About the University of California, Riverside The University of California, Riv er side is one of ten cam pus es of the Uni ver si ty of Cal i for nia, generally rec og nized as the pre em i nent public uni ver si ty sys tem in the world. Located in the In land Empire of South ern Cal i for nia, the 1,200-acre cam pus lies at the foot of the Box Springs Moun tains in Riv er side, a city of about 254,000 people. The origins of the campus date back to 1907 when the Uni ver si ty of Cal i for nia Cit rus Ex per i ment Station was es tab lished in Riverside to con duct re search ben- e fi t ing South ern Cal i for nia ag ri cul ture. Among the many im por tant dis cov er ies of the Ag ri cul tur al Ex per i ment Sta tion, which re mains the world’s pre miere re search in sti tu tion for cit rus, is the Oro blan co grape fruit which can be found in grocery stores across the nation today. In 1954, the College of Letters and Sci ence opened for class es. In 1959, UCR be came a general campus, add ing grad u ate and pro fes sion al stud ies, as well as the lib er al arts. The cam pus has grown to more than 15,100 stu dents as of Fall 2002, with a staff of more than 2,200 (not including stu dent em ploy ees) and more than 1,800 ac a dem ic per son nel, in clud ing fac ul ty mem bers, re search ers and teach ing assistants. Nationally, UCR has received a great deal of rec og ni tion for ac a dem ic achieve- ment. A re cent study ranked the cam pus fi rst in the nation based on per capita fac ul ty pro duc tiv i ty and 11th na tion al ly among public uni ver si ties in all dis ci plines com bined. The same study iden ti fi ed UCR as fourth among 21 “rising” pub lic re search uni ver si ties. In 2002, 13 faculty members were elected fel lows of the Amer i can As so ci a tion for the Ad vance ment of Science, one of the most pres ti gious hon ors in academia. It was the sixth straight year that UCR has led or shared the lead for the greatest number of fellows. Students who attend Riverside are offered a myriad of nearby rec re ation al choic- Above the Tomás Rivera Library and UCR Clock Tow er es, each a short drive away. An hour to the north are prime skiing areas such as Big at dusk. Bear, while an hour to the south are the famed beaches of Or ange Coun ty. Trav el ing east one can fi nd the beau ti ful people walking the streets of Palm Springs, while an hour to the west are the bright lights of Los An ge les. Entertainment areas located within 40 miles of the campus include Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Verizon Amphitheater, Edison In ter na tion al Field, home of the Anaheim Angels, the Arrowhead Pond, home of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks, and the California Speed way. The Ontario Mills Mall, a massive retail shop ping com plex, is located in nearby Ontario. Following are some of UCR’s marks of distinction: • The Carnegie Clas si fi ca tion of In sti tu tions of Higher Ed u ca tion ranked UCR as a “Doc tor al/research uni ver si ty-ex ten sive,” its highest rank ing. Only 3.8 percent of 3,856 in sti tu tions were so ranked. • Campus enrollment pro jec tions an tic i pate growth to ap prox i mate ly 21,000 stu dents by the year 2010, making UCR the fastest grow ing campus in the UC System. • The campus is ex pe ri enc ing sig nifi cant growth, with $280 million in con struc tion either in the planning stages, un der way, or recently com- pleted. • The Comprehensive Teacher Ed u ca tion Institute (CTEI), a train ing pro gram for fu ture teach ers run by UCR’s School of Ed u ca tion, was named the nation’s most dis tin guished pro gram in teacher ed u ca tion by the non profi t As so ci a tion of Teach er Ed u ca tors. • UCR is the only UC campus of fer ing an un der grad u ate major in Cre ative Writ ing, making the cam pus a magnet for the best young writ ers. • The UCR/California Mu se um of Pho tog ra phy hous es the largest and most com plete col lec tion of ste reo graph ic images in the world, a remnant of the Notable UCR Alumni day when im ag es for the binocular-like view er were as pop u lar as tele vi sion is to day. Mark Andrus - Os car-nom i nat ed screen- Gary McCord - Professional Golfer and writer for “As Good As it Gets” CBS Golf Analyst Ruben Barrales - Deputy As sis tant to Ronald E. Neumann - Former U.S. Am- the President and Director of the Of fi ce bas sa dor to Algeria of In ter gov ern men tal Affairs, The White House Paul Niwa - Senior Vice President, Broad band and Chief Editor for Stephen Breen - 1998 Pulitzer Prize-win- Stockhouse.com ning editorial cartoonist Rod Pacheco - California Assembly Billy Collins - Poet Laureate of the Unit ed Mem ber, 64th District States (2001), Distinguished Professor of English, Lehman College at the City Gloria Romero - California Assembly Uni ver si ty of New York Member, 49th District Susan Elizabeth George - In ter na tion al ly Judith Valles - Mayor, City of San Ber- acclaimed mystery writer nar di no S. Sue Johnson - Regent, University of