Please note that the format of this Agenda and the Order of Business has a new look and order, consistent with recent discussions by the City Commission as part of an overall Agenda/Order of Business project. This new fonnat will be followed as part of the process of finalizing changes that will ultimately be codified in the City Code. Thoughts and comments from the Public regarding these changes are welcomed and there will be opportunity to speak publicly on this topic at an upcoming meeting when fonnal ordinance changes are proposed. CITY OF BARTOW CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 20,2015 AT 6:30 P.M. (EST) OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 450 NORTH WILSON AVENUE, BARTOW, FL 33830 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION - Reverend Jim Hatch, First Presbyterian Church of Bartow 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 4. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 4.01 Presentation of Proclamation recognizing PowerTalk 21® Day, being accepted by Mary Dean, Victim Advocate/Program SpeCialist and Volunteer of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) of Polk County. 4.02 Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Just Say No Week May 3, 2015 thru May 9, 2015. Being accepted by Ernie Cooper, Just Say No Committee Chairperson. 4.03 Presentation of Proclamation recognizing April 26, 2015 thru May 2, 2015 as Tobacco Free Florida Week. Being accepted by Bartow High School SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco) Club. 4.04 Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Donate Life Month. Being accepted by Joni Finkbeiner, living kidney donor. 4.05 Presentation of Tokens of Appreciation to outgoing 2014-2015 Mayor's Youth Council Members Zach Hastings, Trace Sams, Abigail Suhr, and William Gibson. 5. CITY ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT - At this time, the Commission will receive comments from the public regarding matters not appearing on this agenda. City Commission Regular Meeting Monday, April 20, 2015 Page 2 of 3 7. REPORTS OF CHARTER OFFICERS 7.01 City Manager Communications 7.02 City Attorney Communications 8. AGENDA MODIFICATION/APPROVAL 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS - FIRST AND SECOND READINGS 9.01 PUBLIC HEARING - Approval of request to apply for and the use of the FY 2015-2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $84,852.00 as recommended by the Citizen's AdviSOry Committee. 10. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS - At this time, the Commission will receive comments from the public regarding matters that appear on this agenda, not otherwise scheduled for a separate Public Hearing. 11. CONSENT AGENDA 11.01 Approval of Minutes from the City Commission Work Session held on April 6, 2015. 11.02 Approval of Minutes from the City Commission Regular Meeting held on April 6, 2015. 11.03 Approval to reappoint Board Members Julianne Clark and Chris Miller to the Historic Architectural Review Board. The new terms will expire April 2018. 11.04 Approval to appoint Alternate Board Member Pat Crisman to a regular seat on the Joint Airport Zoning Board to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Board Member Keith Hall. The term is indefinite. 11.05 Approval to appoint Larry MacBlane to the Recreation AdviSOry Board to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Board Member Marty Wilson. The term will expire January 2018. Recommendation is being made by Commissioner Clements. 11.06 Approval of City Commissioner absence(s) for April 4, 2015; excusal(s): None. City Commission Regular Meeting Monday, April 20, 2015 Page 3 of 3 12. OTHER COMMISSION BUSINESS 12.01 OLD BUSINESS - None 12.02 NEW BUSINESS - None 12.02.1 Consideration of a request from the Polk County Office of the County Attorney to accept a deed from Polk County conveying escheated properties pursuant to Section 197.592, Florida Statutes. 13. RESOLUTIONS 13.01 Resolution No. 15-3883-R - a resolution of the City Commission of the City of Bartow; establishing "The Mayor's Art Club" to encourage and promote art and artistic achievement by students in the City of Bartow; and providing for an effective date. 14. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS 14.01 MAYOR HUFF 14.02 VICE-MAYOR JACKSON 14.03 COMMISSIONER LONGWORTH 14.04 COMMISSIONER CLEMENTS 14.05 COMMISSIONER PFEIFFER 15. ADJOURNMENT Please be advised that if you desire to appeal from any decisions made as a result of the above hearing or meeting, you will need a record of the proceedings and in some cases a verbatim record is required. You must make your own arrangements to produce this record. (Florida Statute 286.0105). If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to paliicipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at 450 N. Wilson Avenue, P.O. Box 1069, Bartow, Florida 33831-1069 or phone (863) 534-0100 within 2 working days of your receipt of this meeting notification; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Posted at Citv Hall. Bartoli' Public LibrGll' the Citv's Website 1I'1I'1I'.citvo(bartoll'.net on Avril 16. 