Administration & Finance Committee

Administration & Finance Committee

TOWN OF GRIMSBY Administration & Finance Committee Agenda Monday, July 11, 2016 4:30 p.m. Town Hall Escarpment Room 160 Livingston Avenue Page A. Call to Order B. Disclosure of Interest C. Reports 3 - 7 i) FIN 16-24 2015 Capital Statement of Operations 8 - 11 ii) FIN 16-25 2015 Development Charges Treasurer's Statement 12 - 22 iii) P.A. 16-26 Consultant Selection Transit Investigation Study D. Minutes 23 - 25 i) Transit Investigation Committee E. Correspondence 26 - 214 i) Memorandum from the Director of Planning - Transit Investigation Study, Request for Proposals Page 1 of 214 Administration & Finance Committee July 11, 2016 Agenda Page F. New Business G. Next Meeting i) The next Administration & Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 15, 2016 in the Town Hall Escarpment Room, 160 Livingston Avenue, Grimsby. H. Adjournment Page 2 of 214 Agenda Item i) 16-24 JULY 6, 2016 REPORT TO: ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: JULY 11, 2016 SUBJECT: 2015 CAPITAL STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS RECOMMENDATION That, report FIN 16-24 regarding the 2015 Capital Statement of Operations be received, And that, all budget variances be transferred from their respective reserves. BACKGROUND The Capital Statement of Operations is attached as Schedule A summary of the 2015 capital projects by department is listed in the attached schedule. The schedule shows the cost of each project, its associated budget and funding sources. There were only a few larger budget variances during the year. Highlights of the Capital Fund for 2015 are as follows: Corporate Overall, computer equipment was over budget slightly by about $7,000. Also, a new envelope inserting machine was purchased for $13,000 due to the breakdown of the old machine. Furthermore, there were additional start up costs of approximately $63,400 for the Town Hall co-gen unit. Allof the above costs were funded from various reserves. Protection Services The majority of the Fire Department capital was within budget save and except for costs to outfit a new fire vehicle with lights and equipment. The largest costs in the Fire Capital budget were for personal protective equipment, and costs towards the development of station #2 which included the cost for the demolition of the Calder building. Transportation The Transportation capital budget was within budget in 2015 except for a couple of projects, namely the Downtown Arch which was over budget by $26,000 due to re-engineering work. Also, the LED streetlight project had some spillover costs from 2014. Overall, the LED project came in within budget ($1.45 million budget compared to $1.35 million actual). Recreation, Facilities and Culture The main Parks project in 2015 consisted of the continued construction of the Southward Community Park The completion of the Park was delayed in 2015 which is the reason for the high positive variance on the project. The park is expected to be completed in 2016. 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