THIS AMENDED REPORT STIRLING COUNCIL RELATES TO ITEM ON THE AGENDA PLANNING PANEL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7 MARCH 2002 NOT EXEMPT NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING 30 NO DWELLINGS (12 “AFFORDABLE”) BELLWAY HOMES (SCOTLAND) AND 47 NO DWELLINGS (INCORPORATING 30 NO LOCAL NEEDS HOUSES) – CARVILL (SCOTLAND) LTD/RURAL STIRLING HOUSING ASSOCIATION AT LAND TO NORTH OF ENDRICK GARDENS, BALFRON – S/00/00962/DET AND S/01/00368/DET 1 PURPOSE 1.1 To determine planning applications S/00/00962/DET and S/01/00368/DET. 2 SUMMARY 2.1 These detailed planning applications were considered at the Planning Panel on 4 September 2001. The Planning Panel agreed to defer consideration of both planning applications in order that:- 2.1.1 The implications of the approved Structure Plan are fully assessed and considered in the context of proposed housing implications for Balfron; 2.1.2 To hold a public meeting, to which Strathblane Community Council would also be invited, to consider the applications in the context of the Structure Plan, and hear local objections and concerns. 2.2 The previous Planning Panel Report of 4 September 2001 is attached (see Appendix 1). The main actions since this application was last considered at Planning Panel include; 2.2.1 No decision has yet been taken by the Scottish Executive in respect of the emerging Clackmannanshire and Stirling Structure Plan. 2.2.2 Carvill/Rural Stirling Housing Association have tabled an amended layout plan which has resulted in reduction in house numbers on the possible future development area of their application. An indicative number of units for possible future development has now been reduced to 21 units. This brings the overall figure for the entire development site (including the Bellway development to the north, which remains unchanged) to 98 units in total. The previous indicative number for the entire site was 103 dwellings. 2.2.3 A public meeting was due to be held on 21 February 2002, to discuss both planning applications. This was cancelled owing to power failure. The meeting is rescheduled for Thursday 28 February. 2002. N:\DEMSUPP\NEWDECISIONS\PLANNING\REPORTS\PP20020307000962IDB.DOC 2.2.4 Delay in progressing these applications is causing the applicants concern, especially as the site is allocated for housing in the Local Plan (63 units indicated). 3 RECOMMENDATION(S) 3.1 To approve both planning applications subject to conditions (see Appendix 2). 4 CONSIDERATIONS Update of Issues 4.1 No decision has yet been taken by the Scottish Executive in respect of the emerging Clackmannanshire and Stirling Structure Plan. 4.2 Whilst there is no change to the Bellway planning application in terms of housing numbers (30 in total including 12 “affordable”) the Carvill / Rural Stirling Housing Association proposal has altered the layout of the possible future development area of the site. This has now been reduced to 21 units. The overall figure for the entire site is now 98 units. The previous indicative number was 103 dwellings. 4.3 The public meeting which had been arranged to consider both applications and hear local objections and concerns (21 February 2002) had to be cancelled owing to power failure. The rearranged meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 28 February. The outcome of this meeting will be reported at Planning Panel on 7 March 2002. 4.4 Children’s Services have confirmed that any dwelling houses which are occupied on the development site prior to the education year, August 2003- June 2004 may cause capacity related issues at Balfron Primary School. (No such problems are anticipated at Balfron High school). 4.5 East of Scotland Water officials have confirmed that in terms of full drainage provision, both planning applications (77 units) can be accommodated. The indicative additional area as shown in the Carvill / Rural Stirling Housing Association layout will therefore not be able to be developed until additional capacity is available at the Balfron treatment works. 4.6 Surface water provision for both sites will be provided via the establishment of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDs) Both developments will have their own individual scheme which will consist of filtration trenches which will address the issue of water quality / attenuation and flood risk in the context of discharge to the Endrick Water. Detailed consultation with both developers, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is required to assess these requirements including maintenance in perpetuity. A condition is attached (see Appendix 2) ensuring their approval before any development commences on site. 4.7 Both applicants have agreed to make financial contributions towards the provision of play equipment on the site in accordance with the Council’s Development