23450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE October 19, 2000 to inmates like Earl Washington, who About 125,000 people cheered as the Continental Airlines, Western Air, had to wait six years for a Governor to four-engine China Clipper taxied out of Braniff International, American Air- order additional DNA tests and grant a a harbor in San Francisco Bay and lines, Trans World Airlines, Inc., and pardon. headed for the Philippines. They United Airlines had joined Pan Am in Outside of Virginia, some State legis- watched from vantage points along the flying Hawaii-Mainland routes. Today, latures have begun considering the shore and the still-under-construction Honolulu International Airport is need for criminal justice reforms. Golden Gate Bridge, and aboard rec- home to about 40 carriers. In recent Since the initial introduction of the In- reational boats and small private years, the state’s annual visitor count nocence Protection Act early this year, planes. Postmaster General James A. has approached 7 million tourists. Arizona, California, Oklahoma, Ten- Farley traveled from Washington, D.C. The China Clipper also paved the way nessee, and Washington have passed to witness this inaugural event and for the export of Hawaii’s agricultural laws providing prisoners greater access President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent a products, such as pineapples and flow- to post-conviction DNA testing, and special message conveying his heartfelt ers. The Hawaii floriculture industry’s other States are considering similar congratulations. out-of-state sales each year are about measures. I am especially pleased that The China Clipper made stops at sev- $40 million. The timely export of these California’s legislators saw fit to model eral Pacific Islands. On November 23, perishable goods is made possible by their law in part on the Innocence Pro- 1935, its arrival in Oahu’s Pearl Harbor aviation. tection Act. was watched by about 3,000 people. Today, agriculture and tourism are By contrast, Tennessee’s statute al- Then the aircraft continued on, mak- mainstays of Hawaii’s economy. The lows post-conviction DNA testing only ing stops at Pan American bases at China Clipper’s crew and Juan Trippe, to prisoners under sentence of death, Midway Island, Wake Island, and who was president of Pan American at leaving the vast majority of prisoners Guam. The China Clipper brought the the time of the inaugural flight, would without access to what could be the staffs at these bases 12 crates of tur- marvel at the economic and social only means of demonstrating their in- keys, and cartons of cranberries, sweet ramifications of that historic journey nocence. And neither of these laws ad- potatoes, and mincemeat. The meals more than six decades ago. dresses the larger and more urgent represented these islands’ first Thanks- I salute the people of Pan American problem of ensuring that capital de- giving celebrations. World Airways, G. L. Martin Company, fendants receive competent legal rep- The China Clipper’s brave crew of and Boeing who pursued what others resentation. There is still much to do. seven were: Captain Edwin C. Musick, thought was impossible. It is my hope There can no longer be any doubt First Officer R. O. D. Sullivan, Second that today’s aviation industry will fol- that our nation’s capital punishment Officer George King, First Engineering low the example of its forebears by system is in crisis. I urge my col- Officer Chan Wright, Engineering Offi- continually striving to achieve new leagues on both sides of the aisle, those cer Victor Wright, Navigation Officer milestones in safety, efficiency, and who support the death penalty, and Fred Noonan, and Radio Officer W. T. customer service.∑ those who oppose it, let us work to- Jarboe, Jr. f gether to find solutions. Captain Musick’s own description of f the landing at Wake Island, a barren THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF PAUL ARPIN VAN LINES INC. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS atoll, offers a glimpse of what it was like to be aboard the China Clipper’s ∑ Mr. L. CHAFEE. Mr. President, I rise inaugural trans-Pacific flight. Accord- today to congratulate Paul Arpin Van TRIBUTE TO COMMEMORATE THE ing to Captain Musick, the landing was Lines Inc., a moving company based in 65TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE the ‘‘most difficult’’ on the trip and West Warwick, Rhode Island, on its CHINA CLIPPER’S FIRST FLIGHT ‘‘called for the most exacting feats of 100th anniversary. ∑ Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, this navigation on record.’’ It was like The business community of the State month marks the 65th anniversary of striking a point that was ‘‘smaller of Rhode Island is comprised primarily the world’s first commercial trans-Pa- than a pinhead’’ in the ‘‘vast map of of small, family businesses. Indeed, 98 cific flight. I wish to pay tribute to the Pacific Ocean.’’ percent of Rhode Island businesses are those who possessed the vision and te- On November 29, 1935, the China Clip- small businesses. These businesses nacity to achieve this historic mile- per landed in Manila and on December have played an extremely important stone, which significantly altered the 6, it arrived in San Francisco to com- role in the growth and strength of the travel industry, mail service, and cargo plete the round trip. Although the air- Rhode Island economy. One of these service, and forever change my home craft did not carry any paying pas- businesses is a moving company, Paul state of Hawaii. sengers, its journey marked the begin- Arpin Van Lines Inc., of West Warwick, On November 22, 1935, Pan American ning of trans-oceanic passenger com- Rhode Island. World Airways’ China Clipper traveled mercial aviation. One hundred years ago this month, from San Francisco to Manila. This Eleven months later, on October 21, the company was founded by Paul G. feat was remarkable for many reasons, 1936, Pan American inaugurated a pas- Arpin, who left it to his son, Paul including the following: senger service route with stops in San Arpin. Paul Arpin is still very active in This inaugural fight was the longest Francisco, Honolulu, and Manila. The the daily affairs of the business as ocean-spanning flight in history. The four-engine China Clippers cruised at Chief Financial Officer. Paul’s son, China Clipper traveled 8,746 miles and 150 miles per hour. Passengers, who sat David, is now the company’s President. completed the one-way route in six in broad armchairs and ate their meals Paul Arpin Van Lines Inc., has grown days. Prior to this flight, the longest with fine china and silverware, paid considerably since its founding. It now over-water flight was a 1,865-mile jour- $1,438 for a round trip from San Fran- employs 400 Rhode Islanders and has ney from Dakar in French West Africa cisco to Manila. The airlines purchased 160 agents throughout the country. It to Natal, Brazil, in South America. six Boeing B–314 aircraft to add to its has survived the Great Depression, a This aircraft delivered the first air- Pacific-route fleet. number of recessions and various other mail across the Pacific ocean. It car- Thirty years later, the advent of the financial downturns that challenged ried 110,865 letters weighing a total of jet age brought Hawaii—located ap- far larger businesses in the state. Its 1,837 pounds. proximately 2,400 miles from the near- sound business practices and active This China Clipper, an M–130 aircraft est major port—closer to the rest of community involvement through the built by G. L. Martin Company specifi- the world. In 1967, visitor arrivals years have been a constant source of cally to meet the demands of this jumped 34.6 percent to 1.1 million tour- pride, not only to the Arpin family, but trans-oceanic flight, was the largest ists from the previous year when the to many generations of Rhode Island flying boat ever. first jets arrived in Hawaii. By 1968, families employed by them. VerDate Aug 04 2004 14:45 Jan 24, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S19OC0.001 S19OC0.
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