"^**t*S TATS MUSEUM LIBRARY on ID 1STH & HlQfl ST* Floyd Patterson. Sonny Liston Ink Term*s> COLUM3U3, OHIO For Sept. 15 Heavyweight Title Fight CORE Meet Here To Use Columbus As 'Sit-In' Example CHICAGO— Heavyweight Cham- gate when the boxing battle Is the New York area for the pre pion Floyd Patterson and challen­ staged In Chicago's Comlskel sent but will come to Uie Chicago The city and citizens of Colum­ CORE conducts a national train­ prove that it has none of ths pre­ "develop additional trained leader­ ed as prime targets for most ger Sonny Llston formally signed Park. Liston will receive 12 y, per­ vicinity and set up camps at least bus will take their tests in Amer­ ing program here for "direct-ac­ judices, anti-constitutional taws ship ... for varied nonviolent northern and western CORE contracts here Monday, July 2, cent of the gate. five weeks before the Sept. 29 icanism and measuring up to the tion" leaders from CORE chap­ and customs which ore still in­ action for integration In all parts groups. Members of Uie Institute for their forthcoming title match battle. ters all over the U. S. Under the contract, If Liston 100-year-old, post civil War grained to some degree in almost of the country," according to will hear representatives of gov­ on Sept. 25, alter the Illinois Ath­ should win ho will be obliged to The use of eight-ounce gloves tights guaranteed aU citizens, FOR TWO WEEKS,' Columbus COREs national office In New ernment and local groups concern­ letic Commission stipulated that every American community, there stage a return bout with Patterson and the mandatory elgh-count is white or black, by the U.S. Con­ York. ed with these areas, and will par­ they shall wear eight-ounce gloves fin Illinois Boxing Commission will be the example as CORE are liable to be some fireworks. within one year and will receive stitution beginning this Saturday, ticipate ln seminars conducted by and take compulsory eight-counts precaution lo prevent a repeat of shows visiting representatives of Purpose of this program, and of IN COLUMBUS, the trolning will 30 percent of the gate at that time July 14, when the nation's oldest members of the CORE staff. ln case of knockdowns. and ancillary paymnets. Oie Benny Parct-Emil* Griffith "direct action" organization, the Uie group local branches "How a similar one to be held next deal speclflcaUy with housing and IT WAS the third time In North TIIK FIGHTERS will both work fight which ended up fatally for Congress of Racial Equality or to do it" and unless Columbus can •• ii th ln Houston, Texas, Is to employment, which are describ-1 CONTINUED ON PACK 2 America that eight-ounce gloves in respective training camps In Paret. have been used in heavyweight championship fights. Previous use of the eight-ouncers were In Tor­ onto. Canada, nnd In Miami. PRINTED IN THE OHIO Both the heavier-padded gloves New Home Rec. Center 1 COLUMBUS and the eight-count are Innova­ Office Aft THI PEOPLE'S tions in Illinois for the*Potterson- 430 E. Long St Liston fight. Vs. Garland Eqmt. Champs UNDER the terms. Patterson CA. 1-4586 CHAMPION will receive 45 percent of the "live" At Sunshine Park Friday Columbus, Ohio SENTINEL Following closely on the heels Among the stars are: Matthew Indians Lucky! ot the Tuesday, July 3, game, Hill, Byrd Prillerman, and tho when the league-leading horse­ Rev. Alonzo Shavers from Cas- CLEVELAND. Ohio—Many are VOL. 13, No. 57 shoe pitching team from New keys; Tom Pearce, Lester Rose THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1962 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO < the reasons tor the Cleveland In­ and Herman Oney of New Home dians' current lofty position in first Home Recreation Center 1 played place atop th« American League tho third place Caskey Cleaners lj and Leroy Hill. Paul Swartz, standings. team, the New Home Recreation and Robert Midge Johnson, of last Center 1 team will again see ac­ year's defending champions, the Freshman manaser Mel Mc- tion this Friday. July 6, when they Garland Equipment team. Gaha, operating the club with a play the second place Garland Standings, as of July 2, weret firm and courageous hand, is cer­ Equipment Co. team, New Home Rec. Center 1 4-0 tainly entitled to a major share of Garland Equlpmont Co. 8-0j Cas­ the credit. So is veteran pitcher ALL GAMES aro being played at Sunshine Park and some ot Uie key Cleaners 3-1; Patxton's Con- GOP SCANDAL Dick Donovan whose 11 victories feet. 1-4; New Home Rec. Center top the American League. And best horse-shoe pitchers in Cen­ • Chuck Essegian. with his early tral Ohio can be seen throwing 2 1-4; McKlnley Av. Auto Parte home run splurge. during these games. 