CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Series - II KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BANGALORE DISTRJCT PART XII- A VILLAGE ANI) TOWN DIRECTORY SOBIIA NAI\1IUSAN ()in~ct()r (If Census Opcrutions, Karnataka CONTENTS Page No. FORE\VORD V-\'I VII-VIII I;\IP()RTA~T ST ATISTlCS IX-XII Ai"Al.YTlCAL i"OTE xv-Iii S~ctiIJJl-1 - \illag~ ()ir~dllr) Explanatory i"ote I-I) Alphahdical Li:-.t of VilLlges 1.\-1)-\ Village Direl'lm), Statement 20-57 Alphabl'l ical List of Villages [bng~tI\lre l"llnh C.D.[jlllCk Village Directory Statemenl B:ll1galllrl: l"urth CO.l3luck Alphahetical Li:-.t of Vilbges - Bang;111lf1: SoUL h CD. Block lOS-lJol Village OireclllfY SI:lll'll1enl - Bangalon: Smll h CD. Block 11~-IS7 App~ndix I-IV Community Devel()pment Blockwise Ah~lr;lCt fur Educaliul1al, ;\lcdical and Other Amenilies II Land Utilisation Data in fL:sPL:Cl of Non-;\lunicipal Census Towns III Lisl of Villages wherL: no al11eni(ie~ excepl Drinking Waler ;tre availahle IV-A List of Vilbgl..'s acc(lrding to the proportion of Scheduled Clsks 10 Tolal Popublion hy Ibnges 1()7-171 IV -5 Lisl of Villages according 1\1 t hl' Jllllp,lll illn of SdledukJ Trihl's to Tlltal Plljlubtilln by Ranges 172-17-1- rag~ No, Section·1I • Town Dil'l'l,t4ll'Y Explanatory N,lll: 177-1~7 Slatcmcnl - Slalll!o. and (iwwlh lIi"lllry )1)0-11)3 Slat.:nh:nt II - Phy~ic:tl t\:--pl:l'b, and Lm:aliull of T()\\n~, 1')~') )1).:l-11J7 Statement III - lVlunicip;11 Finann:, I')K') lWi-201 Slatl'llll:nl IV - Ci\'il' and Olhl'r Anu:niliL's, II)XI) 202-2115 Statement IV-A - Ci\'il' and Olhl'r Aml'lIjli~'s ill Nlllilied Slullls. II)SI) 21)(.-215 Statelllt:llt V - I\kJictl. Educal iunal, Recrcalillll;tI a Ill! Cull ural Facililies, (I)~oi') 2 Hi-21') Statellll:llt VI - Trade. Comllll'rl'l:. Indu~lry and Banking 220-223 Appendix 10 Town Din,:cI"ry - l'''puIalilln of Tllwns and their associah:d Outgwwths 224-221\ Lj~1 of SdH:dukJ {';I~It~ ,lIld Sdledukd Trihl's 22')-231} Puhlication Plan 231-2,H I LLLlSTRA TJ( )NS I\lap of K,lrnalaka sh()\ving Ihl: Adlllini:-.trali\'( Di\'isilln~ (xiii) Map of B;JI1galurl: Dislrid ( xiv) Map of An!.'''al Talu" 12 !\lap of B;lllgalorl: North Taluk (,I) Map of Bangalorl: Soulh Taluk 104 FORE\VORD Publication of th<.: District C<.:nslIs Handbooks (DCHs) was initiat<.:d aft<.:r th<.: 1'J51 C<.:nsus and is Cllntinuing sinc<.: thl:n with som<.: innu\'atillns/ I11mlilil'atillns afkr each decennial Census. This is the most valuahle uistrict level puhlication brought out hy thl: Census Organisation on hehalf of each State (lm1.1Union Territory administration. It illler-uliu provides data/information on some of the hasic demographic and socin-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic <lmenities/faciliti<.:s in each village and town of the resp<.:ctiv<.: distrids. This puhlication has Lhus proved Lo he of immense utility Lo th<.: planners, administrators, al"adcmicians allll researchers. The scope of the DCB was initially conlined to <:ertain important census tahles on population, economic and socio-cuhural asp<.:cts as al~l) the Primary Ct:nsus Abstract (PCA) of eaeh villagt: and town (waru-wise) of the district. The DUh pUhli:-,heo after the 1%1 Census contained a des(."fiptive a<.:count of the district, administrati"e statistics, ct:nsus tables and Village and Town Dirt:ctories including PCA. After the 1l)71 Census, two parts of the Di:-tri<:l Census Hundbooks (Parl-A comprising Village <lnd Town Dirt:clories and Parl-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. Thc third part. Part C of the District C<.:nsus Handbooks compri.,ing administrative statistics and district census tahks. which was abll III be brought (lut. could not be puhli~hed in many States/UTs du~ to con ..,iderablc dLlay in cllll1pilati()J) llf n:levant material. In PISI, some new features alDngwith th~ restructuring of the forlllats of Villagt: and Tllwn Dir~ctmy were introduced in the DCHs. Tht:se were puhli:-hed in two parts fllr t:aeh district after tht: )lIX) Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Dire~:lories. th<.: PCA llf vilbgt:s and tllwns (ward-wist:) induJing Seheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upln l<.:hsil/town level w<.:re providt:d in Pan-B. To illustrate, all the al1lt:nitie~ except eit:etril."ity, wL'f~ hrought together in the Village Directory and if an amenily wa~ not available in the referent village, the distance in hroad ranges from the nl.."arest plact: having such amt:nity was given. Informatilln OLl some nt:w ilems su<.:h as adult literacy