S182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 28, 1998 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Senator Ralph Owen Brewster of tion against their political opponents. ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, today Maine chaired the ‘‘Truman Com- Although Senator Smith had not I rise to join Catholic schools across mittee’’ during the Republican Eight- named a specific offender, her remarks my home state of Michigan and the ieth Congress, but when the Senate were universally recognized as criti- country as they celebrate Catholic transferred the functions of the special cism of Senator McCarthy’s accusa- Schools Week. This year marks the committee to the Committee on Ex- tions that Communists had infiltrated twenty-third anniversary of the annual penditures in the Executive Depart- the State Department and other gov- event, and its theme is an important ments—a precursor of Governmental ernment agencies. Senator McCarthy one, ‘‘Catholic Schools: Restoring Affairs Committee—Senator Brewster retaliated by eliminating Senator Faith in Education.’’ was not a member of that committee Smith from his Subcommittee and re- Since the founding of our great na- and could not chair the new sub- placing her with the newly elected sen- tion, Catholic schools have been inte- committee. ator from California, Richard M. gral to its growth and prosperity. The Committee on Expenditures in Nixon. Among the first schools in the country, the Executive Branch already had a When Senator McCarthy became Sub- Catholic schools educated countless in- subcommittee to Investigate Surplus committee Chairman, he staged a se- dividuals throughout the nation and Property Disposal, chaired by Michigan ries of highly publicized anti-com- provided an early first step toward cre- Senator Homer Ferguson. Senator Fer- munist investigations, culminating in ating a literate populace. Today, the guson, a former judge, had also been a an inquiry into communism in the U.S. Army, which became known as the role of Catholic schools is just as im- member of the Truman Committee, Army-McCarthy hearings. During the portant. Strong academics partnered and had occasionally served as its act- latter portion of these hearings, in with a values-based education offers a ing chairman. Assuming the leadership which the Committee examined the tremendous option for children across of the new subcommittee, which was to Wisconsin Senator’s attacks on the the country. From rural areas to the be called the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Ferguson inherited army, Senator McCarthy recused him- inner city, the opportunities afforded self, and South Dakota Senator Karl by Catholic schools are immeasurable. the special committee’s authority, functions, and powers. He merged its Mundt served as Acting Chairman of They provide an important choice for the Permanent Subcommittee on In- parents and students who seek the best staff members with those from his sub- committee to Investigate Surplus vestigations. Gavel-to-gavel television possible learning environment. coverage of the hearings raised public In the State of Michigan, Catholic Property Disposal. Notably, he re- tained the Truman Committee’s chief concern about Senator McCarthy’s schools are elemental in providing chil- treatment of witnesses and his irre- counsel William Rogers (who later dren of all ages with a solid education. sponsible use of evidence. In December served as Secretary of State) and its Spread throughout Michigan’s seven of 1954, the Senate censured Senator chief clerk, Ruth Young Watt (a Maine Catholic dioceses, over 96,000 students McCarthy for unbecoming conduct, and native who served as chief clerk from are enrolled in 355 schools. These the following year the Permanent Sub- the Subcommittee’s beginning until schools play a critical role in adding to committee on Investigations adopted her retirement in 1979). While tech- the rich diversity of American edu- new rules of procedure that better pro- cation. I am pleased to have this oppor- nically reduced to a Subcommittee of a tected the rights of witnesses. These tunity to congratulate the many standing committee, the Permanent actions vindicated the courageous Catholic schools in Michigan and the Subcommittee exercised authority al- stand of Maine Senator Margaret Chase United States for the high quality of most as a separate entity, selecting its Smith. education they provide.∑ own staff and determining its own in- In 1955, Senator John McClellan of f vestigatory agenda. Arkansas began eighteen years of serv- Senator Homer Ferguson’s Chair- FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ice as Chairman of the Permanent Sub- manship ended with the election of committee on Investigations. Senator PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON 1948, which changed the Senate’s ma- INVESTIGATIONS McClellan appointed the young Robert jority and made Senator Clyde Hoey, a F. Kennedy as the Subcommittee’s ∑ Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, 1998 North Carolina Democrat, Chairman of Chief Counsel. That same year, Mem- marks the fiftieth anniversary of the the Permanent Subcommittee on In- bers of the Permanent Subcommittee Senate Governmental Affairs Commit- vestigations. The last U.S. Senator to on Investigations were joined by Mem- tee’s Permanent Subcommittee on In- wear a long frock coat and wing-tipped bers of the Senate Labor and Public vestigations. On January 28, 1948, the collar, Mr. Hoey was a distinguished Welfare Committee on a special com- Senate adopted a resolution converting southern gentleman of the old school. mittee to investigate labor racket- the Special Committee to Investigate During his leadership, the Permanent eering. Chaired by Senator McClellan the National Defense Program (better Subcommittee on Investigations won and staffed by Robert Kennedy and known as the ‘‘Truman Committee’’ for national attention for its investigation other staff members of the Permanent its first chairman, Missouri Senator of the ‘‘five percenters,’’ Washington Subcommittee on Investigations, the Harry Truman) into a permanent sub- lobbyists who charged their clients five special committee directed much of its committee. The special committee percent of the profits from any federal attention to criminal influence over looked into charges of waste and abuse contracts they obtained for them. The the Teamsters Union, calling Team- in defense contracting during the Sec- ‘‘five percenters’’ investigation raised sters’ leaders Dave Beck and Jimmy ond World War. After its first chairman allegations of bribery and influence- Hoffa to testify. The televised hearings resigned to become Vice President and peddling that reached right into the of the special committee introduced then President of the United States, White House and implicated some Senators Barry Goldwater and John F. the Committee continued to inves- members of President Truman’s staff. Kennedy to the nation, and led to pas- tigate fraud and corruption in the post- When Republicans regained the Sen- sage of the Landrum-Griffin Labor Act. war years. Its many successes con- ate’s majority in 1953, at the beginning After the special committee com- vinced the Senate of the need to retain of the Eisenhower administration, Wis- pleted its work, the Permanent Sub- an ongoing mechanism to combat consin’s junior Senator, Joseph R. committee on Investigations continued wrongdoing and to keep government McCarthy, took over as Chairman of to investigate organized crime. In 1962, honest. Today, we celebrate a half cen- the Permanent Subcommittee. Two the Subcommittee held hearings in tury of these endeavors. years earlier, as Ranking Minority which Joseph Valachi outlined the ac- As Chairman of the Permanent Sub- Member, Senator McCarthy had re- tivities of La Cosa Nostra, or the committee on Investigations, I wish to moved from the Committee another Mafia. Robert Kennedy, by then Attor- pay tribute to all of the Senators who Republican Senator, Margaret Chase ney General, used this information to have served on the Subcommittee, and Smith of Maine. Senator Smith had prosecute prominent mob leaders and to offer a brief survey of the highlights issued a ‘‘Declaration of Conscience’’ their accomplices. The investigations of the Subcommittee’s activities over against those who made unfounded also led to passage of major legislation the years. charges and used character assassina- against organized crime, most notably VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:38 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00110 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S28JA8.REC S28JA8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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