W24, ,r b\L YOO/O qffid qFw{ Gf{nm rurEST BENGAT, L 329673 a I V.,r' A t )4t,S4,qr'+l_ \.ertll-lecl that the <locument ls &drflrtteo (L^rrrUt:,\* to registration. Thc sigLtai:ttre si':eet/s and the e ndoi'srnen I silcei si i-li. l.:'.cir ar,! r','it]r thrs $t'd .tf H docurnent are the par't <.rf cirjs cioctlmenl \_ !t l9) 1?l l 0 Jlstrrct Su b-Regrst.rar-. E rpor'g;.,-South )4 oargar Y] tdr Ft,( i"''.: ^-'. I AGRE EMENT DEYE L9PMENT 'e T'OR qN TmS AGREEMENT tr'OR DEVELOPMENT made on this .t.7.f:. day of }.: b-. $ n"Uroa.y, 2020 (1) SRI ONKI,R CHATTERJEE, (PAN : ABIYPCO26SC) (Aadhaar No. 324992003802), son of Late Kanu Bhusan Chauerjee, by faith sH N^\r^^[tLi g.-(}l* . Hindu, by occupation retired from service, residing at Madhugdrh Spandan *a N Apartment, 275 Purba Sinthee Road, Ghughudan$a, p.S. - Dum DunU P.O. - H Ghog$danga, Kolkata -700030, sMT. CHAKRAB0RTY f {2, -R{NU (CHaffBRIEE), (PAI{ : ATffiC1388D), (Aadhaar No. 446380464828), Ul $ ghusan'Chatterjee, o wife of Asis Chakraborty and daughter of Kanu by faith U uy g.lo e ry".r.I;-,( A Hindu, by occupation housewife, residing at 35 Cenral Roa{ P.S. &, P.O. - ( N cr ,l 3 rEt toti fl 3 rEB 2e& 'ii q rh< "9X*rp"9 N;,a.- ,0^k*3 ,h1 g9o a4i, efo *, 9-.j C>5t f<**nn @ lq,s /r*a. I I \r{ f--\d -o ?'!'-?r'1 J-i Jadavpur, Kolkata -744032, (3) SRI AJIT KUMAR. IUAI{DAL, (PAN : ) q (Aadhaar ^'!\:2f, AEJPM2592Q), No. 387413089712), son of Late Sashi Bhusan !2 l^O.-r,r'&At*! ' .**'{ -*" Mondal, by fai& Eindu, fu occupation- service, residing at 85 Chak Gariq :S \r\ Srinagar Main Road, P.S. - fanchaSy*J.O. - Panchasayar, Kolkata- - 70W94, hereinafter 1,2 and 3 jointly rcferredto as the O1VNERS (which tqrm or expression unless excluded by or repugtrant to the context shall be deemed to mean and include their heirs, executors, legal representatives, administrators ( ._L and assigns) of the ruRST PART. ..->G? i) -+---t SRI SHIB SANKAR SARKA& {PAN : BCQPS4192G), (Aadhaar No. )t + 412889465992), son of Sri Sushil Kumar Sarkar, by faith Hindu, by occupation -A\]l.\ b> L_At* ,V-a"p,(#{-" ' a - business, residing at 6B Rajani Bhattacharjee Lane, P.S. Tollygunge, P.O. - Kaliglag Kotkata 70S026, proprietorof MIS PRAGATI ENTERPRISE of, -\-<\n\ - \u 6B Rajani Bhattacharjee Lane, Kolkata - 700026, hereinafter referred. to as the DEVELOPER (which term or expression rmless excluded by or repugnant to the context shall be deemed to mean and include his heirs, executors, legal representatives, admirristrators and assigns) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS by virtue of an indenture of sale @engali Bikroy Kobala) dated 14.12.1983 Sri Manindra Nath Middar md Smt. Rani Mondal, of Srinagar, Dhaluq P.S. - Sonarpur, Dist. - South 24 Parganas, as vendor, sold to Sri Kanu Bhusan Chatterjee and Smt. Usha Rani Chatterjee, referred therein as purchasers, against valuable consideration the landed property, measuring about I Cottah 13 Chittaclq shali land Iittle more or less, situated within Mouza - Chak Garia, J.L. No. 26, of R.S. I(hatian No. 156 and RS. Dag no. 181 withiil the P.S. - Kasb4 being subsequendy known as premises no- 383 Chak Garia of the Kolkat4 Mrmicipal Corporation" ward no. 109, Kolkata-700094, t"-u&( ^-{,----s?{-T-q ,{"lw E I, { l t ..4.. together with all other easement rights, privileges appendages and appurtenances in &e land hereditamens and premises aad the said deed of corveyance was duly registered in the officc of the D.R. Alipore, Dist. South 24 Parganas and recorded in Book No. 1, Being No. 16690 for the year 1983. AND WIIEREAS on or about 05.07.1986 by virtue of an indenture of sale (Bengali Bikroy Kobala) said Sri Karm Bhusan Chatterjee (Chalsaborty) & Smt. Usha Rani Chatterjee (Chalaaborty) joi"tly purchased a plot of lan{ adjacent to the above mentioned land, measuring about 84 sq.ft. i.e. 1 Chittack 39 sq.ft Shali land of J.L. No. 26, RS. Khatian No. 62, R.S. Dag No. 182 of Mouza- Chakgaria from one Gobinda Biswas, son of Late Kailash Chandra Biswas of Nabagram (Garia) South 24 Parganas against valuable consideration as mentionedtherein. AND WHEREAS after such purchase of fte said properly said Kanu Bhusan Chatterjee died on 25.06.2W9 and Usha Rani Chauerjee died on 16.S6.2014 leaving behind them surviving Sri Oriker Chatterjee, son and Runu Chakraboary (Chatterjee), daughter as their heirs and legal representatives, who inherited the said landed properqr measuring an area 1 Cottah 14 Chitak 39 sq.ft. absolutely according to Hindu Succession Act. Beside the said Onker Chauerjee and Runu Chakraborty there are no other heirs of the said Kanu Bhusan Chatterjee and Usha Rani Chatterjee. AND WHEREAS the said lanil was converteC subsequently into bastu from Shali by conversion order issued by *re Office of the Block Land and Laad Refornrs Officer, Govt. of West Bengal, vide case no. 445/2Al8 dated 27.02.2019. f>^.9-r. ff,.