Document of The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No. 39532 MR Public Disclosure Authorized INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION COUNTRY ASSISTANCE STRATEGY FOR ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA FOR THE PERIOD FYOS-FY11 Public Disclosure Authorized June 14,2007 AFCF2 Country Management Unit Africa Region Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. The date ofthe last Country Assistance Strategy was May 6, 2002. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency Unit = Mauritanian Ouguiya UM 271UM = US$1 1.46139US$ = SDR1 FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AAA Analytical and Advisory Activities ACGF Africa Catalytic Growth Fund ADC Association de De'veloppement Communautaire (Community Development Association) AECI Agencia Espaiiola de Cooperacibn Internacional (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation) AFD Agence Franqaise de Dbveloppement (French Development Agency) AfDB African Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AML Anti-Money-Laundering APE Association de Parents d 'ElBves (Students' Parents Association) BCM Banque Centrale de Mauritanie (Central Bank of Mauritania) CAS Country Assistance Strategy CASCR Country Assistance Strategy Completion Report CCIAM Chambre de Commerce, d 'Industrie, et d 'Agriculture en Mauritanie (Chamber of Trade, Industry and Agriculture) CDD Community-Driven Development CDMAP Capacity Development Management Action Plan CEM Country Economic Memorandum CFAA Country Financial Accountability Assessment CFT Countering Financing of Terrorism CG Consultative Group CGE Conseil de Gestion d 'Etablissement (school governing body) CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CMJD Conseil Militaire pour la Justice et la De'mocratie (Military Council for Justice and Democracy) co Country Office CPAR Country Procurement Assessment Report CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment CPI Consumer Price Index CPPR Country Portfolio Progress Review cso Civil Society Organization CSP Country Strategy Paper CT Country Team DBC Direction du Budget et de la Comptabilite' (Directorate of Budget and Accounting) DCP Document Cadre de Partenariat (French partnership document) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DGCL Direction Gknkrale des Collectivitb Locales (General Directorate ofLocal Governments) DMG Direction des Mines et de la Gkologie (Mines and Geology Directorate) DREN Direction Rkgionale de 1'Education Nationale (Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Education) DSA Debt Sustainability Analysis EC European Commission ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EFA Education For All EIS Environmental Information System EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EPCV Enquete Permanente sur les Conditions de Vie des Menages (Household Survey) ERD Reconstruction and Development ofEducation Systems (UNESCO) ESW Economic and Sector Work EU European Union FA Finance Act FSAP Financial Sector Assessment Program FY Fiscal Year GAC Governance and Anti-Corruption GBM Gknkrale de Banque de Mauritanie (Mauritania General Bank) GDDS General Data Dissemination System (IMF) GDLN Global Development Learning Network GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GNI Gross National Income GNP Gross National Product GTD General Tax Directorate GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaftfu'r Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Technical Cooperation Agency) HEP Hydro-Electric Power HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries HIV Human Immune Deficiency Virus IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICA Investment Climate Assessment ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICR Implementation Completion and Results Report IDA International Development Association IDB Islamic Development Bank IDEN Inspection Dkpartementale de 1'Education Nationale (County Inspection ofthe Ministry of Education) IDF Institutional Development Fund IEG Independent Evaluation Group IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC International Finance Corporation IGE Inspection Gdnkrale de 1 'Etat (General State Inspectorate) IGF Inspection Gknkrale des Finances (General Finance Inspectorate) IMF International Monetary Fund ISR Implementation Status Report JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JSA Joint Staff Assessments JSDF Japanese Social Development Fund KfW Kreditanstalt fk Wiederaufbau (Bank implementing German Financial Cooperation) This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not be otherwise disclosed without World Bank authorization. LDF Loi de Finance (Finance Law) LICUS Low Income Countries Under