I x '■' ■' I— II I—I. .1 -I. ..■■!■". I III. ■■■'—■■-" ...Ill ^ VOL. XX». AUGUSTA. MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 9. 1891. WO. 162. __ riWAWClAI* of the chord* end the decorations which Bsoadlotlon. BASE BALL _ were made there moat pointed out fittingly the of God which paseeth un- AT the where the mao waa acctu- Msy peace WEHT TO HER DEATH.* REST. place great which the world cannot Oa Complaint oft Offlotr Pollard ol ilia latloail lM|M. timsd to listen to the words of the servants deretandinf, peace give nor taka away, be with as n$w, and Pattaa’a Pond Biotars. THEJTATA At Chicago— of God. The pew was shrouded in black abide in oar heart* forever. Amen. I s « S I 7 M and along the edges were the most beauti- Innings. Following the services a funeral dirge to the Kbhbxbic Jocrxal Fined frwn Chimgo... oasooiio l— ft LMI1B cl tbe Lite ful coll*c ion of rosea and pinks, among [Special j $500 030207100-7 Tiou Lana Her Unr FEED &CQL, Faneral Serricss waa played, daring which the relatives of (or Glairing Philadelphia.. Youg which were interwoven buacbes of Error*— tMt7 the deceased statesman were conducted to Watbbvillk, July 8.—Another phaae ol ■Its-Chleago, 8; Philadelphia. 8. native fern. Chicago, 2TphUadeiphla. A Hxtohiaoon aad bankers, their carriagee. The bearer* were Hon. the Pettee’s pond affair haa been developed, Sin Wiibont I Permit. Qhaici aad Clement*. and Commits Suicide. Ei-Yice-P/esiM Htmlln Promptly at .> 30 o’clock the services Diego Kittredge; S. F. Senator Eugene Hale, At Cincinnati— commenced There was no music, out of Humphrey, in die arreit of some tan or a doxsa of —DAAUtMA IN— Hon. C. A. Boole lie. Philo A. 8trickland regard for the wishes of the faatfly. acd thoee who engaged in the featividei last laaiag*.... 1*3456789 E q L. J. Mores. E q ard W. 8. Den- Cincinnati.. *400 10000-9 R-v. 8. C Beach, the pastor, arose and on of John B. TUs Dms Hot Ssttto tbs Otto Ctogti 10001800 S-4 Kigtnd Finn BttMciiijCUimla- Mealed Tboasi&ds of ItUe i nett, E q. The funeral cottage, cjteisung Sunday, complaint Brooklyn.. by luj read in most tones the following 14. impressive of F. H. Beale Poet, the hearse containing Pollard, charging then with breaking Hit*—OlacJtnatl, M; Brooklyn, Krvoro- Class InreitBent Securities. •elections from the Scriptures and touching Against tha Vassal Clucinnatl, 3; Brooklyn. A Rhine* nod Barring IgnUoi (roa Ctiida to tbs Statu, Hiii CUiZOBS. the remain and a hne of carriage!, pro- die Sabbath and resisting officers of the ton; Teny, Klnalow and Con Daley. poem. ceeded the way of Main street and by law. The following persons were arrested At Pittabarg— • s oocreeponde«oa with investor* who wish gotiatu Scripture Reading. State street to Mt. Hope cemetery, whero by Sheriff Proctor last and For Fidtnl Offloar and Inuings.... 1 2 3484780 Bat Mutton la Pi..wtad (real ao Sonde, Bond# Deputy night Kldcipploi to fcey or •*UGF/er&BMj«t Municipal Bvry Stctlci tf tbs Stats Attests Its the interment occurred. Benediction was this Daniel Pittsburg. o 0 0 t o 1 0-ft So :s the of God as if a man noroing: Charles Simpson. Bond*. Water Bond*, Bank Stocks, and Kingdom at the Violating Riatnllty Laws. Bow York. 3 0 1 0 1 1 4 0 2-11 Dotna by Ha. Cooatltatloa. l g.arnaA Bis pronounced grave. Bntler, John Butler, David Butler. Andrew taco** bwing securities. Lots and Bstsssocs fc: Memoiy. should cast seed into the ground; acd Hit*—Pittoburg, 10; New York, 17. Krron- ogaorJaawiW Charles Israel • should sleep, and rise night and day, and Pooler, Cabana, Thibodeau, Plttsburg, 3; New York, 2. Baldwin mad Bergar; Charles Gaslor and John hurst. The Welch aad Clark. the seed should and grow up, he A FOXY COUPLB Hay TOaihmgtos, 8—Tha of Lawekmcb, Maas July 8.—A young 98 EXCHANGE spring July secretory 8T„ Sr -cia! to the Kjutvkbkc Jockval.] knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth hearing began this forenoon, Simpson, the treasury bos authorized the acceptance At Cleveland— German woman, Bertha Shore bach, parted Cabana, Thibodeau and Gaslor ar- Inning*.... 111411711 8.—Immense crowd* of forth fruit of herself, first tin blade, then Swindle Hotel and Skip being of the offer of the mailer of the from her lover Sunday evening and wae Banoos, July Formicgtoo the Boston. 0 1 1 1 1 000 x— 4 the full corn in the ear raigned for breaking Sabbath, the iteamer Itata to ■een no more. She «u • • • the ear, after that with a Hired Team. Chilian pay $500 Cleveland. OOOOOd 100-1 quite despondent unis. people attended tbe funeral-of Et-Vice others for assanit and relating officer. C. nun. