REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. # From Washington. From Kansas Postscript, ST. CHARLES John Ferguson & Co. It is a well known FOR I'HESIDF'NT, In the House, 15th inst., Mr. Keith Advices from Toju ka of th« 4th HAT the place to buy goods is wh»t inst. are received. The Convention Hardware Store. AVE the pleasure of announcing to the keep t he largest and best assorting JOHN. C. FREMONT, made a speech in which ho said it W e stop the press to pub­ citizens of St. Charles and surrounding T OF CALIFORNIA. met there on the 2nd, and passed res­ H good Goods. This fact will be readily tW was not his purpose to widen any lish that, so great was the rush country, that, they are now receiving direct knowledged upon the examination of "X olutions in favor of the Republican Ferguson & Stanley fri/in New York and IV»ton the largest and FOR VICE 1'IiESTIiFNT, and anxiety among our friends breach of feeling"; he much preferred party and denunciatory of Democracy, "TTTOl'Ll) announce to the people of Floyd best selected stock of Staple and Fancy CHENEY & BRACKETT'S WM. L. DAYTON, the opposite. He vindicated South to secure the first copy of the • ? and adjoining counties that they have Stock of Goods just received direct from New OF NEW JKRSKY. and appealing to friends of Free Kan­ just opened a new Hardware Store in St. York which can be found at the sas, in Congress, to stop supplies un­ St. Charles Republican Intelli­ Carolina free from the charge brought Charles, where they will keep constantly on ever brought West of the Mississippi River to n liOGr STOHJE1. STATE NOMINATIONS. against her conduct in the Revolution. til Kansas is admitted under the pres­ gencer, an auction was pronosed, hand a large and splendid stock of every de­ which tie y invite the attention of the citizens Our stock is not equaled by any West of Du- ent Constitution. scription of of Floyd and adjoining counties. Buque. All persons wishing to buy goods For Presidential Electors, He vividly set forth the suffering and when Wm. Spencer, Esq., as Marshal Donaldson and Judge El­ Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, We have also on hand a large stock of should not fail to avail themselves of the op­ R. NOBLE, Clayton County, portunity we now offer to the citizens of St. patriotism of South Carolinians; con­ more read t<> the Convention the Pres­ auctioneer, struck off the same to which additions will constantly be made. BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, H. O'COFN'OH. Muscatine, and Charles and the surrounding country. Our tending that the exploits of Massachu ident's February proclamation, -Gov. stock consists of a well selected assortment of D. P. M1LLKK, Loo, to the highest bidder for the Shannon's proclamation, and a new Ready-Made Clothing, W. M. STONE, Marion. setts in that struggle had been great­ handsome sum of $20,00. The of every variety and kind are ol't'crc.l at the Dry Goods, one from iMr. Woodman, Secretary of Together with a cood stock of For Secretary of State, ly exaggerated. He represented men lucky purchasers were DUNCAN WtWCT PRICES. selected with esspecial care as to the people. ELIJAH SELLS, "of Muscatine. the Territory ; also a note from Col. They have the largest stock of Groceries and Crockery who live on battle plains which had Sumner, stating that he would pre­ FERGUSON and G. B. EASTMAN, NAILS, IRON7 AND GLASS of every description, which will be sold at Dress Trimmings of every variety, For Auditor of State, been defamed by Mr. Sumner, and Ever brought West of the Missimfyri River; alto, very low rates. Prints. DeLaines, Chambrays, Lice Goods, JOHN PATTEE, of Bremer. vent a meeting of the Legislature, of the firm of Ferguson k East­ Large Sato and Small Profile is themafo. &e.; Ladie's and Gent's. Kid Glova^ therefore, he was sensitive—he had but they were not heeded. About Heavy and Shelf Hardware, For Treasurer of State, already sent his written resignation man, Hankers, Dealers in Ex­ Lisle Thread do., Lace Mits and eight hundred people were present, all Embracing every description of articles kept in The undersi-mpd, believing that in price Hosiery of every kind. Hats, M. L. MORRIS, of Polk. this branch of trade. to take effect to-day, and would now armed. Both branches of the Legisla­ change, and Land Agents, St. and quality of Goods they can safely defy all Gips and Straw goods of For Attorney General, announce he was no longer a member They would particularly invite the attention of competition, will at all times enmider it. a pleas­ every kind & variety. ture met on the 5th. A quorum was Charles, Floyd County, Iowa. Mechanics to their tine assortment of SAMUEL A. RICE, of Mahaska. of this Congress. ure to