eenlre~, primary ht:alth sub-et:ntres and collllllunity health workers in the village wert: provided so as to mect somc l)f the requirem<.:nts of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the \'ilbge was also proviJed for the first time in the Villag!,; Din:ctory so as to give an idea ahout the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Dir<.:clorics al~o. keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Progr<wlme, a Statem<.:nt IV-A on slums was pro"ided so as to enahlc the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing betler civic and olher amenities in Iht: slums. In this Statement details on civic and other am~nities were reported for th~ slums ,of Class I and Cbs~ 11 town!>. Apart from Ihis, one column on the Schcdul~d Casl~s and Scheduled Tribes popubtion and another on adult literacy classcs/centres were added in Statements IV and V respecti\dy. The manner of pres~ntalion of the DCHs fllr Iht: JlNI Census is by and large the same as followed 111 19SI. However, the format of PCA has heen restructured slightly in lhe 1991 Census for lhe henefit of data u~ers. Ninc-fold indll~trial da~silicatiun of main workns has heen given as against four-fold industrial dassifieatiun prescnted in the JlI~l Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population in the ()-(I age-group has abo been included in PCA for tlH: lirst time with a view 10 t:nabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rates as all chilJren hdllW 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the lime of the 1')1)1 Census. 11 is I..."xpecied that the ahove menlioncJ Il\odilications will help the planners in chalking out more cffcdiw developmental programmes. (\") One of the most important innovations in the }I)I)} Census is the Community Development _Block-lc,,'Cl pn.:sentation of data in the Village Directory <11)(1 PCA instead of the traditional TahsiliTaluk/PS level presentation. IL is expected that the pfl:~l.:ntati()n of \,illage Directory and PCA data at C.D.B1o\:k level will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as {he CD.Block is (he lowest administrative unit for developmental planning. In order III facilitall: the task of administrators, planners and researchers intending to usc Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic tapesllloppies or from the pUblished records, hoth the computer and manual codes for each village have heen provided for the ]IN 1 Census along with the corresponding codes of 1')~ I. This puhlication is a joint venture of the State (jovt./UT adl11inistratilln and the Census Organisatiun. The data have been collc<:tcd and compiled undl.:r the direction of Ms. Sohha Nambisan, Director of CI.:nsus Oper<ltions, Karniltaka on hehalf of the State GO\'t. administration which has horne the cost of printing. The task uf planning, designing and coordinatiun of the puhlication wa~ initiated by Dr.K.P.lttaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studie,'i) and Shri T\1.M.Dua, Joint Director. For the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/data and for preparation of analytical note depkLing the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model District Census H,ll1dhook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.KJain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S.). This task was carried oul by Shri AK.Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by S/Shri V.KJain and Hariram, Investigators and staff. Technical guidance in the preparation (If the maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, former Deputy Registrar (il:l1eral (Map) and later by Mrs. l\linati (;hosh, the prl:sent Deputy Registrar (ienl:ral (Map). I am thankful to all those who have Cllntrir)uted tll this pwjeel. A.R.Nanda JUIlt' 11. 1992. Rl'gistrar (;l'Ill'ral. India PREFACE In Ihe foreword 10 Ihi: 1(1)1 senes of the Dislrict Census Handbooks, Sri A.R.Nanda, I.A.S., the Regislrar (Jenera) and Census Commissioner, Indi;." has traced the history of the District Census Handhooks. He has ab,\) succinctly explained the swpe and coverage of the District Census Handbooks. These volumes contain the salient daia on the pllpulation fm en:ry villagl: and tllwn as rl:Vl:akd by the I()') I Cl:nsus. Thl:Y alsll contain a wcalth of inlllrmatillll rcgarding thcse vilbg\:s and towns which, although not pari of thc population ccnsus, thmw Sllllle light on thc circumstances in which pl:0plc live and is thcrdmc rdevant tu 11ll: Jala on Ihl: popuiatilln.
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