PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROC!-!�STER ACADE,MY OF SCIENCE VOL. ·.;, PP. 59-9S PLATES 22-26 MARCH. 1932 HISTORY AND ENGINEERING OF ROCHESTER'S WATER SUPPLY IN ITS FIRST CENTURY BY EDWIN A. FISIJEI/ CONTENTS PAGE J ntroduction ............................................. , . .. .. .. .. 60 General data ................. , .... , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 Water Systems in use .................... , .................... , . .. 61 Domestic System .............................................. , ... , . 62 Metorolugical obse1-vatio11s, runoff record and conduit gaugings by the vVater Department ..................... , ............., .. .. .. 63 Caugings of \,\Tater \Norks conduits ............................. , .. .. 64 History of the water supply First Periucl, 1834--1872 Construction by the "'Nater \,\I orks Company" ................ , . , 67 Second Period, 1872-1890 Public \,Yater Supply ................ , ................... 69 Official test of the Holly System .. , .......... , ................... 70 \"later famine .............·....................... ····· ······ .,. · 72 Third Period, 1890-1899 Additional supply ........................... , ................... 74 Description of plans ................ , .......................... , . 74 Coating of steel pipe .... , ...................................... 75 Supply Irorn Brighton wells ............... , .................... , . 76 Completion of the sc.concl conduit ........................ 76 Reinforcement of distributing mains .............................. 76 Fourth Period, 1909-1926 Administration ..... , ..... , ....................................... 76 Special studies am! activities . , .................... , ........ , ..... 77 I. Electrolysis ........... , .... ,................. ,..... , ......... 77 2. Corrosion of pipes ................... , ......... , ... , ......... 77 3. Cobb's Hill reservoir .... , ..... , .................. , ... , , ..... 78 4. Extension of street system .... , .. , . , ,.......... , . , ........... 78 5. Sanitation of Hemlock Lake \,\later ... , ............., .... , ... 79 Report of Commission ............... : .......... ,.......... , 80 6. Raising level of Hemlock Lake ............................... 81 7. Canadice Lake Addition .............. , ............... , , ... 81 8. Third conduit from Hemlock Lake .. , , ...................... , 82 9. Capacity of the watershed, diagram 83 59 ·� 60 lWCB ESTER ACADEMY OF SCTENCE VI SJ I ER-l(OCJtESTER'S WATER SUI'l'LY 61 PAGE Fifth Period, 1926-1932 The territory involved in this writing is mapped in detail in the Engineers' Report on Additional Supply . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 following sheets of the Topographic :Map of New York, published Hoch ester and Lake Ontario "\i\Taler C6mpany . .. .. .. 85 Eastman Kodak . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 by the United States Geological Survey: Rochester, Caledonia. Action by the City on the Honeoye Valley Water Project .. .. 90 Honeoye, Canandaigua, Portage, Nunda, vVayland, Naples. Petition to "\i\later Power and Supply Commission .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 Application granted by the Commission .......................·.. 91 Decision of Court of Appeals ............. , . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 93 GENERAL DATA Personnel Rochester is situated in the County of iVIonroe, State of New References and Acknowledgments .............................. , .. 93 York. The center of the city is about seven miles south of Lake Partial List of Engineers connected with the \\Tater Supply .. .. .. 94 Ontario. It lies in latitude 43° 8' N. and longitude 77 ° 42' '0/. Commissioners of Public w· 01·ks . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 Superintendent of Water "\i\lorks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 The central portion of the city is about 263 feet above mean lake level of Ontario and 510 feet above mean tide water. The city is bisected by the Genesee River, which flows through it from south lNTIWDUCTION to north. The river has three falls and several rapids within the The purpose of this paper is to make an available record of the corporate limits, having an aggregate descent of about 257 feet, af­ water service in the first century of a prosperous American city. fording power to many manufactories. The drainage area of the This city was incorporated in 1834 with an area of about 6± square river at Rochester is 2,365 square miles. miles and a population of about 15,000. lts domestic supply for lt is the third city in New York Stale, both in point of popula­ the first 42 years until 1876, when its area had increased to about tion and industrial importance. The total area is about 35 square 71 square miles and its population to about 75,000, was from wells miles; total length of streets about 520 miles, and the total length and springs. The water for fire protection up to the year 1874 was paved about 400 miles, or about 77 per cent. from the Genesee River, the Erie Canal and the water power canals. Population by the U. S. Census ] 930 :' These supplies were supplemented for a part of the time hy cisterns located in different parts of the city and supplied through cast iron Rochester City ......................... ...... 