0-8. riffi OHIO BIGOTS JAIL HIM PROVING GROUND tor pro* turned out to b« a favorable Slory On Page 3 one for this Ohio trio pictured above when the East, coached by Ohio State's Woody Hayes, beat the West by a score ot 13-8 at But. SENTINEL talo. N.Y. Saturday. Lower photos are of Bob Ferguson, lett, who NAACP Conference rammed his way through the West line several times to emerge wer, Twins' first socker, did not the senior circuit All-Stars, with with a sensational 21 yard touchdown run. The name ot Sara Tid- blocking backs that we have ever place in the voUng. Vie is voted .338. tuore, right, was also prominent for his many lino tackle* and ex­ seen. His reflexes are fantasia. He each year as Uie best fielding first The leagues's leadinj hitter and cellent defense play during the exciting game. can pass with men hanging all over him and he can spot Uie sacker, and this year he Is the league's third best hitter had to Plans 'Direct Action Story On »age 2 loose man quickly. If he has a top hitting first baseman in the be satisfied with second place in ATLANTA, Ga—It was learned social and spatial mobility which weakness, it is on the long pass. American League, with .317. the balloting. Stan Muslal of Uie here at the week-long 93rd annual typified" the opportunities open to » A COMPARATIVELY un­ Battey Is hitting .291. Wagner St. Louis Cards leads the league convention of Uie NAACP Uiat a European immigrants. known fullback, Art Perkins of leads both leagues in homers with with .340 and Uie Giant's Felix militant new program of "direct "For these, the successes of a North Texas State, was the West's 23 and is hllUng .292. Alou's .331, is good for third place* action," including picketing, sit- few Negroes are no inspiration. best runner. Perkins gained 66 Aaron ls .330, Mays .816, Clemento 9 THE NATIONAL League has ins, and mass protest demonstra­ Rather it becomes the basis for yards for the losers. .316, Cepeda .304, Roseboro .280* THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1962 Willie Mays ot the Giants in cen­ tions is to be launched in coming class resentment. And ln a min­ Among Uie other Dacks, who and Wills .274. Mays and Banks ter; his teammate Orlando Cepeda months by the NAACP. ority group It is safer to resent looked good for Uie West, were are Ucd for the lead ln homers at first; Roberto Clemente of the SOUTHERN politicians who de­ the class lines within Uie segre­ Mack Burton of San Jose State v.iUi 21 each. Pirates ln right; and Tommy Da­ cry '•bloc voting" by Negroes are gated society than to battie against and Bobby Lee Thompson of Ari­ vis of Los Angeles Dodgers in 9 MANNY -IIMIM•;/. the Kan­ the leading practioners of this color barriers which Involve the zona. SPORTS CLEANINGS left. sas City rookie, has climbed bacic kind ot political action," NAACP dominant groups as well," Dr. into Uie lead in the American Lea* 9 FANS will get their next look Old established stars like Ernie exec, sec'y Roy Wilkins charged Weaver said. gue batting race, with a .251, By BILL BELL • Spoils Editor at some of these stars in the Col­ Banks of the Cubs and Hank Aaron in the closing address ot the con­ SPEARING of his duties as the Floyd Robinson and Al Smith ot lege-All Star game in Chicago on of the Braves failed to make the clave. nation's housing chief. Dr. Wea­ the White Sox are hitting .80S and Aug. 3 against the champion team. Both Banks nod Aaron are Unlike the early European im­ ver said that he was concerned .307, respecUvely. Green Bay Packers team. playing different posiUons from migrants, American Negroes set­ "in providing greater choices to 9 BOB Ferguson. Ohio State All-American fullback, showed a Ferguson belongs to the Pitts­ tling in our large industrial cen­ ail Americans in the selection of the ones in which they made the # MR. TENNIS of Uie Mid nationwide television audience and 23,000 fans in the Buffalo Bison sta­ burgh Steclers, Tidmore, Davis ters "face much greater impedi­ where and in what type of hous­ team in previous years. West, Maceo Hill, announced that dium that it was no fluke when he was chosen the best fullback in the and Brown to the Cleveland ments to moving from the slums ing they may live. And these th*, 1962 Midwest Open Tennis land last year by leading the East to their first victory ia the second Browns. Perkins is the property of Banks has moved from shortstop or from the bottom of the eco­ choices must be as real for non- tournament will open Saturday at U annual All-American game in Buffalo Friday night.
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