Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 8, 2005 OUR 115th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 49-2005 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Indicted Developer Removed From Fanwood Project By DEBORAH MADISON The alleged crimes took place in A Fanwood resident, who does not Specially Written for The Westfield Leader various locations throughout want to have his name published, FANWOOD — Fanwood Mayor Middlesex and Union Counties, in- called The Leader to say that he wit- Colleen Mahr told The Westfield cluding Fanwood, between Novem- nessed law enforcement officers re- Leader that the Fanwood Downtown ber 2003 and October of 2005. moving computers from Mr. Redevelopment Project would not be “The Fanwood Police are assisting Mukherji’s apartment several months hindered or impacted by the recent the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s ago, including officers wearing what indictment of one of the development Office,” said Lt. Richard Trigo of the appeared to be FBI uniforms. partners for the former Dean Oil Site Fanwood Police Department. A Assistant Middlesex County Pros- on LaGrande Avenue. A five-count search warrant was executed over the ecutor Manuel Samaro said he would indictment was handed down on No- summer for Mr. Mukerji’s apartment not comment on the case and did not vember 30 by a Middlesex County in Fanwood, Lt. Trigo confirmed. The want to try the defendant in the press. Grand Jury, charging Fanwood resi- charges allege that Mr. Mukherji pres- Neither the Prosecutor’s Office nor dent, Raj Mukherji, age 21, with stalk- sured one of the women not testify the Fanwood Police Department ing two women, burglary, contempt against him, violated a restraining would confirm if the FBI was in- of court and witness tampering, ac- order and broke into a Fanwood resi- volved. cording to court documents. dence. Mr. Mukherji told The Leader that the indictment stemmed from an elaborate retaliation scheme con- cocted by a former female acquain- tance, whom he alleges has made numerous false accusations. “The prosecutor has cast doubt before the grand jury on my reputa- Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader tion and past business connections, THE FIRST SNOW...The Westfield Christmas tree stands in magnificent beauty with lightly covered snow Sunday which I am anxious to defend,” Mr. morning, awaiting the ceremony that evening with Santa Claus and Mayor Skibitsky to turn on the lights for the children. Mukherji told The Leader. “I am cer- tain that as information comes out, I will be cleared of these charges,” he WF Mayor Says Illegal Background added. The Landmark Company has re- moved Mr. Mukherji as a develop- ment partner from the limited liabil- Checks Reports Are ‘Unfounded’ ity company, Mukherji-Landmark By MICHAEL J. POLLACK mail responded to a We Care sugges- congregates and are now counting LLC, reported Jeff Weinflash, project Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tion of a moratorium on teardowns, (the group) on a daily basis.” manager and spokesperson for Land- WESTFIELD — At Tuesday’s which recently occurred in Chevy Councilman Foerst defended his mark. council conference meeting, the Chase, Md. piece as a “satirical response to a The decision, to remove Mr. mayor and council addressed con- The councilman’s response spoke constituent.” He said he has “apolo- Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader Mukherji from the LLC was made, cerns of Westfield police officials of a “moratorium on complaints in gized to the citizen who was directly SANTA’S IN TOWN...Santa Claus wishes all the children Merry Christmas last Mr. Weinflash said, in anticipation of performing illegal background general” and went on to create a fic- named in the e-mail, and he and I Sunday evening and joined in with the Westfield Community Band playing his being deployed as a reservist in checks, an e-mail from a council tional “multi-phase incremental plan have reached a mutual understanding holiday music. Mayor Andy Skibitsky helped Santa light the tree and take wishes the Marine Corps. member talking about “patrolling ‘controlling residents attempts to that this was all in good humor. I have for presents from the children. “His removal had nothing to do places” frequented by advisory group pontificate.’” Councilman Foerst also personally apologized to the with the recent indictments against Westfielders Concerned About Re- called for the limiting of (the group, mayor and Councilman (Mark) him,” Mr. Weinflash, told The Leader. sponsible Development (We Care), referred to as a derogatory acronym) Ciarrocca, who were directly named Resident Proposes Cacciola The Mukherji-Landmark LLC is now settling the Downtown Westfield to meetings and said, “we will begin in the satirical letter. My e-mail was known as the Station Square, Corporation (DWC)/Westfield Area patrolling the places where your group CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Fanwood LLC, Mr. Weinflash said. Chamber of Commerce (WACC) law- Mod., Low-Income Housing When asked whether the borough suit and renegotiating terms of Town By GINA LEVINE-LEVY Neighborhood Council board. screened Mr. Mukherji’s background Engineer Ken Marsh’s new contract. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “I truly believe that it is possible as a prerequisite to his being named Mayor Andy Skibitsky, reading a pre- WESTFIELD — As a long-time because it’s all around us,” said Mrs. as a development partner with the pared statement, addressed recent reports resident of Cacciola Place, Mary Withers. “If the Neighborhood borough, the mayor told The Leader, “in the Westfield Leader and the Newark Withers said she is concerned about Council has a property, and the com- “Mr. Mukherji was regarded as a le- Star Ledger that have called into question new construction in the neighbor- munity is not building any housing gitimate contract purchaser by Saver the integrity and proper operation of the hood. for the people that live there, then I Shares, the landowner, and as a legiti- Westfield Police Department.” Mayor “Are homeowners going to be able feel it’s our responsibility as mem- mate development partner by Land- Skibitsky said that the allegations, which to stay there once these develop- bers of the community to act ac- mark. suggest “high-ranking officials within the ments are put in place?” she asked, cordingly.” “We were satisfied that he had a police department misused their author- referring to a recent proposal to Mrs. Withers, who explained that valid legal contract and controlled ity by performing improper background replace four existing units on she was one of the council’s the property,” she said. “The bor- checks on Westfield citizens” are “un- Cacciola with garden-style homes. founders 36 years ago, said the cen- ough, not being in the line of title to founded and untrue.” To act on her concern, Mrs. With- ter was a place for her children to the land, was not obligated to verify Mayor Skibitsky went on to men- ers is initiating a proposal to build see their friends while they were Mr. Mukherji’s background or quali- tion in his statement that New Jersey four moderate to low-income hous- growing up. fications,” Mayor Mahr stated. “He State Police performed a periodic ing units behind 127 Cacciola Place, “I love our community. I love only played a minor role in bringing audit “relating to the utilization of the home of the Westfield Neigh- what it has done for my children together the land owner, the devel- computer capability to conduct back- borhood Council. and for children that have lived in oper and the borough’s redevelop- ground checks” but “found no impro- Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader Mrs. Withers, who is currently the Cacciola area,” she said. ment agency,” she added. priety or wrongdoing by any of the THROUGH THE EYES OF CHILDREN...Moments before the tree is lit in the vice president of the council, She continued, “I think it’s im- Extensive background checks were Westfield Police Department’s Westfield Sunday night, the crowd of children look on in wonderment and awe. said she is doing the ground work portant that people realize the conducted on the principles for the present or former officers.” on the project before she brings her center’s life is very minimal right development plan, she added, and In closed session, mayor and coun- proposal to the council’s board on now,” referring to the organization’s Landmark will now assume full legal cil discussed the recruitment of a new Ferraro Addition and Leader Tuesday, December 13. ongoing financial struggle. and financial responsibility for de- police chief, who will replace Ber- “I’m not speaking as a board She said she hopes that the new veloping the property. nard Tracy, who retired in September. member, but as an individual,” she housing would also provide some Mr. Mukherji is named as a partner In a matter related to town officials Store Renovation Approved said. “All I’m doing is bringing them income for the council. along with Trenton attorney, former keeping tabs on residents, Fourth By CARRIE HAYES objections to the request and neither the information and asking them to “You can’t run an organization gubernatorial candidate and former Ward Councilman Jim Foerst apolo- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Chuck Murray, Ferraro’s representa- act on it.” without money,” she said, explain- Prosecutor of Morris County Michael gized to the mayor and members of WESTFIELD — Two applications tive, nor Robert Algarin, their archi- She added, “I’m also asking the ing that the council relies on dona- Murphy with Impact NJ, LLC. Im- the council for an e-mail that circu- were presented to the Westfield Plan- tect, was required to testify.
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