The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urology Study Guide The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urology Study Guide Editor-in-Chief Aseem R Shukla MD Director of Pediatric Urology Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery and Pediatrics University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, USA Associate Editors Paul F Austin MD Associate Professor of Surgery St Louis Children’s Hospital Division of Urologic Surgery Washington University School of Medicine St Louis, MO, USA CD Anthony Herndon MD Associate Professor Department of Surgery/Pediatrics Division of Urology/Section Pediatric Urology University of Alabama – Birmingham Birmingham, AL, USA Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 10017 © 2009 by Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. Informa Healthcare is an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN-13: 978 0 415 46016 3 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequence of their use. No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfi lming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. 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Visit the Informa Web site at www.informa.com and the Informa Healthcare Web site at www.informahealthcare.com Composition by Exeter Premedia Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India Printed and bound in the United States of America Contents Contributors xi Preface xix 1 History and physical examination of the child 1 T Ernesto Figueroa and Aseem R Shukla 2 Laboratory assessment of the pediatric urologic patient 3 Paul F Austin 3 Fetal urology and prenatal diagnosis 5 CD Anthony Herndon 4 In-office ultrasonography 7 Dennis Liu and Max Maizels 5 Pediatric renal nuclear medicine 11 Aseem R Shukla 6 Prenatal and postnatal urologic emergencies 13 Sarah Marietti and Fernando Ferrer 7 Urinary tract infections in children 17 Hans Pohl and H Gil Rushton 8 Fungal, parasitic, and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract 23 Ilene Wong and William A Kennedy II 9 Pain management for the pediatric patient 27 Jason W Anast and Paul F Austin 10 Office pediatric urology 29 Kara Saperston , Patrick Cartwright , and Brent Snow 11 Principles of minimally invasive surgery 33 Walid Farhat and Pasquale Casale vi Contents 12 Pediatric fluid management 37 Paul F Austin 13–14 Embryology of adrenal, kidney, ureteral development, renal vasculature, and gonads 41 Steven E Lerman , Irene M McAleer , and George W Kaplan 15 Radiologic assessment of the adrenal 47 Karoush Afshar , Douglas H Jamieson , and Andrew MacNeily 16 Adrenal tumors and functional consequences 49 Julie Franc-Guimond , Anne-Marie Houle , and Aseem R Shukla 17 Surgery of the adrenal 53 CD Anthony Herndon 18 Basic science of the kidney 55 John C Thomas and John C Pope IV 20 Anomalies of the kidney 57 Michael Nguyen 21 Fetal and neonatal renal function 59 Paul F Austin 22 Cystic kidney disease 63 Larry A Greenbaum 23 Acute renal failure 67 Lawrence Copelovitch , Bernard S Kaplan , and Kevin EC Meyers 24 Renal transplantation 71 Nafisa Dharamsi , Curtis Sheldon , and Jens Gobel 25 Renal calculus disease 75 Parmod Reddy and Eugene Minevich 26 Endourology for stone disease 79 Steven Lukasewycz and Aseem R Shukla 27 Renal parenchymal imaging in children 83 Jason W Anast and Paul F Austin 28 Assessment of renal obstructive disorders: ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance imaging 87 James Elmore and Andrew J Kirsch 29 Assessment of renal obstructive disorders: urodynamics of the upper tract 89 Thomas E Novak and Yegappan Lakshmanan 30 Ureteropelvic junction obstruction and multicystic dysplastic kidney: surgical management 91 Michael C Carr 31 Laparoscopic nephrectomy and pyeloplasty 93 CD Anthony Herndon Contents vii 32 Wilms' tumor 95 Sarah Marietti and Fernando Ferrer 33 Surgical approaches for renal tumors 99 João L Pippi Salle , Armando J Lorenzo , and Elizabeth R Williams 34 Pediatric upper tract trauma 105 Douglas A Husmann 35 The ureter 111 Martin Kaefer 37 The imaging of reflux and ureteral disease 115 Jeanne S Chow and David A Diamond 38 Ureteral anomalies and their surgical management 117 