Reexamination of the Crustal Boundary Context of Mesoproterozoic Granites in Southern Nevada Using U-Pb Zircon Chronology and Nd and Pb Isotopic Compositions Rafael V. Almeida,1,* Yue Cai,2 Sidney R. Hemming,2,3 Nicholas Christie-Blick,2,3 and Lila S. Neiswanger4 1. Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-15, Singapore 639798; 2. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964-8000, USA; 3. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964-8000, USA; 4. 250 West Broadway No. 132, Eugene, Oregon 97401, USA ABSTRACT Granites crystallize from melts with a range of compositions and textures that provide important clues about the evolution of the continental crust. Rapakivi or A-type granites are usually inferred to be unrelated to active tectonic processes. Granites that fall into this category are widespread across the interior of North America. They are generally considered to be 1450–1400 Ma and anorogenic. We report new and substantially older U-Pb zircon ages of 1683.2 5 4.7, 1681.4 5 5.1, and 1683.3 5 6.1 Ma for rapakivi granites from the Davis Dam area, the Lucy Gray Range, and the Newberry Mountains of southern Nevada, respectively. These granites are thus associated with the Ivanpah orogeny. Rapakivi granites from Gold Butte, Nevada, also previously thought to be 1450–1400 Ma, yielded a younger U-Pb zircon age of 1373 5 23 Ma. In addition to these new age constraints, new Nd and Pb isotope data allow us to refine previously mapped isotopic crustal boundaries. Nd and Pb isotopes from the ~1680 Ma granites indicate a brief res- idence in the crust prior to crystallization, whereas the source of the younger Gold Butte granite appears to have sig- nificant crustal heritage. The modified isotopic province boundaries are now more consistent with each other than in earlier interpretations, a result that reinforces the view that these boundaries reflect fundamental tectonic features related to Paleoproterozoic crustal accretion. Our data imply that the spatial distribution of the classic anorogenic granite suite in North America is more restricted than previously thought. They also draw attention to the need for more extensive dating and radiogenic isotope measurements to probe the midcontinent belt of granites more broadly. Although plutons look alike, it can no longer be assumed that they were intruded synchronously or formed from the same source. Online enhancements: supplementary tables and figures. Introduction Granites crystallize from melts with a range of com- and Nevada to trace the edge of the North Ameri- 87 86 positions and textures that inform our understanding can craton (approximated as the Sr/ Srinitial p 0.706 of the evolution of continental crust (e.g., Clarke isopleth; thick black line on the left side of fig. 1). 1992). In the western United States, isotopic map- Within the North American craton, Bennett and De- ping of granites has been used extensively to identify Paolo (1987) defined crustal provinces on the basis the boundaries of crustal basement provinces. Kistler of the distribution of initial Nd isotope ratios (initial 87 86 and Peterman (1973) used the initial Sr/ Sr ratio ɛNd; DePaolo and Wasserburg 1976) and Nd model from Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutons in California ages of crust-mantle differentiation (TDM; DePaolo 1981). With this approach, they divided the western United States into three provinces, labeled 1, 2, and Manuscript received September 27, 2015; accepted Decem- fi ber 22, 2015; electronically published May 6, 2016. 3 andbounded by dotted lines in gure 1. Woodenand * Author for correspondence; e-mail: [email protected]. Miller (1990) and Wooden and DeWitt (1991) used [The Journal of Geology, 2016, volume 124, p. 313–329] q 2016 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2016/12403-0003$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/685766 313 This content downloaded from on June 10, 2016 20:18:04 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). 314 R . V . A L M E I D A E T A L . Figure 1. Map of the United States showing the distribution of anorogenic plutons: 1.34–1.41 Ga (gray dots) and 1.41–1.49 Ga (black dots). Average ages of plutons are shown in bold, and average ages of crustal province are shown in italics. The sources for the ages and descriptions of the plutons are from Anderson (1983). Bold lines represent the edge of autochthonous North America. In the western United States, the boundary of the North American craton is de- 87 86 fined by the Sr/ Srinitial p 0.706 isopleth (Kistler and Peterman 1973). In the eastern United States, this boundary is defined by rocks associated with the Grenville orogeny. Dashed lines represent boundaries between age provinces. Areas with an X pattern represent