r Dr. Allan Reviews Variety of Topies: Highline And Scholarships Given to 25 %dent lounge to be Remodeled -by Phyllis Booth Burkhard Dr. ad. A. Allan, speaking at theyear's second President's Forum,covered the topics of Kaneyaso Week, the draft, construc- Win National tion of newbuildings, the Wing expansion,and the remodeling of the student lounge. Addressing e crowd of studentsand faculty members atthe Citation February 8 meeting, Dr. Allan voicedplans for decoration of the studentlounge, and then called on Don Slaughter,manager of BothHighline College and services, to relate details of the financial situation concerning the Ralph H. Burkhardhave won remodeling. anational citation for excep- Mr. Slaughterstated that present funds allotted for the re- tionaldesign from the Ameri- modeling amount to @,OOO. A committee formed by Dr. Allan has Associationcan of Sclrool decided to spend the money on furniture and has accepted an offer Administrators. from Frederick and .Nelson -which will provide a revised furniture Thelocal architect was con arrangement- . gratulated by .the Screening . "The new furnitare,v stated Mr. Slaughter, "will be placed in Jutjl whenthey described it thecenter of the lounge area and will consist of a number of as providing.an "exciting edu- lamps and stuffed &a@ . cationalenviron-ment. Corngat- "Also,plans are formulating asto a calor change of the two ableemphasis '(is) givento tech- end walls. nical,vocational, and acadcmic "We think wehave used the moneywisely, and perhaps we curricular offerings." #illbe 'able to obtain additional Nnds in the near future." .. Tbe Jury further added that th;? %atural !beauty of the site (is) preserved.and enhanced with additionallandscaping." It felt that the College is -''aschool that students . will enjoy." The facility has been selected for exhibitiorr at the 1966 American Association of Sc!wol -Administrators'Convention in Atlantic Gty, New Jcrsty, aich is to%e h6ld this month. This is theAsso5iatioa's an- nual School Building Competi- tion desigSledtp improveedu- cational. .facilities both in econ-, omy and in quality. b A. film strip and color slides _of the campus and its buildings will be shown at the annual Scholarship winmru ,.: convention, as wen- as various sk'etchesandblack-a?d-wn-ite Twentpfive students of H@b- sophomore, -who plansa caret photos. Cine College(have been ovlhadded . in elementary teaching t .. the,1986 . ;Highline College Arthur (Ship) -Cook; &year- . Leadersiiip - Hoaoyclriums for - old sophomore, plans a- career . the comingthe quarter. These .as a counselor. in 'II finior col- kata~" . - . - awards-are *@+en to tbwe stu- .lege; 'ILirry- Qebu~;19 $ears dents (who can make the best old, *is intmebtd " in .pol#i-" And Dance possible use of them to addeve cal science; Lee Gagaon, !Ub Are you tired of slielling out their educationalgoals. yqarpld sophomore,wishes to monq fdlrthis and that event, Scholarships ere awarded qn go into businessmanagement; * CWrPlanned . Art at isllege? he you still recov. ' the .basis of academicrcbieve. John Hanson Jr,, 116 years old, Mr. Slaughter, stating that .&he committee bad discysed the &ring" f3urm Ohriptmad debts ment and ability, dil@fence and is an art major with future purchase of art llpork for thelounge, called on Rik. Gwin, art in- andtuition fees? Well,.. put grogre%s, ckaracter;contcibu- plana for an industrid design strudw, for information. asideyour money mrries and tion 40 &e and fln8n- career; Toan Henry, 2l-year4d "The proposrl for a dual art collection is.seifish.on my part," attend the annualFireside t6- oial need. The schohrsh4ps are sophomore,plans 8 career. irr %ted Mr. .Gvrpin, "for my motive is to stimulate students' interest night4lutely .FB@E"cour-. renewable each qum+br if the education. art. The committee bas d_ecided that one studen#qmrJt and the twof,the. MalCanunittee. p~o#~standahis are * main- - wopk 02 one professional *Northwest aeist (will be purchased each . This. cost-free evening of en- tained. William . Holt Jr., ZO, plana ye=. tertaimnent will be held at the The schol&ips are tema~i to go into veteminmy $medicine; Robert .Wng, 18 yeus old, is "This plan. will involve you as students in actively ckating Normandy Park Covetonight. each quarter if the * oraper andoxporioncing art. You will also increaw your education. by The evening will begin at 7:OO standards are anrtntta@*. interested in del wol'lt; Ken- swirrg local, envircinnwntd adaround you. p.m. with a jaa mion by Students rgplyiag €or acb neth Imnnear, 2l-yelrdd m1v- ried student, plans a career in "The"paintings will takeup kt41 end walls and bhe wood CharlesWetcalf who was such lamhips .must HI out #inaneid engineering; Merle 19 screen wall, Eventually, there will be 20 to 30 @antings tbat will (8 sumess during guleyrso statemtnb and have recammen- McVay, create more of a living room atmosphere rather than that of a bus years old, plans a eamer in , Week. Followingthe jwz be& dation4 from at leut two ma- . .. nutrition; Jain lS station waiting room.