Christopher Cooper 39 Megaureter 119 Douglass Clayton 40 Ureteral duplication anomalies: ectopic ureters and ureteroceles 123 Jorge R Caso and Michael A Keating 41 Laparoscopic management of duplication anomalies 127 Stephen Lukasewycz and Aseem R Shukla 42 Vesicoureteral reflux: anatomic and functional basis of etiology 129 John M Park 43 Nonsurgical management of vesicoureteral reflux 131 Jack S Elder 44 Surgery for vesicoureteral reflux 135 John W Brock III and Romano T DeMarco 46 Injection therapy for vesicoureteral reflux 137 Michael A Poch and Anthony A Caldamone 47 Basic science of the urinary bladder 141 Scott R Manson 48 Basic science of prostatic development 143 Ellen S Shapiro 49 Embryology of the anterior abdominal wall, bladder, and proximal urethra 147 Steven E Lerman , Irene M McAleer , and George W Kaplan 50 Radiologic assessment of bladder disorders 149 Douglas E Coplen 51 Urodynamics of the upper and lower urinary tract 151 Jennifer J Mickelson and William E Kaplan viii Contents 52 Neurologic control of storage and voiding 155 Julian Wan and John M Park 53 Neurogenic voiding dysfunction and nonsurgical management 159 Richard N Yu and Stuart Bauer 54 Diurnal and nocturnal enuresis 163 Rosalia Misseri 55 Operations for the weak bladder outlet 165 CD Anthony Herndon 56 Bladder augmentation: current and future techniques 167 Jennifer J Mickelson , Bradley P Kropp, and Earl Y Cheng 57 Urinary diversion 171 Richard Rink and Mark P Cain 58 The Malone Antegrade Continence Enema procedure 175 Martin A Koyle 59 Minimally invasive approaches to lower urinary tract reconstruction 179 Christina Kim and Steven G Docimo 60 Genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma and other bladder tumors 181 Paul A Merguerian and Antoine E Khoury 61 Exstrophy and epispadias 185 Linda A Baker and Richard W Grady 62 Unusual conditions of the bladder, including bladder trauma, urachal anomalies, and bladder diverticula 189 Marc Cendron 63 Posterior urethral valves 193 Stephen A Zderic and Douglas A Canning 64 Prune belly syndrome 199 R Guy Hudson and Steven J Skoog 65 Basic science of genitalia 203 CD Anthony Herndon 66 Basic science of the testis 205 Stephen Lukasewycz and Aseem R Shukla 68 Intersex 207 Hsi-Yang Wu and Howard M Snyder III 69 Imperforate anus and cloaca 211 Curtis Sheldon and William R DeFoor Jr 70 Surgery for intersex disorders/urogenital sinus 215 Mark C Adams and Romano T DeMarco Contents ix 71 Hypospadias 219 Warren T Snodgrass , Aseem R Shukla , and Douglas A Canning 72 Abnormalities of the penis and scrotum 223 Stephen Lukasewycz and Aseem R Shukla 73 Hernia, hydroceles, testicular torsion, and varicocele 225 Hiep T Nguyen 74 Cryptorchidism 229 Thomas F Kolon 75 Surgical management of the undescended testis 233 Israel Franco 76 Testicular tumors 237 Jonathan H Ross 77 Tumors of the retroperitoneum 241 Gordon A McLorie 78 Tissue engineering applications in pediatric urology 243 Anthony Atala Index 245 Contributors Mark C Adams MD FAAP Paul F Austin MD FAAP Professor of Urology and Pediatrics Associate Professor of Surgery Monroe Carell Jr Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt St Louis Children’s Hospital Nashville, TN Division of Urologic Surgery USA Washington University School of Medicine St Louis, MO USA Kourosh Afshar MD FRCSC Assistant Professor of Surgery (Urology) Linda A Baker MD University of British Columbia Associate Professor of Urology Pediatric Urologist, BC Children’s Hospital Director of Pediatric Urology Unit Vancouver, BC University of Texas Southwestern Canada Children’s Medical Center at Dallas Dallas, TX USA Jason W Anast MD Resident in Urology Stuart Bauer MD FAAP Department of Urology Professor of Surgery Washington University School of Medicine Director, Neuro-Urology St Louis, MO Surgery/Urology USA Children’s Hospital Boston, MA USA Anthony Atala MD The William Boyce Professor and Chair John W Brock III MD Department of Urology Director of Pediatric Urology Wake Forest University School of Medicine Vanderbilt University Winston-Salem, NC Nashville, TN USA USA xii List of contributors Mark P Cain MD FAAP Marc Cendron MD Associate
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