![Dr. Ray L. Heffner, President of Brown University and Bryant Honorary Degree Recipient, Will Address Graduates at 1961 Commencement Exercises Dr](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bryant Vice President to Receive Honorary Degree Published by the Undergr:~t1!J&]e&fll nt College, Providence, R. I. Vol. XXVII. No. ;]0 Wednesday, July 10, 19fi7 Dr. Ray l. Heffner, President of Brown University and Bryant Honorary Degree Recipient, will Address Graduates at 1961 Commencement Exercises Dr. Ray L. HeiTner, President Kite will receive the honorary 400 graduates. Dr. Willinm P. of llro-wn University, will de­ degree of Doctor of Humune Robinson, Jr., lehode Island liver the Commencement Ad­ Letters. Commissioner of Educatioll, will clress at the 104th. Commence­ .Pl'eeeding the conferring of present Teachers' Statement.s of ment Excl'cisC5 of Bryant Col­ the honorary degrees, Dr. E. Eligibility to graduntes of the lege to he held at 10 :()O a.m. Gardner Jacobs will present Busine~3 Teacher Education pro­ in the Meehan Auditurium, Hope bache1cH"s degrees to more than gram. Street, at the cornel' of Lloyd Avenue in Providence. 'The Com­ mencement Celebration begiIl;'! with OIlHS Day held on the previous tIny, Friday, July 28 at 2 p.m. It. LUCIEN AI'['[iEBY Dr. HeIfner and two other college pre~idcnts will receive THE W!lIT'E HOUSE the honorary degrees of Doc­ WASHINGTON. D. C. tor of Science in Busines.s Ad­ ministration. The other col1eg-e TO 'IlHE GRAJ)UAlI'PNG CLASS presidents are ·Dr. Howard W. B'RYIAiNT OOLUEOE, ·1f)137 Johnson, .President of Massa­ It is u pleasure for me to extend my best wishes ns you chusetts Institute of Technology comrplete your college education. in BOKton, Massachusetts, Ilnd You nre gradll1ntin'g into a society in whioh you will be Dr. Robert E. L. Strider, preH­ Wal'lnt.y w(!lcomc{L OU1' C'(}untry has never had so great a need ident of Colby 'College in W·ater­ for highly educ'uted men and women, Nevel' have young Amer~ ville, Maine. The honorary de­ leans rnoved from the college campus into a world offering gree of Doctor of Science in so broad a range of opportunities for individual fullillm"nt alld Businegg Education will he con~ contri~buti'on to the weI'fare of 11llffi'Hnity. feITed upon Dr. Asa S. Knowle3, Your generation af students has ,beell distin.guished by its President of Northeastern Uui­ fresh and vi'gorDus cancel'll for the quality of Americl\n life versity in Boston, 1\fnssachu­ and its commitment to American (lcmo.crncy. 'Pel'h.llps the setts. greatest op[lortunity awaiting you is the challenge to mllke The honol'ary degree of Doo­ this 1\ life-l·ong eammitmcnt. tor of Science in Business Ad­ Today, A.mericans from every Walk of life 'lire striving ministration will he conferred tog'ether to shape a sc>ciety that can offer a meaningful and upon Dr. Ernest W. Veigel, Jr., re'warding life to all it:'! members. Nevel' have !:IO many of our Chllirman of the Bon]'{l O'f Di­ countrymen been so deeply dedicated to eradicating the olei rectors of Rochester Bllsines!:I evils of ignol'nnce J poverty, nnd Ibigotry from every corner of Institute in Rochester. New the l·and. York; R. Lucien Applehy. Vicc­ Through your years of study, you have prepared yourselves President and TroasU"er of .JlTy­ for 'Positions of lender.hip in this quest '01' a :better America. ant College; and Clarence H. Gifford, Jr., President of the I congratulate you, and urge you to take full a<lvan·tage of Rhode Island Hespitnl 1'rust that opportunity. ·Company. Sincerely, The Archeieacon of the Epi­ scopal Diocese of Rhode Island, Lyndon B. Johnson the Venerable Canon William L. HAY L. HEf'I'NER SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR CLASS DAY OF THE l04th COMMENCEMENT The two-day graduation pro­ Kathleen M. McCarthy, degree and who have distinguished tn Sigma Chi Sorority, Lillian and Kenneth A. Silvi·a will l'Cp­ gram of Bryant Gollege will be­ candidate of the School of See­ themselves as outstanding col­ Helen Shewchuk of Phi Upsilon re~ent ,Chi Gamma Iota. Sigma Lambda Pi will be represented gin on Friday, .Tuly 28, 1.1}67 nt !'etarial Science of the class of lege citizens. Sorority, Andrew D. Sundberg by An thonyColella and Steven 2 p.m. on the South Hall green. wm and Carmine F. 'Marabello, The singing of the Bryant of the Lettermen's Club, and Cowen. Richard A. Boulds and Anthony Dc Quattro, president JI'., degree candid/lte of the College Alma Mater and the Thomas Smile, also of the Let­ Jnmes H. Rabb will l'epl'esent of the class of 1967 will be the School of Business Administra­ benedktion delivered by Rabbi termen's Club will be the Class Chairman of the Olass Dny Kappa Tau. Ushers from Phi tion, will be the class day Rosen will bring the Class Day Day Student Marshals. Sigma Nu will be .Tames J. 