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, for the violation of our naviga- Hits—Boston, 6; Cleveland, ft. B»|ore—Clew- concerning anppoaedly coming trouble. It Presitiert Hamlin here sec- ¥ Johnson for Simpson and S S today. Every peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, appeared tion laws in having cleared from San Diego, land, 3; Boston, l. Clarkson and Caasel; Yiau it eurmised that after leavtog her Inver } J fUfkleodftm July 8 after- Brown for tbe others. and and Zimmer. tion of Maine was represented by leading faith, meekness, temperance; against such Farmington, —Tueidsy Simpson Cal., without the necessary permit. This ibe went la tbe 8pleket river end deliber- Cabana were acquitted; Thibodeau and Citizens. Never in the history of there is no law. noon a couple registered at the Exchange is the full legal penalty of suoh offense and Lon god BUndlng. ately committed suicide. Her bet was probably Gaslor were each lined $5 and costs, which Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for Hotel as E. F. of its settlement has no bearing on the other found floating on the water today, aad tbe the State has a funeral of one of its Kirtiaad, general agent Won* Lott nuod Percent. whatsoever a man that shall he brought the expense np to $10.20 The the officers of this vessel, river waa dratted and the recovered. if Steamboats soweth, W. L. Main’s and later contracted charges against New York.... 86 23 5* 610 bedy luttlroaDs \ citizens called out * crowd of peo- circus, other cases will be continued tomorrow at larger also reap- For he that soweth to the flesh to wit: kidnapping a federal officer and Chicago. 37 27 % 64 ft78 with a for tbe the meantime one 63 or bten the occasion of or m >re shall the flesh but he W. L. Butler, merchant, $200 same place, and iu the laws. Boston. 36 27 A71 CHINB8B LA BO IBM P'e, deeper of reap corruption; violating neutrality 62 492 to or two additional arrests are to be Philadelphia. .31 32 that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit worth of supplies, to be delivered the likely M t» .485 general sorrow. made. Cleveland.... 32 reap life everlasting. And let us not be circus, Jaly 28, 181*1. They then went to THE PEOPLE’S PASTY. Brooklyn. 31 S3 64 .401 England Pavon American ttaatrlotiOA From 11 A. M. to 2 P M. the remain* The claim made that these Pettee’s 25 37 61 .408 weary in well doing; for in due season we the Stoddard House and aa pond PlttabWg*.... MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD of the great statesman lay in state in tbe registered have been and disturbed Cincinnati.... 25 39 6| .381 Bat Meadoo Cannot d) It. shall reap, if we faint not. W. F. Smith and wife of Boston. gatherings quiet ! Unitarian church and ware viewed by no ore, seems to be entirely without found- Sow E 'gland and Saw York Pan mars Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle? They took supper and stayed all thousands of people. A gentleman who ation. One man who lives in the vicinity Don’t fleam to Iodoraa It. Aanoolntloo. Washington, 8—Daring tbe tail I of Train* in Effect inns Who shall dwall in thy holy hill? He that nigbt. In the evening they viaitid Daniel July ArrdnKPineiit kept count estimates that daring this t.me declares that gnus have been fired there in : on grass a resolation was instruct- walketh uprightly and worketh righteous- Clark’s stable and made a similar At Boston— pasted 28th, 1801. oetveeu 7000 and 8000 people pasted in livery a reckless and that he the President to with and the truth in his heart. perfectly manner, 8 —The new 138480789 ing negotiate Mexico on ness, spesketh contract, signed E. C. Smith, general agent Smingfibld, Mate., July InaiVgf. froi.t of the casket The city every has really been afraid of being shot I: is St. Louis. 00100132 1-8 and Greet Britain, to prevent the entry ef He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor of Irwin Broa’. circus. This morning they People's party is not indorsed by the farm- GOING Wl>r~1 A. M for ! 'wiiton, Laad wore the visible evidence of its sor- also a fact that these Boston. 100150000—.7 Chinese from L. W. HAMMONDS, M.D. evil to his nor taketh a Sunday gatherings ers of w and Yolk state laborers Canada and Portland. Bo*t«>n and Mon-.rtiaJ, 7-4® * doetb neighbor, up hired Clark’s team for North Anson and Ne England New Kocklaad, row an l sense of bereavement. Business have sometimes bean so boisterous as to Hits—St. Louis. 12; Boston, 5. Error*—St.
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