-"..f+-t*^ | I ,WW ::4:: {Bengali Bikroy Kobala} said Ajit Kumar Mandal, the party of dre Second P*rt purchased a plot of land measuring about I Cottah 5 Chitak with structme lyrng and situate with Mouza - Chak Garia, J.L. No. 26, being premises no. 85 {hakgaria Kolkata -?00A94,P.S. -Kasba at presentPa:rchasayar within KMC Ward No. 109 against valuable consideration as mentioned therein and the said deed of sale was duly registercd in the office of D.S.R. - III at Alipore, South 24 Parganas and recorded in Book No. l, Volume No. 147, Pages 463 to 468, Being No. 6799 for theyear 2A02. AND WIIEREAS said Ajit Kumar Mqalal, became absolute owner of the land measuring about 01 Cottah 35 sq.ft. situated within Mouza - Chak Garia, J.L. No. 26, being premises no. 85 Chakgaria Kolkata - 700094, P.S. -Kasba at present Panchasayar, by virtue of a Deed of Gift (Bengali 'Dan Patra') dt 21.03.2005, executed by his wife Smt- Manimala Mondal in favour of Said Ajit Kumar Mandal and the said Deed of Gift was executed in fte office of the D.S.R -Itr at Alipore, South 24 Parganas and recorded in Book No. 1, Volume No. 4, Pages 9590 to 9605, Being No. 190? for the year 2005. ANI) WHEREAS after such purchase and the Deed of Gift, said Ajit Kumar Mandat became owner of the total landmeasuring about 2 Cotuh 5 Chiuack 35 sq.ft. AND WHEREAS said Onker Chatterjee and Runu Chakbraborty (Chatterjee), and the said Ajit Kumar Mandal me in unintemipted enjoyrnent and occupation of their respective properties since their ffieritance and/or purchase/gift. &--4.** C-l*-*6x+-f.^t, ?frt.X""tlJq-- ..{.. AND WHEREAS ttre said parties agrced to construct their respective building for becer and comfortable living but since measure of the said trvo lands are so small, theyhave decided among dremselves to amalgamate both the plots into a single plot by way of exchange/transfer for obtaining better F.A.R for the purpose of construction- AND WHEREAS the said Onker Chatterjee and Runu Chalraborty (Chatterjee) and Ajit Kumar Mandal have mutually agreed to amalgamate their nvo acljoining plots by way of trausfcr of 50% undivided share from their respective land to each olher md to make the said two plot of land into a single plot of lanil AND they have agreed to adjust, settle and demarcate the boundaries of their said tqro adjoining plot of lands by rnaking mutual deed of Br& of rmdivided 50o/o of land &om their respective plot of land to each other as hereinafter appearing by fixing and prcviding for a ne'u/ bouadary as hereinafter mentioned. .W,ffiREAS AND the said owners herein conjoint the said two separate lands by Deed of Exchange, duly regrstered at the office of D.S-R-II at Alipore, Being No. 160209993 for the yerar,Z0lg of the said office and area of the total Iand became 4 Cottah 4 Chittacks 29 sq.ft. morefully .rvritten in the Schedule - A hereunder. Said o$mers duly mutated tLe said. conjoint land with the Kolkata Mrmicipal Corporation and premises has been numbered as 383, Chakgaria & Assessee No. 3 I 1090303835. AND WHEREAS the owners herein decided io construct a rew multistoried building on and over their propery but devoid of particular finance and expcrience requested the d.eveloper concera to constnrct such buililing on and over the land of tlp owners at &e cost of the developer with a clear 8----r/** U*1-"^ *rt-t & JJislrXf Xb'4t\ji*'*l#!n':l I ::6:: understanding to divide the owners and developer's allocation and the developer shall be entitled to sale and dispose his allocation at his decided price for which the owners shall have no objection after reserving the owner's allocation. AND WHEREAS the developer herein being hearil the proposal of the ownem and after detail negotiation, he agreed to construct such building at his cost and responsibility on and over &e said land and to handover the owner's allocation after constnrction with right to dispose of and sale the developer's allocation at developers decided price to intending purchase/s- AND WHEREAS to avoid. future complication this agreement is made with the following terms and conditions : NOW THIS DEED WTINBSSETII as follows : (PAN : a) o\I/IqER : sha11 mear (1) sRI ONKER CHAIITERJEE' ABWPC0265C) son of Late Kanu Bhusan Chatte{ee, by fai& HindU by occupation retired from servicq residing at Madhugarh Spand"an Apartment, 275 Purba sinthee ROa4 Ghughudanga" P-s.
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