328,132 pipes connected with the Erie Canal and the power canals. Metropolitan District .......................... 398,591 In 1872 the City was authorized by the Legislatnre to construct a pnblic water snpply, and after careful investigation very wisely \iVATER SvsT1,:Ms 1 N' UsE selected Hemlock Lake, one of a series of four parallel lakes at a '.!.'here arc three systems of water works supplying the City; distance of about 30 mi1es from the City, having an elevation of nearly 400 feet above the general elevation of. the City, as the source 1st. A gravity system of potable water owned and operated by of supply. The quality of water for domestic use was unexcelled the City and commonly known as the "Domestic System." by any supply in America. Canadice Lake situated easterly and 2nd. A direct pumping system, taking water from the Genesee about 200 feet above Hemlock Lake, the outlet of which originally H.ivcr, commonly known as the "Holly System," which is owned ran into I-:lemlock Lake, was also taken over as part of the domestic and operated by the City, for fire purposes only. supply. 3rd. A pumping system of potable water taken from Lake On­ The other two lakes mentioned, Conesus Lake to the west of tario, owned and operated by the Rochester and Lake Ontario \i\Ta­ Hemlock Lake and somewhat lower in elevation, and Honeoye Lake ter Company and commonly known as the "Ontario System." This to the east and lower than Hemlock Lake, were also considere<;L as company supplies all of the 23rd and 24th wards, parts of the 20th, additional sources of supply. The paper details the work of in­ J 5th and 10th wards on the west side of the City; also parts of the creasing the original supply. 18th, 21st and 22nd wards 011 the east side of the City. 62 ROCHESTER ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FIS]-i i.;R-ROCHRS1'J.;R'S WATER SUPPLY 63 DOMESTIC SYSTE:M tunnel 2.25 miles in length. The daily capacity of Conduit II is about 16,500,000 gallons. The source of the gravity system is Hemlock Lake, situated in the hilly district 30 miles south and about 386 feet above the general Conduit III, from Overflow No. 1 to Pinnacle T, -with connec­ level of the city. (Frontispiece, plate 22.) tions at Rush Reservoir, was built during the years 1914----1918 and is composed of 7.75 miles of 37-inch cast iron pipe and 17.74 miles The area of this lake at ordinary low water is 1,828 acres. of 37-inch Lock Bar steel pipe -l inch and o/iG inch thick. From Average depth in the mi<ldle-65 feet.. Pinnacle T to Cobb's Hill Reservoir the pipe line consists of 1.57 Catchment area, including water surface-48.00 square miles. miles of 36-inch cast iron pipe laid in 1905-1906. The total length The total catchment area tributary to Hemlock Lake, includ- of Conduit III is 27.06 miles and the daily capacity is about 19,000,- ing Canadice Lake is 66.20 square miles. 000 gallons. The total daily delivering capacity of the three con­ Capacity of present systems-30,000,000 gallons per day. duits is 42,000,000 gallons. (Hazen, Eddy and Fisher Report) Two lines of 36-inch pipe lead from each of the distributing res­ Use in 1930 ................. 30,100,000 gallons per day ervoirs, extending in a generally northerly direction, with successive Use in 1929 ................. 31,527,000 gallons per day reductions to 30, 24, 20 and 16-inch pipe. Secondary feeders of There are three reservoirs connected with the system : A storage 12 and 16 inches in diameter complete loops about generally large reservoir at Rush, about nine miles south of the center of the city areas. :'dinor distributors are of 10, 8, 6 and 4-inch pipes. The and 224 feet above the general elevation thereof, having a capacity so-called Charlotte System consists of the mains in the former vil­ of 63! million gallons; and two distributing reservoirs, situated on lage of Charlotte which were acquired by annexation. \i\Tater is the southern border of the city, and both about 110 feet above the purchased by the City from the Rochester and Lake Ontario \i\Tater general elevation of the city. Co. and distributed to the consumers. The old distributing reservoir, known as :iVIt.Hope or Highland The total miles of distributing mains to January 1, 1931, are as Reservoir, has a capacity of 22} million gallons ; the new Cobb's follows: Hill Reservoir, put into service August 20, 1909, has a capacity of Domestic System .......................... 492.75 miles 144
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