Musical String Inharmonicity Chris Murray Dr. Scott Whitfield, Department of Physics Introduction In general, we perceive simultaneous discrete frequencies to be more pleasing if the frequen- cies have simple ratio relationships with each other. In fact, in the classical western theory of music, the perfect fifth is the most consonant pitch pair, and in the ideal case the frequency Where u is mass per unit length, T is the string ratio between the fundamentals of the pitches tension, S is the cross-sectional area, K is half would be three to two. By contrast, a dissonant of the radius of the string and E is Young’s mod- pitch pair, the minor second, has a frequency ulus. Young’s modulus for a string is a measure ratio between the fundamentals of about sixteen of its resistance to changes in length. In other to fifteen. words, it is a measure of the string’s stiffness, so it can be said that it is the parameter that is This study examines an effect called inharmo- the first cause for inharmonicity. Equation (1) nicity as it applies to a single plucked musical differs from the wave equation for an ideal string string. When a musical string vibrates, it carries only by the addition of the term that involves many discrete frequencies called harmonics. In the fourth derivative of the displacement of the the ideal case, these harmonics would vibrate string from its equilibrium position. So, if the with frequencies that are perfect integer multi- string had no stiffness, E would equal zero, ples of the fundamental, the lowest frequency there would be no extra term in this modified being carried by the string. Inharmonicity, in the wave equation, and there would be no inharmo- case that this study addresses, is the behavior nicity in the string. where harmonics are pulled higher than their ideal values, and the effect becomes more pro- The solutions to equation (1) carry the same as- nounced as the order of the harmonic increases. sumptions as do the solutions for the ideal wave A very inharmonic string may even sound out equation: The string has uniform linear density, of tune with itself, which might give the string a it is under constant tension, and the displace- harsh sound with undesirable resonances. ment of the string is small enough that tension for any infinitesimal segment does not vary as The model that is tested in this study was it vibrates. The solutions also assume that the brought into the active literature by NH Fletcher ends of the vibrating section of the strings are in the 1960’s.1 It places the cause of inharmonic- supported, such as a guitar string at the bridge ity solely on the stiffness of the string material. or the nut, or a piano string. This assumption The equation from which this model is created leads to the mathematical statements that at the is: ends of the string: 17 ASTRA - The McNair Scholars’ Journal That is the string is stationary on the support, creasing the string’s stiffness or diameter. Clear- and: ly, a builder of plucked or hammered stringed musical instruments will be forced to balance the different factors that affect inharmonicity. It is not an effect that can be fully eliminated in any prac- tical way. The consequence of this mathematical state- ment is that the influence of the stiffness of the So, musical string inharmonicity is not merely an string material does not travel over the support. academic curiosity. It is an effect that musicians, In other words, there is no affective curvature of instrument makers, and other music adjacent the string over the support. The string can be professions deal with on a conscious level. This considered to begin and end at the supports, can be seen in the form of instruments. One of and for any given instant the slope of the string the reasons the sound of a grand piano is pref- on the support is constant. erable to a console piano is because the longer strings lessen the inharmonicity. The less affect- Solving equation (1) will provide a prediction ed harmonic frequencies are then more resonant for the frequencies that will be carried by a stiff between different pitches, as the frequency rela- string in the form: tionships will be closer to simpler ratios. Piano tuners also deal with inharmonicity in a direct way. They will stretch the octaves of the piano, which causes the higher registers to sit Where n is the order of the harmonic. is the a little sharper than would be ideal. Of course, fundamental frequency of the string if it had no matters of musical perception are complicated, stiffness. This is governed by the equation: and any statement about what is good or prefer- able is bound to come with many caveats. Some say that the octave stretching on a piano help make it “livelier.” 2 The struggle with inharmonicity can also be seen in the form and function of guitars. Guitarists will often retune strings to make the overtones res- onate in a preferable way in a given key. The G B is a parameter that contains information about string, which is the thickest unwound string on a the physical properties of the string. standard electric guitar, is notorious for present- ing tuning difficulties for the guitarist. Its harmon- ics can sound harsh, and methods such as de- tuning the string slightly are employed to lessen the effect. Inharmonicity also helps to explain why bass guitars have much longer necks. Math- ematically, the low frequencies on a bass guitar There are some things to notice about the pa- could be achieved by maintaining the short scale rameter B in the frequency equation. B is the length of a standard guitar and increasing the parameter that describes the degree of inharmo- strings’ mass per unit length (thicker strings), nicity of a given string. As B is multiplied by the or by placing them under much less tension. square of the order of the harmonic, its effect is However, doing those two things would increase magnified for higher harmonics. Also, the rela- the inharmonicity of the strings to a degree that tionship for frequencies carried by an ideal string would border on unmusical. So, the design of an can be recovered by setting the string’s stiffness, instrument, in view of inharmonicity, becomes a E, to zero, which would make B zero, which balancing act between the factors that define it. would leave . Background The definition of B also shows that inharmonicity can be lessened by increasing the tension or the The foundations for this research were laid by length of the string, or it can be magnified by in- Rayleigh in his Theory of Sound in the 1870s3 18 ASTRA - The McNair Scholars’ Journal and further developed by Fletcher in the 1960s.1,4 instrument like a piano, are the main reason for The final form of the equations that we use come a level of inharmonicity great enough that the from Fletcher’s The physics of musical instru- inharmonicity of a single guitar strings can be ments, but he laid out the math in an earlier pa- perceptible to a listener. Järveläinen6 created lis- per1. In that paper, Fletcher measured the inhar- tening experiments for steel and nylon stringed monicity of a string for each note on a Hamilton guitars. Real recordings were used to create a upright piano. His measurements covered both parametric model of the guitar tones so that the the plain, monofilament strings that are found in inharmonicity of the tones could be controlled. the midrange and upper registers of the piano, Through the listening experiments, a threshold as well as the wound strings that are found in was found for the perceptibility of inharmonicity the lower registers of the piano. In the paper B that was close to typical values found on the gui- values were derived from the dimensions of the tar. It was also found that the inharmonicity was strings, as it was impractical to remove strings more or less detectable depending on whether from the piano to make measurements about or not the attack transients were cropped out. their properties. This led to difference in B calcu- This type of understanding of inharmonicity has lations between wound and plain strings. It was uses for digital instrument sound synthesis, found that there is an extra torque provided by where sound creators may want to be able to windings, and after all of the aforementioned is consider all the factors that make a certain tone accounted for, it was concluded that equation (2) sound realistic. gives a good approximation for the frequencies of the harmonics of each string. There is also an inharmonicity related explana- tion for the phenomenon of wound guitar strings Fletcher also notes that a previous paper of his “going dead” after some amount of playing time. found that “the excellence of the tone from a pi- When a string “goes dead,” it has a dull sound ano can not be said to be greater or less as the with shorter sustain. Houtsma7 found that this is value of B becomes greater or less. There must due to the increased inharmonicity of a well-used be an optimum value of B for each string and wound guitar string. Houtsma simulated the this value has not yet been found. It is certainly stretching and releasing that is done by playing not B=0, which would mean that all the partials a guitar string and found that it caused a mass should be harmonic.” redistribution that causes greater inharmonicity in the partials.
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