'Mc­ Progt'am. Following the aca­ speakers. program of 10G7 to a close. Im­ The ushers for the Class Day Namara and George R. Hug­ demic procession in whieh the The greetings from the Na­ mediately following the close Program will be Thomas A. giero. Tan Epsilon's represen­ hearer of the Harriet E. Jacobs tional Alumni Council will be of the program, the Hl67 grad­ Memorial Mace will be Dr. offered by Anna Bozaro, Bry­ Brassil and Rabert L. Dan{orlh tatives will be Frank A. :t'on­ uates will proceed to the main from Alpha Omicron. Lawrence brelli, Donald R. Hita, and Lionel H. Mercier, Dean of the ant '31, First Vice~President of steps of South Hall for the P. Beaa and Bruce C. Sawyer Douglas E. Wilkinson. Sidney B. Schools of BUf>iness T"achel' the National Alumni Coundl. class picture. Educntion and Secretarial Sci­ President E. Gardner Jacobs will re'present Alpha Theta Chi. Tinson will represent Delta ence, the invocation will be given will addl'ess the graduates on The Class Day Flag Bearers, Beta Iota Beta will be repre­ Omega and the Lettermen's by Rllbbi Nathan N. Rosen, Di· the subject of "Student Unrest nil members of the Lettermen's sented by Charies E. Bradley Cluh will be represented by rector of the Hillel Foundation and Social Responsibility" nnd Clu·b, are Richard B. Pettee, nnd Travis Doering. The ushet·s Jose M. Alvare", Gordon G. for Brown University and Bry­ will present the annual II.wards James R. Squadrito, and Peter representing Zeta Sigma Chi Balme, David T. Hansen, Wil­ ant College. to those seniors who have at­ F. Sullivan. will be Jon Gilluly and Robert liam C. Kingsford, and Ke\'in Following the invocation Miss taine<! high scholastic standing Nancy Edith Finegan of Del. A. Hankin. Anthony D. D'Uva W. Lahey. Page Z THE ARCHWAY Wednesday, July H~, W67 Eight Honorary Degrees To Be ns Deanj as director 0.£ the Al'ehdencon Kite is II trll-sJtee and received his colleg'e degree served ns chairman of the Slonn F'ellowship Program, und of' the Lenox ScIJ(Jol in Len0x, fit Bro'wll University. Slockholdl:!n; Advisory Conrmit· norw,m! President of the M'llSSH­ Mlfl~sachusetts, lind representeci He begun h is C~i'reeI' in bus i­ tee of the Federal Reserve .Bil:ll1k chusetts Institute of Tech­ the Diocese of Rhode Isl'and in I1CS'.~ in New Y'ork City, leaving of B'ostOIl. You Hre tI't1stee, nology, you have brought re­ ID,()~i {tS Delegate to the Anglican his .tirst position with the C. H. board mornber, 01' otIicer of nown to y,ourself and this great Cong:r(!SrR in Toronto, CnJlud·a. Giffo1'd Re~d Estate Company II umerou3 corpora to husinesSeii. edulClnHonnl institution thI1oug'h He was President of the Stand· bo go into t.he Navy where he Yet you have found time, al:.Hl) irr~aginative dcV(dopment of ad­ ing Committee of the Diocese becnllle a Lieutenant and did to give your knowledge to num­ V'anced mnlll\gem~nt programs, I\ncl SUIlcrvisor of the ,Miss'ioIl- iitaU' p-ers'onnel work. Returning erous civic and charitable or­ not only in this country, but 1l1'Y Progrum. to the busine:lS world, lie be~ g:anizutions both in Rhode I!'Iland alsrQ nbl"ond. You have been per­ As a mernber of the Building r.ame ussociated with G, H. ;wd nationally. Bryant Colle.ge ~onally l'eslJ('lI1sible for CXP'U)1- Cormrnittee he was l'esp-onsi:hlc W'Hlker Investments. Foll>owing is pleased to recognize yOUI' sion of the scope and depth in for th.e new Cathedral HOLlse, this, MI', Gifford was appointed l~bilitie8 by COli felTing up'on you educati'on and research He the relHlvntion of ,the O!l.thcdnll, Vice President of tbe Phenix the degree 'Of Doctor of Science M.LT. You a1.so give y,our time t.he refitol'ation of thB colorrial National Bn.nl, which was pUl'­ in Business Administration, to s'erve us II memIber 00£ the hOllses on Benefit Street, lInn ch!lscd by th" Rhode Island honoris cilusa. Prc~ident"s Advisory C01ll1ll,it­ the tHty-one-bed Nursing Home Hosnita1 Trust Company, TIi-sing Dr. Howard JohusoIl tee Oil Lubor-Munagemelll P\ll­ still to be ere"ted. frum the position of Vice Presi­ icy, as n lllcnzlber of the hoard Archde:acon Kite was Hward­ dent he bCClll11e President of the llOWAlW W. JOHNSON of the [i'edeml Reserve Bank of ed the Carnegie Medal for life­ bank in lOG3.
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