.-J OOCKETF~ECOPYomG~ f HARDY AND CAREY. L.L.P ATTORNEYS AT LAW RECEIVED III VETERANS BOULEVARD SUITE 255 METAIRIE, LOUISIANA 70005 MAR 29 1996 TELEPHONE: 504-K30-4646 TELEFAX 504-R30-4659 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION OffICE OF SECRETARY March 29, 1996 1976.001 BY BAND Mr. William F. Caton Acting Secretary Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 RE: In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations Farmersville, Texas - RM-8738 MM Docket No: 96-10 Comments of Farmersville Radio Group in Support of Proposed Allotment Dear Mr. Caton: Enclosed please find the original and four (4) copies of Comments of Farmersville Radio Group in Support ofProposed Allotment for filing with the Commission in connection with the above-captioned. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, kindly direct them to the undersigned. Yours truly, I!ilt~wl ;;~.-' Michael Lamers JML/mv Enclosures 5:\1976.001\960328.1wc No. of Copies rec'd OJ..-i List ABCDE DOCKEr FILE COpy ORIGINAL FEDERAL CO~~'l:ONS COMMISSION RECEJVED Washiugton, D.C. 20554 MAR 29 1996 FEDERAL COMMII4I~TIONS COMMISSION In the Mltter of ) OfFICE OF SECRETARY ) Amendment of Section 73.202(b) ) RM-8738 Table of Allotments, ) FM Broadcast Stations ) MMDocket No. 96-10 (Farmersville, Texas) ) To: Chief, Allocations Branch Policy & Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau Farmersville Radio Group, by its Attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.401 et seq. ofthe Commission's Rules, hereby files its Comments in response to the Commission's proposal to amend Section 73 .202(b) of the Table of FM Allotments, to add Channel 260C3 for use at Farmersville, Texas. In support whereof, the following is shown: The proposed service is in the public interest because it will provide Farmersville, Texas with its first local radio station. No other AM or FM stations are located in Farmersville. l lSee 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook, Section B, attached as Exhibit 1. Farmersville has a population of 2360,2 and therefore qualifies as a licensable community under Commission standards. Revision ofFM Assignment Policies and Procedures, 90 FCC 2d 88, 101 (1982). Farmersville Radio Group hereby states its commitment to file an application for a construction permit to build a station on the channel, if it is allotted. If Farmersville Radio Group is granted a construction permit, it will timely build and operate a station on the channel. IN VIEW OF THE ABOVE, Farmersville Radio Group respectfully requests that the Commission amend the FM Table of Allotments to add Channel 260C3 at Farmersville, Texas. Respectfully submitted, , ! J1~~/~~ A HTON R. HARDY - #6544 MICHAEL LAMERS - #23178 Hardy & Carey, L.L.P. 111 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Suite 255 Metairie, Louisiana 70005 (504) 830-4646 Attorneys for Farmersville Radio Group Dated: March 29, 1996 s:\1976.001\960322.com 2See 1992 Road Atlas, American Automobile Association. - 2 - CERmICATE OF SERVICE I, Mary Vance, a secretary in the law firm ofHardy & Carey, L.L.P., do hereby certify that a copy ofthe above and foregoing Comments ofFarrnersville Radio Group in Support ofProposed Allotment has been served on the following by mailing a copy of same via U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, this 29th day of March, 1996, addressed as follows: *Mr. John A. Karousos Chief, Allocations Branch Policy & Rules Division Mass Media Bureau 2000 M Street, Room 565 Washington, D.C. 20554 Mr. James P. Riley Ms. Anne Goodwin Crump Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C. 1300 North 17th Street, 11 th Floor Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 * By Hand s:\1976.001\960322.com - 3 - Section B j ! I: .I Radio ;'·1' j: '\ I Table ofContents Table of Contents B-1 Key to Listings ............................................... B-2 Directory ot Radio Stations In the United States and Canada United States ............................................... B-3 Canada 8-473 Miscellaneous Radio Services ................................ B-497 U.S. AM Stations by Can Letters 8-499 I' I U.S. FM Stations by Can Letters. .............................. B-508 I Canadian AM Stations by Call Letters .......................... B-522 CaMdlan FM Stations by Can Letters .......................... B-523 Table of FM Allotments ...................................... B-524 College, University and School-Owned Radio ................... B-533 U.s. AM Stations by Frequency ............................... B-535 U.s. FM Stations by Frequency B-551 II' Canadian AM Stations by Frequency. .......................... B-575 canadian FM Stattons by Frequency ........................... B-577 Radio Formats by State and Province Radio Formats Defined. ................................... .. B-579 Radio Formats by State ..................................... B-580 Radio Formats by Province B-590 U.s. and Canadian Radio Programming Formats. ................ B-592 Programming on Radio Stations In the United states and Canada Programming on Radio Stations in the United States B-593 Programming on Radio Stations in Canada. ..................... B-621 Special Programming on Radio Stations In the United States and Canada Special Programming on Radio Stations in the United States. ..... 8-623 Special Programming on Radio Stations in Canada B-640 Radio Market Statistics U.S. Radio Markets ........................................ 8-642 U.S. Radio Markets: Arbitron Metro Survey Area Ranking B-649 U.S. Radio Markets: Population Ranking B-651 Growth of Radio Broadcasting Pre-Television 1922-1945 8-653 U.S. Radio Set Sales 1958-1993 8-654 Record of Station Growth Since Television Began 8-655 U.S. Radio Audiences 8-656 \, Texas Directory of Rtcat ----.: 18-49: adults who grew up on FM rock and roll. • Will Fairfield KFLL(FM)-Co-owned with KAWA(AM). Apr 1 1 Douglass. progrng dir, Mike Ramsey. mus dir. 95.3 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 240 ft. TL: N33 58 07 Wl012,9lo; KNES(FM)-Oec " 1963: 92.1 mhz; 940 w. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 100%. Net: VSA Radio. 1~ KSET(FM)-Nov 29. 1958: 94.7 mhz; 61 kw. Ani 1,080 TL: N31 41 52 W96 0944. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 347, ft. TL: N31 4734 Wl06 28 49. Stereo. Suite 150, 4105 827 W. Commerce (75840). (903) 389·5837. FAX: (903) Rio Bravo (79902). (915) 533-2400. FAX: (915) 532­ 381H172. WC8fWH: J & J Communications Inc. (acq Fort Stockton 4970. Licensee: Magic Media Inc. (seq 9-30·93; $2.7 11·19-90; $209,000; FTR 12-10-90). Net: JonesSatellite miNion; FTR 10·18-93). Fonnat: Countl'f. News staffone; KFST(AM)-May 8. 1954: 860 khz; 250 w-U. TI.: Audio; Texas State Net. Rep: Riley. Format: Countl'f. 5237W102533O. Hrsopn: 6AM-8:3O PM. Box If,61C!sJ news progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49.•J.R. Phil· News stalf one; news progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: ',Hwy.385S.(79735).(9'5)336-2228;(9'5)~ lips, pres & gen mgr; Brian Kennedy, vp; Ken Stice, gen General. Spec prog: Fann 3 hI'S. talk 15 hrs, black 3 hI'S. FAX: (915) 338-5834. Licensee: Fort SlocktonAlliO sis mgr, Jim Scott. progmg e1ir; Gene Lolllpeich. chief gospel 3hra wkly.•JefIY Moon. pres & gen mgr, Joe-Bill ~ engr. Inc. (acq 1-1-86). Net: ABCIE; Texas Stale Net. ANd, gen sis mgr: Judy Moon, vp mldg & vp adv; Buzz News stan 2: news progrng 6 hrs wkly. T..._ RuueII, prom mgr, progrng dir & news dir, John Easter­ caw. KSVE(AMr-Listing follows KINT-FM. General. Specprog: Sp 20 hrs wkly.•Gail ~ wood. chief engr. Ken Ripley, execvp, gen mgr&newsdir, Fred~ *KTEP(FM)-5epI14, 1950: 88.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 730 sis dir& prom dir; Kevin Duncan, progmg dir; Floycs~ ft. TL: N31 47 17 Wl08 28 46. Stereo. Hrs opn: 6 AM-l lips, chief engr. AM. Colton Memorial. Univ. of TX-EI Paso, 500 W. Uni­ Falfurrias Versity Ave. (79968-0556). (915) 747-5152; (915) 747­ KFST·FM-November 1974: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Mt231l KPSO(AM)-Jan 1,1953: 1260khz;5OOw-D,330w-N. TL: N30 52 37 W102 53 30. Stereo. Dups AM 10ll'l. 5212, FAX: (915) 747·5841. Licensee: Univ. of Texas at TL: N211411 W961022. Hl'Sopn: 6 AM·l0 PM. 304 E. ~ EI Paso. Net: PRI, NPA. Format: Class, jazz, news. Ken Ripley, vp; Fred DUlchover. dey dlr & adv dlr; Rice (78355-3624). (512) 325-2112. FAX: (512) 325­ Lake, progrng dlr. News staff one. Target aud: 35 plus; college educated, 2112. L.lcensee: Brooks 8roadcasling Corp. (acq 1975). upper·income. Spec prog: sp 7 hrs. Ger one hr, goapeI Net: USA; 1UasSlale Net. Wash aUy: Baran, Koerner, 4 IUs wkly.•Louis H. Valles, gen rngr; Pat Piotrowski, Olender& Hochberg. Format: Sp, country. Newsprogrng Fort Worth opns mgr & mus dir, Sheela Wolford, dey dir; Louie 10 IUs wldy. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Gospel. Saenz. news dlr; Ed Miles. chief engr. reIg.• Raymond Creely. pres, gen mgr, progmg dir & KAHZ(AM}-ApriI1947: 1360khz; 5kw-D, 1kw-N CI,. chief engr; SIeve Cantu. gen sis mgr; Mauricio Lopez. 2. TL: N32 46 21 W97 24 48.121 N.E. Loop 820, fv. KTSM(AM)-Aug22. 1929: 1380khz;5kw-D, 5OOw-N. musdir. (78053). (817) 589-1100. FAX: (817) 590-9590. Uc. TL:N314542Wl082436.801 N. Oregon (79902). (915) see: Children's Radio Group Inc. Group owner. ~ 532-5421. FAX: (915) 544-5658; TWX: 910-964-1329. KPSo-FM-Nov I, 1983: 106.3mhz; 180w.Antl88ft. dren's Broadcasting Corp. (acq 6-27-94). Net: C8ll. Ucenaee: Tri-State Broadcasting Co. Net: ABC TalkRa­ TL: N211411 W961022. Stereo. Hrsopn:6AM-10PM. USA. Format: Children & 'amily progmg, TargetlLlt clio, AP, CBS, MBS. NBC Talknet; Texas AP. Rep: Chris­ DupsAM 100%. Children2-12.•Chris Dahl, CEO; Jim Gilbertsoil, Ds¥lIl tal. Format: News/talk. Target aud: General. • Richard Ridgeway, exec vps; Brad Lane. opns mgr & pub alit Pearson, CEO; Karen Daniels, vp & gen mgr, Bill Tole.
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