Old Maidstonian Society Newsletter No.5 - Summer 2011 © Peter Weaver, LRPS © Peter Weaver, President: Anthony Hayward Chairman: Richard Ratcliffe Secretary: Graham Belson [email protected] and I will pass on any THE PRESIDENT’S REPORT offers of help to the contingent commander. So far I have been unable to observe any activities in the s reported in our last OM Newsletter, during my Music Department due to their preparations for exams, term of office I want to make a number of visits but I hope to make another visit to the department in the Ato the school to study the aspects of life there autumn term. In the meantime I am looking forward to which particularly interested me when I was a pupil. By visiting this year’s Aldeburgh Festival where Philip so doing I hope to be able to develop links between the Langridge’s son, Stephen, is presenting an exhibition of school and the OM Society in these fields. So far I have his late father’s work, including some of his early managed to make two visits to the school, and can report performances at MGS. as follows. Anthony Hayward The Junior Christian Union is now led by outside professional youth workers, while the Senior CU is led HE HAIRMAN S HOUGHTS by the pupils themselves. Both would like visiting T C ’ T speakers from the OMs, so I have offered to do both if they wish. I wrote last time about the Society making representation to Michael Gove protesting about the effect of the The Combined Cadet Force now consists of Army, RAF education spending cuts being disproportionate for and Naval sections. I spent a pleasant afternoon with Grammar Schools with large Sixth Forms. We have each section, sampling their training and finishing with a received replies from his civil servants and from Helen combined contingent dismissal parade. There are many Grant and Hugh Robertson our local MP’s. Their words requirements, such as officers, civilian instructors, and in reply are somewhat bland and non-committal of course, items of equipment, all of these shortages are due to but at least we have nailed our colours to the mast and cutbacks to cadet funding. I suggest OMs who are, or been “read”. have been, in Her Majesty’s Services and remember their own CCF days, contact me by email at Page 1 Old Maidstonian Society Rules 1. Name The Society shall be known as ‘The Old Maidstonian Society’. 2. Objects The objects of the Society are: a. To keep former students and members of staff in touch with the activities of the School; b. To keep former students and members of staff in Neil Turrell outside his school touch with one another; c. To provide an association which shall endeavour I was travelling through Singapore in April en route to a to promote the interests of the School and support holiday cruise and we spent a day with Neil and Trish the Governors, Headmaster, staff and students as Turrell and met with their daughter Nancy and her son. opportunities may arise. They are all enjoying their sojourn in the Far East and send back good wishes to all in the Society. Neil will be 3. Membership over in the UK during July and I hope to see them whilst a. Full Membership of the Society shall be confined they are here. Most of his staff at the Tanglin Trust School to former students of the School and former are British and he actually has made a number of flying members of the School’s staff. visits to London recruiting, but it’s almost like “there and b. Serving members of the School’s staff shall be back in two days” – so no sign of him slowing down!! Associate Members of the Society. We had a good committee meeting in June and coupled c. The Society may at AGMs or EGMs elect as that with an EGM at which we ratified the Rules of the Honorary Vice-Presidents any persons who have Society (at last!) and also finalised the revised Awards not been students or members of staff, but who Scheme which we shall launch formally in the Autumn have rendered distinguished service either to the (see elsewhere in this issue). We are also applying for School or to the Society. Trust Status so that member contributions will be treated under HMRC rules for Gift Aid. I do hope members will 4. Management support the scheme and see fit to assist the work of the a. The affairs of the Society shall be controlled by a School in these times of financial belt tightening. committee elected from the Membership by the We also signed off the certificates for the Honorary Vice- AGM. This Committee shall comprise a Presidents (previously known as Honorary Members) of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and as many other the Society. These included Neil Turrell and David Leeke officers and members as are deemed appropriate (President-elect). The Society also honoured John Caley by the Committee and endorsed by the AGM. as an additional HV-P in recognition of over 55 years in b. The President shall hold office for one year. He the MGS family, first as a member of staff and then beyond or she will be confirmed as President-Elect by the that into his retirement with the CCF and the Committee AGM and will assume office at the end of the of this Society. In all of these roles he has laboured Annual Supper in the following year. The tirelessly. Committee may at its discretion make an additional nomination for a 2nd President-Elect, Richard Ratcliffe who would follow the President-Elect at the end of his or her term of office. c. The permanent post of Honorary Vice-President will be bestowed occasionally on those who have OM UPDATE served the Society or School in an outstanding manner. (Existing Honorary Life Members at April Committee Meeting and Extraordinary General 2010 will also be given the title of ‘Honorary Vice- Meeting: President’). d. The Headmaster, the President then in office and On 13th June there was an Extraordinary General the President-Elect shall be members of the Meeting followed by a meeting of the committee. The Committee ex officio. EGM was held to ratify some revisions to the Society’s e. The Committee shall have powers of co-option. rules and the rules of the Awards Scheme. For the record, f. All members of the Committee, whether elected, we print both of the agreed sets of rules below:- co-opted or sitting ex officio, shall have the right Page 2 to vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman d. All Full Members and Associate Members shall shall have an extra, casting vote. be entitled to vote at the AGM, and a quorum shall g. The Committee will appoint its own Chairman be formed by ten members. annually at the Committee meeting following the AGM, but the President will normally chair the 7. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) AGM. a. An EGM may be called at any time, by the h. Four Committee members shall constitute a Committee or by 25 members, giving fourteen quorum. clear days’ notice to all members. Such notice i. The Committee may appoint sub-committees if shall specify the time, date and place of the meeting required. and the purpose for which it is being convened, j. As required under the School’s terms of with details of any proposed decisions to be taken. governance, the Society, through its Committee, b. All Full Members and Associate Members shall shall appoint a member of the Society to serve on be entitled to vote at an EGM, and a quorum shall the School’s Board of Governors. be formed by ten members. 5. Finance 8. Annual Supper a. Membership of the Society shall be free to all A Supper shall be held each year, normally during March or those who are eligible to be members. April. b. The Society’s financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December, or such other period 9. Sporting & Other Activities as shall be agreed at the AGM or at any EGM. The Society shall arrange such sporting or other activities as c. Separate accounts shall be maintained for the may seem appropriate from time to time. general running of the Society (The General Reserve Account), and for the Awards (The Awards 10. Colours Account - see section 11). The colours of the Society shall be navy blue (23 mm), white (4 d. The Treasurer shall present full accounts and a mm), purple (3 mm) and old gold (8 mm), to be worn in balance sheet to the AGM, with a request for their descending band order. (The widths shown in brackets are those adoption. of the stripes on the tie.) Only members shall be entitled to e. The accounts of the Society shall be subject to an wear the colours and badge as incorporated in any garments annual independent examination by a person which may be provided by the Society. appointed for that purpose by the AGM. In the absence of a current Independent Examiner, for 11. Society Awards whatever reason, the Committee shall be a. The historical details of all Awards are given in authorised to make an interim appointment which Appendix 1 of these Rules. shall remain valid until the next following AGM. b. Awards shall be maintained and distributed as f. The Independent Examiner may not be a member detailed in the separate ‘Awards Scheme Guidance of the Committee of the Society and should be a Notes’, which may from time to time be amended professionally-qualified accountant.
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