that were not volun- Creek, northeast of Salado proaches to the structure between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Fall of 2019. be closed Monday through tarily annexed into the Vil- on Feb. 25. will also be upgraded and Monday through Friday. The TxDOT urges residents Friday from 8 a.m. until 2:45 lage by the owners. “They The project, designed to replaced. bridge and roadway closure, to be cautious and watch for p.m. during the construction won’t get service until they increase safety, will replace Knife River Corporation- to through traffic, also went construction personnel and of those lines, according to annex,” he said. the existing structure with South, of Bryan, is under- into effect Feb. 25 and re- equipment in the work area. Superintendent Michael No- The Zoning Ordinance votny. has requirements on the While the Salado ISD an- size of houses in relation to Historical Society Pot Luck Dinner is March 4 nexation request is the first the lot. For a Single Family Salado Historical Society Georgetown Heritage So- The organization’s mis- toric photographs and docu- to come to the Village as Residential 7 zoned proper- invites local residents to its ciety changed its name to sion is to preserve and pro- ments (now in the custody the completion of the Salado ty, the house and accessory annual Pot Luck Dinner 6 Preservation Georgetown. mote interest in George- of the Georgetown Public sewer system nears, alder- buildings may cover a maxi- p.m. March 4 at the Salado town’s heritage—its historic Library). men stumbled on a second mum of 35 percent of the lot. Church of Christ Activities Background buildings and sites and the Most recently (2013), the annexation that could bring The Zoning Ordinance Center, 225 N. Church St. America’s Bicenten- people associated with them, Olive Street National Reg- 171 new homes into the Vil- also has Zoning Districts for The Society provides nial celebrations in 1976 as well as the documents, ister Historic District was lage. SF-PH, Single-Family Resi- “pork loin”, paper goods, sparked a nationwide pres- pictures and other records established in Georgetown; Aldermen on Feb. 21 dential-Patio Home District and tea, coffee, water. Mem- ervation boom. In George- relating to them. a project initiated, man- failed to take any action on with a minimum lot size of bers and guests are asked to town, a group of citizens Lasting achievements are aged and funded by PG. The a Concept Plan and variance 4,500 sq. ft. with approved bring a favorite dish of veg- who had worked diligently organizing Georgetown’s charge of the organization request relating to minimum on-site sewer and SFA, Sin- etables, salad, bread, or des- on Georgetown’s Bicenten- Christmas Stroll, reviving continues to expand to meet lot size for a 54-acre subdi- gle-Family Attached Resi- sert.
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