For questions regarding this agenda please ask for Rosie Chase – email: [email protected] CHICHESTER HARBOUR CONSERVANCY – PLANNING COMMITTEE A virtual meeting of the Conservancy’s Planning Committee will be held at 1.30pm on Monday 21 September 2020. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic the meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. Richard Craven Director and Harbour Master Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2104297933?pwd=dWRsYW5pOEUvaDdtZGxjOXhJemNpdz09 Meeting ID: 210 429 7933 Passcode: 100746 AGENDA 1. Welcome and Apologies 2 Notice of Elections 3. Declaration of Interests Members and officers are reminded to make declarations of pecuniary or personal interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda and to make any declarations at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered. 4. Minutes Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 13 July 2020 (page 1) 5. Virtual Meeting Protocol Members of the Planning Committee are invited to comment on the enclosed draft Virtual Meeting Protocol. (page 7) 6. Verbal Updates for Members a. Statutory Consultee Status, AONB Manager b. Land North-West of Premier Motor Homes, Birdham, Principal Planning Officer (SL) c. Land at Baker Barracks, Emsworth Road, Thorney Island, Principal Planning Officer (DR) 7. Recent and Current Consultations a. Chichester District Local Validation List (Closed 10 August) b. Changes to the Current Planning System (Closes 1 October) c. Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan (Closes 12 October) d. Planning White Paper (Closes 31 October) To consider the enclosed reports (from page 9) 8. Development Applications a. 20/01826/FUL - Land Adjoining A27 Scant Road West Hambrook Chidham West Sussex PO18 8UA (page 24) b. 20/01854/OUT - Chas Wood Nurseries Main Road Bosham PO18 8PN (page75) 9. Table of Delegated Reports from 10 July – 1 September 2020 To note the report from the Principal Planning Officers (page 85) 10. Date of Next Meeting Monday 19 October 2020 by Zoom, from 10.30am. _________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee members: Adrian Moss, Ann Briggs, Chris Emery, Keith Martin, Pieter Montyn, Ken Smith, Alison Wakelin, and one position vacant. Agenda Item 4 CHICHESTER HARBOUR CONSERVANCY PLANNING COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 July 2020, via Zoom, from 10.30am. Present Keith Martin (Chairman up to and including 4.5) Alison Wakelin (Chairman from 4.6) Heather Baker Ann Briggs Ken Smith Keith Martin Pieter Montyn Adrian Moss Officers Richard Austin Rosie Chase Peter Hughes David Rothery (DR) Steve Lawrence (SL) In attendance Chris Snell Alice Snell Nicola French Hadyn Morris Graham Philips Sue Philips 1.0 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Chris Emery. The Chairman outlined the procedure for the meeting, with regards the guest speakers, who would be permitted three minutes each to speak and could not ask questions of members, nor could members ask questions of them. 2.0 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 2.1 There were none. 3.0 MINUTES 3.1 The minutes of the planning meeting held on 1 June 2020 were agreed as a true record of the meeting subject to the following amendments. 3.2 A typo was corrected, “summery” should ready “summary”. 3.3 Minute 4.2. was corrected to read “any houseboat in a marina not impounded by a sea wall would need…” rather than “outside of a marina”. 4.0 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 4a. Tournerbury Woods, Tournerbury Lane, Hayling Island 4.1 The Principal Planning Officer (SL) presented his report to members, explaining this was the third occasion this development application had been presented to the Planning Committee. The application is for a material change of use of land as a wedding and events venue and ancillary operational development to the material change of use. 4.2 Mrs Snell, Ms French, and Mr Morris, spoke in support of the application. They each gave a short presentation to members. 4.3 Mrs Philips and Mr Philips spoke as objectors of the application. They both gave a short presentation to members. 1 4.4 The Chairman acknowledged the wealth of information provided for consideration relating to the application. He said that the Conservancy had sought outside legal counsel with regards to their decision made in 2019. He went on to advise members that the application should be considered on the new information provided only. A member said she felt that all information should be considered. 