exhibit their goods to those who may present and the roll called. At the close of the sale a large Carpenter's and Blacksmith's Toolsf Ready-Made Clothing: For Representative to Congress—2d Dist. The House took up the resolutions fovor them with a call. TIMOTHY DAVIS, of Elkader. About noon Col. Sumner entered number of subscriptions were at such as P. S. The subscribers have a large stock of Our stock is large, well selected, and cheaper of Committee on elections, and Re­ town with two hundred dragoon men PLANES, SAWS, AUGURS. AXES, ANVILS, Goods of all kinds at ROCKFORD, at the than can be found elsewhere. For State Senator—34th Dist. VICES, k(\, solved, that J. Callen was not, and and planted two pieces of artillery at once handed in, and the*demand mouth of Lime Creek, when; Farmers may BOOTS <Hf SHOES ; J. T. ATKINS, of Winneshiek. Wm. B. Archer was elected as Repre­ Together with a large stock of fhid everything wanted by them at the same the head of Kansas Avenue. The for extra copies exceeded any LOCKS, LATCHES, BUTTS AND SCREWS, Ow ftock is large and we would ad vim A?! For State Representative—48Hi Dist. sentative from Illinois and invitea to prices as here. Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to purchase a troops were drawn up before the Con­ thing of the kind in our news- and every variety of Edge Tools. f^ UEMEMBER THE PLACE , E. R. GILLETT, of Chickasaw. take his seat. good article, to call and examine our stock be­ stitutional Hall, and Col. Sumner told They would also call the attention of Farmers JOHN FERGUSON & CO. paporial experience. to their supply of fore purchasing eleswhere. Leather and Find­ On the 16th, in the Senate, Mr. Jones the citizens he would not disarm them St. Charles, July 2S, 1S56. l:tf ings we shall endeavor to keep constantly on DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. of Tennessee, made a speech on the • or break the Convention, but had or­ Two gentlemen near Ocean View on the Ches­ Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Scythes, hand. three million Armament bill, arguing G. A. REIXIGKR, FOR PRESIDENT, ders to dissolve the Legislature, and apeake, lately caught a monster saw-fish, some Snathes, Hand Rakes, HARDWARE : Our stork consists of as good and well selected JAMES BUCHANAN. that an appropriation was necessary would do so. Attorney & Counsellor at Law, OF PENNSYLVANIA. to place the country in a proper state thirty feet long. lis skin was sent to the mu­ Horse Rakes, an assortment of Shelf Hardware as is usually Col. Sumner then repaired to the seum at Cumberland. add other articles too numerous to mention. AND found in any store, which we offer very low. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, >of defence. It was a peace and not a House of Representatives, and in a Also an extensive assortment of DRUGS cV MlZmCIJNES * war question. There is not, he s:aid, Real Estate Agent, J. C. BRECKENRIDGE, gentlemanly way, informed the mem­ For reasons not necessary to mention, JAPPANKD TIN, S1IKKT IRON A greater variety than can be found else­ ammunition enough on the Pacific to ST. CHARLES, FLOYD CO., IOWA. OF KENTUCKY. bers that he had orders to disperse we arc induced to defer the publication of onr AND COPPER WARE, S prepared to attend with efficiency to all where—good and cheap—aill and bee. fire ten rounds with the guns there, them, and that he should do so. He second number for a couple of weeks. The Manufactured and kept on hand. business pertaing to his profession, GROCERIES : STATE NOMINATION. and in case of war, not enough in the Prompt attention will be given to all kind) of I This is the place to buy them. We shall sell said, "I am called upon to perform the Intelligencer will then be issued regularly on Jn Northern Iowa <V Southern Minnesota, whole country to fire twenty-five Job Work such as Gives particular attention to Homo and For­ the best Tea for the lowest prices of any one For Presidential Electors, most painful duty of iny life, under the Thursday of each week. West of Dubuque. A good assortment of all rounds with all our guns: Roofing, putting up Eretroughs and eign Collections, and to the J. C. HALL, of Des Moines. authority of the President's proclama­ other groceries can be found at the log Store. Gen. Pcrsifer Smith has been ap­ Conductors, and repairing Old Wares. PURCHASE and SALE OF REAL ESTATE. JAMES GRANT, of Scott. tion. I am here to dissolve this legis­ St. Charles Retail Prices Current. Thankful for past favors, for which we will re­ pointed to succeed Brigadier General R The very best workmen nre employed by them Moneys Invested and Loaned turn our sincere thanks and cordially invite D.
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