o THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 10,968 — FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 (Published by Authority) PART V-BOOK LIST, &c. (Separate paging m given to each Part in order that it map be filed separately) Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon and Registered under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 137), during the Quarter ended June 30,1955 Contractions : 1 = The Language in which the Book is written; 2 = The Name of the Author, Translator or Editor of the Book or any part thereof, 3 = The Subject, 4 - The Place of Printing ; 5 — The Place of publication ; 6 = The Name or Firm of the Printer , 7 = The Name or Fum of the Publisher, 3 ■= The Bate of Issue from the Press, 9 *» The Number of Pages ; 10 ~ The Size ; 11 ™ The First, Second, or other Number of the Edition, 12 =■= The Number of Copies of which the Edition c o n s i s t s , 1 3 = Whether the Book is Printed or Lithographed, 14 “ The Price at which the Book is sold to the Public ; 15 =■ T h e N am e and Residence of the Proprietor of the Copyright or of any pm turn of the Copyright. Quarter ended June 30, 1955. Seeond Quarter, 1955. AGRICULTURAL 63066 Bauddha Sisubodhaya, Part II 63046 Muturajawela 1 Sinhalese, 2 Pandith M. Wimalakitti Thero, 3 Reli­ gious, 4 Moratuwa, 5 Moratuwa, 6 D. P. Dodangoda & 1 English, 2 The Government Agent, Colombo, 3 Book­ Co., 7 D. P. Dodangoda & Co., 8 2 6.55, 9 18, 10 Demy let re-Muturaj awela, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 16mo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Prmted, 14 10 cents, 15 D. P. Government Press, 7 The Government Printer, 8 13 6.55, Dodangoda 8c Co., Moratuwa. 9 80, 10 Royal 8vo., 11 1st, 12 256, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 3, 15 Ceylon Government. 62752 Buddhagajjaya ha Sakaskadaya ASTROLOGICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL 1 Sinhalese, 2 ----- , 3 Verse, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Ratnakara Press, Ltd, 7 Ratnakara Book Depot,' Nil. L 8 —.4.55, 9 8, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 ----- , 12 5,000,13 Printed, 14 15 cents, 15 G. P. D. Gabriel, “ Samanpaya”, BIOGRAPHICAL Wellampitiya. 62839 Yatagiya Nidhanaya 62504 Dewana-Pantiye Kiyaweem Pota 1 Sinhalese, 2 D W. Senadheera, 3 Biography, 4 1 Sinhalese, 2 W. A. Lanerolle, 3 Reader II Std., 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M D. Gunasena & Co., L td, 7 Matara, 5 ----- , 6 Broadway Stores, Press and Theatre, M D. Gunasena & C o, L td , 8 25.4 55, 9 144, 10 Crown 7 The Principal, Richmond College, 8 1.4 55, 9 28, 10 8vo, 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1 50, 15 M. D Demy 12mo, 11 ----- , 12 250, 13 Prmted, 14 Not known, Gunasena 8s Co, Ltd., Norris Road, Colombo. 15 W. A Lanerolle, Richmond College, Galle. 63144 Yatagiya Nidhanaya 62707 Eln Athanagalu Wansaya 1 Sinhalese, 2 D. W. Senadheera, 3 Life Stories, 4 1 Sinhalese, 2 Pandith Kotagama Warchissara Thero, Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M D Gunasena 8c Co, L td, 7 M A (Lond), 3 Sinhalese Literature, 4 Colombo, 5 M D Gunasena 8c C o, L td , 8 10.6.55, 9 152, 10 Crown Colombo, 6 Y. Don Edwin Press, 7 Y. Don Edwm, 8 8vo, 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.50, 15 M. D 26 4 55, 9 152, 10 Crown 8vo, 11 2nd, 12 1,000,13 Printed, Gunasena 8c Co, L td , Norris Road, Colombo. 14 Rs 2,15 Y. Don Edwm, 6, Dam Street, Colombo 11. EDUCATIONAL 62857 English-PaU Dictionary 63146 Aids in Geography 1 English and Pali (Roman Characters), 2 Rev. A. P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, 3 Dictionary, 4 Colombo, 5 1 Flnglish, 2 Graeme Fernando, 3 Geography, 4 Colombo, 6 The Colombo Apothecaries Co., Ltd., 7 The Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M. D. Gunasena 8c Co., L td , 7 Pali Text Society, 30, Dawson Place, London W2, M D. Gunasena 8c Co., L td , 8 20 6 55, 9 56, 10 Demy 4to, England, 8 14 5 55, 9 600,10 Medium 8vo., 11 1st, 12 1,500, 111st, 12 2,000,13 Prmted, 14 Rs 2 50,15 M. D. Gunasena 13 Prmted, 14 Rs. 30,15 Rev. A. P. Buddhadatta, Aggara- & Co, Ltd , Norris Road, Colombo maya, Ambalangoda. 