4.5 Members discussed the application at length, with members acknowledging that a balance needed to be struck between promoting the economic wellbeing of the area alongside the protection of the AONB. Keith Martin left the meeting, due to an unstable internet connection. The Vice- Chairman, Alison Wakelin, assumed the role of Chairman for the remainder of the meeting. Recommendation 4.6 The Planning Committee resolved to raise an objection to the proposed development. It was suggested that the application be refused for insufficient information as soon as possible. The applicant had failed to demonstrate how disturbance from visitors could be effectively managed so as to avoid harm to the Chichester Harbour SSSI, in terms of the key features of the SSSI and how its condition is to be enhanced. Harm may also be likely to the Chichester and Langstone Harbour SPA/Ramsar/SAC from disturbance at the shoreline. Without bat surveys (requested over a year ago) it was not possible to conclude that there would be no adverse impact to bats. The uncontrolled escalation of the number of events, to up to 200 per year, would not constitute sustainable development and would not conserve nor enhance Chichester Harbour AONB. These impacts do not just create impact to the venue areas, but also those areas adjoining them, from noise, external lighting impact and vehicular movement to and from the site. Chris Snell, Alice Snell, Nicola French, Hadyn Morris, Graham Philips, Sue Philips and Peter Hughes left the meeting. 4b Fowley Cottage, 46 Warblington Road, Emsworth 4.7 The Principal Planning Officer (SL) presented his report to members which was in respect of an application for the retention of the existing 'Fowley Cottage' dwelling and tennis court and the construction of nine new dwellings and 1 garden studio (revised). 4.8 A member asked about the housing mixture. It was confirmed that the proposed dwellings would be three and four bedrooms. She went on to ask if there was a provision for affordable housing. The Principal Planning Officer said that the development was too small and therefore there was no requirement for affordable housing to be provided. 4.9 It was confirmed that the Conservancy had previously raised no objection to the proposals and the Local Planning Authority had objected as it was deemed the site could have been utilised more effectively. A member suggested recommending additional planting. It was confirmed that a drainage report had been commissioned. Keith Martin re-joined the meeting. Recommendation 4.10 Conservancy Members remarked on the drainage solution to serve the development and whether capacity to treat sewage existing at the Thornham Waste Water 2 Treatment Works and wishing to add to the Officer recommended planning conditions to ensure an appropriate drainage solution was delivered to both serve the development, safeguard water quality in Chichester Harbour and ensure flood risk was not increased off-site. Subject to those observations, The Planning Committee resolved to raise no objection, provided: (a) The Council secures the necessary SDMP payment to fund ecological mitigation from increased recreational disturbance through a formal legal agreement before the development commences; and, (b) The following planning conditions being imposed: - Tree protection to be in place before the commencement of development and retained throughout in accordance with the arborist report recommendations. Any tree felling to take place outside the bird nesting season (i.e. not between March to October) Agreement of a Construction Environment Management Plan, to ensure that the public right of way in front of the site is not obstructed during the build process. Samples of external facing and roofing materials – including solar panels if they are to be installed on roof surfaces - to be agreed (with the Conservancy’s preference of colour finishes of a dark hue) A management plan should be prepared to maintain the land between the site and the coastal footpath and no structures should be erected within it (i.e. if these areas are to be formally conveyed to any of the residential plots proposed, permitted development rights relating to outbuildings, including swimming pools should be withdrawn) Details of a hard and soft landscape design to follow the principles set out in the previous Terra Firma Landscape Strategy drawing 2067-TF-00-00-SK-L-0001 02 (submitted under application APP/19/00623), to be submitted for approval/implemented/maintained: the scheme should at least include the replanting of 20 new trees to heavy nursery standard All external lighting to be submitted for approval and be so designed to minimise impact on the setting of the AONB Implementation to the incorporation of bat or bird boxes into the fabric of the new dwelling, and wild flower meadow planting, recommended by the applicant’s ecologist, to achieve a net gain to biodiversity and The submitted foul and surface water drainage solution shall be fully implemented to ensure the development is properly serviced, that water quality in Chichester Harbour is safeguarded and that flood risk off-site is not increased. 4c Minikin, Chequer Lane, Bosham 4.11 The Principal Planning Officer (SL) presented his report to members in respect of the application for the demolition of a shed and garage, proposed two storey rear and single storey side extension, proposed garage, and workshop 3 4.12 He explained that the site was outside of the established settlement boundary and there was good visibility of the property from Chequer Lane and the footpath.
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