Archean cratons (Anderson 1983). Dotted lines and italic numbers represent the Nd provinces of Bennett and DePaolo (1987). The box shows the location of figure 2. Gray areas represent the Great Lakes. Figure is modified from Anderson (1983). whole-rock Pb isotopes to map crustal boundaries. zone farther west, prior to the accretion of the Ya- They divided the region into the Mojave and Arizona vapai arc. provinces, which broadly agree with the provinces On the basis of regional variations in isotopic and defined by Bennett and DePaolo (1987). Wooden and geochronologic data, the following tectonic prov- DeWitt (1991) also delineated a 75-km-wide bound- inces have been proposed for the western United ary zone within which Pb isotope ratios show mix- States (fig. 3): (1) the Archean Wyoming craton, ing relationships between the two provinces (shaded which has protoliths and deformation ages between blue area in fig. 2B; Mojave and Arizona provinces are 3500 and 2500 Ma; (2) the Mojave province, which west and east of the transition zone, respectively). consists of pre–1800 Ma crustal material; (3) the Their Arizona province is equivalent to the Yavapai Yavapai province, a 1760–1720 Ma juvenile arc ter- province of other studies (e.g., Hoffman 1988; Karl- rane; and (4) the Mazatzal province, formed by 1700– strom and Bowring 1988, 1993; Karlstrom and Hum- 1650 Ma supracrustal rocks on unknown basement phreys 1998; Whitmeyer and Karlstrom 2007; Due- (fig. 3; Hoffman 1988; Karlstrom and Bowring 1988, bendorfer 2015). In this article, we use the term 1993; Karlstrom and Humphreys 1998; Whitmeyer “Arizona province” when referring to the province and Karlstrom 2007). Bennett and DePaolo (1987) defined by Nd and Pb isotopes and the term “Yava- assigned a TDM of 2300–2000 Ma to the Mojave prov- pai province” when referring to the tectonic evolu- ince (their province 1) and 1800 Ma or younger to tion of Paleoproterozoic crustal blocks. Several stud- the Yavapai province (their province 3). ies (Duebendorfer et al. 2006; Duebendorfer 2015) These terranes, known as the Transcontinental have proposed that this transition zone represents Proterozoic provinces, were amalgamated during the the rifted leading edge of the Mojave block, devel- Proterozoic, between 1800 and 1600 Ma, through a oped in response to slab rollback in a subduction process that involved accreting arcs to the stable Ar- This content downloaded from on June 10, 2016 20:18:04 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). Journal of Geology MESOPROTEROZOIC GRANITES IN SOUTHERN NEVADA 315 Figure 2. A, Map of the southwestern United States showing the locations of samples used in this study. Red dots represent samples analyzed as part of this study (data for these samples are reported in tables 1–4 and are not indi- vidually identified on this map). Yellow dots are samples from Bennett and DePaolo (1987) that have been reassigned to a different crustal province using newer available age data (this study; Chamberlain and Bowring 1990; Wooden and DeWitt 1991). Black dots are samples from Nelson and DePaolo (1985), identified as ND85, and from Lerch et al. (1991), identified as LPR91, as well as other samples from Bennett and DePaolo (1987) that have not been reassigned. The dashed polygon represents the area sampled by Ramo and Calzia (1998) around Death Valley. Numbers and abbreviations next to sample locations identify them in table S1. B, Map of the same area as A showing previously published isotopic boundaries. Black lines show major faults (GF p Garlock fault; SAF p San Andreas fault). The red 87 86 line is the Sr/ Srinitial p 0.706 isopleth for Mesozoic and Cenozoic granites from Kistler and Peterman (1973), usually assumed to be the edge of autochthonous North America. The dotted lines are the proposed boundaries for crustal provinces within North America of Bennett and DePaolo (1987) based on Nd isotope measurements. Their proposed provinces are indicated by circled numbers 1, 2, and 3. The shaded blue area is the Pb isotopic boundary zone sug- gested by Wooden and DeWitt (1991). The orange line is the Pb crustal boundary proposed by Chamberlain and Bowring (1990), which coincides with the boundary proposed by Duebendorfer et al. (2006) on the basis of pseudogravity data. Open boxes indicate areas sampled by Chamberlain and Bowring (1990). Ranges: CM p Cerbat Mountains; DD p Davis Dam; DM p Dead Mountains; GB p Gold Butte; HM p Hualapai Mountains; IM p Ivanpah Mountains; LG p LucyGrayRange;MMp Marble Mountains; NM p Newberry Mountains; NYM p New York Mountains; PmM p Panamint Mountains; PM p Piute Mountains; PR p Poachie Range; TM p Turtle Mountains; UG p Upper Granite Gorge; WM p Whipple Mountains.
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