Stress MAED MinistBre des Affaires Economiques et du Ddveloppement (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development ; former government) MAP/AIDS Multi-Sector AIDS (Control) Project MDG Millennium Development Goal MDR MinistBre du Dheloppement Rural (Rural Development Ministry) MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative MEMAU ModBle de 1 'Economie Mauritanienne (Model ofMauritania's Economy) MEF MinistBre de 1 'Economie et des Finances (Ministry ofEconomy and Finance ; new government) M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MF Ministry ofFinance MIC Middle Income Countries MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MIPT Ministbre de 1 'Intdrieur, des Postes et Tdldcommunications (Home Office and Ministry of Post and Telecommunications) MMI MinistBre des Mines et de 1 'Industrie (Ministry ofMining and Industry) MSE Micro and Small Enterprises MSME Micro Small and Medium Enterprises MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MWRD Multipurpose Water Resources Development NGO Non Governmental Organization NHRF National Hydrocarbon Revenue Fund NPDC National Public Debt Committee NR Natural Resources OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Jleuve Sdndgal (Organization for the Development ofthe Senegal River) ONS Office National de la Statistique (National Statistics Office) PANE Plan national d 'Action pour la Nature et 1 'Environnement (National Action Plan for the Nature and Environment) PDIAIM Projet de Ddveloppement Intdgrd de 1 'Agriculture Irrigude en Mauritanie (Integrated Development Program for Irrigated Agriculture in Mauritania) PDRC Projet de Ddveloppement Rural Communautaire (Community-Based Rural Program) PDU Programme de Ddveloppement Urbain (Urban Development Program) PEFA Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability PER Public Expenditure Review PMD Portail Mauritanien du Ddveloppement (Mauritanian Internet Portal for Development) PNAR Programme National d' Assainissement en milieu Rural (National Program for Sanitation in Rural Areas) PNDSE Programme National de Dheloppement du Secteur Educatif (Education Sector Development Program) PPP Public-Private Partnerships PRDS Parti Rdpublicain Ddmocratique Social (Democratic and Social Republican Party) PRECASP Projet de Renforcement des Capacitds du Secteur Public (Public Sector Capacity Building Project) PREM Poverty Reduction and Economic Management PRISM2 Projet de Renforcement Institutionnel du Secteur Minier 2 (Second Mining Sector Capacity Building Project) PRSC Poverty Reduction Support Credit PRGF Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PSD Private Sector Development PSF Projet de ddveloppement du Secteur Financier (Financial Sector development Project) RBCAS Results-Based Country Assistance Strategy REER Real Effective Exchange Rate RIM Islamic Republic ofMauritania ROSC Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes SCGA Strategic Country Gender Assessment SMH Socidtd Mauritanienne d 'Hydrocarbures (Mauritanian Hydrocarbon Company) SNIM Socidtd Nationale Industrielle et Minisre (Mauritanian State Mining Company) SOMELEC Socidtd Mauritanienne d 'Electricitd (Mauritania National Electricity Company) SSA Sub-Saharan Africa SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats TA Technical Assistance TF Trust Fund TFP Technical and Financial Partner TFSCB Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building TVTF Technical and Vocational Training Fund UN United Nations UNCACEM Credit and Savings Co-operatives ofMauritania (AFD) UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNS United Nations System USAID United States Agency for International Development WAPP West Africa Power Pool WB World Bank Vice President: Obiageli K. Ezekwesili Country Director: James P. Bond Task Team Leader: Frangois Rantrua CAS Core Team: Fabien Brenneval Jasmin Chakeri Antoine Clapier Evelyn Anna Kennedy Marc Jean Yves Lixi Gisble Magnon Sandra Normann Nicola Pontara Alexandra Pugachevsky Pierre Schryve Hawa Cisse-Wague ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The World Bank greatly appreciates the collaboration with the Mauritanian government in the preparation of this CAS. The document benefited from thorough and thoughtful discussions with government representatives, donors and civil society, which allowed the Bank to get the full measure ofthe country’s challenges. The CAS team sincerely thanks all those who participated in these consultations. We would like to thank especially our partners for their collaboration and support all through the CAS process. The preparation of this CAS has been a team effort, which included hands-on involvement and
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