*' sion there will .be -a dance im line College teachera. 'I%- ap !Mi&liken, Dr. Allan hada few .words regarding Kanpyaso Week, and a30 till I@midnight fecttur- plications are then evaluated by yeq-old suphornore, Q inter. they were 'generally favorable,- ing theSeacons, a well-Lrwvwn the Financial Aid Committee est& in .a career as zt dental "The week had its faults, #but on the *average, I think the first band from the. University of composed of Miss Shirley Rob- hygienist. Kaneyaso ,was an enterprise we can take pride in. If we can have Washington. ertson, chaiman, Mr. Ray Cote, 6tanley Polbck, aegear-old such a weekeachyear, I be well satisfied." , Dress for this free event will Mr. George Wnovan, Mr.' Don mded student, is interested Draft Situation Eraminod in amounting or bamk.ing; consist of school-type casual Slauphter,.and *Mias Vicki Stc. Once again, Dr. Allan turned the microphone over to a facuity . clothes. No special rubber-soled Steinbeng. ven *Rautman, 19 years ald, is member, as he oalled on George Donovan, counselor, for the latest shoes are required or new Accordingto Miss Steinberg, interested in pwch6logy and word on the draft situation. dresses-just _regular t~hool the majority ob sgplicationu are mathematick Doug Snford, 19- "Ihave been asked for the latest word," smiled Mr. Donovan, s-0 rejected :because of incomplete- year-oldsophomore, Is - hter- "and the latest word is that wedo not know anything." ness. She wvuld afm like to en- ested in a law career; Jack . ' Thmughou; the evening and' ''The newspapershave maintained that the selective urvice mons, 27 years old, is intiwested especially during the 1Smkrute couragestudents who could -- .. tceadqurrters are consideringa variety ofmethods to determine in veterinary medicine; intermissions . scheduled for usethe funds to apply for the Vim .. whother or not boys will retain their deferment," stated the coun- Staiger,20.year-old sophmnore, 9:45 and 1061) refreshments scholarships. selor. The students who have been plans a career .in art history. Another method would be to comparean individual's standing consisting of cobfee, coke anti Richard Tolf, 22-year-old mar- donuts will beserved: awarded the 1- Highline Cole with that of other members of his class, the sophomorc in thh top' legeLeadership tHonorariumr ried sqhamore, is interested third, and the junior in the top fourth. Faculty .patrons for the eve- in "mefit; *burr Wade, ning will be Mrs. Utigard and are: Candjs Allison,rlfkyear-old . Regainingthe floor, Dr. Allan advisedpossible drat't ecs to 19-yerrold sophanore, plms 8 Mr. Neunsehwander. freshman, who plans a career "stay in collcge until you feel Uncle Sam pulling you out." as an English teacher;Christ- career .in businesa management; Building Program Surveyed #RaymondWebstein, 28-yeamld Classes wilt no? bo hold om ine Behrman, l&year-old fmsh- Dr. Allan, giving a rundownon the buildingprogram * stated man,who wants to be a libra- sophomore, plans a cam in that final stages of planning are underway. Wodndry, March 2 in businessamanmement; ~Beverltt order that students and tian; FranWn .Budge, *year- Thenew constructions will include a parking lot for 250 to old sophomore, interested in White,18-yearold sophonrore, 300 carsalong South 240th. The lot was designed-topreserve thc faculty my *moot for is interested in teac;hing poUti- pre-mgirtration. Preliminary dramaengineering: G 1e n n trees. Another parking area will be located at the north end of the *Buttkus, a1-yerr~ldsophomore, cal science or Englie Donna campus and will beacccssible from the Kent-Des Moines road. spring uhdules will be Williunson, %byerrold murid av8iUl. at ))wt interested in drama ducat-ion; (Continued on page 3) ~~UBO. Uhel Ohisholm, Sye 8 told student, is an education major. 0 c c r ~ Editorial It's up To You Ir it necemary for the &xecutive%oard and Activitita There comer a time everyonb'r life. when .he muat. in Councilto auggertauch action (u a atudentcourt, cldg discard hia adolescent actions and besin to act like an adult. down thelounge temporarily or permanently? Mwt the Those who attend college art making tw should be rndihg Uean oh Studenta and the uecutive t)oard act aa policemen2 thia trader throughtheir daily expedencea aa college atu- Cloaing down the lounge whether it is temporary or dents. permanent would be deteating thepurpose of thelounge BUtthi8irEOttb8~WW"" becauac after all thelounge ia forthe atudent'a relaxation. dents. Contra- to what the majority of the atudepts at High- As far aa a atudcnt court goes, this does not aeem to be nec- line College believe to be the actions of mature adults there mrybecause each individual atudent can do jut as effect- is a group of atudenta who have not reached this point and ive a job #by keeping bia eye on hia buddy and vice versa continue to act in a manner befitting a group of "pre-achool- than having a sanctioned court which would most likely lead ers' .
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