Advice Note – Open Space, Play Areas and landscaping in New Residential Developments. A planning condition (see Appendix 2) addresses this requirement. N:\DEMSUPP\NEWDECISIONS\PLANNING\REPORTS\PP20020307000962IDB.DOC 4.8 Discussions are in hand with both developers in respect of open space / landscaping. This includes the issue of maintenance in perpetuity. Agreement has been reached between both developers regarding provision of a large open space area within the Carvill / Rural Stirling Housing Association development which will accommodate all of the play provision. Furthermore Carvill have confirmed that the existing tree belt to the east is to be retained and maintained. Discussions have been ongoing in respect of transferring this area of woodland to the community as part of Balfron Community Futures. 4.9 Considerable concern has been raised from the residents in the existing Housing (Endrick Gardens) to the south of the development site regarding construction traffic and lack of traffic calming measures. Planning conditions have been included (see Appendix 2) which will direct all construction traffic to enter the site from Dunkeld Court at the north eastern corner of the site. Furthermore a condition is also attached requiring Carvill/RSHA to provide traffic calming measures to the Roads Authority’s satisfaction prior to the occupancy of any dwellings (Carvill development). Restriction of construction hours for both developments is also addressed through a planning condition. 4.10 Copies of all consultation replies and representations are as usual available in the Members Lounge and at Planning and Environmental Strategy. 5 POLICY IMPLICATIONS 5.1 As previous paper. 6 CONSULTATIONS 6.1 As previous paper. 7 RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS 7.1 As previous paper. 8 BACKGROUND PAPERS 8.1 As previous paper. N:\DEMSUPP\NEWDECISIONS\PLANNING\REPORTS\PP20020307000962IDB.DOC Author(s) Name Designation Tel No/Extension Ian Dryden Planning Officer 442447 Approved by Name Designation Signature Mick Stewart Head of Planning and Environmental Strategy Date 27 June, 2002 Reference S/00/00962/DET & S/01/00368/DET N:\DEMSUPP\NEWDECISIONS\PLANNING\REPORTS\PP20020307000962IDB.DOC APPENDIX 2 Draft Conditions - New residential development comprising 30 no. dwellings (12 “affordable”) Bellway Homes (Scotland) at land to north of Endrick Gardens, Balfron – S/00/00962/DET. Approve subject to the following:- 2. C260 – Compliance - with details. 3. C180 – Materials in character. 4. C190 – Details of materials. 5. Garage detail – Prior to the commencement of works on site details relating to the design and location of all detailed garages shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. 6. C051 – Restriction on construction hours. 7. C293 – Landscape – New Planting. 8. C294 – Landscape – Services. 9. C295 – Landscape – Hard landscaping. 10. C296 – Landscape lighting. 11. C297 – Landscape – maintenance. 12. Landscape Tree Protection; no development shall take place until details of trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be removed and to be retained, tree protection measures, soil stripping, storage and respreading procedures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. 13. C340 – Landscape – Replacement Planning (3 years) 14. Play Area Detail – Prior to the occupation of the 15th dwelling house, on the development site hereby approved or within 2 years from the date of this consent whichever is the sooner, a financial contribution towards play provision shall be made in accordance with the Council’s Development Advice Note – Open Space, Play Areas and Landscaping in New Residential Developments as detailed in the applicant’s letter dated 14 June 2001. 15. C650 – Mains drainage. 16. Surface Water Detail – surface water drainage associated with the development shall discharge to the Endrick Water via a Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme as detailed in the applicant’s letter dated 14 June 2001, the precise details of surface water drainage including temporary provision during construction and flood risk assessment, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority in consultation with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and Scottish N:\DEMSUPP\NEWDECISIONS\PLANNING\REPORTS\PP20020307000962IDB.DOC Natural Heritage; surface water drainage facilities shall be brought into use within 3 months of occupancy of the final dwelling house on the site. 17. C480 – Completion of estate road (for complete housing schemes) “Dunkeld Court and Endrick Gardens” (delete “Road”). 18. Plot Access Arrangement; access to each plot hereby approved shall be constructed to the Roads Authority’s guidelines and in such a manner as to ensure that no surface water or loose
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