2015. CITY OF BARTOW WWW.CITYOFBARTOW.NET Welcome to the City of Bartow's City Commission meeting. We are glad you are here and we appreciate your interest in our Community. We value your comments and participation. To assist you in making presentations to the City Commission, please consider the following procedural guidelines. +:+ We do not generally allow comments during our work session unless they are specifically asked for by the Mayor or Commission to clarify an item. If comments are solicited, we ask you to subject yourself to a maximum three minute comment. We ask that you be patient and save your comments for the regular Commission meeting. +:+ Each speaker shall provide his or her name and address to the Clerk on our Speaker's Identification form prior to the beginning of the meeting. +:+ We encourage you to speak and become active in your city but please do so at the appropriate time on the agenda. +:+ Comments on items scheduled for Public Hearing will be allowed only during the announced Public Hearing time frame. +:+ In the meeting section titled "Consideration of Questions from the floor, Petitions and Communications", you may comment on any other matters, subject to a maximum time limit of three minutes to speak. In the event of a large number of speakers in a particular meeting, your time may be limited in order to allow all an opportunity to speak. Speakers going over the allotted time limit may be called out of order by the Mayor and asked to return to their seats. +:+ While speaking, speakers shall refrain from personal attacks, abusive language, issues in litigation or under investigation, and issues that the Commission deems as not falling within their area of responsibility. These guidelines are intended to help us streamline our meeting time so that we may conduct business in an orderly manner on your behalf. It is not our intent to keep our citizens from participating in the democratic process. We are glad you are here and hope you find your experience with your City Government a good one. Thank you for attending. / Cordially, q/ ,~# i<f{y/w.~trick Huff PH: 863.534.0100 ~ FAX: 863.534.0409 ~ 450 N. WILSON AVENUE, P.O. BOX 1069, BARTOW, FL 33830 ORDINANCE ADOPTION PROCEDURE First Reading of Ordinances 1. After the caption of the Ordinance is read, the motion should be to set the same for public hearing (or to continue to a time certain - in which event there shall be an immediate vote on the motion to continue; if that motion fails, the following process would continue): 2. After the motion is seconded, the Mayor announces that this is not a public hearing. 3. The Mayor may then (but needn't) call on Staff to explain the Ordinance. The Staff report shall not exceed ten (10) minutes. 4. The City Commissioners may direct questions to Staff. 5. The Mayor asks the Clerk to call the roll for a vote. Only under extraordinary circumstances should this vote be negative (and never regarding a quasi-judicial matter, such as zonings, re­ zonings, plat approvals, etc.). Second Reading of Ordinances 1. After the caption of the Ordinance is read, the motion should be to adopt or to defeat the Ordinance (or to continue to a time certain -in which event there shall be an immediate vote on the motion to continue; if that motion fails, the following process would continue): 2. After the motion is seconded, the Mayor announces that this is a public hearing and announces the following procedure and that it shall apply to all second readings on the Agenda: (a) First Staff shall explain the Ordinance. The Staff presentation shall not exceed ten (10) minutes. (b) The Applicant and/or his representatives shall then speak. They shall initially have a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes and may have a maximum of five (5) minutes for rebuttal after all members of the public have had an opportunity to speak. (c) Members of the public shall have a maximum of five (5) minutes each to present their views. (d) A member of the public may have a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes if he represents at least two other persons who are present and yield their time to him, and he makes this known to the Mayor prior to the meeting. (e) City Commissioners may direct questions to any speaker (whose time to speak shall not be affected by the length of their answers). (f) Speakers should not be redundant by repeating remarks of previous speakers, although they are welcome to announce their approval of previous remarks by other speakers.
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