62503 Balansaya-Kiyaweem Pota 62557 Ganitha Navodaya, Book HI for Standard 8 1 Sinhalese, 2 W. A. Lanerolle,'3 Reader, 4 Matara, 5 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. E. Jayasunya, 3 Arithmetic, 4 ----- , 6 Broadway Stores, Press and Theatre, 7 The Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Wesley Press, 7 Messrs. Macmil­ Principal, Richmond College, 8 1.4.55, 9 52, 10 Demy lan 8c Co., Ltd., 8 28.3.55, 9 152, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12mo„ 11----- , 12 250,13 Prmted, 14 Not known, 15 W. A. 12 20,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2.20, 15 Messrs. Macmillan Lanerolle, Richmond College, Galle, & Cq., Ltd., 6 Patullo Road, Madras 2, jr. S'. B 57695— 261 (9/56), 328 Part V — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Sept. 7, 1956 62561 Geographical Map Exercises for Std. VI' 62491 Laksana Gee (Standard II) 1 Tamil, 2 S. Paramanantham, 3 Geography 1 Sinhalese, 2 Pandit D. M. Samarasmghe, 3 Poetry, (Practical), 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 Sri Lanka Printing 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Y. Don Edwin Press, 7 Y. Don Works, 7 Sri Lanka Printing Works, 8 14 55, 9 20,10 1/3. Edw in, 8 15 3.55, 9 32, 10 Im perial Crown 8vo., 11 11th, of double foolscap paper, 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 12 5,000,13 Printed, 14 25 cents, 15 Y. Don Edwin, 59/15, 65 cents, 15 S. Paramanantham, Esq, Teacher, Vaddu- Byrde Place, Wellawatte. koddai. 62489 Loka Boogola Vidyawa (Standard IV) 62562 Geographical Map Exercises for Standard VII 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. Francis Fernando & W. Edwin 1 Tamil, 2 S. Paramanantham, 3 Geography Fernando, 3 Geography, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Y. Don (Practical), 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 Sri Lanka Printing Edwin Press, 7 Y. Don Edwin, 8 30 3 55, 9 87, 10 Demy Works, 7 Sri Lanka Printing Works, 8 14.55, 9 20, 10 8vo, 11 6th, 12 1,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.25, 15 Y. Don 1/3 of double foolscap paper, 11 1st, 12 1,500,13 Printed, Edwin, 59/15, Byrde Place, Wellawatte. 14 75 cents, 15 S Paramanantham, Esq, Teacher, Vaddukoddai. 62754 Loweda Sangarawa 62771 Geography—Ceylon 1 Sinhalese, 2 V. D. de Lenarolle, 3 Verse, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Ratnakara Press Ltd, 7 Ratnakara 1 Tamil, 2 T Thangarajah, 3 Geography, 4 Jaffna, 5 B ook Depot, 8 —.4.55, 9 48, 10 D em y 8vo., 11 ------ , 12 Jaffna, 6 Sri SannuganathaJPress, 7 Sittampalam Book 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 50 cents, 15 G. P. D. Gabriel, Depot, 8 25 4.55, 9 328, 10 D em y 8 v o , 11 1st, 12 5,000, “ Samanpaya ”, W ellam pitiya. 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 5, 15 T Thangarajah, Teacher, Uduvil 63139 Mano Vigraha Prawesaya 62948 Guttila Kavya Tippani 1 Sinhalese, 2 W R. P. Somaratne, 3 Psychology, 4 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sinpala Leclaratna Austin de Silva, 3 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M D Gunasena & Co., Ltd, 7 Literature, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Swastika Prc-ss, 7 M D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., 8 5.6 55, 9 62,10 Crown 8vo, Sw astika Press, 8 1.6.55, 9 152, 10 Crown 8 v o , 11 1st, 111st, 12 2,000,13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2 50,15 M. D. Gunasena 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re 150, 15 S Ranasinghc, & Co., Ltd, Norris Road, Colombo. Swastika Press, Dam Street, Colombo 62502 Muslim Palar Vasagam, 4th Standard 62967 Uakkiyavali 1 Tamil, 2 S. P. Saminathan & A. L. M. Ismail, 3 1 Tamil, 2 Pandit S. Kanapathipillai, 3 Literature Educational—Reader, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Essays, 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 The Ananda Printing Works, Robert Press, 7 Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home, 8 14 55, 9 7 T S. Varatharajan Varathar Veliyudu, 8 1 8 55, 9 116, 94,10 Demyt 8vo., 11 5th, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 85 cents, 10 Crown 8vo, 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re 1.50, 15 Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home, 115, Dematagoda 15 T. S varatharajan Varathar Veliyudu, 226, K. K. S. Road, Colombo 9. Road, Jaffna. 62888 Jyesta Ratna Ganitaya 63047 Nala saha Damayanthi 1 Sinhalese, 2 P. de S Kularatna, 3 Mathematics, 4 1 Sinhalese, 2 Pandit D. M. Samarasmghe, 3 Adapta­ Maradana, 5 Maradana, 6 Anula Book Mart & Press, 7 tion from Mahabharata (Text for higher classes), 4 Swabasha Publishers, Ltd, 8 25.5.55, 9 454,10 Demy 8vo, Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Ratnakara Press Ltd, 7 11 3rd, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs 7 50, 15 Mr. P. D. S. Ratnakara Book Depot, 8 — 5 55, 9 84, 10 Crown 8vo, Kularatna, P. O. Box 615, Colombo 11 8th, 12 4,000, 13 Printed, 14 75 cents, 15 G P. D. Gabriel, “ Samanpaya ”, Wellampitiya. 63101 Kannaki Katpu 62751 Nampotha saha Magul Lakuna 1 Tamil, 2 Pulavar N Sivapathasundram, 3 Literature, 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 Sri Kantha Press, 7 Pulavar N. 1 Sinhalese, 2 ——, 3 Names of Historical Places— Sivapathasundram, 8 25.3 55, 9 64, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, Reader, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Ratnakara Press 12 2,000,13 Printed, 14 75 cents, 15 Pulavar N. Sivapatha­ L td , 7 Ratnakara B ook Depot, 8 — 4 55, 9 8, 10 D em y sundram, Tholpuram, Chulipuram.
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