Tim D. White - Professor, Integrative Bi- California; Chair of the Board of Re gents ol o gy and Research Paleo-anthropolo- 2000-02 gist; Internationally rec og nized expert in The Pentland Hills DormitoryDormitory.. Pho tos by Dav id the fi eld of paleo-anthropology. Ten. Highlanders Men's and Women's Golf 1 Table of Contents About UC Riverside ......................................... Inside Front Cover Men's and Womens' All-Time Rosters .......................................16 Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................1 UC Riverside: A Campus on the Rise ........................................17 UCR Men’s and Women’s Golf Quick Facts ................................1 Where Academics Come First ...................................................18 Meet Head Coach Paul Hjulberg and Academic Services UCR ...........................................................19 Assistant Coach Jennifer Dolph ..................................................2 Student Life at UCR ..................................................................20 2004-05 Women's Golf Season Preview .....................................3 Becoming a Highlander .............................................................21 2004-05 Women's Golf Roster ....................................................4 Highlander Lore .........................................................................22 Meet the 2004-05 Women’s Golf Team .......................................4 Facilities at UCR ........................................................................23 2003-04 Women's Golf Season in Review ..................................6 Stan Morrison, Director of Athletics ...........................................24 2003-04 Women’s Golf Scoreboard and Results ........................7 UCR Administrative Staff and Head Coaches ...........................25 2003-04 Women's Golf Individual Results ...................................8 Strength and Conditioning at UCR ............................................26 2004-05 Men’s Golf Season Preview ..........................................9 UCR Sports Medicine ................................................................27 2004-05 Men’s Golf Roster ........................................................10 UCR Administration ...................................................................28 Meet the 2004-05 Men’s Golf Team ..........................................10 Student-Athlete Opportunities ...................................................29 2003-04 Men's Golf Season in Review .....................................12 The UCR Athletics Association ..................................................30 2003-04 Men’s Golf Scoreboard and Results ............................13 Men's and Women's Golf Schedules ................Inside Back Cover 2003-04 Men's Golf Individual Results ......................................14 About Riverside .......................................................... Back Cover UCR "Home Courses" ...............................................................15 UCR Men’s and Women’s Golf Frequently Asked Questions Quick Facts Directions to and Parking at UCR UC Riverside is located adjacent to the 60 freeway in the city of Riverside. Full Name: University of California, Riverside Exit at University Avenue, turning left towards the mountains. For event parking, Preferred Abbreviations: UC Riverside, UCR continue on University as it turns left and becomes Canyon Crest. Park in lot 24, (not Cal-Riverside, no hyphens) the first lot immediately after the softball field. You must purchase a parking permit Nickname: Highlanders at the small automated permit dispenser. For regular campus parking, make a Location: Riverside, CA right onto Campus Drive and go to the Kiosk for parking information. Founded: 1954 Enrollment (as of Fall 2002): 17,000 Parking Permits Colors: Blue and Gold Parking at UCR is enforced from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week. Visitor Chancellor: France A. Córdova parking @ $6/day; $3/after 4 p.m. and on weekends. Parking for special events Athletic Director: Stan Morrison varies. Visitor permits and campus maps may be obtained from either of the Associate AD/Senior Woman Administrator: Paula Smith Information Kiosks located off of University Avenue near Hinderaker Hall or off of Associate AD/Athletic Association: Cliff Dochterman Martin Luther King Blvd. on Canyon Crest Drive. Assistant AD/Compliance: Michael Scarano Assistant AD/Finance: Glenda Love Media Credentials Team Physicians: Dr. Aaron Rubin, Dr. Dennis Borna All requests for media and photo credentials should be made to Ross French Head Trainer: Tony Ontiveros in the UC Riverside Athletics Media Relations Office at least two days in advance Courses: Victoria Club, Canyon Crest Club of the event. Requests may be made by phone (909) 787-5438 or via e-mail at PGA Golf Club, Goose Creek Club, General Old Club [email protected].
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